• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
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A brony of few words who writes many.


As far as Goldengrape and Greta were concerned, all they did last night was meet in a diner, chat for a bit, then walk to the nearby carriage bus stop.

But somebody out there really wants everyone to believe that they also murdered someone.

Judge's pick in the May 2023 Pairing Contest.

First featured by 5/28/2023.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 33 )

Goldengrape thumped the counter with his hoof decisively. “I know just the thing.” he turned back to the smoothie machine and quickly whipped together his personal specialty—a white grape smoothie with a dollop of whipped cream on top. “I find this always helps soothe me,” he said as he put the finished drink before her.

That's pretty smooth of you

yeah I went there

A very underrated background character who only appears a couple of earlier seasons

The griffoness raised an eyebrow at his prompting, but since she knew his name, she relented. “Greta,” she replied, “the Svelte Greta though, not the Big Greta.”

Oh yeah that's right the confusion since there's a Greta exists in the show there was another Greta in the comic very clever

But if anything, it only seemed to spur the griffon onward. “Well then,” she concluded and eager to begin, “bring on the burritos!”

And this is going to be the hot chili pepper challenge

“…you wanna get a quick drink?” When Goldengrape gave her a surprised look, blushing, she laughed. “Nah, nah, nah, I don’t mean like that.” She hip checked him teasingly. “You’re cute, but you’re not that cute. No, I’m just returning the favor you gave me."

To be honest it will be a cute shipping between these two since we don't get the chance to see any of those two that much because both of them are the most underrated characters

Well I got to say this is a pretty interesting start of a story and also nice to see the most underrated characters to have a little story so it looks like Golden Grape just basically working when he saw a female Griffin name Greta and she doesn't look to happy so he kind of cheer her up it kind of worked a little and both of them were just chatting until she wants to order one of the most hottest food in the world after a few hours Golden Grape and at his shift to head back home and it looks like Greta is heading the same direction for the bus stop but apparently it won't be coming for a while so they check out a potion area which that's interesting and they were about to try it out and it looks like we got ourselves a hangover because when Golden Grape and Greta woke up they ended up in her hotel and they have no idea what just happened but things got escalated when the police officers bashed through and arrest them for the murder and how did this happen I guess we'll find out next time

I'm interested to see where this will go. Waiting for the next chapter!

It also reminds me that I have to continue my own crime-related fic. Ah, procrastination.

Well, he's the one of the two with a character tag (for some reason), so I can guarantee he is a real canon pony. :derpytongue2:

Linkity-linkity for more deets.

To be honest, the pun was unintentional. :rainbowlaugh:

Shoofly then placed down a black and white photo in front of Goldengrape. To his dismay, it showed both himself and Greta rather determinedly entering a building’s lobby exactly as Swift Case described. A moment later and Shoofly placed down a similar photo of Greta and Goldengrape leaving again at an urgent trot and indeed looking suspicious.

Oh boy it doesn't look too good for them

Greta nodded. “That’s the last thing I remember too,” she confirmed. “So it’s a safe bet there was something in that potion that wasn’t supposed to be.” She let her gaze peer out the carriage window. “Grapes, I think someone’s set us up.”

yeah I kind of figured somebody did

“How would we even do that though?” Goldengrape asked, thinking it not even worth considering. “Just unlatch the door and throw it open?” To prove his point, he slammed his hoof down on the carriage door’s latch and gave it a shove.

It swung open freely and with great ease.

Wow they kind of suck at keeping everything secure

Well then it doesn't look too good for them so apparently they interrogate both of them about the murder of Greg the Griffin which apparently Golden Grape and Greta had no idea and they try to explain they have no idea how but unfortunately security pictures and all the items that they have all pointed at them and up to the hotel so basically the evidence are way too strong and they have no answer so unfortunately they're both guilty and they're hitting for the prison Greta and Golden Grape tried to figure out why would anybody frame them and she felt like she got him into this mess but he wants to reassure her that's not really her fault they just have to figure out to get out of here but with luck and some stupidity the cops forgot to lock the dang door and not only that getting a stronger chain that these two yanked It Off but it looks like they finally got away and now they had to figure out how to clear their name and find the real killer I guess we'll find out next time

To be honest, that whole escape sequence altogether probably needs more work, logistically speaking, but with the contest deadline coming up quick, I don't have enough time to keep tinkering with it, so it'll have to do. :unsuresweetie:

Interesting turn of events. I nearly thought Greg was in the illegal drugs business.

Touched, Goldengrape looked at her thankfully. “Well, that just makes it all the better I ended up in this with you,” he said as he resumed cutting. “Because I feel confident that if anyone will do it…it’ll probably be you.”

You know now I can't help thinking that these two are actually a good shipping fuel just a little 🥰

That actually was the original plan...but then I decided this route was more creative and original.

Throwing back their hoods, they stopped to take in the office. As offices go, it was fairly standard. A desk was placed at one end with a couple of chairs before it for visiting clients, while a black and modern looking couch sat against the opposite wall. A stout bookcase was next to the door and a trio of filing cabinets stood in a row beside another window, this one overlooking the street outside. A black safe was also placed directly underneath that window, apparently doubling as a makeshift shelf given everything stacked atop it. There was even a tall potted plant that Goldengrape quickly deduced with a frown was fake, which felt insulting to his earth pony heritage but they weren’t there to critique Greg’s décor choices.

Then he got killed in the office I'm surprised there's no Yellow Tape or anything like that unless he was somewhere else during the time of his murder

“When I was here last night, Greg pulled from the safe some documents to shove in my face,” Greta explained as she used the key to work the lock. “When doing so, he wandered over near that plant, made like he was examining it for a second, before conveniently coming away with the key already in talon. So I figured he had at least a spare hidden somewhere around it, it was just a matter of finding it.”

That's actually a pretty good observing to pay attention your surroundings kind of reminds me of that show Psych

And it's a good idea, because it raises a question as to what Greg was doing with such potions. I could guess identity theft, or impersonation, which would lead to fraud.

Greg was actually established in the second chapter to have been murdered in his penthouse apartment, not his office.

“…shift…” Goldengrape mumbled before slapping himself in the face. “ Of course! That’s what shift pot is short for—shifting potions! That’s what Greg’s been trying to sell!”

Ohhh I think I know what's up somebody used shapeshifting spell to put a blame on both of them

“No,” the officer replied to the surprise of them both. “We’re not beating about the bush with this anymore.”

Uh oh sometimes tells me they're not cops 😥

Oh wow this is not good so it looks like Greta and golden grapes got them self out of this situation especially getting the chain and the outfits off so they went to the city to find Greg's office and once they got there they had to sneak inside without anybody noticing them and it looks like they found something they never expected apparently they found a couple of bottles contains magical powers which it turns out it can shape-shift them into different ponies and creatures and this is how they frame Greta and golden grapes but before they could figure this thing out the cops showed up and he tried to explain to them about the situation but apparently the cops were not listening and put a stun on him and Greta was about to fight them off she didn't want to make things were so she complied with them and thinking that they were heading for the prison it looks like those cops has other plans and something tells me those are not the real ones who are they I guess we'll find out next time

“Yes, but we did have some help with that,” Rubedo said before glancing at the two police ponies awkwardly standing to one side. “Isn’t that right, officers?”

Oh boy dirty cops I kind of figured that would happen

“Well, the plan was to just get you two locked up, taking the punishment for us,” Rubedo responded as he reached into a cooler left next to the vat, pulling out a sizeable fish. “But then you two had to make yourselves too much trouble for even that. So I think it’ll be better now if you just… disappeared .”

Oh no when it comes to like this I figured they're going to kill them just to keep them silent

Goldengrape twisted around so to give the culprit a glare then turned back in time for Greta to lean down and nuzzle his cheek lovingly with her beak. Touched and closing his eyes, he leaned into the nuzzling before planting a small kiss on the keratin beak—if this was really the end for them both, then he might as well go for broke.

Awww 😍 I like that that's so cute even though they're in certain Danger

Well that was a fast update and not only that this was a pretty good story so it looks like the cops took Greta and golden grapes to the building but it's not any other prison once they reach there there were a couple of ponies and Griffins there and turns out they're duplicates are here as well the ones who got them in trouble but the one who is pulling all the string was a mobster name Rubedo he even explained about the death of Greg and how he use him for drug trading and everything but because of the deal was not suitable for him he killed them and using Greta and golden grapes as the escape goat for the crime and it turns out those two officers were dirty working for him and it looks like he was about to get rid of them once and for all despite the situation it was pretty sweet that how much they did care for each other despite they only met each other for only 2 days ago but somehow trust each other but before they were about to get killed the cops showed up and save them and it turns out one of them told them that they had to make sure they were following the Real Lead despite they kind of put them in danger and I don't blame Greta getting upset but after that things went normal once they clear their names for the crime they didn't commit but Golden Grape messed Greta but luckily she showed up and it turns out that she was going to stay here to clear out the situation that Greg did and it looks like they both well hang out with each other I got to say this was a pretty good one and a very rare pairing since both of them do not have the most recognition in the fandom but it's always nice to see underrated wants to get some stories keep up the good work

Not bad, the ending was good (mayyybe a bit cliché?). Wonder what will happen if these two actually end up together.

To be honest, I really thought Grape and Greta would end up getting killed. Seems that they're OK now.

good luck with the contest! story was great c:

No, never really had plans for killing anyone except for Greg (kept entirely off screen), and some nameless gangster who I'd toyed having accidentally fall into the acid vat in the final fight and reveal shortly thereafter that all remained was a skeleton...before realizing that was actually kind of sort of totally horrifying and felt really out of place in a story that had otherwise been very tame about this sort of thing. :derpytongue2:

I did, however, consider a slightly different ending where, at the story's climax, either Greta or Goldengrape were ultimately revealed, to the shocked betrayal of the other, to have been working with the gangsters too, and while having had no part in Greg's murder specifically, weren't exactly guiltless in the whole affair and would still have to be arrested at the end of the story, ending it all on a sorrowful note because the two really did start to have something between them by that point that now would probably go unfulfilled. But not only could I not get it to work logistically (at least in the time I had to write it), neither Greta nor Goldengrape felt like the right sort of characters who would be doing such a thing, and so I couldn't ever really sell myself on the idea. That, and I admittedly really did like them getting that chance to walk away from it all okay and with something budding between them.

And I admit that is a little cliche, but as Greta herself pointed out in the story, cliche is cliche for a reason, and sometimes, in the right time and place, it's still just what works. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the support! Admittedly, given how quiet reception for this fic has been, I don't have super high hopes of it placing in the contest currently, but never say never--I've been surprised before.

What kind of Indonesian/Turkish prison system is this? You don't get housed in regular jail until your trial? You get shoved in the big house for months in the same fucking place with extremely violent criminals? That's not how the legal system works in first world countries, even if the evidence is tight and even in the United States, which has a fucked prison system irl. If you go to prison for months, which is the end of the line as far as punishment is concerned, that would be a terrible idea for the state because they would need to reimburse every single person who ends up getting found not guilty after the months of prison time they face while awaiting their trial for something minor like petty theft. I apologize if this sounds like a nitpick, but like, this fic could have really benefited by like 8 or 9 minutes of basic legal research. This sounds like fucking 1950's Soviet level horseshit unfair legal system 💀

Congratulations on your Judgeʼs Pick! Truly a great read.

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