• Published 5th Feb 2024
  • 162 Views, 88 Comments

Thomas and Friends: Northern Soul - The Blue EM2

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I'm Fixing a Hole where the Rain Gets In

Outside a cafe in Falmouth, Sunny, Hitch, and Grandma Figgy sat down and waited. And waited. And waited.

"Any clue when she'll be here?" Hitch asked.

"Patience, Hitch!" Figgy replied. "Minty is a person with her own schedule."

"Fair point," Sunny admitted, checking her own watch. "Perhaps order a drink while we wait?"

"Anybody for tea?" Hitch offered.

Just then, Grandma Figgy looked over and indicated in a direction. "There she is! She's arrived!"

A woman with green skin and white hair, and dressed in what seemed to be jogging gear, was approaching them.

"She looks older than I imagined," Hitch admitted.

"Remember most of the photos of her performing were taken when she was in her late teens and twenties," Grandma Figgy pointed out. "The passage of time changes all of us, and sometimes not for the better."

Just then, Minty seemed to spot them, and she walked over and took a seat. "Hey Figgy. It's been a while."

"No problem, Minty," Grandma Figgy replied. "It's like old times." Seeing Hitch and Sunny's confusion, she turned to them. "I used to bake for Minty and her bandmates, Snuzzle and Bluebell. They just could not resist my Key Lime pie!"

"That's always true," Minty smiled, remembering the old days. "But that was then, and this is now. Anything I can help you with?"

Sunny nodded. "There's a special event happening in Bury this weekend, and features music. We were wondering-"

"Who's 'we'?" Minty asked.

"Me, my friends, and the East Lancashire Railway," Hitch clarified.

"But anyway," Sunny continued, "we were wondering if you could get the Dreamlands back together to perform at it?"

Minty's face fell. "I don't know. We had a pretty nasty falling out when the Dreamlands broke up, and I haven't spoken to either Snuzzle or Bluebell in a long time. We more or less embarked on solo careers. And who would be interested in seeing some group from 40 years ago performing? We're a bunch of old fossils!"

"I wouldn't call 58 old," Grandma Figgy said. "You shouldn't be so harsh on yourself, Minty. People still listen to the Dreamlands."

"Yeah!" Sunny said. "You continue to sell millions of records every year, are discussed in major musical publications, and arguably created the girl group phenomenon in the 1980s! People still love you guys, and I have absolutely no doubt they'll turn out in droves to see you all perform again. Just remember how many people turned out when Bellowhead reunited a few years ago!"

Minty smiled. "You do have a point. I'll see if I can do what Paul McCartney was unable to do and reunite the Beatles. Hopefully there won't be too much animosity." She then spotted a basket. "Figgy, is that a Key Lime Pie?"

"Guilty as charged," Grandma Figgy smiled.

Minty glanced back to Sunny. "Just one more thing. We won't be shoved off to the side on some old timer stage, will we?"

"Nope!" Sunny said. "I'll see to it you three headline!"

"Here's hoping I can still hit all the notes!" Minty laughed.

"Thanks for agreeing to speak to me!" Misty said, as she sat down in a chair.

"No problem!" said the figure she was meeting, a woman with purple and red hair currently arranged in dreadlocks. She had reddish skin combined with green eyes, and was currently dressed fairly casually in a T shirt and jeans. "I always make sure to leave time for my fans. After all, without you guys I wouldn't be where I am now."

Misty smiled, clearly excited to be meeting her musical idol. "I was wondering if we could discuss a concert?"

Ruby nodded to a guard. "Well, what's the proposal?"

"There's this place somewhere in the north of England who are putting on a special music event and I was wondering if you could appear? They could really do with a big act," Misty said.

Ruby took a look at her journal and skimmed to next weekend. "Is this a for profit or charity?"

"The concerts are supporting Musical Minds, a charity that helps disadvantaged children discover music."

Ruby smiled. "Why didn't you lead with that? They're a charity I support, given music is how I was able to escape poverty. There's just one slight problem."

"Oh." Misty's face fell.

"I like to write a new song for every venue I perform at, as it gives a personal connection to each location. The only problem is I've never been to- where did you say it was?"

"Burrs Country Park, near Bury in Lancashire." Misty flicked to a photo on her phone that Pipp had advised her to show. "This is what's currently going on. It's called the Lumabloom or something similar."

"This is perfect inspiration material!" Ruby grinned. "In fact, I'm already having some ideas!" She grabbed a notepad and scribbled some words down. "Consider me onboard!"

Misty nodded. "Well, it was nice talking to you, Ruby. I need to be on my way now as the last train back to Falmouth leaves soon, but thanks for agreeing to do this."

"No problem," Ruby smiled, as Misty went on her way. "Hmmm. Something about her felt different somehow."

Pipp was waiting for the others in her room when suddenly there was a buzz on the desk. She reached over and pushed a button. "Hello?"

"Miss Phillipa, your friends have arrived," said a voice.

"Send them up, Wadsworth," Pipp replied, whilst saving her existing music. One person sea shanties could wait until they'd finished talking.

A few minutes later, every walked in through the door. "So, how'd it go?"

"We've got Electric Blue!" Zipp said. "They agreed after learning it's Summer of Love themed. They even plan to perform Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in its entirely."

Pipp put a hand to her chin. "I wonder how they intend to do 'A Day in the Life'?"

"They'll probably have some clever technical way," Zipp noted.

Hitch was the next to speak. "Minty has said she'll contact Bluebell and Snuzzle and try and get the band back together. It's not the best result but it's a start."

"Best of luck to them," Pipp said, ticking another box on a piece of paper. "Well, that's two groups booked. Misty, how did your expedition to Exeter go?"

Misty bounced up and down excitedly. "Ruby Jubilee agreed to do it! I'm still slightly in disbelief myself, but it clearly worked!"

Pipp smiled. "So, that's all three acts, but there's an added logistical challenge we need to tackle."

"What's that?" Sunny asked.

Pipp smiled nervously. "I was on the phone with the event organiser earlier today..."

Pipp's phone suddenly buzzed, and she lifted the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Is this Pipp Petals?" asked a voice in a strong Northern accent.

"Yes. Why?"

"I'm Jerry Calsterwell. I'm in charge of the event planning for the East Lancashire Railway's Half Term Gala. We talked previously over email?"

"I remember," Pipp said. "How can I help you?"

"Thanks for agreeing to try and secure some musical acts," Jerry said. "But I presume you'll be bringing the others, right?"

Pipp's eyes temporarily darted about. "Who are 'the others'?"

"The engines of Falmouth are very famous- a lot of people want to see them as a result of that feature on the BBC about a month ago. We think the engines could be big tourist draw for visitors, so we were wondering if you could bring them with you to Bury?"

Pipp looked a tad nervous. "I'll see what I can do. Thanks for calling!"

She placed her phone down, and looked out of the window. "What have I gotten myself into?"

"Well, it's not impossible to get our engines to Bury, as last December demonstrated," Hitch pointed out. "It is a bit of a long journey, but we can do it."

"Why not have the diesels tow the others to Bury?" Misty suggested. "Otherwise we'd be using more fuel than we need to. Do we have a timetable?"

"We'll get them when we arrive," Pipp replied. "I think that's all we need to discuss."

A few days later, the engine crews were finishing coupling their engines together. Sophie and Charles were coupled to the front, and their engines were rumbling as they prepared to set off. Behind them was Rebecca, and completing this rather wacky formation were Salty, Bellerophon, and Porter.

"We ready to go?" Sophie called.

"I hope they have passenger coaches in Bury," Charles said. "After all this time shunting quarry trains I deserve a passenger turn."

"We'll see," Zipp replied. She picked up the radio. "Are we ready to move off?"

"Good to go here!" Hitch called.

"Cleared for movement!" Misty added.

"Engines secured and axle boxes lubricated!" Sunny radioed.

"Motion stored and ready for motion!" Izzy said. "Just keep an eye out for the Troggles!"

That last comment had the others concerned, but they set off anyway on their long journey to Bury, for the events and times that awaited them.

Author's Note:

Key Lime Pie is a delicacy originally from Key West in Florida. Made using a mixture of lime juice from key limes, egg yolk, and sweetened condensed milk, it is a staple of dessert menus in the American South. Clearly Minty has quite the sweet tooth, although the use of the name does suggest Key West exists in G5 Equestria.

Minty and the Dreamlands are loosely inspired by Destiny's Child, the girl group in which Beyonce made her name. Her remark about the Beatles alludes to the colloquial British expression 'that's like getting the Beatles back together!', which is used to indicate an impossible task. A task that is, sadly, made even more impossible given that John Lennon and George Harrison are no longer with us.

I'll admit I had relatively little knowledge of Sophia Wylie's work before writing this story, but she seems to be a pretty talented singer (and has a fine taste in fashion to boot).

Next time, we return to Bury!