• Published 17th May 2023
  • 1,662 Views, 115 Comments

The Lonely Prince - Caladis

Twilight Sparkle is asked to solve a Friendship Problem for Prince Blueblood, but doesn't know what she's getting into.

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Chapter 6 - Ponyville Party


Blueblood wasn’t happy with the outcome at the Carousel Boutique but trusted Twilight to deal with it. Love required trust, after all.

He walked around the town and asked questions, learned names and made connections. It didn’t take him long to strike up a conversation with Filthy Rich, the owner of Barnyard Bargains. The business pony seemed very pleased to speak to Blueblood in pony.

“Yes sir you betcha… My general store supplies nearly the entire town with everything they could need.”

Blueblood hummed in thought. “And so, you know what ponies in the town needs?”

Mr. Rich smiled. “Of course! I even offer a lay-a-way program for the more expensive items.”

Blueblood tapped his chin. “I’d like to buy some gifts for certain ponies important to my fiancé and other ponies of importance in the town… If I gave you a list of the mares that I need gifts for, could you help me pick something that they would like?”

Mr. Rich nodded enthusiastically. “Of course! And I’ll even have the items delivered at no extra charge.”

Pinkie Pie picked that moment to appear. “Hey BB! The party is going to be at Sugarcube Corner at 6! Don’t be late!”

She raced off again without Blueblood being able to respond. He turned back to Mr. Rich. “I guess you’ll be delivering the items to Sugarcube Corner.”

Mr. Rich rubbed his hooves together. “Not a problem, your highness. Now, lets take a look at that list.”



Twilight left Carousel Boutique both upset and full of anxiety. In her entire life, she had never threatened to end a friendship in the manner that she just did with Rarity. At least it seemed to work. Maybe.

Wandering around the town, she tried and failed to find her fiancé. She checked the library, the jewelry store and the mayor’s office. She finally came to Sugarcube Corner and found the party prep nearly complete with Blueblood chatting with Mrs. Cake.

“So, you can make a ten-tier triple layer wedding cake?”

Mrs. Cake smiled warmly. “Of course I can. This may be a small-town bakery, but we are experts. Anything you want wouldn’t be too much, your highness.”

Twilight sighed with the satisfaction of finally finding Blueblood and walked up to him, planting a chaste kiss on his cheek. He turned to Mrs. Cake. “Can we have a moment please?”

Mrs. Cake bowed and gave a polite, “Of course, your highness,” while Blueblood returned the kiss to Twilight’s own cheek and asked quietly. “So… what happened with Rarity?”

She groaned. “I… I wasn’t very kind to her, but I forced her to open her eyes and see just how bad her drama queen moments can hurt other ponies.”

He frowned. “And how did you do that?”

She looked away from his gaze. “By acting almost the same way she does when she’s at her worst. She can have pride in her work, but she shouldn’t put it in everyponies face. She can ask Spike for help, but she shouldn’t trick him into giving it. She can be generous… without having to show off. She’s coming to the party. I hope she apologizes.”

Blueblood nodded slowly. “…And if she doesn’t?”

Twilight looked around briefly to ensure there was no eavesdropping and whispered to him. “Then there may not be any Elements of Harmony to stop the next threat to Equestria. The way I yelled at her could permanently damage my friendship with her if this backfires. I’m so scared.”

He pulled her into a hug. “There, there. It’s okay. For my sake… can you please not do that again? It’s very touching that you’re willing to make sacrifices to put our relationship first but we have a duty to all of Equestria. The Elements are important, and I dare say that its your job to make your friendships with your closest friends as strong as you can. Please don’t put me over the rest of them.”

That forced Twilight to gasp. “But I might have to choose. How can I choose their friendship over your love?”

Blueblood kissed her forehead at the base of her horn, a move that was as intimate as possible without being obscene in public. “Princes rarely get to marry for love. I was most likely going to be used to strengthen an alliance by marrying me to the daughter of another nation’s ruler or to the daughter of a powerful noble family to strengthen Auntie’s hold on the throne. There will be moments where I can’t come first, and I understand that. The briefest moments of love with you is more than I was expecting, and I’m grateful.”

Twilight hugged him tightly. “I guess I should have cared more about politics. I never realized how lonely you were, just waiting to be used.”

He chuckled. “The Lonely Prince… I guess that could be a moniker if I needed it to be. But yes, my prospects for love were slim. I’ve already gotten more than I ever expected so please, don’t put me first. For the peace of the kingdom… we will love each other when we have time and spend the rest serving our people.”

Twilight pulled him into a deeper kiss. “I never thought that I could love you more.”

The flash of a camera stopped the kiss cold as she realized that the kiss would now be front page news. Blueblood groaned. “Aww. That’s my bad side. Here. Take a picture of this.”

Blueblood repositioned himself and Twilight into a prefect kissing pose with multiple picture angles. With a gasping Twilight in his hooves following multiple deep kisses, Blueblood raised an eyebrow at the reporter. “Happy?”

The reporter took off his hat… “Equestria will be pleased to see you happy, your highness. The going rumors were that Princess Celestia just wanted you to produce more magically powerful foals by having you marry one of the most powerful unicorns in the world. The public will be pleased to hear firsthoof that this isn’t the case.”

As the reporter walked away, Twilight groaned. “I should blow up his camera with my magic.”

Blueblood shook his head. “Freedom of the Press is a legal right except during times of war when information getting in the wrong hooves can get soldiers killed. I warned you at the restaurant only a few hours ago that this was possible.”

Twilight’s ears folded back. “Are you mad at me?”

A light chuckle and him pulling her to the center of the party about to start was her answer. The music started and Pinkie got a bullhorn out.




Two hours into the party, Blueblood noticed Rarity for the first time along with a younger filly that was clearly her sister, talking to Spike.

He nudged Twilight. “Should we be worried about that?”

Twilight turned to look at the scene unfolding. Rarity was all smiles at both of them and Spike was grinning nervously at Sweetie Belle while Sweetie Belle looked completely infatuated with Spike, her tail swishly lightly from side to side. Sweetie Belle leaned in and gave Spike a kiss on the cheek, causing both the dragon and the filly to blush profusely.

Spike took one of Sweetie Belle’s hooves within his claws and kissed it gently, prompting a giggle from the filly. Sweetie nuzzled into Spike while he led her to one of the dessert tables, where he started to hoof feed her sweets, causing her to blush more at the romantic, date-like activity.

Twilight shook her head. “Nah. Let them have this.”

Rarity chose that moment to walk over to Twilight and Blueblood. “May I have a moment, your highness?”

Blueblood nodded and Rarity continued. “I wish to apologize for my uncouth behavior in refusing to even entertain the notion of accepting an apology from you while also needing to apologize for my own actions. The gala wasn’t my finest moment… Twilight was right, and I am very sorry.”

Blueblood nodded. “I accept your apology. I also wish to apologize for how I treated you. I can see how the allure of a Prince might have gone to your head but perhaps you weren’t strictly trying to use me as other mares have sought to in the past. I should have been more upfront with you and did less to embarrass you. A Prince shouldn’t toy with his subjects.”

Rarity nodded. “I accept the apology. However, let me add…” Her eyes narrowed a bit at the stallion. “A Prince should not hide from flying objects behind his subjects and use them as living shields. And maybe not toy with a lady’s feelings after he approached her in the gardens. Some would call that… unbecoming.”

Blueblood turned a shade of red. Coughing into a hoof, he nodded again. “Yes, well… the gala wasn’t my finest moment either. I will work on that, you have my word.”

Rarity seemed to accept his vow, smiling brightly at him before her attention went to Twilight. Perhaps her smile dimmed a little. She certainly sounded more distant than unusual.

“A word with you too, Twilight? Just us?” she added with a glance to the Prince. Blueblood took the hint. With a quick bow, he trotted away to leave the two young mares to their discussion. Twilight wasn’t happy to see him go. She wasn’t looking forward to this talk, not after Rarity sent her stallion away. For a long moment, they stared at one another.

Finally, Twilight tried to cut through the silence. “Rarity, you—”

“No.” Rarity interrupted her with a raised hoof. Twilight paused, a little stunned. “No, I think I should start. You got your say last time. I think I should have my say now.”

Twilight winced. She tried again. “This isn’t a contest—”

“So it’s only okay when you do it? Is that what you’re saying?” Rarity gave her a mild glare. Before Twilight could say anything to that, the other mare sighed and shook her head. “You never told me.”

“Told you what?” Twilight asked with a blink.

“You never told me you had your eyes set on Prince Blueblood.” Rarity raised her hoof to point at the royal who was currently off the side, acting like he was chatting with other partygoers but secretly watching them. “You were angry with me for having a crush on him because you had a crush on him, but you never told me. You said I take advantage of Spike without considering his feelings. You called me fake and ungenerous. You said I wasn’t worth being friends with, especially since you are a noble lady. Which makes you better than me. And you ended our friendship.”

“I did not!” Twilight half-shouted. “I would never say I’m better than you just because I’m nobility! And I didn’t end our friendship!” She glared at Rarity, but her momentary outrage melted at the expression on the other mare’s face: a look of sadness. When she replied, it sounded hollow.

‘I am Lady Twilight Sparkle, Countess of Canterlot, and it’s way past time you showed me some respect. I would have never expected our friendship to end so badly or so abruptly.’”

Twilight grimaced to herself. Those were her words, quoted back at her. Rarity saw it, her own gaze dropping to the floor between them. Her rump plopped down as well, as if she couldn’t hold herself up anymore from the weight of it all.

“How can we be friends, Twilight?” Rarity finally asked. She was still staring at the ground, not meeting her eyes. “How can we be friends if you always think the worst of me? How can we be friends if… if I don’t know you’re going to throw me away as soon as you’re angry… for things you never told me? If you think I’m not worth being friends with…”

She stopped as soon as she felt Twilight’s forelegs around her shoulders, pulling her into a tight hug. Twilight heard her gasp in surprise, but soon a pair of white forelegs rose to return the embrace.

“You are worth being friends with,” Twilight told her in a quiet but firm murmur. A shudder ran through the other mare. “You are generous, cultured, and helpful. I’m sorry I made you feel like you weren’t. Some of those things I said were exaggerations, and some were unfair to you.” Twilight pressed her eyes closed and leaned into the hug. “It’s just, I know how stubborn you can be, so I wanted to break some things through to you. Things that had been bothering me for so long. But I guess I overdid it. I didn’t talk to you, I just… blew up on you. Sometimes I’m just too convinced I know better than everypony else around me.”

Rarity reacted with a short, tingling laugh. Twilight felt herself squeezed tightly. “You tend to do that, yes. I’m sorry, Twilight. I’m glad we can be friends still.” They pulled away after a few more seconds. Rarity’s look of relief was profound, but Twilight also felt like a weight had lifted from her conscience. Blueblood took the opportunity to rejoin them after looking between the two and seeing them apparently be fine again.

“So, have you two made peace?”

“Yes, we have, Prince Blueblood.” Rarity gave the two of them another smile, this time a more genuine one. “As a token of goodwill and to show that there are no hard feelings, I’ll make Twilight’s wedding dress at cost. I only wish to be able to advertise my business as the provider of the dress afterwards.”

Twilight shook her head. “No.”

Rarity took a step back, shocked. “No?”

Blueblood smiled. “What she means is that I will pay you handsomely for your hard work and still let you advertise your work.” Twilight giggled, leaning into him.

Rarity’s look of shock became one of joy. She laughed and wiped a forehoof across her brow. “Oh, darling. You really had me going.”

The moment settled and Twilight raised an eyebrow at the make-out session that Spike and Sweetie Belle were now having, caring nothing for whatever stares and whispers they were getting. She turned back to Rarity.

“Um. Can you explain that for me, please?”

Rarity looked over at her sister, a little shocked at how open they were with their new romance. She blushed and started her explanation.

“Well… umm. I explained to Spike that I was sorry for using his infatuation with me to get him to do tasks and errands for me that he wouldn’t normally have done. And I… umm… kinda got Sweetie to open up to him about how much she liked him. I gave them both my blessings to date each other with the understanding that I wouldn’t find it weird for a colt who liked me so much to suddenly start dating my sister because… well, we are a lot alike. Sweetie was shy… for about five seconds… but I think that kiss was really an icebreaker… made sweeter by how much of a gentledrake Spike has always been. I do hope that you don’t mind your little brother dating my little sister?”

Twilight hugged Rarity again. “They have my blessing too but aren’t you going to feel awkward when Blueblood gives Spike and Sweetie Belle titles? Titles that could have been yours?”

Rarity bit her lip but sighed. “Darling… I am too old for Spike. I’m the oldest of the six of us in our little circle of friends. Even once Spike becomes an adult… the age gap would be uncomfortable for most ponies. But him and Sweetie are around the same age, and she does like him. I think she was afraid to tell him how she felt because she didn’t want to get in between me and him, but once I explained to her that she should go for it, she found her courage. And I think once Spike lets go of the idea of being with me completely, he’ll be the best husband Sweetie could have ever asked for. I desire nothing more than the happiness of my sister.”

Blueblood smiled warmly. “That is generous of you, and I won’t forget it.”

Pinkie Pie stood on a stage complete with red curtains hiding the gifts Blueblood had obtained earlier in the afternoon.

“Okay everypony! I hope everypony has been having fun and we will continue the fun but first, Prince Blueblood has a few announcements to make. Take it away BB.”

Blueblood took the stage. “Thank you, Pinkie, for both the opportunity to speak and the cute new nickname.” Pinkie grinned like a madmare but didn’t interrupt.

He continued. “Citizens of Ponyville. I am pleased and honored to be able to meet you in a fun and less formal manner where I can let my mane down and be a normal pony. I know that many rumors about me paint me as a cold, unfeeling Prince looking after his own self-interests… but I can assure you that I work tirelessly for Equestria and that I have both a sense of justice and a sense of humor.”

He paused and allowed the crowd to murmur about that for a few moments before clearing his throat and continuing.

“First, in case the news hasn’t reached Ponyville yet, I’d like to announce that Countess Twilight Sparkle and I are engaged to be married.”

The whispering increased in volume and intensity. It was clear that the messengers hadn’t gotten to Ponyville yet despite being very close to Canterlot. Twilight joined him on stage, on the off chance that she’d have to answer some questions.

Rainbow Dash called out a question out of turn. “Since when is our Twilight a Countess?”

He turned to Rainbow Dash. “Twilight Sparkle was named Countess of Canterlot 10 years ago when she became Princess Celestia’s Personal Student. Furthermore… Twilight’s father, Night Light is Duke of Canterlot and Twilight’s mother, Twilight Velvet, is Princess of Unicornia. Twilight’s older brother, Shining Armor, is the Prince of the Crystal Empire from his marriage to Princess Cadence and Spike, Twilight’s adopted younger brother, will be eligible for a title once he is of age or once he’s officially engaged to be married.”

The town anxiously took in the information. The town’s librarian was the most important noble in the city and nopony had ever realized it until now. Spike spoke up.

“Your Highness… If it’s not too early to say so, I’d like to announce that Sweetie Belle and I are in love with each other and wish to get married!”

Blueblood snorted. “You’ve been dating for 20 minutes. You might want to slow down, young drake.”

Spike crossed his arms. “Yeah? And how long did you and Twilight date exactly?”

Twilight nuzzled into Blueblood and whispered. “Any answer you give, I’ll support.”

Blueblood nodded and responded. “Technically, we’ve been dating 10 years. We just kept it very quiet until yesterday.”

The town was surprised that a secret that important could have been kept for so long.

Sweetie Belle called out. “Well then… me and Spike have been dating ever since he came to Ponyville about 8 months ago. It’s just we didn’t call it dates until today when we were able to come out as a couple.”

Spike blushed at Sweetie’s assertion and Twilight giggled. “It must run in the family.”

Blueblood nodded in turn. “In that case, by royal decree, I name Spike, of House Sparkle, Viscount of Canterlot and his fiancé, Sweetie Belle is hereby Viscountess of Canterlot. If the engagement is cancelled for any reason, you both lose those titles, am I understood?”

Spike and Sweetie Belle bowed or curtsied in turn and said together, as if practiced. “We understand, your highness.”

Rarity pulled them both up in a big hug and squeezed them both tight, looking genuinely happy for them both. Blueblood continued.

“Second. I’d like to award the Elements of Harmony some gifts for their efforts to protect Equestria. Now… some ponies might not think that gifts or awards are necessary… but it’s not like they chose this life. They aren’t members of the military that volunteered to risk everything to protect ponies. The Elements picked them and it’s not an easy life. First up, Applejack.”

The town whispered excitedly as Applejack walked forward and got up on the stage beside Blueblood. Blueblood motioned to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie… what do we have behind curtain number one?”

Pinkie pulled a rope that opened the curtain and called out the prize like a gameshow host. “It’s a new plow! With the Super Plow 5000, the seasonal crop can be tilled and planted in a day instead of a week. With all this extra leisure time, Applejack will have more time to relax, help her friends or, if she can’t give up working hard, extra time to make us some Cider. Hint, Hint.”

Applejack’s jaw dropped at the sight of such an expensive gift. “Ah don’t know what ta say. Thank ya kindly, your highness.”

Blueblood smiled at the mare. “You are very welcome, Applejack. I knew that something that would help you on the farm would have the most value for you.”

He turned back to the audience. “Rainbow Dash… you’re next!”

Rainbow flew to the stage to stand beside him, and he motioned to Pinkie. “Pinkie, what do we have behind curtain number two?”

Pinkie pulled a second rope and the curtains opened to reveal… a piece of parchment.

Rainbow Dash groaned. “I got a letter?”

Blueblood smiled. “Not just any letter. A letter of recommendation to join the Wonderbolts. With this letter of introduction from the Prince of Equestria, the Academy will let you in early. Follow your dreams. Inspire everypony.”

Rainbow Dash trembled as she took the letter and read it, tears forming against her will. “This… this is the best gift ever. Thank you, so much.”

Blueblood nodded to her and gave her his handkerchief. “Your pride is leaking.”

Rainbow smiled wider, wiping the tears from her face, completely unfazed to be crying about something so cool.

Blueblood called to Rarity. “Rarity… your next.”

Rarity hopped up on stage as Rainbow Dash left and was bouncing up and down in anticipation for whatever the gift could be. To her surprise, he didn’t call for Pinkie to pull the third and final curtain cord but rather pulled a parchment from his own saddlebag.

“And for you, Rarity, I have a Writ of Execution…”

Rarity’s eyes went wide, and she fainted on the stage. Twilight snorted. “Drama Queen.”

Blueblood smiled. “Well… her apology was very late… And these types of writs do have two meanings… I can’t fault her for drawing the wrong conclusion.”

Twilight giggled. “Yeah… like you’d really execute an element of harmony. However, this writ of execution executes the exchange of a vast amount of money to pay for my wedding dress.”

The entire town exhaled as one, nopony realizing they had been holding their collective breaths.

Blueblood turned to Pinkie. “Can you take her home really quick and come back to finish the awards?”

Pinkie scooped Rarity up and disappeared in a flash just to appear just as quickly. “She’s all tucked in, boss.”

He shook his head. “How does she do that… oh well. Next Fluttershy…”

Fluttershy timidly gets on the stage and Blueblood smiles at her. He pulls out another piece of parchment and presents it to her.

“Fluttershy. This is the deed to a huge amount of land for you to build an animal sanctuary on. I know that you probably would have done this eventually on your own but now you don’t have to save up to buy the land… it’s already yours.”

Fluttershy hugged him. “On behalf of all the animals I’ll be able to help, thank you for this.”

He smiled as she left the stage. “And finally… Pinkie Pie. Pinkie… what’s behind curtain number three?”

Pinkie pulled the cord and the curtains opened to reveal… a larger Artillery cannon.

Blueblood smiled at her dropped jaw. “Pinkie… with this Party Artillery, you’ll be able to confetti bomb the next town over.”

Pinkie hugged him extra tightly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

The gifts for other important townsponies continued with a couple of gag gifts including a lifetime supply of hair dye for Mayor Mare and unlimited free sugar and flour for Sugarcube corner. Ponies laughed and the recipients smiled, happy to be part of the fun.

With that finished… the music and dancing continued. Pinkie Pie pulled Twilight into a dance on the dance floor and Blueblood winced at how uncoordinated Twilight was with the upbeat music. Her limbs just couldn’t seem to do anything with the offbeat of modern music.

And ponies were laughing at her. Laughing at his Twilight. He set his jaw.

Time to show these ponies what nobles can do.

Blueblood joined Twilight on the dance floor, letting her cry into his coat, and called Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie, can we get a selection of Waltz of the Flowers, please?”

Pinkie grinned again. “On it, boss!”




Twilight gasped as she heard his request. He looked down at her. “Do you remember the dance lessons that Aunty made us take together?"

Twilight nodded. “Like it was yesterday. I loved dancing with you. We never said a word, but I could feel how close we were to each other when we danced.”

Blueblood smiled down at her. “Then… let’s dance, my love.”

Twilight positioned her head in the nape of his neck, waiting for the music to start. The music started and they pushed off each other, dancing in a focused, refined manner of nobles. They circled each other, never breaking eye contact. They weaved around each other in circles and when the time came, Blueblood dipped her, spun her and planted quick kisses on her cheeks as they passed each other in the coordinated moves of the dance. The seven minutes might as well have been a lifetime. By the end of the dance, the whole town roared in approval of the perfectly executed waltz.

Twilight trembled in Blueblood’s hooves, breathing hard but very happy to have not forgotten a single step from the waltz. He kissed her deeply, showing his love.

“What would you like to do now, my dearest?”

Twilight sighed into his chest. “I’m tired. Let’s go home.”

Blueblood smiled as he excused them both from the rest of the party, content to cuddle Twilight in her library bedroom.


Author's Note:

Special Thanks to The Great Derpsby for helping edit this chapter and his contributions to the dialogue between Twilight and Rarity.

Comment below if you want to see a spin off story of Spike and Sweetie Belle in their open betrothment outlined in this chapter.