• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2021
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Comments ( 14 )

“This crime against the uniformity of this neighborhood?” He says pointing at the castle. “That’s a tree not a building. We of the architecture guild are professionals, not gardeners. We do not concern ourself with such unimportant matters such as trees.”

:rainbowlaugh: Cute little story. It seems that not even the Great and Powerful Trixie is a match for bureaucracy.

Poor Trixie, someday she will have her great and powerful home.

i'd have left the treehouse.
a structure can not be higher than 40m?
so? what is the problem? the structure is not higher than 40m.
it starts further up but the structure itself is not 40m high.
probably even below 5m seeing how it will most likely only have the ground floor.
also, this would forbid buildings from being built on hills and mountains as well.

“Now get this thing removed by noon, or you will feel the full authority of Ponyville’s architectural guild.”

In the form of a very sternly worded notice. Notarized and in triplicate, of course. And the pony who will hand it to you will be frowning very hard too.

I just love the illustration. Trixie is such a goober.

This is such a Trixie thing to do :trixieshiftright:

now I want a tree house.

After a brief trip to downtown Ponyville to get some quills, Princess Twilight Sparkle returned to find... nothing. No crystal castle, no crystal tree, and no Trixie's 'treehouse' anywhere to be seen. Only a gleaming sheen of crystal across where her home had been, level with the ground.

Five minutes of infuriated stomping later, Twilight managed to track down Trixie behind Sugarcube Corner, where she was trying to gnaw some of the trim free. "Where's my castle?" Twilight bellowed.

"How should I know, Sparkle?" she snapped back, tucking the loose bit of sugar-trim into a pocket of her cape. "The city crew made me leave while they carried out the demolition! They even gave me a copy of the work order."

Demolition order: Structure on the end of Crystal Drive built in violation of city code. Demolish and dispose at once. Signed, Marigold Mare, Mayor.

Ten minutes later in the mayor's office, where her oak door had proven rather less than effective against an aggravated alicorn's magic, the mayor in question was backed up against the wall and was making every effort to blend into the wallpaper. "I sign hundreds of papers a day," she whined, edging toward the window. "You can't expect me to-- Oh," she managed, catching a look outside where a rather prominent landmark was missing. "Um... I've been overworked lately and meaning to take a few weeks off. Why don't you stay in my house and run the mayor's office while I'm gone?"

"Of course," said Trixie. "And the Great and Powerful Trixie will permit Sparkle to sleep on your couch while our homes are being rebuilt."

Good story. Short, sweet, humorous.

You could use a proofreader, though. I spotted plenty of typos throughout the story, including one in the title.

I love the idea of someone just accusing any significant landmark as being a crime against uniformity.

Twilight is lucky it is a tree so it won’t violate building codes.:rainbowlaugh:

an unenlightened judge mistakenly ruled that buildings made out of sweets

There are also many times where a character is described as shouting or screaming, but there are no exclamation marks.

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