• Member Since 29th Nov, 2020
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Joshua the Dragonslayer

"Love can be a memory that no one can steal but love can also be a pain that no one can heal"


This story is a sequel to Dazzling Bladers

It's been a few years since the climactic battle of the world between Gabby and Sonata went down. But now the Dazzlings are back and ready for bigger adventures to come. The life of a teenager in High-School can be difficult but by sticking together these girls can do anything if they work together. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata are ready for whatever High-School comes their way. What will Canterlot throw their way? The girls will have to discover as the Dazzlings' adventure continues as their High-School adventure begins.

Chapters (51)
Comments ( 300 )

Amazing start my good friend! Been looking forward to for a long while :pinkiesmile:

Can’t wait to see how the rest will go

What a great way to start the dazzling high school day well done. :pinkiesmile:

If you would ask anyone if they were enjoying High-School, you surely wouldn't want to ask Aria. To start off her day with History and then Math with the most annoying person on the planet, her sister, Sonata. After everything Aria was told she had thought High-School wasn't going to be that bad, heck she thought it was going to be fun. But to start with too boring classes with Sonata of all people was the worse way to begin her High-School experience.

That’s how they usually trick you.

"Finally!" Aria yelled throwing her hands into the air. "Lunchtime, my favorite time of the day. No classes, no school work, no annoying classmates, nothing to worry about but just enjoying time away from class and hanging out with our friends."


Yes that's how they lure you in, and yeah lunch really is the best

The girl just looked at Aria and smiled. She had dark purple hair and skin, wore a night sky color dress and wore some black shoes. "My name's Dawnshine... not like you should care." The girl who was now known as Dawnshine word's only made Aria want to punch her even more. "I don't know why you're so mad, it wasn't like I did it on purpose. You were the one who wasn't paying attention, you caused the mess, now pick it up." The girl shrugged her shoulders and started walking away from Aria but she then stopped. "I know what you girls did a few years back, we all do. Don't think you're all that just because you three won the Tag Tournament. All of that means nothing here, so what if you won, no one cares. Just do me and everyone else here a favor and don't try to be in the spotlight." With that, Dawnshine walked away and off to her last class of the day.

It’s gonna be hard to stay out of the spotlight light after what they did. Not only did they win a tournament but they basically saved the world.

Before the girls knew it the bell rung signaling the end of the first day of the school. The Dazzlings got their things and made their way out of the school. As the girls made their way out of the school and toward their moms car they saw Dawnshine in front of the statue in front of the school looking at her phone. The Dazzlings walked past her and as they were passing by Aria and Dawnshine made eye contact glaring at one another.

I might be paranoid but I think she knows about the portal.

Amazing chapter my good friend! So happy to see another new chapter come :pinkiesmile:

Yeah that's true, and who knows maybe Dawnshine does or doesn't know about the portal 🤷

Upon arriving inside of the school the girls went their own ways to their classes. Aria and Sonata walked to the right while Adagio headed to the left, the girls said their goodbyes and headed to class so that they weren't late. As Sonata and Aria were walking down a hallway to make it to their class they saw Dawnshine at her locker pulling out some books. Aria noticed her and glared, she still hadn't gotten over what she had done yesterday. 'I don't know who you think you are, but one way or another I'm going to knock you off your pedestal that you put yourself on. That I can promise!'

So dawnshine is basically just their version of sunset shimmer?

Sonata, who was besides her sister, noticed where her glare was focused at. Sure enough, Dawnshine was in front of them getting out some books from her locker. After pulling out her books she then closed and locked her locker and walked away toward her class, completely unaware that Aria was glaring daggers at her from behind. Aria huffed and walked even faster to get to her class, as Sonata could only sigh and pick up her own speed to catch up with Aria. 'It's not even been a week and Aria already has an enemy. I just hope that she gets over Dawnshine soon so we can all have a good time in high school and not have to deal with any problems.'

It’s high school. You’re gonna have problems.

Phoebe noticed Adagio's confused expression and let out a weak laugh but then sighed. "Yeah, Canterlot's girls soccer team hasn't had much success since Rainbow Dash and her team led Canterlot to two consecutive championship titles... but that hasn't been in more than ten years ago." She then noticed a girl walking her way toward the girls on the field. "But that is soon to change, especially since we've got a new coach this year, and she just so happens to be here." Phoebe turned her head over in the direction of the coach and the Dazzlings turned their heads to see the coach.

Ten Years? I think I need a reminder of everyone’s ages.

Yes, Dawnshine is basically their Sunset Shimmer, and it'll show before you know it if you haven't already could tell. Yes, it's high school, Sonata was saying that she wasn't expecting any problems to happen so early. And the Dazzlings are 14 as Sunset and her friends are roughly in their late 20s to early 30s.

Do any of these stories have any fighting in it?

Another great chapter! Didn’t expect to see another one so soon

Thank you! I've been working real hard to make up for lost time

Dawnshine, who was a few feet away had seen and heard everything. She growled as she saw the Dazzlings get praised by Coach Rainbow. 'Why do they always get praised? Their nothing special, so what if they can bounce some measly soccer balls with their kness? Anyone can do that, I'm doing it right now without a problem! So why do they get all the praise and glory! Why?!' Being distracted by glaring at the Dazzlings, Dawnshine wasn't paying attention to what she was doing and accidently dropped the soccer ball. She gasped as the soccer ball fell onto the ground.

They’re not the only one getting praised though. That’s how you know she’s lying when she said she seen and heard everything.

As time went by everyone eventually finished their excercise and now it was time to get word from Coach Rainbow on how well they did. The girls watched and waited as Rainbow was going over her notes. Some girls felt confident and felt as though they passed, others, however, didn't feel to good with how they did. The Dazzlings happily talked amongst their friends as Dawnshine continued to glare at the Dazzlings from afar. Just then a whistle went off, snapping Dawnshine out of her trance and turned to face Rainbow.

I love how she’s been glaring for possibly 30mins and they still haven’t noticed.

"If you hear your name you free to play on the team game." Everyone watched and waited, hoping to hear their name. "Joy, Frizzle, Athena, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Gabby, Dawnshine, Phoebe, and Arza. You may make your way to the main field, I'll be over there soon to make teams for you." The first ten girls nodded their heads and started walking over to the main soccer field where they would be playing. Rainbow then turned to the rest of the ten girls. "You ten will be with me, I'm going to be giving you some extra practice. Now don't be discouraged, you still did good. But we want you be amazing! Awesome! And with my help, I'm going to do my best to make sure each of you shine on the field!" The rest of the girls smiled and nodded, encouraged by Rainbow's words.

That is a good teacher.

Yeah Dawnshine is something else, and yes, I tried to make Rainbow the best teacher she could be

Great chapters my friend! 3 in one day

Thank you my friend! I'm working hard to get as many chapters done before some of my family comes down and visits us

Adagio was about to knock on the door but just then she heard talking. "Ugh! I don't know how to do this! Why do we have to learn about fraction!? What are we even going to use fractions for in our future!?" Sonata then slammed her hands into her deck. "Whoever created math I hope they go to-" Before Sonata could finish the door opened to her room, silencing her and making her turn to face the door. Walking in came both Adagio and Aria and they had worried expression. "Adagio? Aria? What are you guys doing here?"

Sonata is me during school.

Gabby cheered as the rest of her day gave her applause for her goal. Rainbow smiled as she watched her team cheer for one another, as they were now up two to nothing. They were acting and playing like a team, and if they kept up that teamwork for the rest of the season, they would be sure to make the playoffs and maybe even win that championship that Canterlot had missed out on for the past few years. Rainbow watched as Gabby and Sonata high fived and then hugged each other. 'That play would have never of worked if it wasn't for their bond with one another. Gabby trusts Sonata and Sonata trusts Gabby, and with that trust they made the plays that they did.'

Trust is important in a team.

Rainbow sighed as the girls came over to her. "Okay, things aren't going well. And that was my fault, and I take full responsibility, its my fault we lost our lead, I made a mistake." Rainbow looked over at her starters and then at the girls in front of her. "Girls who started the game back on the field, Adagio your back as team captain." Rainbow then looked over at Dawnshine with a small glare. "You. Sit. Your done for the night, and when this game is over we're having a word." Dawnshine growled as she sat down and crossed her arms. Rainbow then looked over at Sonata with a small smile. "Sonata, you've played amazing all day, but your tired, Arza will take your place as goalie. You sit down, get some water, and rest, your hard work won't be for nothing. We'll make sure to win this thing." Sonata nodded and sat down on the bench, right next to Dawnshine. Dawnshine rolled her eyes as she watched the other girls get onto the field.

Technically, it was dawnshine’s fault.

Dawnshine watched as all the girls on her team were celebrating with one another as a team with their friends as family. But for her. She just watched as she tighted her fist as she started shaking in anger. She was suppose to lead the team to victory, but instead she was benched for Adagio and watched as her team won the game without her. She especially glared at the Dazzlings who were in the middle of the celebrating with everyone around them, like always. Ever since the Team Tournament they had become stars in Canterlot, and Dawnshine could only grit her teeth as she watched as the girls got interviewed by the news on their victory. 'Dazzlings... I HATE YOU! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING FOR ME!!'

Oh brother

Trust is important in a team, and well although that is true, Rainbow put her in as the captain so it's kinda both their faults but Rainbow didn't know she was going to be a bad captain. And oh brother indeed

Yet again it was another day of school for the Dazzlings and they were currently in third period. Sonata was happily in English learning all about... English time things that she had no clue what they were. When she had heard about English she had thought she was actually going to learn English! Not the types of way to make a sentence better or how to write a paragraph! She could only sigh and continue taking notes hoping that she would somehow be able to understand.

You would think they would’ve come up with a better name.

That hand happened to belong to Adagio. Aria looked up at Adagio who was glaring at Aria. "That's not how things are going to work here. Even though we may have a fourty percent chance or a two out of five of getting the chemicals correct, that also means we have a three out of five or a sixty percent chance of getting the chemicals wrong! So the best thing to do is read the instructions and figure out what the correct chemicals are. You also have to think that this is for a grade, if we want to have a good grade we have to get this correct! So let's read the instructions together." Adagio then looked back down at the piece of paper and started reading it.

There’s also the possibility of blowing up.

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