• Published 8th Jun 2023
  • 948 Views, 256 Comments

The Bell of Bridlewood - milesprower06

The rains of Bridlewood have long brought change to the forest's unicorn inhabitants. During one particular downpour, young widower Alphabittle Blossomforth has his life changed forever, in more ways than one.

  • ...

The Reunion

"Misty!" Alphabittle called as he galloped down the forest path.

He chased after the fading image of his daughter, who was just a bit faster than him even at a full galloping gait.

"Misty! Wait, please!" He pleaded, as the rain began to fall, and as his mane and coat became damp, then wet, then soaked, he was slowed down even more. Then his hooves began to sink in the mud, and the unicorn mare sunk deeper into the darkness down the path.

"Stop!!!" He cried out, before tripping over a root, and flipped end over end, rolling over onto his back.

Alphabittle bolted up on his small sleeping pad, taking in a gasping breath. Taking a moment to realize where he was, he fell back down onto the mat, letting out a heavy sigh. He couldn't be terribly surprised he was having unsettling dreams like that; he was hopefully just mere hours away from reuniting with the daughter he had lost twenty years ago. What sleep he had in the guest suite in Zephyr Heights as well as out here on the rolling prairies had been restless. Without even unzipping his tent he knew it wasn't even sunrise yet, but he also had the feeling that it wasn't going to be much use trying to get back to sleep.

It was still over a half-day's trek to Maretime Bay. If he left now, he could get there in the early afternoon, and he wouldn't arrive super late, and have to wait yet another day to see Misty. So he sat up, rolled up his sleeping pad, buckled it to his saddle bags, stepped outside, broke down his tent, got it rolled up and packed just behind the pad, and was headed south, feeling the early morning dew on his fetlocks.

Even with what Haven had told him about how young she had been when she vanished, and about core memories, Alphabittle still hoped that Misty remembered him, even if it was just flashes. But he was also mentally preparing himself for the distinct possibility that she didn't. Would she consider coming back to Bridlewood? Was she living with Izzy and the others in their lighthouse in Maretime Bay?

These would be questions that would of course be answered when he got to Maretime Bay, which he hadn't visited since the town hosted the revamped Equestria Games, an athletic competition for the region. It was a relatively uneventful hike to the coast. He snacked on a granola bar on the way, and was able to refill his water canteen at a creek in one of the last forests he passed through before he finally got sight of the coast.

The rainbow coming out of the new lighthouse was the first thing to let him know he had nearly arrived, followed closely by the factory on the highest hill within the town limits. He came in from the northeast, and saw that there had been some changes to the building; namely the giant glasses at the top had been removed, replaced with large letters that spelled out 'CanterLove Studios'. Close by, a building was under construction, with a sign out front that said 'Unity Apartments coming soon!', and Alphabittle assumed it was so that the town could accommodate unicorns and pegasi who wanted to move here on a more permanent basis.

Turning down the coastal street, he got several waves of recognition as he headed down the road towards the lighthouse as the sun began its journey across the western half of the sky. He walked up the dirt path, came up to the front door, and took several deep breaths, before reaching forward, and knocked on the front door. He waited for several moments, and didn't hear any muffled hoofsteps, or anypony saying they'd be right there... No sounds of any kind. He knocked again, and another minute passed before he figured no one was inside. He hadn't seen Izzy or any of her friends on the walk through town. After thinking for another few seconds he peeked around the back of the building to see that their flying vehicle, whatever it was called, was not there, so he figured all of them were out. He let out an exasperated sigh, slightly frustrated that the anticipation that had been building up for nearly two days was going to have to wait a bit longer.

Hearing his stomach grumble, signalling that his morning snack had long since worn off, he turned and headed back into town, looking for a restaurant to pass the time. They'd be back sooner or later. As he headed down the street towards the factory, he dug his phone out of his saddlebags, and brought up his message history with Izzy, before typing in a new message.

Hey Izzy, I'm in Maretime Bay. There's something I'd like to talk about, and I'm hoping you and your friends might be able to help me. Let me know when you get back. Looking forward to seeing you again.

He came up to a small diner he hadn't yet patronized, and so he headed in. The interior had seating for about two dozen ponies, and there was a bar on the back wall of the dining area.

"Well, hello there, Alphabittle. Welcome to my pub," the bartender greeted. "What brings you to town?"

"I thought I'd stop in and see Izzy, but it doesn't look like she or her friends are here at the moment," Alphabittle answered as he sat down at the bar, being one of four patrons, as it was too late for lunch, too early for dinner.

"Ah. Hitch was in here this morning before lunch, asking if anypony had seen that baby dragon of his. Maybe they got a lead or something. I swear the sheriff needs a leash for that kid," the bartender commented. "So what'll it be?"

Alphabittle took a moment to look over the small menu.

"I'll do some chili cheese hay fries, and I'll try that Maretime Bay Mojito," the unicorn replied, hoping that a drink would help calm his nerves a bit. He glanced down at his phone again as the bartender put his order in.

His message to Izzy had sent, but it hadn't been read yet. They must have been busy, because Izzy was normally pretty good at checking notifications quickly. While the chef in the back was making his food, the bartender quickly made his drink order, and slid it to the unicorn while he slid 15 bits across the bar.

"Thanks, keep the change," Alphabittle said before taking a sip, immediately getting the taste of mint on his tongue. It was good, and he was half tempted to ask for the recipe to take back to the Crystal Tea Room. A few minutes later, a hot plate of steaming, crispy hay fries practically drowning in a vegetable-loaded chili sauce and liquid cheese. It was the perfect thing to partner with his drink. It made him realize how long ago his light breakfast was, and ordered a second helping, sliding the bartender another 5-bit coin. He ate this one more slowly, just eager to pass the time at this point, and finally, he was pulled out of his thoughts by his phone vibrating on the bar top. He picked it up, and saw the notification from Izzy.

Hey there, Alphabittle!

Sorry I didn't see this until just now. Dragon emergency out of town. But we got back and are settling in for the evening, making sure Sparky is okay. I'd be happy to help you with whatever it is you need me for. Come by anytime!

Alphabittle had to focus to stop from shivering in anticipation. Thanking the bartender once again for the drink, he got up from his seat, and exited the restaurant. It wasn't long before he was headed back up to the lighthouse at a full gallop. He had to nearly skid to a halt at the front doors again, and took a moment to catch his breath. He reached forward, and took one last deep breath.

This was it.

Knock knock knock.

This time, he did here sounds on the other side, followed by quickly approaching hoofsteps. The doorknob turned, the door opened, and there stood Izzy.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise!" Izzy said, bounding forward and wrapping her forelegs around Alphabittle in a hug.

"Good to see you too, Izzy," Alphabittle replied.

The two unicorns parted from the hug, and Izzy stepped aside to let him inside.

"Sorry it was so long before I saw your message. We've had quite a bit of excitement today. Luckily we don't have to be quiet any more; Hitch took Sparky back to the precinct for some much needed rest. So what can we do for you?"

When Izzy didn't get a reply, she glanced back at the large unicorn, whose attention was already pulled to the rest of her friends sitting at the dining room table, namely Misty, who was wondering why their new guest was staring at her.

"Oh, where are my manners," Izzy said, trotting over to the dining table. "This is our new friend, Misty. I figured you'd already know her, since she said she was from Bridlewood when we first met, but it turns out things are a bit more complicated than that, and she's probably not from Bridlewood. Misty, this is Alphabittle, Bridlewood Elder, and the unicorn who raised me since I was a foal!"

Misty waved meekly at the large, gray unicorn, still sensing that there was something a little off here.

"I-It's nice to meet you, Alphabittle. I remember seeing you at the dance in Zephyr Heights," Misty greeted.

"Alphabittle, is everything okay?" Sunny asked, when she saw the stallion's almost stunned expression.

Alphabittle pulled his attention away from the mare for a second while he reached into his saddlebags.

"Sorry about the confusion, Izzy. Misty here is from Bridlewood... And I'm guessing she doesn't remember me," Alphabittle said, as he stepped towards the table, pulling a book out of his saddlebags. He opened it, and gently set it in front of Misty, and her eyes widened as she stared down at the last photograph on the page.

"Well, I suppose there is no getting around the inevitable awkwardness, Misty. I think you're my long lost daughter."

Author's Note: