• Published 5th Sep 2023
  • 680 Views, 29 Comments

SANS UNDERTALE!?: Anon-a-Miss - MTTBrandPromoter

During the height of the Anon-a-Miss scandal, a certain comedian finds himself trapped on the wrong side of a magic portal.

  • ...

A New World

"What's wrong Applebloom?"

"Ya, why did you call us here?"

Walking into the library with her two best friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, Applebloom proceeded to explain what happened as she sat down in front of one of the library's computers.

"We have a problem," Applebloom replied.

"Like what?" asked Scootaloo. What was so important that they had to use some of their only study time for?

"The new kid, did you guys see him?" Applebloom inquired.

"No, and what does this new kid have to do with us?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo nodded in agreement.

"Well, ah saw him talking with Sunset earlier. Apparently she gave him a tour around the school this morning. If Sunset convinces him that she's not Anon-A-Miss, then he could help her convince everyone else! I mean, he wasn't even here to know what she was like before! Our whole plan could fall apart!" Applebloom worriedly explained.

"Calm down Applebloom, " Scootaloo reassured, "we'll just do what we always do: find something embarrassing about him, post it on MyStable, then frame Sunset for it."

That's when Sweetie Belle spoke up, "Guys, I'm not really sure about this anymore," she said, "I mean, I think we're taking this a bit too far."

"Well, it's too late to turn back now, " Applebloom sighed, "for now, we should just make sure this new kid is on our side, starting with finding out who he is."


A few hours earlier under Mt Ebott…

Sound of snow crunching under Sans's slippers was the only sound to be heard in Snowdin forest. Sans was currently heading to his sentry post near the old ruins, where he was supposed to "watch for humans," but he mostly just sat around and slept. This was the first of three posts he worked at throughout the day and throughout the underground, which was well suited for him because, as a skeleton, he could survive really any environment, from the freezing cold of Snowdin, to the burning heat of Hotland. (heh, King Asgore really is bad at names)

Today, however, for the sake of the plot, Sans decided to walk to his post the more, traditional, way, rather than taking his special "shortcut". He had no reason to hurry anyway. As he walked, he noticed a little path leading towards the bottom of a steep ledge. Deciding to check it out (again, for the sake of the plot), Sans discovered another short path parallel to the road above.

"huh, can't believe i haven't been here before," Sans said, as he looked all around him. Definitely didn't beat the giant door he found near his post a few days ago though. He still loved going there and sharing bad jokes with the lady behind it. He made a mental note to remember to visit her after this. On the walls around him, Sans swore he could see little yellow eyes watching him through the holes and cracks. Then, the path came to an end.

"well, that was anticlimactic," Sans said with a shrug. But before he started to head back, Sans noticed a large cave opening to his right, big enough for him to walk through.

"huh, wonder what's in here?" Sans wondered aloud. After deciding to walk through the dark tunnel, he wondered where it led. He didn't have to wonder for very long though, because he soon found himself in a small room, with the only light coming from the shining stones on the walls and the glowing mushrooms on the ground. At the end of the room, rested a purple wooden door, engraved with the Delta Rune, emblem of the Kingdom of Monsters. Smiling and without saying anything, Sans walked up to the door.


Before he could begin practicing the knock-knock joke, the door suddenly swung open, causing Sans to stumble backwards.

"what the…?" Sans started to say, trying to figure out what he was seeing. In front of him, the door had swung wide open, but instead of a room behind it, there was just a glowing, mirror-like wall. Walking over to it, Sans decided to try putting his hand on it. Guess you could say he was trying to get a feel for it (ok I'll stop). He was definitely even more surprised when his hand went right through.

"huh. something tells me this isn't a normal door," Sans noticed. It looked like some kind of magic he'd never seen before. He began to wonder if it was some old forgotten puzzle that was left when Monsters first crossed through. It would explain the emblem on the door. But he couldn't figure out what the puzzle was. Sans took a minute to consider his options: 1) he could leave and try to forget about what he saw, going back to the normal day to day routine, or 2) see where this led, and hopefully be back before Papyrus's bedtime, as he could get very cranky without his bedtime story.

"well, let's see what's behind door number one." Sans joked as he walked through.

Suddenly, Sans felt like he was being sucked down a large cosmic drain as he swirled round and round, feeling more and more stretched out as he did. He could see colors race past as moved faster than the speed of light, causing his head completely empty as it tried to comprehend the chaos.


Then, almost as suddenly as it began, the madness ended, leaving Sans laying on the ground, passed out from the experience.


About fifteen minutes passed before Sans finally came to his senses. Opening his eyes, Sans could make out the cloudy gray sky above him. Suddenly, he realized what he was seeing. The sky. Getting up, he looked at the area around him.

"what the- where am i? is this the… surface?!" Sans asked himself, taken aback. This was the very last place he expected to end up when he walked through that door. But, as he looked around, something didn't feel right. He felt like his senses were dramatically increased. That's when he looked down and realized he had skin.

"what did that door do to me?" Sans said, amazed. He was human! But how? Looking around more, he noticed something off about this place. It looked very cartoonish, much unlike his more pixelated world.

"i must not be on earth anymore, at least not mine," Sans deduced, and turned towards the giant horse statue behind him.

"guess this is the portal i went through, " Sans said, placing his hand on the statue. His hand, however, would not go through. His stomach fell, realizing his only way back home had closed. He pounded on the statue, trying to get any response he could from it, to no avail. Just as he began to give up hope, he backed away from the statue and the big building it was in front of, accidentally bumping into someone, causing them to fall.

"woops, sorry about that," Sans said, turning towards them, "didn't see ya there."

On the ground was a yellow skinned girl with pink hair, who was scrambling to pick up the papers surrounding her.

"ya need a hand?" Sans asked, as he bent down to pick up some of the papers.

"Oh, uh, th-thanks," She said softly.

"no problem," Sans said, giving her the remaining papers and extending hand to help pull her up. Hesitantly, the girl took his hand. But as he pulled her off the ground, the whoopee cushion in his hand deflated, making a funny sound.

"heh, the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick, it's always funny," Sans said, chuckling. The girl only looked down, cheeks turning red. But he did notice a small smile.

"the name's sans. sans the… uh nevermind," he continued, "i'd ask for your name, but, you don't seem to be in the most talkative mood."

"It's fluttershy," she whispered, head still facing downwards.



"c'mon kid, you gotta speak up, i can barely hear a thing."

"Fluttershy!," she quietly screeched, but just loud enough for Sans to hear. Boy, was this girl shy. Sans wanted to ask her where he was, but didn't want to have to ask three times. He had to figure out a way to get her talking.

"so, uh, what's those papers you got there for?" He asked, trying to get a conversation going.

"Oh, these are flyers for the animal shelter. It's not very easy taking care of a lot of animals, so we're always looking for volunteers. Would you like one?" Fluttershy asked, with the topic of animals seeming to help her speak normally.

"sure," Sans replied, taking a paper and stuffing it into his hoodie pocket.

"by the way, " Sans started to ask, seeing that she was more comfortable, "could ya tell me where we are? i kinda got turned around."

"This is Canterlot High, " Fluttershy replied, "Are you a new student? I guess that would explain why I haven't seen you before."

huh, do i really look that young in this world? Sans wondered, i guess i might as well play along. maybe someone here knows a thing or two about magic portals. just hope that i can get back soon.

"uh, yep, you got me," Sans said, jokingly putting his hands up, "i was just making sure i was at the right, uh, school."

"Well, I can show you where the Principal's office is, and school doesn't start for at least 10 minutes, so she should be able to arrange a tour for you," Fluttershy offered.

"thanks ki- i mean Shy," Sans said, correcting himself. He didn't want to accidentally reveal he was older than the all the kids here.

About five minutes later Sans stood in front of the office door, Fluttershy having gone back to the statue to hand out flyers.

"welp, here we go again," Sans said to himself before knocking on the office door.

"Come in." A voice from the office called. Opening the door, Sans saw a woman with light pink skin and long, rainbow-like hair behind a brown desk, signing some papers.

"sup," Sans greeted, going up to her and extending his hand. She looked up, noticing his hand.

"Good mor-" She started to say, as she shook his hand, before getting cut off by yet another whoopee cushion trick.

"yep, still funny," Sans chuckled as Principal Celestia also started to laugh.

"It seems we got quite the prankster," Principal Celestia chuckled, "So, what can I do for you?"

"well, fluttershy said that new students come to you," Sans answered.

"Oh, I don't remember CHS getting a new student today," Principal Celestia wondered, starting to look through some of the papers on her desk.

"it was last minute," Sans shrugged, hoping the lie would work.

"Oh ok," Principal Celestia said, grabbing the school PA microphone, "Here, let me just call for a student so they can show you around the school while it's still early."


people here have the weirdest names, Sans thought to himself.

"Well, while we wait for her I'll have Vice-Principal Luna make you your schedule," Principal Celestia told him as she got up from her chair, "In the meantime, feel free to take a seat."

"sounds good," Sans said as she left the room, taking a seat in a conveniently placed chair next to her desk. After waiting for a few minutes, Principal Celestia came back with a piece of paper and sat down at her desk, facing Sans.

"So, here is your schedule, with a school map on the back. You'll miss your 1st period, Chemistry, due to your tour, but after that you can head over to your second class, Algebra II," Principal Celestia explained, handing Sans the paper, which he stuffed into his hoodie pocket.

"If you have any questions or need anything, feel free to ask me or your fellow students," she finished with a smile, just before someone came through the door.

"Good morning Sunset," Principal Celestia greeted, as the girl walked in. Sunset had dark orange skin and red hair with streaks of yellow, explaining the name. She also wore a black eye, which seemed to explain her mood, and made Sans wonder what kind of kids went here.

"Morning," she grumbled back.

"How's your eye doing?" Principal Celestia asked,"I hope it's healing alright."

"It's fine,"Sunset assured, even though Sans could tell it wasn't. That's when he decided to join the conversation.

"i'm assuming that wasn't from a prank telescope," he said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. Sunset then turned to Sans, seeming to have just noticed him, looking surprised.

"Sunset," Principal Celestia introduced, " meet Canterlot High's newest student: Sans."

Author's Note:

Well, I guess either I write faster than I thought, or it just takes a really long time to get your story approved, cause I finished this chapter while I was waiting.
As always, feel free to provide constructive criticism.