• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 1,014 Views, 307 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: The Misfit - The Blue EM2

The life and times of an Earth Pony determined to be herself.

  • ...

If I can Dream

When I woke, I was suddenly in a very strange place. I looked around me, and glanced about. "Hello? Is anypony there?"

I noticed something oddly fluffy against my legs, and glanced down. I seemed to be lying on a cloud of some sort, and this cloud was floating in outer space. Light seemed to stretch outwards into infinity. Planets and stars twinkled in the distance, distorted and glowing in a way that only occurs within a planetary atmosphere. That's why star appear to twinkle in the night sky, incidentally; distortion from our atmosphere.

But the light seemed to be producing an unusual effect on the landscape. More clouds were formed up on the side, and small television screens seemed to be floating as well, attached to nothing as well.

It was all very strange. And a bit confusing too. I glanced about again and got to my hooves, feeling the softness of the cloud against them. That was another thing that didn't make sense. I was somehow standing on a cloud. But only pegasi could do that before the magic cut out. How was I doing it? I'm not aware of alicorns being able to do it, and I'm not an alicorn- yet.

It was in that moment I realised what was going on. "Am I in a dream somehow?"

I decided to move forward, to try and see a bit more of the landscape around me, soak up the infinity of the stars as they flowed away into the night sky. It was absolutely beautiful, and my eyes soaked it all up in wonder. If such wonders existed in the mind, and the subconscious, then we as ponies truly have limitless potential.

Suddenly, my eyes were drawn to another source of light before me. A small glowing orb was in front of me, and as I strained my eyes slightly I saw what appeared to be the outline of a pony inside the orb. I couldn't make out any particular features, though.

"Sunny," the voice from the orb said. It was the same one I'd heard in that first nightmare.

"Yeah?" I said. "That's me." I looked puzzled. "Isn't this the place where you sing about my destiny then turn me into an alicorn?"

"No," the orb said, once more. "The world is a place not requiring alicorns right now. And there is no need. I already transformed you, didn't I?"

My mind flashed back to that email which changed the course of my entire life. The moment that I became Sunny.

"You sent that email!" I said, in amazement. "Trust me, you have no clue what bronies would give to get to be ponies in Equestria for a day! But aren't you meant to be speaking about destiny right now?"

"I'll admit I haven't played that," the orb said. "I've been rather busy speaking to all of you. Of the eight heroes I spoke about, seven you have encountered for your journey."

I thought to myself. "Hmmm. Eight. Well, there's myself, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, Hitch, Misty, and I strongly suspect Sprout is one of us given he's not acting like his movie counterpart. But I have no clue who number eight could be."

There was a pause. "You will meet her again in due course. In the meantime, I am here to tell you that things are on course."

I looked down. "Sure don't seem on course to me. Zephyr Heights ended up in turmoil because of what I did. There's a mad dictator there trying to cause chaos like Sprout did in the movie. And it seems we all had some tough fights on our way here. How did Chris Chan get into this world of all places? I thought he was too busy rambling nonsensically about Generation 5?"

"It gets worse, I'm afraid," the orb said. "He is driven forward on his crusade in the belief that this world is the product of Russian propaganda made to further the Kremlin's war aims."

I blinked. "You're pulling my leg."

The spirit sighed. "I wish I was. For all the TV he watches he barely seems to understand how media production and television actually works, not to mention uses his fantasy realm as evidence. I know not how or when he acquired the power to jump through to the G5 world, but we have to save it."

"Who's we?" I asked. "I'm not sure everypony was willingly pulled through the time vortex to this land."

"Unfortunately, history sometimes needs a push," the orb replied. "But I can confirm some are grateful. Hitch wouldn't be here today were it not for the intervention."

The voice stopped for a moment as images began to flash on the screen. It showed us on our adventures. Having fun. Getting along. Doing good for the world.

"Your bonds continue to grow and foster connections," the orb said, the voice indicating they were pleased. "Although Zipp is not with you, I can assure you she is safe and well- I spoke to her a few nights ago and she is doing well, all things considered."

The images changed once more to show... dad?

The orb spoke once more. "Your father would be so proud of you to see what you've accomplished," the voice said. "But I can assure you that you and he shall meet again someday."

I looked down, interpreting that in a dark way. "I'd rather not think about death, to be honest."

The orb floated in front of me. "He loved you dearly. He forged you into the mare you are today."

"How?" I asked. "I've only been Sunny for a month! How can I have been shaped by a stallion I never met yet still feel compassion towards? Where do I stop, and where does Sunny begin?"

The orb sighed. "Memory blending. This happens sometimes. Never fear; you shall never lose what makes you, you. I must go now, so carry what I have said forward into the world, and help to save it."

The light suddenly increased to fever pitch and was so bright I covered my eyes with my foreleg.

When the light faded I was lying in my bed in Izzy's house. I glanced about and saw it was dark outside. The rain was falling and bouncing off the windows, and this produced some very unusual soundscapes.

I glanced about and saw the other ponies were asleep. Some of them more noisily than others. Seriously, I had no idea Sprout snored so loudly.

I looked about myself, trying to process what I had just seen. Somehow I'd been sitting in bed in the exact same posture as when I'd been in the end of the dream. How did that work?

I quickly pulled myself out from under the sheets and slipped onto the floor, trotting along the wooden floorboards as quietly as I could in order to avoid waking the others up. I'd placed my bag on the wall at the side, just under a window, so I could easily find it if I needed to. I pulled the bag out, and undid the clasp on the bag before slipping the journal out and flipping through it.

That spirit had said all sorts of confusing things. She was aware of Gulfstream? I mean, I assumed it was a she based on the voice, but that's besides the point. I had to find anything dad had unearthed in order to find the truth about what's going on.

Well, there I was again. Referring to Argyle as dad again. He wasn't even my biological father! That honour goes to a train driver back in the other world.

My brain was getting so mixed up. It seemed the more time I spent here my old personality was increasingly getting swamped by that of Sunny, which was giving me existencial dread.

I flicked through the pages in the poor light, trying to find what I was looking for. Old maps, notes about events in the past, a figure called Princess Erroria who seemed to be a different pony type in different times, a couple of other things, and then finally what I was looking for. A diary of sorts!

I looked at it closely, trying to find what I was looking for. But it was just some stuff about a flying city made of cloud.

"You're gonna hurt your eyes trying to read in these light levels."

I looked over my shoulder and saw Sprout standing there. He looked concerned- an emotion I don't usually associate with the guy.

"I guess it is a little dark to be reading," I said. "You know, I wasn't expecting you to be up too."

Sprout shrugged. "The rain woke me up. I only things are OK in Maretime Bay. I left the place in the hands of the army as they've moved lots of stuff there."

I looked confused. "Huh?"

"I'll explain in the morning. Let's get back to bed and try to get some sleep."

As I felt my eyelids drooping I couldn't argue with him on that one. A shame Izzy hadn't brewed any sleep tea.

Author's Note:

The title of this chapter is taken from an Elvis Presley song of the same name (which he memorably performed as part of his 1968 comeback special).

We are back in the dreamscape as Sunny has a chat with our mysterious mover and shaker, whomever this might be. Anybody have any thoughts as to who they might be?

Yes, Chris really has tried to find 'evidence' that G5 is Russian made, using the fact that the first leaks about G5 came from a document sent to Hasbro's Russian division as his primary evidence- seemingly unaware this plan applies to the entire company. He also claims that the film coming out in September, Brian Goldner's death a few weeks later, and then the invasion of Ukraine are all connected- using flimsy and nonsensical evidence that contradicts itself.

I have often found myself up on a rainy night struggling to sleep- especially if thunder is booming in the distance. Soundproofing is so handy.

Princess Erroria is an allusion to a generic placeholder pony model which appeared in Generation 4 as all four types of pony- including as an alicorn in Lesson Zero due to an animation error. This is the origin of the fan nickname 'Princess Erroria'.

Next time; Journal-ism!