• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 296 Views, 3 Comments


A story I had on my Har drive since 2019

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Chapter 3: the final chapter that that my young self made

As the portal opened for the final time it immediately dropped Twilight, Starlight, Spike, and the remaining droids onto the table in the same place where twilight and spike got sucked in where it all started. It seemed like the portal didn’t want them to go back because it pulled the scroll twilight used which was almost ripped, but not the least it folded into a blue ball of magic as it brought back the map onto the table before headed up into the portal as it disappeared. Then a bright flash covered the inside of the castle and what was around it brought back ponyville, a village where Twilight lived. As every pony was getting back on their feet spike when to kiss the floor of the castle.” One castle of friendship. Check!” “Gross! Why would you kiss the floor.” Moss said disgusted. “Does not compute. Does not compute.” The tactical droid repeated as he laid on the floor Infront of two large doors still confused about everything that has happened up to this point. The rest of the droids got back up on their feet with a few hopping on one foot and a B1 without a head. “Is this another timeline? Do we need to find a way back again?” Kalm questioned. Twilight and Starlight giggled. “No need. We're back in my home.” Twilight answered, “Well that’s a relief. I don’t think I can go through more problems again” as every pony was getting back up. The two large doors opened wide and accidentally hit the head of the Tactical droid back to the group of B1’s and B2’s. In the entrance of the door were five ponies which in this case was Twilight’s friends. “What in Equestria was-” Before Rarity could finish her sentence, it was interrupted by the Tactical droid. “Hostiles detected.” The droids then lifted their blasters, prepared to fire. The five ponies huddled together scared for their lives. "WAIT!” Twilight shouted which got everyone's attention. “they’re my friends not enemies. You can put your weapons down.” The droids then lowered their weapons. Twilight when over to her to calm them down. “It ok. They were just surprised; they won’t hurt you.” The five ponies looked at each other then back at Twilight. “Ah'll right. We’ll trust you but explain to us what those are.” Applejack said pointing at the droid group with the remaining 11 B1’s, 7 B2’s, not counting Moss, Klam, Brute, and the Tactical Droid head. “That’s your biggest concern?” Rainbow Dash interrupted “How about ask how they are still standing. They have missing limbs!” She was right. Most of the droids Ethier had something less severe like a missing hand, but others had leftovers of an arm or were hopping on one leg, one even had a missing head. “Oh dear, your poor things.” Flutter shy wanted to hug them, but she thought it was best if no one touched where there were missing body parts. “Darling. What they need is to go to a hospital.” Rarity suggested “We do not need organic help.” the Tactical droid replied in his monotone voice. When Rarity looked over at the talking head she screamed. “IT’S ALIVE!” she screamed. “Of course, I'm alive. I do not require a body to function.” he replied. Rarity would have fainted if it wasn’t for Flutter shy who caught her before she fell. Ooooo! Pinkie pie looked in the eyes of the droid head as she got up close to him. “Why are you staring, I may not have a body but as a war tactician I can command my droids to attack you, but I calculate an 85% probability that you will leave me alone till I regain my body.” pinkie pie then grabbed his head in her hooves and spun around in circles with happiness “Your funny.” she replied with a smile. “I am not programmed to provide humor.” as every pony was calming down applejack then pointed at starlight. “Uh. What is she doing here?” as the ponies began to glance away with worried looks. Starlight looked away sadly before twilight when over to her. “Actually, it’s kind of a long story.” A jump cut goes to starlight pacing outside of the doors with the droid just watching her pace as the main six were talking in the room with the map. “Hey Starlight.” Moss said as he when over to her. “It must be worrying, but I have been with ponies for some time so I know nothing bad will happen to you. They always treat ponies with kindness.” Starlight felt reassured but was still scared. The doors then opened with Spike using his claw to signal that the main six were done talking. She gulped before she when in with the droids following her. As they when in the main 6 were looking at Starlight, but not in a bad way since they were smiling. “I know there is no excuse for what I did, but I want you to know that I'm ready for whatever punishment you think is fair.” Starlight told the six ponies. “I think it’s wise to place her in a contain-.” The tactical droid replied but was immediately shut by Moss. “And continue.” Twilight gave him a weird look before turning back to Starlight. “I’ve been thinking about how badly equestria fared without just one group of friends. Because even when one friendship dies the results can be disastrous.” “I know first hoof how true that can be. “Starlight said disappointingly. “And that’s why I've asked you here. If you're willing to learn I'm willing to teach you what I know. You’ll have the power to make equestria an even better place.” The other five were looking at her with smiles all around “How do I start?” Starlight asked. “Starting is easy. All you must do is make a friend, and you’ve got seven of them right here.” Twilight finished as the other ponies and spike got around Starlight. She felt happy to have friends again. “Thank you.” she said as they all embraced in a hug. “Hey!” Moss interrupted. “Sorry if I ruined your moment, but do you think you could still help us.” “Of course, we will Darling, but first all of you need to go to the spa if you don’t want to go to the hospital, we’ll need you to look presentable to the public.” Rarity said. “Oh no they don’t. Their machine if I ever saw one, they need to get to someone that can fix them up.” Applejack told Rarity. “They're just as much as living as machine.” Rarity argued back. Both Applejack and Rarity then gave each other angry glares eye to eye. “Um. Some of us are just fine and don’t need repairs. You can just take the ones that won’t need them.” Klam suggested. Applejack and Rarity then gave him a surprised look before turning to each other. “Well, I suppose that can work.” Rarity said to applejack. “I agree, you’ll take the ones that’ll won’t need fixing, and I'll take the ones that need a fixing.” They both agreed. “Alright darlings who does not need Uh... Fixing?” It felt weird saying that. Moss, Klam and Brute when up to Rarity since they were in good condition. “Goodness. You'll need to clean all the muck on your body once we get to the spa. “Well, we needed it for camouflage.” Moss said. “But not so much now.” then two more B1’s and B2’s walked over to rarity also not having any missing parts. “Is that everyone then, time to go darlings.” Rarity said as she headed for the doors and the droids followed her out the room. “She a weird one.” one of the B1’s said before leaving the room. That left Applejack with the rest of the droids. “Well... theirs's a lot more of Ya than I expected.” she stated. Counting them all there were 9 B1’s, 5 B2’s, and the Tactical droid head. “Um. Twilight, I may need to borrow some bits. I heard there was a blacksmith in Appaloosa, made they can get fixed up there?” “Sure applejack, meet me at the train station once I finish something up here.” “Alight, thanks Twilight.” Applejack then headed to the door and picked up the tactical droid head. “Unhand me.” The droid replied. “Ya wants to get fixed up.” she told the droid before putting him on her back and with the rest of the droids headed to the door. Once the applejack and the remaining droids were gone twilight got the ponies and spike to prepare for something. “I was thinking we could do something special for the droids once they're done. Since they had never seen us before. So.” Twilight then whispered in Pinkie Pies ear. “You mean.” Pinkie said twilight nodded “This will be the best party ever!” she said excitedly before zipping out the door. “Come on girls. Let's help.”

“Welcome to the Ponyville Day Spa!” Rarity announced. The droids looked at the place. It was a much larger building than they could have expected. It kind of looked like a small outpost. So, this is the place that will give us a clean?” Moss asked “Not just that darling. They will make you feel relaxed here.” “It’s not just for cleaning.” Moss did think it would be nice to finally relax after years of sure constant fighting from Chryilis and the Galactic Republic. “I guess It sounds nice” Moss said trying to be Polite. “Well once you get in, you’ll never want to leave.” she said eagerly as they when into the spa. “Welcome Rarity!” two ponies said as they eagerly when in front of them. They both had long straightened hair and were the same colors, but they had it in different way. One had blue hair, but a pink body and the other had pink hair, but a blue body. “How may we serve you?” they replied. “I won’t be the only one. Right behind me are some of Twilight’s new friends. So, I need them to look clean as possible.” They nodded at each other. “Ok, come with us” one of the ponies said with the droids responding by following her, but rarity stopped them. “You know darlings, you don’t need to bring those things in your hands.” pointing at the B1’s E-5 Blaster Rifles. “Oh. Sure.” Moss replied as he put down his blaster on a nearby table followed by Klam doing the same. “But. We need these for protection.” one of the other B1’s said. “Does this place look like it’s an enemy base.” Moss told the B1. “Um. Kind of?” it questioned. “Do you want to get cleaned or not.” The droid hesitated for a moment but decided it would not be a problem and put down their weapons. As they followed the two ponies into a room, they saw a tub filled with steaming water, a room filled with steam, some chairs lined up together, a few other things that were hard to explain. “This place looks nice.” Klam said. “I’m glad you like it” Rarity replied. “I suggest you head on over to the bath over there.” point over at the tub. “But it’s not filled with oil.” Moss said. “How do we get ourselves-cleaned?” “OIL!? Darling. Oil is for industrial purposes. Why would you want to clean yourselves in something like that?” Moss didn’t want to argue with Rarity, besides he just wanted to get clean, and he was waterproof so the water wouldn’t hurt him. He just hoped that the water would be enough. “Well, if you want, we can just go in.” Moss asked. “You’ll need to go in anyways, if you try it that least. It's not bad at all.” Moss walked up to the tub. The water did look nice. “You sure this is a good idea?” Klam said. “Well, we are waterproof, so it won’t hurt us.” both Moss and Klam hopped in in the tub. It was a weird feeling, but in a nice way. Brute and the other droid were a little hesitant but hopped in anyways. “This isn’t so bad.” Klam said. “See, there you go darlings. Now I will be in the Steam room. But Aloe will be by your side if you need anything.” Rarity said before heading to the steam room. The droids just sat in the tub hoping that this would clean them. “You need to put the soap in first”

“Alright. We're here.” Applejack said to the droid group pointing at the train station. “Where? I cannot see this Location since you put me in this bag. The Tactical droid complained being locked in a bag that applejack was carrying on her back. “Well, I don’t want you to scare any pony from seeing a talking head. Your machine buddies already could scare some ponies for not having limbs.” Applejack told him. “Even so. We are machines. We shouldn’t give anyone a scare. We were never programmed to do that.” Applejack didn’t like the droid talking in such a strange way. “Location? Programmed? These guys are much stranger than I thought.” Applejack told herself. As they were waiting for the train to come by many ponies looked at the droid group with surprise, never seeing such tall things before. One filly when right up to a B1 unit with a missing left arm. The filly was holding a box of cookies in his mouth. Holding it up to the droid. “Oh. Thanks!” the B1 said pick up a cookie before patting the head of the filly. The filly giggled before running back to his parents. “That was nice. But what is this?” the B1 said looking at the Cookie. “How do you not know what a cookie is?” Applejack said. “Huh. It looks like a transfer disc.” another B1 with a missing right hand said. “What transfers disc. Those are inefficient.” The Tactical droid said. “Sh! Keep your yap quiet.” Applejack told the droid hoping no one heard him in her bag. Luckly the train arrived just in time for them to get on before more ponies came up to them. Applejack and the droid group headed onto the train. There were lots of ponies on the train. They all stared at Applejack and the group of droids as they found places to sit down. One B2 with part of his left arm missing and only having the shoulder sat down near a mother and her child. The filly looked up at the B2 with wide eyes as the B2 turned to the filly’s direction. ‘What do you want?” the B2 said in his deep voice. The mother then grabbed her filly close to her and scooted and inch away from the B2.

“Now that was refreshing.” Rarity said has she and the droids came out of the spa. The droids were all clean from any muck that was on them before, Moss felt great after the clean. He could feel all his joints moving smoothly and his head felt like it was just adjusted. “I feel right out of the assembly line.” Moss said gladly. Rarity then turned to Moss. “That’s why you asked about oil.” “Well...yeah.” Moss replied, “Even then it still felt great.” “See I told you darling.” she said happily. “Now I don’t know if you saw it, but Twilight came over to tell me to bring you back to the Castle.” “Oh really? Why?” Moss asked, “We’ll find out at the castle.” she replied. As they headed over to the castle the town looked dead, but Moss took the guess that they were inside their houses because of a coming storm. Moss didn’t like the rain. It always happens in the rainforest and when it doesn’t it was only for a few moments. When they got to the castle it was dark inside before the lights were turned on “SUPRISE!” an entire group of ponies shouted. The 4 B1’s jump scared with one of them falling over. The 3 B2’s were about to lift their weapons, but Brute realized they were the town ponies and got the other 2 to put down their weapons. “Happy welcome!” Pinkie Pie came up to the group Excitingly. “We had a Suprise party set up just for you guys.” she said happily. Moss had never seen her this happy before. He would have said something before when he saw Twilight’s Pinkie Pie, but he thought it would be weird to say something that wouldn’t make sense to her. He still wanted to be thankful for it. “This place looks much different now.” he said. “Of course, silly. Every pony came to the party!” Pinkie Pie said as she grabbed Moss and brought him over to a table filled with different types of treats. “What would you like? We've got Cupcakes, cookies, punch, and more!” Moss felt bad that he couldn’t eat food since he wasn’t organic. But he wanted to be nice. “Sure. I will take one of those Cupcakes.” Moss said. “Oke Doke!” She said before handing Moss a Cupcake and then hopping happily away. “But sir. You're not organic.” Klam asked, “I know, I’m just being nice.” Moss replied. He needed to do something with the cupcake since he couldn’t just hold it in his hands. He then saw a grey Pegasus with yellow hair chomping on some cupcakes so moss when over to her. “Hey. You want this?” “Oh sure! Thanks stranger.” Pegasus said before continuing to eat the cupcakes. With that out of the way he could enjoy the party that was made for him and the droids. He saw the rest of the droids split up and some talking to some ponies. He knew everything would go well.

The train stopped with a loud screech from its gears before coming to a halt. As Applejack and the droids got off the train many ponies were starting to look at her and the group. She was starting to get uncomfortable with all this attention. “Let's pick up the pace before we're surrounded by every pony.” Applejack Told the droids “They will not be a problem. I will have the droids prepared to attack when needed.” The Tactical droid said. “NO!” Applejack shouted, but this caused more ponies to look in her direction. “Can you not please. We don’t want any pony getting hurt.” she whispered into the bags where the droid was. “I’m programmed to assist in battle with any available troops.” “Enough with your program hooligan things. It’s not helping one bit.” Apple explained to the droid. “If you so wish. Organics can sometimes be annoyed by someone.” Applejack got the first part, but really didn’t like how the droid was trying to be the smart one in this situation. After a little bit Applejack finally found the blacksmith place with a sign saying Bill’s Blacksmith Shop. “Finally. This must be the place.” she said gladly. “I don’t like this place.” A B1 with a missing left leg said. “We’ve been made in a factory before. How could you fear a metal shop?” another B1 one with a missing right leg said. “don’t tell me you don’t know what a blacksmith is too.” The droids look at her. “Sorry sir.” “I’m a mare!” Applejack shouted at the B1. “Ok... mare. Sir?” the B1 couldn’t tell that a mare meant madam. As she was going to bend her head in Frustration a door opened behind her. As she turned around, she saw a Stallion with a camo green coat and a brown mane staring with wide eyes. “You ok partner?” The camo green pony looked at applejack. “I never seen things like these before. Are they from a village in the mountains?”

Author's Note:

Didn't even try to finish this one. and that wraps up my not very well written story. hope you enjoyed it.

Comments ( 3 )

for the title: "Hero's" implies either a guy named "Hero" doing something, a person titled "Hero" who "is___", or "Hero" possessing an object. I'm assuming you're looking for the plural for "hero" which would be "heroes."

I'm open to your opinions.

For starters, long and short descriptions should describe the story, not where the source file has been.

Comment posted by Anaylze deleted Apr 20th, 2023
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