• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 18 minutes ago


A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)


When Sunset steals alien Princess Twilight's new nanotechnology invention, some of the consequences surprise everyone.

A lonely girl might even find true love (or maybe not.)

(Also, we learn why Twilight Sparkle was so terrified of having to go back to Magic Kindergarten.)

Mood: science fiction AU with comedy and shipping elements.

Prereaders: LysanderasD, Logarithmicon, Carlos S., Shirlendra. (The prereaders are not responsible for my own mistakes and shortcomings, though.)

This story might or might not be an entry in Science Fiction Contest II (link), at least under the current rules that accept a wide range of AUs with science fictiony stuff.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 7 )

... Huh. Fascinating initial concept, though what you chose to do with it is...

Daring. Let's go with "daring." Best of luck in the judging.

Edited: (reordered for clarity; added explanatory link)

Did you see how many 'sovereigns' I threw in before the end of the story?

This story represents my attempt to comply with EVERY fimfiction.net story contest of the last few years, all at the same time. T AND M rated contests. :trollestia:

"Oh, I guess I'll probably keep you. Little shit." Wallflower lay down again in the grass. "Come over here and finish what you started."

I can already picture Wallflower as a human-rabbit android. Actually, I won't be surprise if everyone who was at the incident begin to transform into hybrid android version of their Equestrian counterparts.

Cyborg, nanomachine, clarkes law EQG is something I never knew I wanted till now.

"I don't know how to explain it. But it's like they're...paying a different kind of attention to what we say and do."

this makes a lot more sense than all animals in the EqG world being clearly intelligent and sapient creatures while human civilization develops pretty much exactly how it did here

Sunset groaned. "Please don't even joke about that, Rainbow. In my home universe, that was one of the worst punishments a criminal could be sentenced to. The theory was, if you forgot YOUR WHOLE LIFE ever since you were a small child, you'd have a chance to start all over again. Maybe you'd learn to be a better person on your second go around."

oof! that definitely adds a lot more horrifying weight to Twilight’s recurring nightmare

Sunset Shimmer gloated, holding up a tiara. "Using this ultimate command crown I stole from Princess Twilight, I can control ALL the nanotech that leaked into this world from Questria! I will RULE THE WORLDS!"

ah, that kind of AU! very fun

"Girls!" Twilight said. "Do the musical number! The system override song!"

a very robust explanation for why magical powers seem to be dependent on singing songs together

In front of Wallflower, a patch of violets said nothing. "Yes, I know, you can't answer me. But I know you like for me to talk to you. I can see how big and strong you grow when someone talks to you every day." She smiled. "I just wish I could hug you. Because sometimes I feel I could use a hug, but violets are fragile...and rosebushes are covered with thorns, of course." Her shoulders slumped for a moment.

so true actually, very Wallflower

She reached into her pocket, and pulled out the weird stone. "If I see whoever did it, I could throw this at them. Then they'd be sorry. I never want any person or animal to damage my garden ever again!"

love this alternate use case for the Memory Stone

The rabbit said, "Fifteen days ago, Sunset Shimmer used the nanotech command crown invented by the alien princess Twilight Sparkle. Sunset ordered Questrian nanotechnology to transform every living thing in this world into an obedient minion. I was one of the three animals closest to the nanotech network's primary node, where the concentration of nanobots was highest. So before Twilight countermanded the command, my conversion was almost fully complete."

well, that just makes too much sense!

The rabbit nodded. "Your world is primitive, but at least your culture is imaginative enough to grasp reality. Not as ignorant as you COULD be."

humanity w

"But YOU could do it," the rabbit added. "Low concentrations of Questrian nanotechnology have infiltrated practically all humans within twenty or thirty miles of this location. So YOU could use the auxiliary command node...that object in your hand, to remotely order the nanobots inside a local person to travel into their brain and erase their memories of my attacking them."

Wallflower's eyebrows quirked. "I can DO that?"

"Of course you can. Since you are the holder of that command node."

ooh, love this analogue for the Memory Stone!

"Thank you. In addition to my original animal intelligence and my immense dataset of information and skills from multiple universes, my upgraded general intellect and judgement are at least the equivalent of a normal eighteen year old human's, to match my calendar age. So mentally, I am at least the equal of one of your classmates."

very convenient exposition, now it won’t be weird at all for Wallflower to make out with him, and writing about them going even further than that would be perfectly okay. well done, birb!

"That's...not important. The important thing is, how DARE he...not be loyal to me? I gave him EVERYTHING! My...you know. He was my first."

Fluttershy nodded. "He really is a little shit, isn't he?" The two eighteen year olds shared a look of silent agreement.

i hate how well this works. i can’t believe you’ve done this

Fluttershy blushed, turned away, and tiptoed out of the clearing. She'd made sure the little animal was safe, and that was the important thing.

But even though she was happy for Angel, she knew she would miss him.

i can’t believe you’ve done this

What can happen if someone who's fairly good at piecing together clues to what's going on in a story reads "Woodland Creatures" without knowing much of anything about Equestria Girls or MLP:FiM going in?

okay you have completely lost me here

so maybe i am missing something, but i am reading this as yet another Mockingbirb contest entry that follows the letter of the rules of a contest but in a way that would only let it barely qualify on a technicality. it’s a pretty central Sci-Fi story, though, so the rules you are skirting are really Spring Fling’s, and i must say that it was the most impressive out of all of them, you whatever gender-neutral form of “bastard” there is.

i feel like i need to both read and write a few stories where Wallflower is a normal person in a normal relationship as penance for enjoying this one. 

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