• Published 6th Apr 2023
  • 2,733 Views, 41 Comments

With Every Story - RunicTreetops

Just days before you were to be wed, Celestia disappears. Where has she gone? And why won't your friends help you save her?

  • ...

Sunny Days

You hum merrily to yourself as you deftly sweep the wooden floors of the Royal-Tea Shop. It has been several months since the death of the First. Although it isn't a particularly happy memory, you find yourself reminiscing about it somewhat frequently.

Apparently, after you passed out, the entire cloud holding up the temple lost whatever magic was supporting it, causing it to fall. Thankfully, due to Pipp's livestream, pretty much everycreature in Equestria was paying attention, and everyone inside was safely rescued. When you came to some hours later, you were in a hospital bed, though your injuries turned out to be minor. It was there that Sunny, Pipp, Zipp, Izzy, and Hitch greeted you, letting you know that they were going to use the Time Tuner again to return to their own time. Sunny in particular was extremely hesitant to leave, but you all understood that it would be in everyone's best interest if you messed with time as little as possible. To that end, measures were taken such that the time-traveling nature of your friends was kept secret. So, with some heartfelt hugs goodbye, your friends from Maretime Bay returned home.

After that, there were a lot of loose ends to tie up. Specifically, the princesses and your friends had a lot to discuss. There was a lot of apologizing, both to you and to Celestia, but neither of you held it against them. Luna and Tia had a great deal to talk about as well, though you decided to respect their privacy when it came to those talks. All you know is that there were a lot of tears, both sad and happy, coming from both of them.

Finally, there was the issue of the First. Seeing as she was more or less the subject of Equestria's de facto religion, there was a bit of tension on how exactly to deal with that. Thankfully, since most of Equestria saw her reveal her contradictory nature and subsequent death live on-air, there were few who were opposed to the official disbandment of the church. Many called into question the nature of magical exertion, but it was generally agreed upon that the practice can still continue. After all, it is a healthy exercise (and was necessary for you while you were trying to deepen your magical pool), and without the First to receive the magic, there is no real harm that can come from it. All in all, things resolved peacefully.

You let out a contented sigh. Currently, there are no patrons in the shop, and the only sounds to hear are the ticking of the antique clock mounted on the wall, the voices of distant Ponyville residents going about their business, and the soft sweeps of your broom. Some might find this job boring, but for you, it's perfect. You've always preferred the quiet, and the customers that a tea shop tends to attract are a mostly pleasant bunch. Plus, it pays well enough to cover the bills. It certainly helps that your ingredients are all grown in an orchard you started out back, full of grape-covered vines and trees sprouting multiple kinds of fruit. No apples, though. You'd rather support the Apple family than grow apples that taste objectively worse.

You glance out the window. A brilliant orange light is flooding into the shop. Sunset. It'll be time to close soon. Your ears perk up as you hear the front door open, a pleasant little bell signalling that someone has entered. You turn to greet them, and you smile as you lay eyes on the new arrival.

Standing in the doorway is Celestia. She has recovered remarkably well following the defeat of the First. For one thing, it seems that with that big magical explosion caused by the First's death, all of the magic that she had collected, through exertion or otherwise, was dispersed across Equestria. While she might not be quite as powerful as she was before, Tia did recover her alicorn magic, and you can tell by her build. Not only did she regain all the weight and color she had lost after being drained, but she's looking brighter than ever. Her wings seem a bit livelier, and her chest floof is... the floofiest it has ever been. She might even be putting on a few healthy pounds here and there. Her bright smile greets you, and the sunlight coming in behind her reflects off of the beautiful golden ring adorning her horn. Yup, your wife is looking as lovely as ever today.

"How was the store today, dear?"

She takes a few steps towards you before wrapping a hoof around you in a casual hug. You return the favor, gently scratching the back of her neck a bit.

"Ah, the usual. A few students from the School of Friendship came in around lunchtime to celebrate passing their history exam, so I guess it was a bit livelier than usual. How'd your visit with Queen Novo go?"

"It was lovely! You should really join me next time. Hippogriffia is wonderful this time of year!"

"Hey, any time you want me to join you on one of your adventures, just ask. I'll close the shop in a heartbeat."

"I know you will, which is why I ask sparingly. Otherwise, the shop would go under, my little human."

She playfully nudges your chest with a hoof before taking a seat at a nearby table, clearly expecting you to serve her some tea. You can't help but chuckle as a vivid memory comes to mind. You quickly make your way to the front door, locking it and making sure that the sign is set to "closed." Then, you make your way behind the counter and gather a freshly brewed pot of tea as well as a set of expensive teacups you got from Canterlot. Bringing them to the table, you hand Tia a cup, which she gratefully levitates towards herself before allowing you to fill it with tea, just the way she likes it. Then, you do the same for yourself and sit across from her. You both take a sip, relishing the taste while simply enjoying the company. Eventually, you decide to break the silence.

"You know, I think requesting to have tea with you was the best decision I ever made."

"Oh? Do tell."

"Come on, Tia. If I hadn't, we wouldn't have gotten so close."

"Well, I don't know about that. I thought I was being awfully persistent with those early meetings of ours."

"Maybe, but you were also being really formal. In case you forgot, I only requested tea so that I could figure out what was bothering you so much."

"Yes, you have always been nosy when it came to my affairs."

"Hey, I didn't mean it like-"

"Hmhm, I know, darling. Sorry, I can't help but tease you about that sometimes. You know that was one of the reasons why I fell in love with you." You feel your cheeks flush a little bit as you take another sip of tea, and she does the same. "You have gotten remarkably good at brewing tea. You wouldn't happen to be trying to impress me, would you?"

"That depends. Are you impressed?"

"Hmmmm. Maybe a little."

"Then maybe I am. A little."

The two of you share a laugh. This tea ceremony that the two of you love so much has become a nightly occurrence since you were wed. Right here, right now... this is where you're meant to be. The two of you, just happy to exist. Knowing that you're both incredible in your own special ways, and that you have earned this life. You may not be able to see the future, but there is no doubt that it will be filled with love and joy, forever. With these thoughts filling both of your heads, you drink your tea for two well into the night.

Some things never change.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading, and thank you for joining me on this wonderful journey! It has certainly been a fun experience, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Don't worry, though, I'm not going anywhere. I'm also not done with these characters! I have plenty more story ideas for our favorite human, Celestia, the tea shop, etc. This is just the end of this overarching narrative we've had going on since "Royal-Tea for Two." Please look forward to more laid-back, one-shot type stories from me for a while. As always, I appreciate any and all feedback, and please remember to be kind to one another!

Comments ( 21 )

Okay, what is wrong with these ponies!? :ajbemused:

Through out the story's that I have seen this one was the most greatest all that you made it shows the you put a lot of care on the adventures of the series thank you for making this.

P'S this honestly made me feel sad and happy in the same time keep on going and never stop maybe there will be a sequel or another story to come who knows but what I do know is this story was one of the greatest ever.

I love this series so much :twilightsmile:
I can’t wait to see what else you come up with :pinkiehappy:

This series is awesome! This latest entry had me on the edge of my seat! I am so happy that Celly was saved and they now live happily ever after!

Frome what "The First" tried to get rid of the Human, only makes him stronger 💪.

Fearing her own words against herself. Is "The Last" of her in the end.

Seem like there is a new religion for our little human friend.


Comment posted by OP Omni God-Emperor Doom deleted Apr 8th, 2023

Read what? There isn't a link. What are you talking about?

Comment posted by OP Omni God-Emperor Doom deleted Apr 8th, 2023

I did read it, just what is the problem? If you have a problem with a story then say what it is instead of just telling others to read and have them figure it out.


Do I have to specifically explain it?

Fine. Firstly, Celestia is in trouble. And it seems that she is going to be sacrificed by a clearly no-good alicorn "goddess" that wants "her" powers back.

And while our human protagonist is obviously worried about his fiance. But, what about Luna, Twilight, Candace, or everypony else?

They firstly ain't doing anything to save Celestia ( Not even her own sister or former student!? )!? I mean, why are they suddenly not caring about her safety anymore?

Haven't they faced similar threats from previous MLP villains. Why is everypony ( Especially Twilight and Luna. ) are just suddenly too cowardly and chicken to defy this "First" alicorn jerk?

So Out-of-Character ( OOC ) of them all!

Sure, in the end. They finally stop being cowards, and aid our human hero. But it DOESN'T excuse them for not helping earlier. And they should be totally ashamed of themselves.

And secondly, do you know what's the worst part? Several ponies and other non-pony creatures are worshipping the clearly EVIL "goddess" b**** that doesn't give a crap to the "mortals" in the end anyway.

The only good thing out of this? Is that our human protagonist has common sense NOT to trust this "First" b****, AND he clearly has a whole lot of steel balls than all of ponykind ( Whole bunch of cowards!!! ) to bravely save Celestia by himself.

Now do you see what I mean?

Edit: I deleted my previous two comments. Because, I regretfully agree with you. This time, I explained about this.

Ok now you're making sense. No one else helping can be summed up in one word: Fear.

The First isn't some mere villain hellbent on conquering/destorying Equestria, she was THE Goddess, a being that can create and destroy on a mere whim, who is able to erase creatures from existence if they don't fall in line or she doesn't think they belong, as demonstrated in the previous story. If things don't go her way, then she won't hesitate to just wipe the board clean and start from scratch, like she intended to do when Twilight offered her hoof of friendship. Everyone else accepted it must be because they were too scared to defy The First.

As for ponies worshipping her, they were ignorant, their whole lives they were told that The First is a benevolent being who cares for nothing but the wellbeing of Equestria, only the princesses knew enough of the truth to see for who she really was and fear her. But don't forget that she lost her followers when she admitted live on camera that she is willing to sacrifice innocent creatures for the future SHE wants, even saying they should be honored that they died by her hooves. It was then everyone saw just what she really was and stopped worshipping her immediately.

When the truth was revealed, Twilight, Cadence, Luna and everyone else decided Goddess or not, they cannot sit by and let her do as she pleases for the "greater good" any longer.


Well, glad she is permanently dead and gone. Some "immortal goddess" she was. :ajsmug:

Man this series was great
I do hope we get a one-shot or story later of the damm wedding. The multi story build up made me thing this climax story was going to occur on the wedding day. I still wasnt the wedding story shenanigans tho.


True but probably any modern weaponry would do, nuke most likely tactical nuke.

I feel like there's a bit of a lack of emphasis on killing God, but still a lovely end to a lovely series.

This was a lovely series to read through

Human kills God, treats it like any other tuesday

Fucken C H A D

I was never much of reading fanfics, or even books at all, but this is the most engaging and creative series i've readed! i am happy i was able to find and read the Royal Tea series, i really didn't expect this banger of storytelling! you definitely made my nights way better and fun than i ever could imagine while i was reading this masterpiece.

i appreciate so much the time you spent writting and developping your stories, even when all this started with a simple concept of "human go to pony world", Somehow, on each of your releases you manage to keep the readers engaged. keep dreaming!

Dude, I wish I was exaggerating. Anon literally flew his ass up to Heaven, saw Pony God and just went:

Absolutely amazing.


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