• Published 14th May 2023
  • 5,020 Views, 1,475 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 24

“Miss Sparks,” I said, “Can you give the answer on the blackboard?”

Twilight blinked as the dream solidified before she smiled, “That would be the square root of fifty seven.”

I glanced over my shoulder before I nodded, “If you say so.”

The dream I found her in was not an unusual one. Of sitting in a classroom with other colts and fillies. She looked like she was forteen or so. Instead of disrupting it, I just slipped into one of the roles.

Adorable too, but still alicorn in the dream.

Twilight grinned, “Page, I know you can do that math. It’s part of spell creation!” and leaned against her desk.

I stuck my tongue out at her and adjusted my jacket slightly, “Yes, but not in my head in a second! It would take me a couple of minutes and pen and paper at least!”

“Most ponies do,” Sparks agreed and then settled back down, “Sorry for interrupting, sir. Please continue the lesson.”

I eyed her suspiciously before I allowed the dream to slip halfway into the dream state once more before doing so.

It was material I knew after all, so I started to teach the class.

Sparks asked some good questions as well. Questions that made me really think at times.

“What about the metamagic coefficient, sir?” Twilight asked, her hoof held up, “Would that not affect the transfer rate?”

“So it would,” I agreed, “Which is why your horn doesn't explode when you cast a spell, there is a natural rate limit to how fast your magic can flow. This actually differs between different casters,” I said before I glanced at the clock, “And that’s all we have time for today.”

Everypony else in the class started to pack up and leave, but Twilight remained in her seat until everypony else had left.

Then she slipped off her seat and approached, “Sir?”

“One second,” I said and tapped my hoof, causing Twilight to grow to late teens, “There, a lot less creepy now, miss.”

Twilight looked across herself and then eyed me, “Whatever do you mean, sir? I hope you weren’t expecting something untowards?” she asked as she slowly moved closer, nose almost touching mine as her eyes met mine.

I swallowed, “Uhm…I…” I said smartly as my brain kinda short circuited.

Sparks grinned, taking a step back before looking herself over, “...You know, I wasn’t quite this pretty.”

“I am absolutely sure you were.”

Sparks blushed softly, “...It wasn’t that long ago either.”

“Feels like it though, doesn't it?” I asked and moved next to her, slipping a wing across her back, “So much has happened.”

She nodded, leaning against me, “Yes, sir.”

I raised an eyebrow and glanced at her, “Still playing, huh?”

Sparks glanced up at me, “Maybe a little,” she teased, “And it feels right for the setting. You still have the dream in… what did you call it, story telling mode?”

“Ah yes, mostly,” I admitted and nosed at her ear, “I haven’t solidified it fully. So it’s still affecting you… and me if I let it.”

She nodded and smiled, “I do know a little dream magic. But I can’t really use it yet other than for small stuff.”

I smiled, “Such as?”

Twilight focused, biting her lower lip in a rather cute way. I felt the dream shift around us and the color of her uniform changed to red from blue.

“Good job,” I said with a smile, “A plus, Miss Sparks!”

Twilight smiled, “Thank you, sir,” she said and stepped back, wings raised before she looked at me, “...How are things going with Princess Celestia? The lessons, I mean.”

“They are going well,” I said and smiled, “She really is an amazing teacher, I learned so much. Being able to learn in reality helps so much. Theory and basic practice works in dreams, but… actually in reality is different.”

“It really is,” Twilight agreed, “Theory is all well and good, but practice is as much if not more important.”

“You know,” I said and moved closer, nose almost touching hers, “When I get back, maybe we can do some lessons as well?”

Twilight smiled at me, “Would I be the teacher then?”


“Could I still wear the little skirt?” she teased, “I can tell that you like it.”

Swallowing, I shifted my wings, “I… I think I would enjoy that, yes. But it may be a bit distracting.”

Twilight giggled and pulled back slightly, winking at me, “Or motivating,” she teased.

“You…,” I managed to say, “...has been spending too much time with Luna.”

“Would you like to know what we talk about?” Twilight teased before she smiled, “Actually, I think it’s the dream,” she admitted and turned a bit to the side, wings raised as she looked herself over, “I had these feelings back then, but no experience or confidence so I just ignored it the best I could,” before she smiled at me, moving closer to round me, wing brushing along mine as she moved up around my other side, “Now I have all of it, sir. Knowledge… experience…feelings…”

I swallowed again, mouth suddenly quite dry, “I… I could solidify the dream fully, have it stop affecting you.”

“You will not. I’m enjoying this, sir,” Twilight said before she smiled, “and before you try to distract me, Sunset told me not to tell you any details about Nocturnis.”

“Oh,” I said, “Going well then?”

“Very well,” she said and moved closer, nose touching mine as she bit her lower lip cutely again, “Perhaps earned me a bit of a reward, sir? Maybe some… extra credit?”

I took half a step back, my rear hitting the wall but she just followed smoothly without missing a step.


I was not used to Sparks being this aggressive. Maybe I better make sure the dream wasn’t affecting her more than I thought.

I tapped one hoof, solidifying the dream fully.

Twilight blinked at me, “Oh,” she said before she looked at me a bit hesitantly and took half a step back, “...Too much?

“...No? Just making sure yo-”

“Then turn it back on!”

“Yes ma’am!”