• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago

Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.


Principal Celestia had always looked up to Miss Harshwhinny. The stern, professional woman was the rock of the school. They were friends, even though they never met outside of work.

Until the day Harshwhinny invited her to dinner.

Written for the May Pairings Contest 2023!

Cover art by Kiose!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

That was cute. It's nice to find love, even as you enter your middle years.
I like how Nags and Celly play off each other. They are a fun match.
Thanks for writing!

This is wierdly kinda sweet.

There we go.
I see surprisingly little Principal Celestia fics, but I can always tell that this type of ship, the ‘Sunshine x Sunshine Protector’ type, would be perfect for her.
Letting Celestia act as she truly wants to while whoever else would be dragged along for the ride, supporting her and making sure she doesn’t do anything too stupid.

Next Monday at school
Luna:"bla bla bla bla . . of course . . Harshie-Poo . ." *snickers*

A sweet little fic. I'm a bit of a sucker for the 'keeps everyone at arms length but is really actually kind' archetype.

VERY CUTE!!! the "older women wlw fics" market in mlp is understandably a little dry so its nice to see someone fill in this niche

Love the dynamic between the two, it's a great read.

Unexpected and adorbs.

Ohh I didn't know what to expect going in since I never read anything with either of them. But this??? Really really kept me on my toes. It was such a fun read!! <3
Their dynamic and the dialogue felt so natural and still so intense???!! I didn't think much of Harshwhinny but I adore how you wrote her here <3 I am apparently a sucker for cold appearing characters being flustered and all shy.
Undeniably cute and adorable <33

Surprisingly good, a nice little surprise. Pacing I think it's what sells it. Paced great for such a short story, makes it believable.

This was a real nice read.
I specially love how Harshwhinny sees Celestia, like there's so much more to Celestia that just a smile and an easy going attitude, and I love the way in which Harshwhinny enumerates it like she's making a list. She's so methodical and approaching romance with that same mentality makes the read incredibly fun and very fitting for a character like her.
And the confession? Oof, real good stuff. It feels truly fitting that Harshwhinny has very clear opnions and thoughts and knows exactly what she wants, but her own strict nature holds her back from going all the way in her pursue of a relationship with Celestia, and it clashes so nicely with Celestia's open approach to things (and their little banter about their age was specially fun).
And the way you close everything is real nice too. Like I specially liked how you closed the first scene with Harshwhinny mentioning how an "evening away" would do Celestia good and in the end you close with the promise of more evenings that will also do Harshwhinny good. I just really liked that connection.
Very, very wholesome and an enjoyable read :D
Thanks for writing it!!

I always says this, but it's always true: You write my favorite Harshwhinnies.

I like the dialogue between these two. It feels very straightforward and sincere.

It's just two adults (professionals, even) having an adult conversation expressing feelings, vulnerability, and comfort.

Thanks for posting.

Quick, easy, and sweet. Nice balance of both of them struggling in turn, Celestia before the first line break and Harshwhinny in the second. Part of me wanted to see a bit more from Harshwhinny in the dinner scene. Even though she's more subdued than Celestia, I wanted a little more agency on her end rather than just letting Celestia go in for the kill. Overall it was a pleasant time. Thanks for sharing.

Loved this, it's very sweet.

This is an immensely sweet and moving tale. Thanks for it!:raritywink:

Lovely stuff all around, and efficiently presented to make the relationship feel earned in so few years. Commendably professional. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

lovely. This is very sweet!

this is just fucking adorable

Hey, this story makes me want to check out the character of Miss Harshwhinny some day. Maybe devote some thought to her.


She's the best. :heart: Maybe you could do like a 1st person character blog for her sometime, that's be cool af.

The romance feels good because it feels so natural.

These characters have a pre-established relationship, which makes their romance grounded and sincere.

Their dynamic is such a treat to read. Nagatha and Celestia fit together so unexpectedly well, and the writing is so airy and lovely. It's such an easy and feel-good read, I love it.

I wish this ship was more popular, it's so good. <33

Sweet & fluffy. It's good.

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