• Member Since 12th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen 23 minutes ago


Hug your nearest alicorn.


After you suddenly appeared in the Crystal Empire one day, Princess Cadance personally saw to it that you were taken care of as you adjusted to your new life. She's been a great friend to you, and thankful though you may be for everything she has done for you, you have a few hangups about the way the "Princess of Love" does things.

But unlike her subjects, you aren't afraid to voice these concerns.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )
Zephy #1 · Jun 9th, 2023 · · 3 ·

I demand more. Human X Cadence doesn't have enough content. MORE!

ibanix #2 · Jun 9th, 2023 · · 1 ·

Cute. I like it.

I guess this is why the whole "Princess of Love" thing was more or less swept under the rug not long after Cadance was introduced.

Hye #4 · Jun 9th, 2023 · · 1 ·

That's a very good point and one I didn't think about.

Because she is usually in a relationship with shining but I would also like to see more human x Cadence stories.


You are killing me man, i cant deal with all this wholesome stories

Cute story mate :3

We need more Cadence x Human
It's so underrated :pinkiesad2:

So what you're saying is, it's not love, but it's a Strange Magic?

This was sweet, thank you for writing.

Terrific, another story where a writer decides to spend the whole time shaking his finger at another writer's poor choice instead of writing a bloody story.

Wow someone is going ham on the dislike button for the comments, I liked the story! It was a sweet little bite of a story and I enjoyed reading it regardless of some of the other readers/commenters being chock full of vinegar:pinkiesick:. Thanks for the read! :twilightsmile:

Okay, a few remarks...
One, I hate Anon fics. Anon is seemingly always a jerk and a rapist. In this story, he at least is somewhat nicer, but I still dislike any human in Equestria stuff. Sorry, but that is my opinion.
Two, the story as a whole is just too saccharin, which, I guess, is the point of the tale.
I love Cadance as a pony character, despite how she was intro'd in canon. It just feels odd that she isn't with Shining Armor, but that's the AU here. Shoot, I would love to switch with your Anon and be with Cadance myself, but ya know, that ain't possible,'cept through fics like this...
I'm not going to downvote, just give you a moustache for the fiction that it is: :moustache:

It seems odd to me that Cadence would still be the Alicorn Princess of Love under these circumstances since she was presumably 'chosen by harmony' or whatever 'divine' method chooses someone for alicorn-hood. Her being princess of Love when there is such a massive misunderstanding of it present calls whatever 'divine' method of alicorn-hood into question.

Sure, Twilight didn't have a complete understanding of friendship when she became an Alicorn, but she could reasonably be called an expert and had learned and overcome most common problems and some bigger ones.

Otherwise Princess of [insert concept here] doesn't really have anything to do with whatever their talent or expertise is, you just get what you want at the time of alicorn ascension.

But that's my only real problem with it.

Some of the highest quality fics I've read on this website have been Cadance x human fics.

High quality anon x cadance? I'll take your whole stock!

Does the fact nightmare moon ever came to be mean that luna couldn't have been a princess? If it truly is fate or a power deciding then maybe cadence will do better in the future and this was an important lesson

NIghtmare Moon came to be but neither Nightmare Moon or Princess Luna ever misunderstood what the Moon or their connection to it was. They understood the evil parts of them, they just became bitter, jealous and lacked the will to stay good in that instance. A rough equivalent would be Cadence knowing it's not love but willfully doing it anyway; Possibly from some sort of Love related trauma or even not directly related such that they still acquire a expert understanding of love (And thus acquire the qualities to become an Alicorn) but this issue grows to the point that it starts to affect other areas of their life including their Alicorn business.

But whatever, it's not like Alicorn ascension is ever fully explained and I'm posting this at midnight on tired brain

'cept other writer never made a poor choice, it's more like people took the scene at face value, where intentionally vague magic of love reconciles two arguing ponies in an already established relationship. And, between you and me, their take is kind of creepy.

THANK YOU. There's a saying around our house- "Cadance is rape princess. Cadance is worst princess, Shiny deserved better." Seeing creep bronies leap to defend this non-character violate the free will of others with no authority or reason but her own and it be called "love" is one of the grosser aspects of the fandom(our culture in general, really), though she's FAR from the only "good guy" character to do it and see zero punishment. MLP:FiM has a REAL BIG problem with depicting 'love' and respecting boundaries in a healthy way. Seeing this story call out her oblivious defilement of others autonomy is worth the price of admission.

In the interest of playing Devil's Advocate, if my memory is correct there is only one instance of Cadence doing this in the TV show (I have not read the comics or chapter books for reference). Furthermore, it occurs in a flashback Twilight has of when she was young, and it's possible Twilight either misremembered the context or was too young to understand what Cadence's ability actually did.

On the flip side, the scene is pretty odd when taken at face value, so I certainly understand why fans had a problem with it.

Plus, even aside from the "unreliable narrator" potential involved there, Cadance was noticeably a teenager at the time we did see it, and she was indeed absolutely never seen using that sort of spell after her debut, to the point it was actually never so much as mentioned again; she showcased magical variety in other respects. She might've gone through a sort of "Want It Need It" phase and learned from it before Twilight did, for all we know.

I like the idea that this was the only time she used the spell.

in reality, when it failed the first time, she thought it must have been a fluke.
She ended up casting it over and over and over, getting more and more frustrated.

"WHY" *zap* "ISN'T" *zap* "THIS" *Zap* "WORKING???" *Zap*

Human getting anxiety over confusing feelings.

its.. its a joke scenario... no need to think to much about it.

And that creature is often considered Cadance's "pet project." In fact, some just consider you her pet. It's extremely degrading, but the two of you know better. About a year ago, you woke up from a daze face down in the snow, very nearly frozen solid. It wasn't until a patrol of crystal guardponies happened upon your barely-conscious body that you were rescued. The ponies didn't really know what you were or what to do with you, so they brought you to the Crystal Castle, where you came face-to-face with the Crystal Empire's ruler, Cadance. Luckily for you, Cadance is extremely kind, and she personally saw to it that your wounds were treated and that you made a full recovery. Following that, you spent a great deal of time with her trying to figure out where you were and how you got there. With some help from a few of Cadance's friends from Equestria, you found that your sudden appearance was due to an extremely rare magical phenomenon that can't really be replicated. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And to make matters worse, there is no known way to send you back. So, you were stuck in this strange world filled with candy-colored ponies indefinitely. But hey, it's not all bad. Cadance invited you to live in the castle with her, and seeing as how she is your best friend in this new world, you gratefully accepted. After you became a bit more acquainted with this world and its customs, she decided to employ you as her "human advisor." You know darn well that she just made that title up, but it's nice to have a job regardless. It's basically just the role of an advisor, but with a bit more grandiosity. You're more or less her right hand man, though she rarely actually needs you. Turns out, with Equestria and the Crystal Empire being the way they are, there aren't actually all that many political conflicts that need to be resolved. Just a lot of paperwork. Like a lot of paperwork. Like a completely unreasonable amount of paperwork.

So, there's this thing, called paragraph.

Everyone! Look! A ‘Non-MLP Anonfic enjoyer’!1!!1!11! Let's nerd react this clown! 💀💀💀🤡🤡🤡 (Lol! Don't actually harass this person ☠️)

My disbelief is hanging on by a single thread…. But this was cute

"Even though everypony calls me the 'Princess of Love,' I've... never actually been in love myself."


That explains why Shining Armor is absent

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