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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)


This story is a sequel to Unnoticed

Do you know the mare? So many believe they do. A single glance is more than sufficient to teach them everything. And given that they now know everything, there's clearly no need to make any further inquiries. She is what they've decided her to be. No more, and it would take quite a bit of effort to create any degree of 'less'.

Do you know the pegasus? The mailmare, the single mother, the incompetent, the town's lowest-flying joke? Is that what you've told yourself?

Do you know her?
You don't.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

While this story is tagged as a sequel, it's just following up on her previous appearance there: no knowledge of that piece is required.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 38 )

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Triptych Continuum Rebooted
Ponyville Folder


--- attacking under a name which was never hers.

In The Yearling, it mentions that when Mr. Baxter votes, he signs himself as "Ezra Baxter" but when he pays his taxes they credit it to "Penny Baxter" (a reference to his small size).

It's later revealed that he bears a grudge against Lem Forrester for giving him that nickname


RDT #3 · Feb 28th, 2023 · · ·

You know the term "generational trauma"?

It will be up to her to break it instead of passing it on.

Oh Dulcinea... It's understandable why you would distrust Filthy Rich but... I hope if he ever gets over his loyalty to his deceased wife that Derpy will at least give him a chance. Because judging him just because he's rich... well, that's sort of what ponies do to her; See what they want to see.

As a sufferer of strabismus (cross eyed) it can help to wear an eyepatch over 1 eye. The uncovered eye straightens out. Having only 1 picture would cut down on headaches.

The big problem with that is
The lack of stereoptic depth perception makes it REALLY hard to gage exact distance and relative speed. Like trying to pass a car or land, for instance. Amblyopia was first diagnosed by various air forces in WW1 for that exact reason.

Yes, they let me drive anyway.


Bravo. Incredible take on the character with a hint of her future relationship with Filthy Rich. Maybe there will be a story about how they worked it out.

Curious if Miranda actually figured her out?

And fuck those parents and fuck that boss.

You gotta love how incredibly flexible you can be with all these characters. Outstanding work

As Someone born with The same Kinda Eyes as Dulci, and who was really quite gutted by the fandom's reaction to her reducing her to a string of injokes about How She Surely Was a Moron Who Definitely Couldn't Take Care Of Herself, Thank you for this

That was a good story.

Estee proves again that they are one of the best writers on the site.

Also convinces me to try to call the golden-eyed pegasus mare "Dulcinea," next time I write a story about her that will let me do it without breaking the story.

Powerful and surprisingly positive in a twisted way.

-- she -- shouldn't think that way. They won't see her, and... doesn't that kind of thought mean that she's refusing to see some of them?

And there's the tragedy. It's not a matter of strabismus. It's a matter of the world pummeling her until she was blinded to hope.

Because the mare's talent is to rise. (Not above herself. Not beyond her own past.)

As is that. The bubble cannot rise above itself.

Mr. Rich's feelings about her do seem to reflect the narrative implications of her name. At least he's not tilting at windmills.

I was worried about how much this one would hurt personally. But while Dulci can't rise above herself, she can triumph over so much else. I quite like her similarities to Snowflake in terms of more esoteric talents. It's good to see that she sees the trap of repeating her parents' mistake with Dinky. She hasn't thus far; hopefully, she'll include Dinky in the conversation with matters like the Gifted School.

Thank you for this, Estee. It's a grim take on Best Pony, but one that makes perfect sense given what we know about her, including the details I either haven't considered or have tried very hard not to see myself.


As they say over there... Yet again, you've knocked it straight out of the park!

Strong but also sad and painful to read. Dulci is so busy reminding herself that she cannot make friends while not seeing that she actually has friends... not that many but still more than she realises even with her 'ditzy' act. Still, when you have been hurt like she has it can be hard to see the honest good intentions of some of those who would offer support or friendship.

*** Story number three in the Featured Box for Estee in the same day... that's got to say something about your skill and ability ***

She’s wary of Mr. Rich because of her past, but I suspect that she eventually gave him a chance after Tirek’s attack, when he finally worked up the courage to ask her out, because he’d call her Dulcinea. Just about the only non-friend in Ponyville to know her real name.

I’d love to see a sequel showing that moment.

Ouch.. amazing read but.. ouch.

" There seems to be an assumption that she's always been here. Just part of the background. And has locating her turned into a game? Can the population pick her out of any crowd? First one to manage the feat scores points and gets to invent a new nickname! "
Ouch - I think this is the harshest you have ever called fandom out.
But, it is not unwarranted.

Bitter and sad, but such a good read.
Also with the reveals from Split Seed, I am kinda so very much hyped for more Dulci.

Damn, this was a brutal read. Being Dulcina in this verse is nothing but suffering.
I also think it's kind of ironic that Mr. Rich, an earth pony, is the one who is interested in her. I mean, her whole "pretend to be dumb" schtick, isn't it kind of like The Secret? I know that her childhood parts were out of her control but as an adult... well Twilight said it best didn't she?

If I knew earth ponies could do more, I wouldn't have said something that stupid about her in the first place. Some ponies use all those words because... Applejack, when you make yourself look weak... how much damage has the Secret done?"

Hell, the earth pony thing is even more fitting because in-universe, the representative of the Earth Ponies was a dense, scatterbrained, puddinghead in the play.
Hopefully Dulcina will be able to rise above.

Also calling out the fandom looking for Derpy as an easter egg and framing it as a bad thing in the verse actually managed to hurt me. Kudos. Personally I love the way the fandom characterized her and look back on those days of spotting her fondly but I'm aware others feel differently. In any case, to each their own.

oh, this reminded me of a fan-comic i saw on DeviantArt called "Dash Academy", where Derpy got taken advantage of by a pedophile team coach.
(he also propositioned Rainbow Dash at a Prom, but she turned him down)

Dulcinea I think has a bit of a persecution complex. Not entirely without merit as well. But it does make her push away the possibility of making friends. Because for every ass out there that has made Dulcinea unhappy, there are ponys like Filthy Rich, Lyra and Bon Bon, Spike, and Time Turner that are her friends. There is more to our girl than a lazy eye, a bunch of muscles that pull and push in the wrong way. And I think a Judge saw that.

Does make you wonder what happened to the father. He did want to know his child. It was the parents that acted like monsters over the situation.

As someone who’s previous manager printed out a “most oblivious employee” award and gave it and a hat that said “yes I am blind AND stupid” to me in front of all my coworkers, the first part of this story hits hard.

Friggin' ouch.

:derpytongue2: No
:duck: What about that strange blue box?
:derpyderp1: You've never been in it have you?
:moustache: Twilights been trying to get a peek in it for years
:derpytongue2: Think of it like her castle
:moustache: Bigger on the inside and no room numbers

:duck: Even If we served muffins?
:derpyderp2: I'll think about it
:facehoof: Bribery ?
:rainbowlaugh: Double dating trouble ?
:derpyderp1: No Doctor Hooves has a secret :twilightoops:

Well, I didn't actually notice any errors in this one, but I enjoyed reading it (even if it wasn't exactly the happiest of stories); thank you for writing.

As I hadn't read the pervious story either, I got to ready two emotional gut-punches back to back. So, thank you for that, you amazingly talented jerk...I struggle to figure out a way to point out this anger is sarcastic in a way that doesn't feel incredibly trite next to this story.

Good grief, Dulcinea's actively maintaining her hurt and resentment.

I’ve always wondered what the meaning of her cutie mark would be. With this story, you came up with an explanation that shows Dulcina’s life but her strength and resilience through so many hardships and struggles. She survived in own unique and heartbreaking way…by subjugating herself.

Some might say that reliving her past is not healthy. I believe it’s important for her to remember and celebrate her accomplishments. As you said, most don’t know and wouldn’t understand. Dulcinea keeps them to herself but knows how important they are to her…and that’s all that matters.

This story simultaneously broke my heart and healed my soul. As much as it hurt ( and so much was familiar in my life) it was beautiful to see how she didn’t let circumstances dictate her life. To watch her rise above everything and everyone trying to keep her down. She is a true inspiration. Small wonder I’ve always adored her.

Thank you, Estee, sincerely.

I hope you got them fired. Or quit.

Whoof. This one sets a ton of bricks on my heart. Largely because of the knowledge that there are people, so many people, who have stories similar to this.

Dulcinea is a name that runs in my family, and one I have long intended to give my daughter, should I ever be blessed with one.

Should that occur, I pray she never has to suffer like this. And I'll do everything in my power to make sure she doesn't. I'll love her, and if I have any say at all, she'll know it.

(Good story, Estee. It got me making solemn promises to myself.)

A bubble is iridescent: Light that shines through it will split into all the colors of the rainbow.

Wherever you see one, it will make the light, and everything it strikes, more beautiful.

This is an answer to a question that mystified Book Horse: WHY she does this to herself. When the collision between her seething contempt for ponykind and the legal system DOES happen, we have an idea as to who will be in her corner.

That deserves a smack upside the head since that is definitely harassment

Ooof. This hurt, in a (mostly) good way. Heart-rending and deeply familiar.

Well done.

When they put this one TV Tropes, they can allude to the fact that the title describes the pony as she is indeed a NEGATIVE ONE.

This story reminded me that everything neurdiversr people suffer. People who are physically seen as disabled suffer as well. The horrible parents, the everyone assuming your stupid, everything. So thank you for reminding me that others suffer the same as my people.

This also really makes me want to see your take on nerudovisrsty in this world. Both equestria(which I'm sure will be a hellhole) and Proctera. But I also want to see how people who are seen as disabled physically(but not in reality because fuck the term disables) are treated in Proctera.

Also Dulcina is just amazing.

That happens with way more people than it should.

Dammit, Estee, that was a brilliant one, but now i want a sequel.

-- it's basic logic, isn't it? ... it's amazing what you can get away with, when the world assumes you're stupid. And she can act out, especially when the stress builds too much and she's sick of just about everypony....

That's how Pinkie gets away with being such a troll. Everyone thinks "Oh, she doesn't mean it, she's just stupid and tactless.".


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