• Published 23rd Jan 2023
  • 781 Views, 11 Comments

All That We Become: The Grand Galloping Gala - Marezinger Z

Celestia has the Gala moved up to accommodate her impending training under Aurelian. Wishing to have a grand get together to celebrate all that has changed over the past year with friends old and new.

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The Grand Galloping Gala

The Grand Galloping Gala, one of the most anticipated events in Equestria. Once a formal and rigid get together for the elite, Twilight and her friends have since helped it to evolve into a far less formal and far more fun time of the year. Having moved the Gala up in schedule to accommodate her upcoming studies under Aurelian, Celestia had taken steps to make this particular Gala one of great significance. Aided by Cadence and Shining Armor, her sister Luna as well as Twilight and Pinkie Pie, all was being seen to and orchestrated in timely fashion. As the date finally approached, with only two days till, Celestia spent the waning hours of the daylight trying on various gowns. Stepping in front of her mirror for the tenth time, she observed the shimmering blue dress with its emerald-green accents and white lace train.

“Princess Celestia?” A voice called from behind.

Celestia turned quickly, finding Twilight smiling at her. “Oh, Twilight.” She smiled in return. “You startled me.”

“Sorry,” Twilight apologized as she approached. “I just wanted to let you know I was heading back to Ponyville.” She looked at Celestia’s reflection. “What a beautiful dress.”

“Thank you,” Celestia returned her eyes to the mirror. “It is rather old, I believe the last time I wore it was for the Summer Sun Celebration around four hundred years ago.”

“Wow… and I thought I had some old clothes in my closet.” Twilight wrapped her head around the number. “That’s some sturdy material.”

“It was woven from special thread made from extracted sapphire spider silk.” Celestia explained. “The species is all but extinct now and protected from any silk harvesting.”

“One of a kind dress for a one of a kind Gala?” Twilight asked.

“Perhaps.” She laughed lightly.

Twilight chuckled as Celestia began looking at herself in the mirror again. “You seem extra excited for this, admittedly it is a big deal, but you’ve seemed really… I don’t know, anxious over the last weeks.”

Celestia looked into her own eyes and sighed. “Truth be told, I am not anxious about the Gala; I’m looking forward to being surrounded by friends to celebrate all that has changed.” She turned to Twilight with trusting eyes. “I… am anxious about Aurelian.”

“Aurelian?” Twilight repeated.

“Yes.” Celestia nodded. “When he first announced his intent to teach me, I was quite excited; but after a year of wait and thought about what it would all entail… I feel this gnawing fear and doubt inside me.”

“Oh,” Twilight considered the idea, not used to hearing such things from her mentor. “You’re one of the most powerful magic users, I know you can handle it no sweat.” Twilight assured.

Celestia smiled at her former pupil’s usual praise. “It isn’t that I doubt my ability to learn his magic, it is what learning it means for me.” She sat before Twilight. “Honestly, when you finally came into your own and it was a certain thing that you and your friends would take Luna and I’s place someday, I was honestly ready for my life to be complete.”

What!?” Twilight shouted in panic.

“No Twilight, not like that.” Celestia waved her down. “I mean that I thought Luna and I would simply return to being normal ponies, Alicorn or not. Return to our old life just being sisters; free to do what we wished and travel where we pleased. But as Aurelian said, once he has taught me his magic, I will take a new position in life as one of the powerful creatures in all the world. That power comes with so much prospect and responsibility that has grown more overwhelming the more I think about it.”

Twilight nodded. “I was overwhelmed when I first became a Princess, and you and Luna were still there to teach me; I can only imagine the pressure you must feel taking on so much power.” Twilight’s eyes turned to excitement as something occurred to her. “But, with that much power, you could do so much good. I mean, as Spike would put it, you could become Equestria’s very own superhero.”

Celestia laughed. “Trade in my crown for a cape?” She asked with a chuckle. “That sounds nice on paper, but it is much more complicated than that I am afraid. Having power must also come with the character to not only know when to use it but when not to; there have been points in my life where I wished for as much power as Aurelian wields and if I had it at the time… our world could have turned out completely different.”

“Really?” Twilight asked. “Like… when you had to banish Luna?”

Celestia nodded. “Banishing my sister was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.” Her mind traveled back to that fated moment in time. “It nearly broke me; my duties had doubled, and I had lost the only family I had left in the world. Equestria celebrated the feat, but it brought me only pain." She shook her head longingly. "There were times, when I was overcome with grief, that I considered trying to bring her back.”

“Bring Nightmare Moon back?” Twilight repeated with a quiet shock.

“I spent countless hours studying spells that might have reverted her, but they… they could have also destroyed her in the process. Even worse, they could have failed, and she would have been free to complete her plan to drown the world in eternal night. Ultimately, I talked myself down, knowing I hadn’t the ability to make such a risk acceptable. Though had I access to Aurelian’s level of power back then, with my youth and lack of experience, there is no telling what my grief would have driven me to do.” She sighed. “Discord, Chrysalis, Tirek… where would they be now if… if I was so powerful a creature back then?” Celestia seemed to shudder. “I would like to think I would have handled things the same way regardless, but I cannot say for sure; there were many times in my life when I was so angry, exhausted or scared for the world…” She trailed off, not wishing to even imagine such things.

“I see what you mean.” Twilight said understandingly.

“I am older and far wiser now, still… there is a part of me that remains scared.” Celestia admitted.

Twilight pondered for a quiet moment. “I think that’s a great thing.” She finally stated.

“What?” Celestia asked.

“Being scared means you won’t allow yourself to make those kinds of choices.” Twilight continued. “If you weren’t scared, honestly I think I’d be scared.”

Celestia smiled as she considered the idea. “You do make an excellent point.”

“Besides, you won’t be going through this alone.” Twilight added. “You have so many friends to be here for you and make sure you don’t go down the same paths Aurelian did.”

“Indeed I do,” Celestia wrapped her wing around Twilight and set her head to hers. “Thank you, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled warmly. “Hey, how about I hang out a little longer and help you go through the rest of the closet? Being friends with Rarity for so long has given me a bit of an eye for clothes.”

“That would be nice.” Celestia nodded in acceptance, pausing as an attention seeking cough came from the door.

“First sister, would you be so kind as the lower the sun?” Luna requested with a tilted smirk.

“Oh!” Celestia looked out the balcony doors. “Sorry, Luna.” She hurried out to see to her duty under the giggles of her fellow Princesses.

The lowering of the sun on the night of the Gala saw guests arriving immediately with residents and notable names from Canterlot itself being the first to arrive as always. Celestia and Twilight welcomed them, the noise in the grand ballroom beginning to elevate as conversations started and the buffet tables were set upon. Within the quarter hour, Pinkie Pie and Maud showed up; Maud with her plus one of Mud Briar.

“Pinkie, Maud,” Twilight left Celestia’s side to greet them as they entered the ballroom.

“Hey, Twilight.” Pinkie immediately hugged her.

“Good evening, Mudbriar,” Twilight smiled at the stone faced stallion. “Welcome to the Gala.”

“Technically, it is no longer evening.” Mudbriar began. “Evening ends when the sun fully lowers, it is now night time.”

“Uh… yeah,” Twilight smiled awkwardly. “Well… good night… then?” She said, the phrase usually used before bed.

“It is,” He nodded. “I’ve been looking forward to my first Gala with Maud.” He gently took her hoof.

“I haven’t been this excited since we went to visit the geology exhibit in the Manehatten museum.” Maud declared in her usual deadpan manner.

“Well, help yourselves to the food and drink.” Twilight offered as the pair headed off into the midst of the gathering.

“Anyone else show up yet?” Pinkie asked.

“Not yet,” Twilight waved as some more guests made their arrival.

“Twilight.” Spike called as he flew in from the side exit to the garden and landed at her side.

“Oh, Spike,” Twilight smiled down at him. “Everything okay out there?”

“Yep, just came in for a quick drink.” He informed.

“Howdy, y’all!” Applejack’s voice hailed as she, Rarity and Rainbow Dash approached with the CMC at their sides.

“Hey, girls.” Twilight beamed as they joined their circle. “You all look great.”

“Well of course, darling.” Rarity said with supreme confidence. “The Gala calls for the very finest.”

“We’re going to grab some food.” Applebloom announced as her friends rallied to her side.

“Yeah, I’m starving.” Scootaloo added.

“Alright,” Applejack nodded. “Just mind your manners.”

“Let me know if they have those spinach pastry things they had last year.” Rainbow Dash requested as the girls hurried off.

“Sure thing!” Sweetie Belle called back.

Twilight led them back to Celestia who greeted them with a warm smile. “Hello, girls. It is wonderful to see you all.”

“Princess Celestia, that gown is remarkable.” Rarity took immediate notice of her elegant rose red dress adorned with a stitched replica of her cutie mark and a cream-colored cloth sash that flowed around her shoulder and down her breast with red hoof slippers to compliment.

“Thank you,” Celestia looked down at herself. “Twilight helped me pick it out.”

“Well red looks divine on you.” Rarity complemented further.

“Where’s Princess Luna?” Applejack asked.

“She said she would get ready after she raised the moon,” Celestia noted. “She should be with us shortly.

“Well, then we’re just waiting on…” Rainbow Dash began, stopping as the lights suddenly went out and a spotlight shone down in the middle of the room. “What in the world?”

“Attention please!” A bold and familiar voice echoed across the room as it darkened; a swirling portal opened in the spotlight and Discord stepped from it. “I would like to formally announce the arrival of the belle of the ball, Fluttershy!” He grandly gestured to the portal and Fluttershy stepped through, instantly finding all eyes on her.

“Oh… oh my,” She gingerly waved. “Hello everyone.” The normal lighting returned and Discord snapped the spotlight away.

“How about we start the night with a few hor-dourves?” Discord asked, snaking his body around so his head was upside down before her.

“That would be lovely, thank you.” Fluttershy chuckled as he teleported over to the buffet.

“Fluttershy.” Twilight called to her and waved.

“Oh, there you all are.” She made her way over as the room’s activity returned to normal.

“Nice entrance.” Rainbow Dash noted with a short laugh.

“I thought he was taking us to the front gate.” Fluttershy laughed. “Everything looks great.” She noted, eyeing the room.

“I went all out to make the place party-tastic!” Pinkie proclaimed. “Then Twilight told me to dial it back about fifty percent and voila.”

“Is Starlight coming?” Celestia asked?”

“Yep,” Twilight nodded. “I asked her and Trixie to pick up something on the way over, just a little surprise for you, Princess.”

“For me?” Celestia questioned.

“Just wait, I know you’ll love it.” Twilight noted with a sly grin.

Before Celestia could respond, she heard her sister’s voice call to her. “Ah, Luna.”

“Sister.” Luna used her magic to adjust her dress. “Girls, welcome.”

“Howdy, Princess.” Applejack greeted.

“The moon is raised, I am ready to commence the festivities.” Luna proclaimed.

“Nice, let’s start livening the place up then.” Rainbow Dash took to the air and headed out to the dance floor with the girls behind her.

Within the next hour, Tirek, Scorpan, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow disembarked their train at Canterlot station, heading through the streets and towards the castle.

“My,” Scorpan looked about the spectacle that was Canterlot. “I have not seen this city at night in such a time; I forgot how lovely it was when lit up so.”

“It is pretty, I guess.” Cozy Glow looked about form her perch on Tirek’s shoulder. “Still prefer our own city though. This place feels so… hoity toity.”

“It is the capital and the seat of power for Equestria.” Scorpan reminded.

“Meaning hoity toity.” Tirek chuckled as he adjusted the collar of his formal coat. “This formal dress code isn’t exactly my style.”

“You’ll live.” Chrysalis noted. “A small price to pay given the significance of the occasion.”

“True,” Scorpan nodded. “To think the likes of we would find ourselves at the Gala, what greater sign could there be that things have changed.”

As they approached the castle gates they were allowed inside and passed through the courtyard; lit with beautiful lanterns and colorful decorations, the outside of the castle proved just as lively as the interior. There were some who took immediate notice of their presence and paused in their activity just enough to be noticed; they were paid no mind as the quartet headed inside the castle proper. As they found their way to the ballroom, they saw the Princesses in a circle with Cadence and Shining Armor. Cadence quickly noticed them and waved, calling them over.

“You all made it, wonderful.” Cadence went to Chrysalis and hugged her. “How was the trip?”

“Aside from Cozy’s complaints about how slow the train was, enjoyable.” She noted, looking over to her uniformed stallion. “Shining Armor, quite the dashing uniform.”

“As long as I don’t exhale.” Shining Armor laughed as he hugged her. “But I told her my old Captain’s uniform still fit.”

Celestia looked over her former enemies with a smile. “Thank you for coming, and welcome to the Gala.”

“Thank you for having us, Princess.” Scorpan tipped his head.

“Ah… yes,” Tirek nodded. “Thank you.”

“Everything looks really nice.” Cozy complimented.

“A group effort.” Celestia admitted.

“Cozy Glow,” Twilight looked up at her on Tirek’s shoulder. “It’s good to see you, I’ve heard so many great things about how you’ve been doing and I’m happy to hear it.”

“Yeah…” Cozy smiled down at her. “Schools actually been fun, and I made some friends… real ones.”

“That’s wonderful.” Twilight beamed. “Your story has been a great example to the students at the school of friendship.”

“It has?” Cozy asked, shocked by the idea.

“Yep.” Twilight nodded. “They hear all kinds of stories about what happens in Equestria, but to hear one about a creature more their own age really hits closer to home with them.”

“Wow.” Cozy Glow considered the idea.

Celestia gestured over the room. “You’re all welcome to enjoy what the Gala has to offer, there is much going on around the castle.”

“We shall, thank you.” Scorpan said graciously.

“We just got here not to long ago,” Cadence wrangled Chrysalis. “Why don’t you come sit with us.”

Chrysalis smiled lightly. “Alright.”

“I’ll grab us some drinks, hon.” Shining Armor offered.

“Thanks,” Cadence, Chrysalis and the Princesses headed over to a table near the head of the room and took seats about it.

Tirek looked about with little certainty of where to begin. “So, what exactly do we do?”

Scorpan laughed. “Enjoy ourselves, brother.”

“I’m hungry.” Cozy Glow noted. “Let’s see what’s at the buffet.”

“As good a start as any.” Tirek concurred as they headed towards the long tables peppered with various dishes and treats. As they taste tested and commented back and forth, Cozy heard a call for her from near Tirek’s ankles.

“Hey, Cozy.” Sweetie Belle called up.

Cozy Glow peered down from her perch and eyed the trio of friends with a mixture of surprise and anxiousness. “Oh, um… hey.” She said timidly.

“We heard you might be here, glad you could make it.” Applebloom continued.

“You… are?” She asked, fluttering down to their side. “I figured you three wouldn’t ever want to see me again.”

“We aren’t big on grudges.” Scootaloo noted. “That isn’t what the CMC are about. We’re sorry we couldn’t really help you, but we are glad you’re doing better now.”

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle nodded. “The whole school of friendship thing was… a lot,” She admitted. “But things are different now, right?”

Cozy sat and rubbed her head. “Yeah… things have been nice.”

“We heard you got into a new school too.” Applebloom carried on. “How is it?”

“It’s fun.” Cozy said, the topic bringing her some social comfort. “I met these two other fillies named Morning Glory and Tea Leaf, we stick together at school and have been hanging out on the weekends.”

“Awesome.” Scootaloo cheered.

“So… how has the school of friendship been?” Cozy asked in return.

“Still growing and getting better everyday.”Applebloom answered proudly. “You should visit sometime.”

Cozy tightened up at the thought. “I… can’t go back there. I still get heat for the things I did from ponies who weren’t even involved in the school.”

“Of course you can,” Scootaloo said surely. “You’re not the same pony that did all those things now, right?”

“Well… yeah.” Cozy nodded.

“You uh… may have taken the scenic route, but it seems like you learned the things the school wanted to teach you in the end.” Sweetie Belle added.

“You could be a guest speaker.” Applebloom continued.

Cozy Glow pondered the idea.. “I… guess I could do that.” She looked them over with a small but genuine smile. “Thanks.”

“That’s enough shop talk,” Scootaloo cut in. “Let’s go play in the garden.”

“Heck yeah, come on Cozy.” Applebloom motioned for her to follow.

“Uh…okay.” She quickly looked up at Tirek and Scorpan who nodded encouragingly before proceeding to run after them.

“She is still cautious, but her natural filly nature is starting to shine through.” Scorpan noted.

“Ah the innocence of filly-hood.” A suave voice came from above them as Discord appeared. “Quite the change in that one.”

“Discord.” Tirek rolled his eyes upward.

“Good to see you too.” Discord disappeared and reappeared between the brothers, hooking an arm around their shoulders. “Just wanted to say hi and officially welcome you to the reformed villains club.” He snapped his fingers on each hand, producing high quality identification cards with their photos on them. “Here are you cards.”

Scorpan laughed and took his. “Appreciated, Discord.”

“Here to get your laughs in about me being domesticated?” Tirek asked as he took his card.

“Of course not,” Discord promised. “Reformation is all the rage these days. Starlight, Trixie, Chrysalis, Cozy and us…,” He gasped with a smile. “We can form our own team.” He vanished again, reappearing before them wearing a jersey with cartoonish caricatures of their faces smiling on the back.

“I’m afraid my sports days are long behind me.” Scorpan chuckled. “My body isn’t as malleable as yours is.”

“I would say it’s terrible getting old but… you know, immortal and all.” Discord laughed.

“The good die young, but fools live forever.” Tirek smirked.

“Keep that up and your not going to be invited to poker night.” Discord countered.

“Hey you guys!” Pinkie’s voice rang out as she, Rarity and Fluttershy came over. “No side liners allowed, let’s get you out on the dance floor!” She got behind Tirek and began pushing him out towards the center of the room.

“What!?” Tirek protested, looking back down at her. “I don’t… unhand me!”

“Can’t do that silly.” Pinkie waggeld her hoof. “No hands.”

“Scorpan?” Rarity offered her hoof.

“It would be my pleasure.” Scorpan took her hoof and followed her out as well.

“Come on, Discord.” Fluttershy beckoned.

“But of course.” Discord swept her up and they hovered in the air. “How does a mid air, upside down waltz sound?”

“Perfect.” Fluttershy giggled as they turned upside down and began dancing their way out over the crowd.

Across the room at the royal table, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Cadence, Shining Armor and Chrysalis had spent their time catching up on things and inquiring about Chrysalis' own progress.

“Well, I am happy to hear that things at the hive are coming along so well.” Celestia said with a sincere smile. “I am also so pleased that you and Cadence have bonded, both of you have come far in this new journey.”

Chrysalis made a small laugh. “I think for both of us it exceeds what we could have possibly imagined.”

“It just proves that friendship and family really can overcome any difference no matter how great.” Twilight proudly concluded.

“Speaking of family,” Luna began. “Where is Thorax?”

“He said he would be a bit late.” Chrysalis explained. “He flew to the Dragonlands to escort Ember here himself.”

“Aw,” Cadence chuckled.

“Being super romantic, especially at the start of a relationship, is natural for any guy.” Shining Armor noted, turning his head as the music shifted to a slower pace and couples started heading out to the dance floor.” “Speaking of which.” He stood and offered Cadence his hoof.

“I’m spoiled that you chose to never stop.” Cadence smiled as she took his hoof and followed him out to the dance floor.

“So,” Chrysalis sipped her drink. “I understand you’re preparing for your work under Aurelian.”

“Ah, yes.” Celestia nodded. “I wanted one night for all of us to come together before I leave.”

“Afraid you might not come back?” Chrysalis smirked.

“I have no doubt that Aurelian won’t be a particularly kind teacher, but I don’t believe my life will be in jeopardy.” Celestia smiled.

“As you’ve mentioned before,” Luna continued. “He seems to see you as some kind of experiment.”

“I don’t think that’s fully the case.” Twilight added. “You told me he said that he didn’t want to be the strongest anymore. I think he really does like it in this time now and just wants to spend that time with his friends.”

“I guess my retirement from villainy couldn’t have come at a better time.” Chrysalis considered. “You really will become unconquerable. Just what do you intend to do with such power?”

“As Twilight said, I will have my family and friends to help me decide that.” Celestia said surely.

“I can give you plenty of tips about knowing when power is going to your head, sister.” Luna laughed.

A few minutes later, Cadence and Shining Armor returned from the dance floor; Cadence sat but Shining Armor lightly offered his hoof to Chrysalis. “Got an open spot on the dance card, better grab it before Twilight books me for the rest of the night.” He grinned.

Chrysalis breathed a laugh and smiled, taking his hoof. “Well, if you’re offering.”

As they began walking out to the dance floor, Cadence raised her hoof to her mouth. “Oooooohhh!”She called, drawing eyes from the surrounding guests.

Shining Armor whipped around with fire red cheeks. “Will you knock that off!” He insisted as Chrysalis chuckled behind him.

Cadence took a long drink with a smug smile as they continued out to the dance floor. “Ah, I’m going to get a lot of miles out of this.” She laughed wickedly.

“Alright,” Twilight looked to Celestia and Luna. “I’m starting to wonder whose rubbing off on who now.” She said as the sisters laughed.

Around ten minutes later, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were headed across the room to grab drinks after some time on the dance floor; as Rainbow Dash coasted along, she jerked her head as she noticed Gilda timidly entering the ballroom.

“Whoa, Pinkie, check it out.” Rainbow Dash grabbed Pinkie’s head and turned it towards the door.

“Gilda?” Pinkie smiled. “Wow, didn’t know she was coming. Let’s get over there.” Pinkie took Rainbow’s tail in her teeth and rocketed over to Gilda who yelped as the pink and rainbow colored blur came to a stop before her.

“Geez!” Gilda calmed as she saw who it was. “Oh… Dash, Pinkie… hey.”

“Gilda, what are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I mean, it’s good to see you but…”

“It wasn't my idea.” Gilda cut her off.

“Wait?” Rainbow Dash landed before her with incredulous eyes. “Are… are you the visiting delegate from Griffonstone?”

“I’m as happy about it as you are.” Gilda retorted.

“Then you must be super happy because that’s awesome!” Pinkie cheered.

“I don’t know what I’m doing.” Gilda huffed. “They only picked me because Gallus is too young, Gabby is too busy and I’m the only other one to have any experience with ponies.” She gestured to them. “Which means the two of you, but it still puts me ahead of any other Griff.”

Rainbow Dash snorted. “Well, you aren’t the worst choice. It could have been Grampa Gruff.”

“Who do you think threw me under the wagon.” Gilda said sourly.

“I think you’re a great choice.” Pinkie Pie assured. “So, what did they want you to do?”

“I’m supposed to talk to the Princess about Griffonstone.” Gilda glanced around. “Is she here somewhere?”

“Sure, come on!” Pinkie got behind her and started pushing her across the room under her vehement protest.

Celestia paused her conversation as she saw the Griffon being pushed to a halt in her presence. “Um, hello.” She greeted with a sideways smile.

“This is Gilda,” Rainbow Dash introduced. “You know, Pinkie and I wrote to you about her.”

“Ah, yes.” Celestia turned to face her. “It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard you’ve been inspired to open up Griffons to the ideas of friendship.”

“Uh… yeah,” Gilda nodded. “It’s been pretty hit or miss until lately.” She confessed. “I’m here on behalf of Griffonstone.”

“Oh, you are the delegate we’ve been expecting?” Celestia asked.

“That’s me.” Gilda shrugged.

“You bring news of what has been happening in Griffonstone then?” Luna asked in turn.

Cadence caught wind and turned her attention as well. “Yes, we’ve all heard that Aurelian was able to return the Idol of Boreas to your home.”

“That’s right.” Gilda confirmed. “Over the last months just having the Idol back has made a pretty big change. The Griffons are being… well… less lousy to one another. They even finally felt inspired to start fixing their homes.”

“That’s awesome.” Rainbow Dash said in support.

“Yeah, maybe you all can make it look as great as it did in the story we heard.” Pinkie added.

“That is indeed wonderful news.” Celestia agreed. “Can I hope that the Griffons would be more open to interacting with us again?”

“Well, more or less.” Gilda rocked her head. “They wanted me to come since I already have Pony friends. All the pride in themselves they lost is starting to come back, maybe you can send Ponies up to Griffonstone to just… I don’t know… get the ball rolling? It’s not like we have a government or anything anymore, I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do.”

“Just coming here was a great start.” Shining Armor came in. “You can count on the Crystal Empire to help in opening things up for the Griffons.”

“Absolutely.” Cadence nodded.

“Hmph.” Chrysalis raised her brow. “I’m certain my son would love to offer the Changeling's assistance as well.” She scrunched her face as Cadence and Celestia looked to her with smiles. “What?”

“That… would be great.” Gilda said with growing enthusiasm.

“Look at you,” Pinkie got behind Gilda and raised her talons in the air triumphantly. “Being all dele-gaty.”

“If you would return tomorrow, I would be happy to begin setting up a schedule with you for how things can progress.” Celestia promised.

“Okay.” Gilda nodded in acceptance. “Thanks.”

“For now then, please enjoy the Gala.” Celestia continued.

“Yeah, we were on our way to grab some drinks when we saw you.” Rainbow Dash tossed her head towards the other end of the room. “Come on.”

“Sure,” Gilda flew up beside and her and the three of them headed back into the party.

Much to the initial fright of those in the courtyard, a massive Roc swooped down and landed in the midst of the party. As it touched down, Ember leapt from its back and it transformed into Thorax.

“Feels weird to fly without using my own wings.” Ember laughed as she adjusted the rather form fitting, purple satin dress she had obtained for the Gala.

“Couldn’t have you risk ruining that amazing dress.” Thorax gazed at her with enamoured eyes.

“Yeah,” Ember smirked at him. “You must be special, because there is no way I would wear this for anyone else.” She looked down at herself. “Have to admit, it is kind of growing on me.”

“You look beautiful.” Thorax noted.

“I gathered from the first three times you said that.” She took his cheek and kissed him. “Now lets get in there.”

“Oh, hold on.” He stepped back and turned into a dragon.

Ember tilted her head. “Thorax, you don’t have to do that. I don’t care…”

“Oh, no,” He stopped her. “It isn’t that.” He reached out and took her claw. “I just wanted to be able to hold your claw when we walked in together."

Ember felt her entire body flush and she quickly looked to the side with an embarrassed laugh. “You dork.” She said, squeezing his claw tightly in her own. They started for the entrance and Thorax looked around in amazement.

“Wow, everything is so pretty.” His eyes were transfixed by all the various lights and decorations.

“Ponies are lucky they can have these kinds of things.” Ember noted. “I can’t even have a tablecloth in the Dragonlands without one of those knuckle heads setting it on fire.” As they made their way to the ballroom they were quickly approached by Twilight, Rarity and Applejack.

“Hey Ember.” Twilight waved as they neared.

“Hey… Twilight.” She pointed her claw at her with a raised brow.

“First try.’ Twilight laughed.

“Hi Twilight,” Thorax waved. “It’s me, Thorax.”

Twilight giggled. “I kind of guessed, the color scheme gives it away.”

Oh… right.” He laughed innocently as he changed back.

“That dress is to die for, Ember.” Rarity noted. “Oh, how interesting it would be to make a line for all the lady Dragons out there.”

“Yeah, don’t get your hopes up.” Ember shook her head with a lopsided smile. “This is a special occasion; you’re not going to convince any of the others back home to try it.”

“That’s a shame.” Rarity toned disappointingly.

“We’re all taking a break from things for a bite to eat, why don’t you tag along.” Applejack suggested.

“Sounds great,” Thorax rubbed is stomach. “That flight worked up an appetite.”

“So, how have things been as the new power couple.” Rarity asked as they made their way to the buffet.

“Pssh, I could care less about the politics of it.” Ember quickly dismissed. “Honestly, Thorax just makes me feel… better.” She smiled over at him.

“And I couldn’t be happier.” Thorax countered with an equally loving glance.

“Ain’t that as sweet as summer cider.” Applejack commented.

“Absolutely,” Twilight nodded. “I think it’s just…” She paused as something caught her eye, she turned her head and saw Starlight waving at her from the far entrance with Trixie peeking over her mane. “Oh… you go on ahead, Starlight’s finally here.” Twilight teleported across the room and appeared before Starlight with a big smile.

“Hey, Twilight.” Starlight whispered. “Sorry we’re late.”

“Fashionably late.” Trixie amended. “Which as we all know is socially acceptable.”

“It’s fine,” Twilight assured, observing the large box on a wheeled platform behind them. “Get ready, I’ll go and tell Celestia her surprise is here.” With a giddy giggle Twilight galloped off and headed for the Princesses. She skid to a halt before the royal table, catching the attention of everyone.

“Whoa Twily,” Shining Armor laughed. “Where’s the fire?”

“Sorry,” Twilight quickly looked to Celestia. “Princess, Starlight and Trixie are here with your surprise.”

“Oh, well then…” Celestia rose. “If you’ll excuse me.” She left the table and followed Twilight just outside the ballroom doors. “Oh my.” She observed the large box.

“Princess,” Starlight began. “We…”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie,” Trixie quickly cut in. “As well as her wonderful assistant Starlight, have brought you this gift at the behest of Princess Twilight.” She slammed her hoof on the box and the sides fell away as a blast of purple smoke blinded everyone.

Celestia coughed and waved her hoof before her face to clear the smoke, gasping with quickly tearing eyes at what had been revealed. “Oh… Sunset Shimmer.”

“Ta da.” Sunset laughed awkwardly at her grandiose introduction. “Hello, Princess.”

“Sunset.” Celestia quickly went to her, laying her hoof over her back and setting her head to hers. “What a wonderful surprise indeed. It is so good to see you.”

“Well, Twilight told me what’s been going on and how you moved the Gala up.” Sunset explained. “She thought it would be nice for me to drop in for this extra special occasion.”

“And she was quite right.” Celestia stepped back and smiled down at Twilight. “Thank you, Twilight; you as well, Starlight, Trixie.”

“No problem.” Starlight smiled.

“A good magician always delivers.” Trixie proclaimed.

“I’ve got band practice early in the morning though,” Sunset continued. “So, I can’t stay too late.”

“Then come in, you’ve yet to meet so many here.” Celestia ushered them back inside.

The night went on in festive fashion as so many had the chance to come together in ways a mere year ago would have made seem impossible. As groups formed and disbanded, Celestia eventually found herself on one of the overlooking balconies just looking down on the activity with a serene smile.

“Well, didn’t peg you for a wallflower.” Discord appeared at her side with a rose stem ending in a piece of drywall.

“I just wanted to watch it all for a moment.” Celestia responded. “This night exceeded even my already high hopes. What you see down there is the culmination of so many of my beliefs about friendship. I wanted… a snapshot of it in my mind.”

“My, this Aurelian business has certainly made you… contemplative.” Discord noted.

“My life is going to change greatly.” Celestia stated plainly. “And I don’t know what that will mean. I hope it means nothing at all, that everything will simply... carry on as it has been.”

“You’re way overthinking things.” Discord laughed.

“How does it feel then?” Celestia looked to him. “You are as close to omnipotent as a creature can be, what does that power feel like? What spurs you to use or not use it the way you do?”

Discord actually took a moment to mull the question over. “What you really want to know is… do I control my power or does it control me.” He smiled slyly. “To me, my power is as normal as tearing open holes in time and space.” He scratched the air, opening some kind of rift; he reached in and pulled out a sandwich before closing it again. “That one goes to my fridge.” He said keenly as he bit into the sandwich. “Back in the day, I simply wanted to make the world as chaotic as possible because I thought it was fun. When you have the power to do whatever you want you tend to get… bored, messing with you and Luna was a welcome distraction; at least until you trapped me in stone.” He tossed the remainder of the sandwich down his gullet. “Now though, I enjoy causing chaos that my friends can enjoy. I can still have my fun, and they have that fun with me, which is much preferable to doing it alone.” He rolled his claw in the air. “Long story short, even though my power is capable of doing more than I do with it now, the stuff I do use it for is more than enough to enjoy life as it is.”

Celestia broke down his roundabout message. “So, no matter how powerful I may become, I only need to be as powerful as the world requires me to be.”

“Pretty much.” Discord nodded. “But just keep one thing in mind. No matter how powerful you are, you can’t account for everything. I leaned that the literal hard way.”

Celestia gave him a genuine smile. “Thank you, Discord.”

“Mm, just keep that order magic away from me and we’ll call it even.” Discord added before snapping his fingers and vanishing.

Slowly but surely, as the hour grew late, guests began to say their goodbyes and bring the evening to a close. Sunset, having had the opportunity to finally meet all of her own friends’ counterparts, prepared to head out with Starlight and Trixie who offered to take her back to the portal in the castle.

Twilight hugged Sunset fiercely with a wide smile. “Thanks for coming, Sunset.”

“Of course, this was an amazing party.” Sunset looked over the others. “I’m glad I got to officially meet the rest of you, just like with Rainbow Dash you all are practically so familiar to me already you don’t even seem like strangers.”

“Well, you are certainly all that Twilight has said.” Rarity noted. “It was lovely to spend the time with you.”

“Yeah, you should get over here more often.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Or maybe we could come visit you?” Pinkie Pie asked with hopeful eyes.

“Ha… I don’t know If that would be a great idea.” Sunset admitted. “I don’t know if two Pinkie Pies in one place is safe for reality.”

“For sure.” Applejack slapped Pinkie’s back as they all laughed.

Celestia noticed them gathered and came to join. “Are you leaving?” She asked.

“Yeah, I really need to get back.” Sunset went to her. “I wound up staying a little later than I planned but it was totally worth it.” She hugged her former mentor. “I hope things work out for you with this new training. Hard to imagine you being a student again.”

“As they say, you are never too old to learn.” Celestia chuckled. “Take care, Sunset.”

“I will.” Sunset nodded.

“Well, we should get going.” Starlight nodded towards the door. “Got to get Trixie back to her wagon too.”

“Thank you all for coming.” Celestia waved.

“Hopefully we’ll see you soon.” Fluttershy added as they headed for the door.

“Hey, Twilight.” Applebloom’s voice came from behind the group as the CMC and Cozy Glow came hurrying over.

“There y’all are,” Applejack rubbed her sister’s head. “Hardly seen hide nor hair of you girls all night.”

“We’ve been busy.” Sweetie Belle went to her own sister’s side. "Animals to play with, desserts to eat... you know how it goes."

“We were talking to Cozy earlier about coming to visit the school sometime.” Scootaloo looked up at Twilight. "What do you think?"

“Oh, that would be wonderful.” Twilight turned her attention to Cozy Glow. “We’d be happy to welcome you back.”

“Thanks,” Cozy Glow said with sincere joy. “I’d like the chance to tell the others I’m sorry myself.”

“I think they would love that.” Twilight smiled.

“Ah, there you are, Cozy.” Scorpan said as he and Tirek joined them as well. “I trust you had a good time.”

“Sure did,” Cozy flew up to Tirek’s shoulder. “Did you manage to mingle, big guy?”

“More so than I would have thought.” Tirek confirmed.

“Yeah,” Pinkie came in. “I never thought Tirek would be such a good dancer.”

“You didn’t give me much of a choice.” Tirek huffed in mild embarrassment.

“She never does, Darling.” Rarity said with a long shake of her head.

Celestia looked the trio over. “Your presence here tonight truly meant so much, far beyond just enjoying the evening in general.”

“It was a great pleasure, Princess.” Scorpan tipped his head.

“I’ll be looking forward to the next one.” Cozy Glow said enthusiastically.

“We’ve got a train to catch, though.” Tirek said with a heavy sigh. “Long ride home.”

“Where’s Chrysalis?” Cozzy asked.

“Back at our table.” Celestia gestured with her wing to follow.

“We’ll start doing a little cleanup before we head back to Ponyville.” Twilight promised.

“Thank you all,” Celestia glanced back. “I will be in touch with you soon.” As she led them over to her table, she found Thorax and Ember added to the fold.

Chrysalis looked up at her friends with a raised brow. “Heh, that time already?”

“I’m afraid so.” Scorpan laughed.

“I'm going to take Ember home, then I’ll see you back at the hive.” Thorax informed.

“Alright.” Chrysalis nodded.

“Thorax, it’s late,” Ember noted. “You don’t have to fly me all the way back to the Dragonlands.”

“I want to,” He insisted with a warm smile. “This night was really special, and I want to make sure I get to spend all of it with you.”

“You better hang onto that one with both claws.” Cadence said with a light laugh.

“Indeed, I rarely even see dreams as romantic.” Luna added.

“Oh believe me, I intend to.” Ember brushed his cheek with an enamored smirk. “Let’s get going then.”

“Sure thing.” Thorax rose and pulled her chair out for her to stand.

“Thank you for coming.” Celestia said as they passed by. “Please take care.”

“We will, bye everyone.” Thorax and Ember waved as everyone said their goodbyes.

Cadence and Shining Armor rose with Chrysalis and followed them to the front entrance of the castle. Cadence hooked her leg around Chrysalis neck and hugged her. “Tonight was a lot of fun.”

“Quite.” Chrysalis returned the gesture. “It’s a feeling I could easily get used to.”

“You still on for the weekend?” Shining Armor asked as he embraced her.

“I’ll be there.” Chrysalis promised.

“Good, Flurry has been fussing to see you.” He relayed with a laugh.

“It was good to see you all,” Cadence looked to Cozy and the brothers. “I hope we can have many more times like this.”

“For sure,” Shining Armor continued. “It’s nice having some guys to talk to; I’m always outnumbered.”

“There are worse spots to be in.” Tirek jested.

“You should visit the Crystal Empire with Chrysalis some time.” Cadence added.

“That would be fun.” Cozy Glow looked down at Scorpan.

“That it would, we would be happy to join you sometime.” Scorpan nodded. With one more round of bids goodnight, they left the castle and began heading for the train station. “Well, I would certainly classify tonight as a success.”

“It was more fun than I thought it would be.” Cozy Glow confessed.

“Your continued reconciliations are going well.” Scorpan praised.

“Soon you’ll have more friends than you know what to do with.” Tirek noted.

“You might be saying the same thing soon enough.” Chrysalis pointed out.

Tirek laughed. “At the end of the day, I think I still prefer those down by the docks.”

“Blue collar to the core” Chrysalis chuckled.

“So, what are we doing tomorrow?” Cozy asked.

“Tomorrow?” Tirek toned. “Sleeping in.”

“Boo.” Cozy rolled her eyes. ‘

“Don’t you have homework to do?” Tirek asked back, humming as Cozy fell silent and lowered her head. “Eh, I thought so.”

“Once your work is done, you can come with me to the dockside market.” Scorpan promised.

“Okay.” Cozy quickly nodded.

Once at the station, they boarded the final train for the evening and settled down for the trip back. “Since it is so late, you’re welcome to stay with us tonight, Chrysalis.” Scorpan offered.

“Thanks, but not necessary.” She declined. “It isn’t a terrible flight back to the hive from the station. Besides, your guest room walls are thin, and I’d rather not be kept up by Tirek’s snoring like last time.” She gave the centaur a smarmy grin.

“I don’t hear anything.” Cozy said as she laid down on the seat and curled up.

“You could sleep through a hurricane.” Tirek noted.

Chrysalis tilted her head, looking out the window at the near black scenery passing by; she was struck by a sudden feeling as if something had just occurred to her. “Ha,” She laughed mildly.

“What?” Tirek asked, noticing her far off stare.

“I don’t know… it just struck me that I was just at a party,” She began. “I’m taking the train home and I have upcoming plans for the weekend.” A simple smile graced her lips. “My life has grown so different so fast it just kind of hit me.”

“I had a similar moment a few months after I first moved to the city.” Scorpan informed. “A strange warmth just suddenly washed over me, and I realized that my life was in a better place.” He sighed. “I’m glad you were able to feel that moment while you are still so young.”

“Young?” Tirek laughed.

“Watch it!” Chrysalis snarled.

Scorpan chuckled and set his claw on Cozy’s head, who had already fallen asleep. “I hope she has that moment soon too, she’s come a long way in so short a time, but I don’t think it all has truly sunk in for her just yet. She is still cautious and needs some encouraging at times, which is fine all things considered. But I look forward to seeing her fully embrace the world without that lingering fear.”

“Well, Celestia said that with us no longer on opposite sides the world itself is in a better place.” Chrysalis relayed. “She should have little to fear once most have moved on from her past.”

Scorpan paused at that assessment and made a troubled hum. “I have been thinking about that actually.”

“I know that bothered noise you make,” Tirek eyed him. “What is it?”

“I was thinking about Aurelian’s philosophy as of late, that all things return to a state of balance.” Scorpan detailed his thought. “With the three of you finally at peace and becoming a part of the world… will the world self-correct yet again by finding something to take your place.” He looked to his brother with underlying concern. “I heard he had said that even the most influenced peace of his own time didn’t last forever.”

Tirek considered what his brother was suggesting. “I see your point.”

“Maybe Aurelian has had the same thought.” Chrysalis suggested. “Maybe that’s the real reason he’s teaching Celestia. He said he didn’t want the tittle of strongest anymore and Celestia thinks he’s testing her morality… but maybe he’s preparing for something he knows is inevitable.”

Scorpan made a halfhearted laugh. “Well, he is more than enough of a tactician to make that kind of move.”

“Don’t waste time worrying about maybe.” Tirek came in. “I’ve grown to like this new life, so if the world attempts to throw something at us to disrupt it… then let it come, it will regret its decision.”

“I am glad you have such a noble reason to fight, brother.” Scorpan smiled.

The three of them quieted down, the rhythmic thunk of the train on the tracks serving as background noise as they all reflected on the unsettling idea with which they had just presented themselves.

Comments ( 11 )

Ember and Thorax's romance makes me wanna go read more romance fics cuz it's so warm and sweet

Great story, everyone was getting along, Celestia's worries for her upcoming lessons with Aurelian have been put to rest, and the redeemed trio had a great night along with everypony else. I admittedly was hoping there could be some drama in this story with some pony nobles having doubts and not forgiving the redeemed trio, given how stuck up some nobles are. But, I really like the story for what it is.

It does seem like there is something coming in the future for Equestria and everypony and that Peace won't last much longer before everything breaks loose. But, in the end, we should the peace while it lasts and worry about will come later.

In the end, this was a great story, and I look forward to what comes next!

This was a really good way to converge all the story elements together, by having all the reformed villains at the gala. Everything blended together nicely and it was great to see them all in a more casual setting and just interacting with the characters while they talk about their lives and how much it has improved over time. Great job!

Side note: will we get to see Celestia's training or this anticipated threat coming? Or will this all be left up to speculation? Because I'd love to see Celestia troll Discord with order magic

I really enjoy writing them together, I kind of want to give them their own story at this point.

Yes, I want to write stories about those particular events. I'm not entirely sure how I want to format it though, that is to say what elements I want to combine and what ones I think deserve their own story. For this one though I wanted a real slice of life just to set things up and just have some fun interactions and character moments.

Thanks. I know for sure the reunion of Aurelian, Faye, Aestus and Brayok will be next so they can discuss all that happened to them over the past year. I'm not sure if I want that to be it though or bring in other elements that I want to address.

Just a funny idea I want to throw out there: what if the "great evil" is the real Grogar but he doesn't realize how overpowered Celestia has become during her training. So much so that she can shatter his bell if he tries using it again

Funny enough I thought about using Grogar, but I came to that same conclusion, he wouldn't be strong enough. Lol.

An excellent chapter as always, and a wonderful way to hint at the future. Can't wait for the sequel!

Is the next fic almost ready by now?

Thanks for your wonderful stories! The reformation of the Legion of Doom, the addition of new ancient powerful characters with their own unique experiences and characters, is a wonderful continuation of the original animated series. All stories are wonderful, even if the latter are not as popular as the former.
I'm interested in your fic series. And I would like to see a continuation. But now I can only hope that one day you will return to writing.

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