• Member Since 11th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Purple Seacow


All Luna wanted was a nice day off. Being bothered by hotheaded young dragons was not part of the plan. And trying to deal with it only lead to the dragon becoming even more annoying.
Something is going on, and Luna does not have the patience to figure it out.

The foolish drake is going to get tired of getting flung off mountains at some point.

Written for the May Paring Contest

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 13 )

Luna didn’t even bother getting up, merely grasping an edge of his wings, and gripping him tightly as he swung off course.

It's one of those classic cartoons that a character stays in the spot but doesn't move one of those scenario

So this was a great story. The bantering and bickering between Luna and Garble is quite entertaining to read, and while the conclusion (without spoiling too much) isn't quite what one would've probably expected going in, it does still feel satisfactory...while also somewhat bittersweet.

However, there are some notable typos throughout the whole fic, enough that if I were to note all of them, it would amount to a significant list. I would thus strongly urge going back and going through the fic with a fine-tooth comb so to try and catch and correct all of them, as it would only be an additional boon for the fic on a whole. :raritywink:

Why isn’t there a romance tag?

Okay this is a very interesting one so it looks like Luna is taking a break of the pony Society for a while but apparently a dragon named garble basically he's trying to taunt her and not only that try to challenge her or make her scram or whatever but Luna is not giving up without a fight and apparently he doesn't either and I'll give him that he's very persistent same with Luna I wonder how this will go

“Huh.” He said, blowing another small flame at her quietly billowing hair. “I can’t set it on fire? That super weird, but also kinda cool.” He meet her eyes with a slight smirk.

Oh my gosh it was going to set her on fire a little extreme don't you think

It began as a low thrumming sound, and it took Luna a few seconds to realize it was the sound of drums.

Oh yeah that's right back in season 9 it reveals that he actually loves to do poem and the only one who knows is smolder but it's nice to see that he has something instead of just being a typical tough guy

“It really would be for the best.”

Aww that's actually kind of sad but I guess understandable at the same time

Ok wow this was a pretty unexpected turn of events but also kind of sweet and sort of Bittersweet as well so it looks like Luna was preparing for other meetings and everything but apparently garble just basically Waltz in and causing a little Ruckus for Luna and a couple of times she keeps throwing him out and she tries to be reasonable but secretly it looks like she's been getting a lot of stones from him and a couple of times he keeps really annoying the heck out of her which it was pretty hilarious that she tries to be very patient but sometimes everybody has their limits and she can't help it but then that night it looks like she finally wanted to talk with him face to face and throughout the days and everything everything was coming together that garble actually has a crush on Luna that's why he's been annoying her so much because he wants to keep on seeing her but she wanted to give him lightly that despite the age difference she can't return the feelings for him but it doesn't stop him that in a few years he will when her heart which it was sweet but Luna already knows what's going to happen he will find somebody he will care for and she thinks it's for the best again very sweet funny and bittersweet keep up the good work

I considered it, but since it is rather one-sided and we don't get Garble's perspective I felt that it didn't really fit.

Glad that you liked it!

there are some notable typos throughout the whole fic

Ugh, I knew it was far to late at night to properly find them all, and I bet a lot of them is just due bilingual issues - Thanks for the heads-up. I'll look them over once I get a clearer head.

He's a dragon, setting each other on fire is just the most basic joke there is 😉 - also he was getting really curious about it.

the idea of a dragon getting a crush on a moon princess sounds like something out of a fairytale. its also funny that it happened to luna specifically. overall very cute fic 10/10 dashies

Eh, makes me want to rewrite all my own takes on Luna. Good stuff, superb characterization, enjoyed immensely.

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