• Member Since 20th Jan, 2015
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"Only the most subtle of references." -No fanfiction writer ever


Despite their bickering over the years, Rarity always knew her parents would eventually settle their differences at the end of the day.

It was only natural that her father's triumphant announcement of his recent divorce came as quite a shock.

Even more so that he was already remarried.

An entry for the Thousand Words II contest in the "Comedy" category.

Art courtesy of Shaslan, however, due to a minor miscommunication over narrative details, it has little to do with the story itself beyond representing Rarity's mental state throughout.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

This got quite a few giggles out of me. Some great word play, repetition and the idea of Hondo having a BBW fetish that he's very...enthusiastic about, is hilarious

A Fishcess.

Goddamn it.

This is the funniest thing I've read in ages, what a brilliant premise. Reminds of that one artist who shipped Trixie with Celestia and the former gives Twilight an aneurysm by insisting Twilight call her stepmom.

Well done, Go Fish.:raritystarry:

Loved the part with the Celestia impersonator as well as Sontana talking about the Rainbow Rocks movie. :)

:raritycry: Twilight ! Where's Spike? Is he here?
:twilightsheepish: Yea ... SPIKE!
:moustache: What's up...? Rarity are you okay?

:moustache: She said something about revenge and Las Pegasus.... And poof
:facehoof: Oh no
:moustache: yea, But her family didn't mind... You got some ice cream?
:raritycry: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa nom nom nom AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa

“You hear that, marshmallow? I might’ve married a princess! But a fish.” He gasped. “A Fishcess. That'd make you and Sweetie princesses by proxy. Don't say I never did anything for you!”

Somehow I get the feeling that's the one part Rarity might be ok with

Just wait until she meets Rarity's friends... Including the one who WAS part of a band.

Well, at least one of the Dazzlings got a reasonably good life back this time around.

Now that got a good chuckle out of me! Lovely stuff.

I know, right? I actually feel surprisingly happy for Sonata. If there was ever a gal that deserved the chance to settle down with a lover, it'd be her.

Granted, I, like Rarity, remain uncertain if Hondo's actually the right stallion for the job...but, y'know. Details. :rainbowlaugh:


You can't marry somepony you've known less than a week!”

I'm getting FROZEN flashbacks.

Just gotta say, that is one lucky guy.

Not bad. I like the idea of it and all that, but a couple things stood out to me.
1) mawkish. I had to look it up mid story. Try not to use words that people have to look up to understand. Just say the definition, we won't mind.
2) Her father divorced and remarried after this incident? What about counseling or just wallowing in whatever ponies are meant to wallow in? :raritywink:
3) the end kinda felt forced. I KNOW this was a 1k story, but if you could have made it so Hondo didn't make it into a direct sex joke I think it would have felt more natural to me.
4) how's Hondo going to get to her home as a pony? This needs to be addressed in a very humorous sequel.

Lmao stellar work

Even though she looks young, she's actually over a thousand years old!

She's not a loli! She's a 4,000 year-old c#m vampire! (Thanks for the line, Nux Taku.) :trollestia:

Mermaid by Great Big Sea comes to mind...

When I was a lad in a fishing town
Me old man said to me:
"You can spend your life, your jolly life
Just sailing on the sea.
You can search the world for pretty girls
Til your eyes are weak and dim,
But don't go searching for a mermaid, son
If you don't know how to swim"
'Cause her hair was green as seaweed
Her skin was blue and pale
Her face it was a work of art,
I loved that girl with all my heart
But I only liked the upper part
I did not like the tail

I wonder if Hondo knows that with Hippocampi, it is the males that get pregnant and bear the young... This certainly is shaping up to be quite a memorable honeymoon. I think Cookie is going to have the last laugh though

straight to the deepest, darkest hole in Equestria


With a dad like this. Rarty's quirks start to make a lot more sense.

who liked to shoot rainbows at innocent performers?

I don't get people who simp for Sonata. This line alone should earn her copious amounts of Twilicorn's rage. :twilightangry2:

“Quite the contrary, my little marshmallow.” She cringed at the fillyhood nickname he refused to drop.

aww that is totally the cringe nickname he would have for her

“Did you know there's places in Las Pegasus that can get you divorced in under an hour? It’s already a done deal!” Hondo shuffled to the side to free up the boutique’s doorway. “Speaking of, there’s someone I'd like you to meet.”

ahaha that was indeed quick

“This is Sonata. We met down by the docks and immediately hit it off. Well, not immediately… but after the hospital got the hook out of her cheek, we started talking and really clicked.”

ah right, Hondo Flanks is a fishermare! oh this is a fantastic connection to draw

Rarity prided herself on her refined and collected demeanor. It took extraordinary events to make her lose her composure. Seeing a filly who looked barely old enough to be out of highschool clinging to her father was more than sufficient.

indeed, that would certainly be sufficient

Even though she looks young, she's actually over a thousand years old!


“What?!” Rarity shrieked as her world turned upside down. “Step—? You can't marry somepony you've known less than a week!”

“Sure can! There's places in Las Pegasus that can get you wed in under an hour. It was a beautiful little ceremony. We even had a Princess Celestia impersonator to officiate!”

ah the difference between “can’t” and “shouldn’t”. also love that it was done by a Princess Celestia impersonator that is just perfect

“Even though she was too tall and had two extra colors in her mane.” Sonata squinted at Rarity. “Hey… you look familiar. Did you ever play in a band with a bunch of highschoolers who liked to shoot rainbows at innocent performers?”

ahaha love Sonata’s take on those events

“I almost forgot!” Hondo gasped. “You haven’t seen the best part yet. Fish cakes! Do the thing!”

Hondo is very good at cringe nicknames 

“Just look at that,” Hondo gushed with unabashed delight, moustache quivering and eyes brimming with the sort of emotions Rarity did not want to imagine her parent feeling. “Look at the size of her. Cookie could stuff herself sick every day of the week and she'd never get that big!”

well i am certainly learning a lot about Hondo in this story, as is poor Rarity

“Reminds me of my first marefriend,” he continued with a sigh. “I haven't seen Whoa Nelly since highschool. She was a cheerleader, you know.”

yay Whoa Nelly’s in this!

“You hear that, marshmallow? I might’ve married a princess! But a fish.” He gasped. “A Fishcess. That'd make you and Sweetie princesses by proxy. Don't say I never did anything for you!”

all this is so terrible i love it

“And if your mother calls, tell her I've gone exactly where she told me to go: straight to the deepest, darkest hole in Equestria!”


Then he stuck his head back in.

“And I'm not talking about the Mareanas Trench!”

and of course it had to end this way!

oh absolutely delightful and hilarious. poor, poor Rarity, and Cookie Crumbles as well. amazing work here, wow! thank you so much!

“Just look at that,” Hondo gushed with unabashed delight, moustache quivering and eyes brimming with the sort of emotions Rarity did not want to imagine her parent feeling.

To quote Christopher Walken in Hairspray, “This heart does not beat for anything under a size 12.”

Delightfully absurd. I do have to wonder how Sonata got back home, but it’s probably fine. At the very least, she seems to genuinely appreciate Hondo. Plus that last line did get me to laugh out loud. In all, lovely work. Thank you for it and congrats on the silver.

Fishcess is my new favourite word.

Hello! Here's your courtesy note for my review of this. A broad comedy with an original premise and Hondo's character appealed. Not quite my kind of comedy (eg that last line) but I recognise that's a personal thing.

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