• Published 12th Feb 2024
  • 218 Views, 180 Comments

Thomas and Friends: Legends of Strasburg - The Blue EM2

Will you be lost by time? Or be part of history? Will your story be told? Or remain a mystery?

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The Last Train Done Left Town

"What in the world are we seeing here?" Isaac asked, as he and his wife stepped inside the cave.

"I've never seen anything like it!" Aurora said, even stopping to take a few photographs along the way. The interior of the cave was absolutely stunning. The landscape inside was similar to some caves they had historically been in, as the interior was decorated with stalactites and stalagmites as well as other formations formed from water, but some of the other objects were utterly unlike things that they had ever seen.

The cave itself was full of large crystals attached to the floor and wedged haphazardly into the walls. Some were even attached to the ceiling, which was odd. But that wasn't the only remarkable thing about these crystals. The crystals seemed to glow with their own energy, producing an incredible amount of light. So much light, in fact, that it illuminated the entire cavern by itself.

Aurora reached up to switch her helmet lamp off. "I won't be needing this lamp, that's for sure. These crystals produce enough light for us to see where we're going!"

"Bioluminescent rocks," Isaac replied. "I've never seen anything like it myself in all my years of cave exploring."

The couple moved onwards into the cave, their eyes continuing to see all the wonders that sat around them and continued to attract the eye of the dedicated explorer. So stunning was it all they took to documenting as much of the cave as they could on cameras, so they had a momento of their unexpected potholing trip on the other side of the world.

After a while of walking through caverns, all of which were comfortably tall enough to accomodate a grown adult standing fully upright, they shifted round a bend. The area soon changed with it, the landscape starting to open up.

"The underground world never ceases to amze," Aurora gasped, when she saw what was in front of her.

The cavern in front opened up in front of her like an enormous room, the ceiling stretching away so high into the air that not even the glowing crystals could capture the top of the ceiling with their light. The room stretched away in all directions, with the tunnels leading away in untold numbers of directions and covering many miles of tunnels snaking away.

"Who know this was here," Isaac said. "We may be the first human beings to explore this underground place."

Suddenly, their eyes were drawn to a small block in the centre of the chamber, which sat there undisturbed like some sort of drinking fountain. Sitting in it was a small indent, which seemed to be a space for something to sit in it. And in that space was something. The two adults got closer to look at them, seeing something small and glowing inside the small indent.

"What do you think it could be?" Aurora asked, looking at the object sitting inside.

"Beats me," Isaac replied. "But it may be dangerous, so let's avoid handling it."

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

Both of them glanced over to see Timber Spruce striding towards them, followed by a black shape. He strode forward before stopping on the other side of the small block. "Remarkable, isn't it? Just what I need to do what needs to be done."

"What are you doing here?" Isaac asked. "I didn't take you for the caving type."

"I may ask the same of you," Timber replied. "This is a historic place, and the place where the world may be saved from."

"What are you talking about?" Aurora asked. "Unless these objects are magical, that doesn't make much sense."

"This very cave is magical," Timber answered. "It's how any of this is here. It's how she survived here past the destruction of her body all those decades ago. Show them, my ally!"

Suddenly, the black shape began to shift and coalesce, becoming more defined. Black smoke spread out and formed heavy machinery. Metal was shifted out of the darkness. Frames, a boiler, wheels, and siderods were attached to this strange thing, and a tender was seen in the gloom. The smokebox gained a headlamp, and soon smoke was rising from the chimney as the engine sat there.

"Finally," they said, confirming them to be female. "I have something resembling the old form. I can finally get my revenge and be free of the darkness that has plagued us all these years!"

"My friends, meet Clinchfield 311," Timber Spruce smiled. "She has been most helpful in achieving the goals I need."

"What goals?" Aurora asked him. "How does a ghost help you do anything?"

"If you only understood the power, little woman," Clinchfield 311 boomed, her voice heavily distorted by the cavern. "You cannot possibly hope to understand that which you cannot comprehend."

Seeing their confusion, Timber decided to explain. "Magic is the answer. The Strasburg Railroad is in trouble, and debtors circle us like sharks looking for their next meal. But I have a way to save us all, and prevent this piece of history from being destroyed. If I can drive the debtors off, it'll keep the line in place forever and ever and ever."

"And how exactly do you plan to do that?" Isaac asked.

"Easy. By scaring them, they cannot come to collect. And each time they send a new one I scare them again until they run out of people. And magic will make it so easy to dispose of the bodies."

"But why ally with her?" Isaac prompted.

"Simple," Timber replied. "We both want the same thing- to see off the humans who put their own pockets before heritage or safety. 311 here died in an accident caused by a poorly maintained bridge- all because the manager wanted to save money on repairs. And those people are coming to drain our coffers. Well, it won't be happening under my watch, that's for sure. Stay back, ladies- it's time to save the world."

With that, he grabbed the crystals in the block and grasped them in his hand. It started to glow, and within an instant the light consumed Timber Spruce. The others covered their eyes to protect them from the blinding light, but it eventually faded, and once they uncovered their eyes what they saw horrified them.

Timber had undergone some sort of transformation. His clothing was replaced by what appeared to be a steampunk version of an engineer's uniform, with hat to match. His eyes glowed bright white, glowing so intensely that they were probably visible from space. He had a variety of tools on his belt, and a spanner sat in his hands.

"Finally, I can save us all," he said.

"Not so fast," said 311, and suddenly black energy began to flow into Timber. He looked over in confusion, and briefly grunted as something seemed to be going on, but after a few seconds he seemingly stopped resisting and stood normally, looking directly at the other humans.

"What a useful tool," said a voice, 311 and Timber speaking in unison as they looked over.

"What have you done?" Aurora asked, still confused by all she had just seen.

"Nothing at all," 311 replied. "Magic did it all for me. But with both of us, and the power of the crystals on our side, I can complete the revenge I began all those decades ago. Mark my words, both of you! These lands shall be changed forever! By the time the sun rises on the next day this land shall be red- red with the blood of humanity!"

As she and Timber left, the walls of the chamber began to collapse. Rocks fell in and blocked the only escape routes out of the chamber, leaving the couple utterly trapped.

"How are we going to get out?" Aurora asked. "Can we cut our way out?"

"Not with these tools," Isaac replied. "The boulders are too heavy."

Aurora then had an idea. "But I think the emergency sequence on my phone can get through the rock! I'll try that!" She took out her phone and pushed the main button twice, which in turn caused it to start broadcasting a distress signal that could be picked up on local devices.

What felt like an hour passed. "Never thought I'd be in a cave in," Isaac said.

"Stay calm," Aurora replied. "I have no doubt the emrgency services are racing to our location as we speak!"

Suddenly, there was a series of loud bangs, and the rocks on one side of the cavern started to fall away, as if being pulled back by some unseen force.

"See?" Aurora smiled. "All it takes is a bit of faith."

Eventually, enough rocks had been pulled free for them to step outside, and step outside they did, drinking in the air as if it was soup.

"Good thing we found you," said Lord Haven. "We got your distress beacon and alerted rescue forces."

"But how did you get stuck in there?" Lady Haven asked.

"Doesn't matter," Isaac said. "We have to get to Strasburg, and fast. They're in danger."

Author's Note:

Clinchfield 311 was a real locomotive, albeit very different to the one presented in the lore developed by KaneFan701. The historic locomotive was a 2-8-0 built by Baldwin in 1909. The original character is instead a 4-8-2 (and a reskin of an SLSF T-54 to be precise). For this story, I have blended elements of both narratives.

I am also aware that using Timber Spruce as an antagonist was an unusual change, but his behaviour in the film suggests a person who would be prepared to go to extremes in order to achieve his goals (as demonstrated by his ghost story and his tactics during the film's concluding battle).

On the topic of battle, ready yourself for the climax, which is coming soon.