• Member Since 31st Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen May 27th




This story is a sequel to What happens to Golly?

In a continuation of "What Happens to Golly", Cozy Glow struggles to find her place in the free world, making new friends and possibly some enemies along the way. Hijinx ensues as Astral finds care for an energetic young pegasus is not as easy as she had previously anticipated.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 15 )

Nice chapter, i really like it, thanks

Alright! Here we go again for another round, and what's this? A love interest? Did I ruin Cozy Glow? No. Just hang in there... I promise it's not a Cozy Love Story. There are big things to come and we're going to take it one chapter at a time.

I might have preferred that. Poor Cozy!:fluttershysad:

I'll be looking forward to seeing where this is going.

Poor Cozy. Still, its nice to see her having problems more realistic to her age for once.

Nice chapter! I wonder what Cozy's gonna do with that tail.

Starlight's announcement certainly caught Cozy's full attention.

Makes me wonder just how much of Cozy's past does Starlight know.

>"I'm sure. We're 'notfriends'. We even pushed each other around a little after school today," said Cozy before digging her face into her bowl again.

Assuming that this is a converted former 4chan greentext, you forgot to remove the >.

Good catch! Thanks. Also, glad you're enjoying it so far!

That was a good chapter.

Thanks. I enjoyed writing it too. We finally see the violence tag come into play, as well as other strong emotions and feelings.

I really loved including that picture of Cozy with the knife too. I originally saw/bought it as a badge accessory at Harmonycon this year (2023). They had all sorts of ponies available, but of course, Cozy was the best for me.

That was a good story goodluck with whatever you write next.

"Your image, Flurry," said Shining. "We can't have our subjects thinking we can't control our own daughter, or that we're raising a Wildheart turning rogue. It's bad for the empire to think such things about its leadership."

wow, I bet The Crystal Empire also do other Corrupt shit to "Protect their Image" too. I have a feeling this isn't the first time they have done this

Flurry turned to Twilight, "Did, did Astral try..."

Twilight looked down at the ground, "Once."

Flurry walked up to Twilight, touching her wing to hers. "What happened."

"Astral tried her hardest. Some ponies... just don't want to be saved," said Twilight, the sadness in her voice was deep. She cleared her throat, raising her head up high, "Come, Cozy. This is not a place for you, not anymore."

Once? ONCE
how about Astral find another way, or try a different approach? you can not just try it once, and then call it a day and then left
Also, I think Astral would find a way to lessen their punishment. I remember she was once trapped in Stone and saw how horrible that punishment it is

'I can’t see. I can’t feel. What happened to me?' asked Astral to herself. The cold was an all-consuming empty void of darkness. 'No. This wasn’t supposed to happen.' Astral began to panic. “Hello?!” she called out, but there was only silence. 'Get it together, Astral,' she said to herself. 'Maybe somepony will come along. In a million years. Will I crumble? No. Stay positive. What am I going to do?' "Cozy? Cozy Glow, are you there? Can you hear me? I think I’m in trouble!" 'It’s no use. I can’t use my magic from inside here. I’m stuck, forever.' Even if she did have her magic, deep down, she knew she didn't have anywhere near that kind of range; no pony she knew or ever heard of did.

Regret. Astral had felt it slowly building up in Cozy as their time together grew. She could now feel it rapidly building up within herself as well. 'This was such a stupid idea, what was I thinking? Right, I wasn't.' She was left isolated within her stone imprisonment. Time was already beginning to slip and fade. She was surprised at how fast its onset was. It was truly terrifying. So many thoughts and feelings began to overtake her all at once. She couldn't imagine how a little filly was able to handle it at all. It was overwhelming. She wanted to scream, but couldn't. She wanted to cry, but couldn't. She needed to breathe, but couldn't. Her mind begged for her body to obey and do something, but the disconnect was incomprehensible. She was without form
I’m sorry, Cozy. I thought I knew, what it was like; how you felt. Twilight… I won’t be able to make it back to class on time. Mom, dad? I’m so sorry. Somepony, anypony, please find me!” Astral was already beginning to mentally break. If anything, she hoped that somepony would find her and at least put her somewhere nice, perhaps in her own backyard. No. She couldn't think of that. She couldn't accept her fate. There had to be some way out of this. There wasn't, though. Cozy would have found it by now. But Cozy was a pegasus, not a unicorn. Crysalis had magical powers though, right? So did Tirek. Irrelevant; magic doesn't work in stone anyway.

There was nothing for her to see but an endless black darkness extending in all directions, if there were any directions at all. There was no light or shadow. She couldn’t even be sure if she had any kind of sight, or if it was all in her imagination. There was no sound, just figments. Figments and numbness... Was the numbness even real, though? All of her senses were shut off, leaving her consciousness to fill in the gaps a lifetime of stimuli left empty. She realized just how much she took for granted her very existence.

Astral searched the void for anything she could cling to. She began to feel a faint presence slowly emerge from within the emptiness. She had tried calling out and reaching out to anything and everything she saw floating by. Each time, she came to the sad realization that it was all a product of her mind trying to fill the void and make sense of it all. This, however, felt different. She could focus on it. She knew it was there. It grew stronger as it surrounded her. It was just as real as she was. She could ignore it, lose track of it and unlike anything else she detected, it would still be right where she left it.

'What?' asked Astral, to herself as she gained the feeling that she might not be alone. 'That’s not real. Is it real?' "Hello?” she called out. “Hello? Who are you? What are you?” she called out once again. "Are you here to take me home? Can you help me? Please, say something! I'm begging you. I can't be here all alone. I can't take it. This wasn't supposed to happen. I'm not supposed to be here!"

There was no answer, only darkness. It felt cold, wrong. But at least it was something she could feel. The longer it stayed, the more unease Astral felt creeping inside her. Still, it was better than nothing, or was it? Astral could feel fear beginning to overtake her. She couldn't quite pinpoint what the fear was. It wasn't the fear of non-existence; she was already becoming quite familiar with that as it was. This was something else. It was a mix of other, existing fears. They would briefly come into focus and then fade back into obscurity as quickly as they had surfaced. It was almost as if they were being searched. Astral was remembering things she had long since forgotten she feared. Some seemed quite silly while others were still quite terrifying and rightly suppressed..

But I guess Twilght needs some "Trophy" for her statue garden :twilightblush:


wow, I bet The Crystal Empire also do other Corrupt shit to "Protect their Image" too. I have a feeling this isn't the first time they have done this

Probably! More than Flurry would ever suspect... Were it her story, I'd explore it more. It'd be something good to keep on the back burner for whenever I finish up the Golly stuff.

Once? ONCE
how about Astral find another way, or try a different approach? you can not just try it once, and then call it a day and then left

It was actually multiple sessions over a longer period of time. Astral talks about it in the follow-up story to this one (that I'm working on revising right now and will be posting soon!)

Also, I think Astral would find a way to lessen their punishment.

Maybe. It could be that she tried to work a deal, or brought deals that Twilight would compromise on, but Chrysalis/Tirek just wouldn't consider or show that they would cooperate. Because of your comment, though, I will be writing new/additional dialog to the follow-up story to help cover this as I think you bring up an important point here.

Just finished reading this, and it is quite the adventure! You did very well! I do think you could add more details and descriptions of how the characters feel, ya know, really get us into that mood of the characters!
It was a fun read, and I loved every bit of it! I do wonder what will happen to Astral and Golly next!
Keep going :twilightsmile:

"And then he... he booped me,” said Cozy, getting visibly angrier.


Shining spoke, "A pony with a past like Cozy Glow's would be easy for everypony to believe she would be capable of taking you from us, and even demanding a healthy ransom. The castle staff is working on the story now and will have it to the press by morning. Nopony will think twice about it, or any lesser of you or us. By next week, it will all have been forgotten."

I'm very disappointed in you two. Shame on you for perverting justice like this!:twilightangry2:

"Well, as you know, foalnapping is a very serious crime. I don't think you will be needing to worry about her anymore."

Seriously this is all levels of messed up. What kind of example do you think you're setting for your daughter anyways?!:flutterrage:

She put on a devious grin, "Not for long." She opened the nightstand and rummaged through the various items stored inside, setting out an assortment of highly polished clean versions of the tools found in the dungeon, and a changeling mask.

Me thinks someone has Stockholm Syndrome. Considering who it's in relation to, that just makes the ending that much weirder and riper for Freudian interpretation.

Join us again next time when Shinning uses Chrysalis's horn for but-ex.


"I'll knock some sense into your father too, even if I have to take him to the dungeon and spank him," winked Twilight.

Careful Twilly. He might like that.:rainbowderp:

"Astral tried her hardest. Some ponies... just don't want to be saved," said Twilight, the sadness in her voice was deep. She cleared her throat, raising her head up high, "Come, Cozy. This is not a place for you, not anymore."

Dang. I figured Chrysalis would be a tough nut to crack, but I thought that Tirek at least would settle for being banished.:fluttershysad:

It takes a very special kind of monster... To not do it more than once!

> Dang. I figured Chrysalis would be a tough nut to crack, but I thought that Tirek at least would settle for being banished.:fluttershysad:
We get more into this in the followup story. "Once..." Not meant literally, but more like "at one time", where Astral put in a bit of effort. It wasn't quite the focus of this story, so I didn't want to spend too much time on it.

Also, great to hear from you again! So glad to see your comments!

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