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Inconsistently making my favorite ponies miserable since 2011


Practice could have gone better.

First, there were all the missed landings and failed flips. Then, Ocellus had forgotten the words to the cheers while the junior pony team showed out with perfect rhythm and volume. Oh, and there was the whole getting crushed and paralyzed thing.

Yeah, come to think of it, that was probably the worst part.

For a pony, such a thing might be devastating. For a dragon like Smolder? Still devastating, but Scales do these ponies love to drown their wounded in cards and balloons. And the way they talk to her, it's like they expect her just to lay around and cry all day or something.

Yeah, that ain't Smolder.

Thankfully, Gallus gets it at least. Smolder doesn't want to spend her days sitting around in bed, feeling sorry for herself. If she's going to be forced to sit on her butt for the rest of her life, she wants to at least do it out in the open—roll around the hallways, prank a few nurses, have a race or two despite doctors yelling at her not to, those good 'ol things. Those doctors may have their degrees in medicine, but she's a few months away from a degree in friendship, and friends and living don't come from just sitting around and being sad and stuff. They come from getting out there, meeting fellow injured souls, and bringing some smiles and joy into their lives. Who says a hospital has to be a place without smiles?

And what better way to bring smiles to every creature's face than a good old-fashioned wheelchair race? It certainly brings a smile to Gallus', and Smolder will take any excuse to hang out with her favorite griffon.


A romantic dramedy. Rated T for profanity, some suggestive themes/references (no actual sex), and a debilitating accident.

Comments welcome! DMs are also open if you have any questions or comments that you'd rather state/ask privately rather than publicly in the comments section.

(Coverart is a screencap of the show. Hoping to eventually get some real cover art. If ya know anyone who might be up to it...)

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 64 )

Oh, and there was the whole getting crushed and paralyzed thing

:facehoof: Swims in literal lava, but this? Injured I can buy.

"This is your chance to prove you've got the legs to carry this school forward into continued awesomeness."

In retrospect...perhaps a bad choice of words on Dash's part, given what's coming.

All she knew was that it sucked for Ocellus. It sucked that the girl had been thrown into that crappy situation and in her panic made it worse.

Yeah, I'll bet Ocellus and Yona both feel extremely guilty for what happened, regardless of who was or was not actually at fault. :twilightoops:

Oh, but this fic's going to be a good one, I can already tell. :ajsmug:

It's where the force is exerted that matters, actually. Apply it in the right manner and in the right spot, and even the strongest of materials will still break. And having actually read the chapter, I can attest the nature of the injury is believably still enough to affect even a dragon so.

Being resistant or immune to X doesn't mean Y cant wreck your day entirely. Extreme heat immunity doesn't remotely translate into a crush resistant spine.

Yowch, that’s all I can think after hearing the description of what happened to Smolder.

but as far as Smolder could tell her legs were as dead as they'd been the week before, and the week before that, and the week before that.

So a potentially important question...does Smolder still have feeling in her tail, or was that paralyzed too? Because in thinking about the nature of her injury, I could easily see her losing feeling in her tail too, given it'd be in the line of fire for the same sort of damage that her legs have suffered.

She looked over at her older brother, Garble, and growled as he threw another yellow sapphire at her head.

'Gonna cry, Moldy,' his voice taunted.

'Nah,' she replied. 'Just gonna shove it up your butt.'

She chuckled as the vision faded with Garble letting out a far-too-high-pitched shriek as he flew around the cave, Smolder right on his tucked tail.

Yeah, that seems about right for their brother/sister relationship. :trollestia:

Rarity poked her head in, glaring at Gallus. "Gallus Griffon, how could you be so rude?!" she hissed.

Whaaaat? He's just speaking in a language Smolder understands!

A knock came at the door. "Am I cool?" Gallus asked.

"No, you're a dork," Smolder replied.

Oh, I'm totally writing that one down for later use. :rainbowlaugh:

I love how you're not beating about the bush on the nitty-gritty details of Smolder's injury and all the bodily consequences that come with it. I've always been of the opinion that if one's going to write about topics such as this, you need to go all in on it--no point trying to sugarcoat it. The details might be unpleasant, but that doesn't make them go away. And acknowledging them just makes it feel all the more real. :twilightsmile:

The fire exit door across from her room might have just been the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen in her entire life.

Definitely one of the most effective lines I’ve read in a story in quite a while. Love it.

And I love the start to this story! Keep up the good work my good man :ajsmug:

“Relax. I bet you would have been able to tell that. You’d definitely have felt the pull in your spine.”

Sounds like her tail is indeed paralyzed as well then. Surprised that hadn't been more clearly stated before now, because her tail may not be as vital as her legs, obviously, but it still plays a few vital roles for her body nonetheless. For example, steering while in flight (which surely she's going to want to try at some point, because her wings are still working so there's no reason she can't still do it, it'll just be more complicated given the lack of, shall we say, "landing gear").

"The last thing I want to see is you falling outta that and ending up like me."

“It’s, like, a two-foot fall.”

“Knowing you, you’d find a way.”

He would. :ajsmug:

Still greatly enjoying the story. It's been a good while since I've last been this excited to see the next chapter of a fic like this. :pinkiehappy:

Luckily for her, Nurse Redheart was there to catch her.

Unluckily for her, well, Nurse Redheart was there to catch her.



Yeah, your comment last chapter made me realize that I hadn't clarified that about her tail--and that I needed to! Honestly, I had not even considered the affect Smolder's paralysis would have on her tail, but once I thought about it you are correct: it's quite a vital limb for a dragon.

Thank you so much for the comments. Already, they have had an influence that will (hopefully) make future chapters just as enjoyable!

Oh, and there was the whole getting crushed and paralyzed thing.

Why isn’t there a violence and/or gore tag. Even if the accident is shown off-screen, that amount of damage done to someone should get at least one of those tags.

"If you can't be of use to us, then you're worth as much as the dirt," Ember said, her voice as cold and unfeeling as a glacier. Smolder stared down at her legs, her heart thumping in her chest. "And if dirt is what you're worth, then dirt you will be."

I know it's just a dream, and thus not reflective of reality...but I can't really picture Ember being that cold about it. Heck, I'd sooner expect her, the moment she finds out about Smolder's condition, of storming into Twilight's office so to blame the ponies entirely for it. :rainbowlaugh:

Guess we'll have to see if I'm right about any of that though. For Smolder's sake, I hope I am.

Sandbar, Silverstream, Ocellus, Yona, and Gallus. Each looked every part different and the same. They stood taller, wiser. Gallus wore a golden helmet atop his head. He looked amazing.

...huh. That's an interesting detail... :rainbowhuh:

"Did you break a bone too?"

"Oh. Um. Yeah."

A whole stack of them, technically.

Smolder raised a claw. "Hold up."

Like so:

"I think it's fair. You stole my—" Silverstream's beak practically zipped shut. "Never mind."

Wuh-oh! I already know where that's going! :trixieshiftleft:

Weren't dreams like this Twilight's job? Or did Luna still take care of those despite passing on her moon duties?

Questions everybody's still asking, and really wishing G4 hadn't neglected to clarify before passing on the torch.

Gosh, I love this fic. I just sort of instinctively knew it was going to be a good one from the moment I first found it and so far it's absolutely delivered on that. :twilightsmile:

Because there wasn't really any gore, and there still hasn't been up to now either. As for violence...depends on how you want to define violence, I suppose. The accident was just that, after all, a very unfortunate accident. No violence was deliberately done, and no violence has really followed (up to now) either. Since adding a violence tag generally implies there'd be violence through out a significant portion of the story, I don't think it'd be accurate for this particular fic to include it. But...ultimately it's up to the author whether or not it gets added.

I want to hug Smolder so badly 😭

Kinda echoing what Scyphi said here, but there's no violence tag because I picture the violence tag as a sign that there's consistent action and violence in a story. The description of the content warning tag on the site says that the tag is for more persistent action/violence. Plus, the story doesn't really describe the 'accident' in detail due to only seeing it through Smolder's POV--at least not in a very visually descriptive way. Personally, I don't think it warrants the tag, but I may add a warning in the long description.

Yeah, that is decidedly not in-character for Ember, but Smolder is going through a lot of anxiety at the moment. In those anxious moments, it's easy for the ol' scumbag brain to twist the ever-loving crap out of reality. Ember would definitely be one of the first to be at Smolder's bedside the moment she got the news.

(Of course, now I'm picturing Ember busting into the school's office and tearing the poor janitor a new one because she can't tell ponies apart. M'am, this is a Wendy's)

Also for the Gallus detail... well, there may be future scenes/chapters exploring points of view outside of Smolder's, so I'll leave it at that :raritywink:

Glad you're enjoying it! I'm really enjoying writing this one and knowing I'm not the only one is such a great motivator. Thank you so much for the great comments!

The pacing and descriptors of mental turmoil and supporting ambiance are incredibly well done. Amazing writing, my friend.:yay:

Like, who would be the target customer for an angler fish plush? Honestly, that'd probably be the one Smolder would spare. It was ugly. An ugly plush was kinda cool.

Well plushies usually get a pretty interesting looks despite it could be ugly they still wanted it my niece is like that she has weird stuff animals

Reopening the wounds. 'Sorry about your legs.' 'We're thinking about you.' Great. That won't change anything, so let's just move on from that shall we?

I wouldn't say words are useless or anything like that being negative doesn't help either and I get it I felt the same way too when I hurt myself and I couldn't do much and I get grouchy and annoyed too but being like that doesn't help anybody it just hurts not just only you but other people who you cared about

"No!" Yona sputtered, her face turning red. "Yona is just saying she is good. Yona loves Sandbar very much, thank you."

Aww I'm sure you do Yona and you guys are very cute together

"Trick the crowd. Yak still be base, but Ocellus can be yak too. Start with Smolder on the back of Yona Yak. Ocellus Yak jumps and flips into Smolder's arms. Everyone thinks Smolder lifts yak in the air." Yona grinned. "Trick crowd. Like magic. It's simple, but it will look cool."

Oh dear I felt like that's a little bit extreme

Starry looked between the two of them, her brow narrowed. "Are you two married?"

Out of the mouths of babes! :rainbowlaugh:

Eh, but give it a couple more years at most, Starry. :trixieshiftleft:

It might not be the heaviest chapter in terms of content...

Well, I dunno, I think that whole scene with Gallus and Smolder working together to get herself into the wheelchair rather significant. As simple an action as it probably seems outwardly, it was still kind of a noteworthy step for all involved. :twilightsmile:

The crowd roared. Smolder scowled at Gallus, who put his talons between his beak and let out a loud whistle before clapping away.

Ohh she jealous

Oh dear that's not good and what a way to start at the story so it looks like smolder is flashbacking about the day of the accident basically they were doing a couple of cheer dancing and smolder and the other two are getting their roof on with their cheerleading even though they kind of messed up a little bit and they were about to be next but Yona want to make the impossible which Ocellus feels this is a bad idea but smolder got very jealous and she really wants to go for it to get Gallus impressive her skill with her friends and it looks like they begin and it looks like everything was doing okay until literally everything collapsed Ocellus was panicking is still in her Yak form landing on smolder really hard and it looks like she's really hurts and Gallus trying to tell her to don't move but unfortunately she didn't have to because she can't feel her legs apparently something damaged her spine and now her biggest fear is coming in full force

"Jeez, and I thought Griffonstone was rough," Gallus said, frowning. With a grunt and flare of his wings, he hopped out of bed and spun, eyeing the balloons, the flowers, the sapphires. He whistled. "Wow," he whispered. "A bit overkill then, huh?"

Yeah a little I mean they want to do something nice but sometimes a little bit too much

Gallus' grin spread ear to ear as he raised his razor-sharp talons. "Work on your material, Smolder. Balloon Fairy sounds like something a two-year-old would come up with." He popped the balloon. Smolder winced. Though the door to her room was shut, she could hear the steady clip-clop of hooves on title rushing down the hall. "Great," she mumbled, "You've gone and pissed off the Balloon Fairy."

Yeah maybe that was not a good idea especially in a hospital

“Sorry, Smolder.” Nurse Redheart’s words rang sincere, but the mare smiled through it, and Smolder found her scowl melting away. For a pony, Redheart had a good sense of humor to her. She seemed to understand how dragons dealt with their emotions, or at least, not be put off by it. She joked and was brutally honest when other nurses would put on that far-too-sugary mask of try-hard kindness.

Well at least nurse red heart understands pretty well

Smolder grinned mischievously "I would, but I couldn't bear to do any harm to those legs." Wait, had she just said that out loud? Her face reddened. Gallus stared blankly, mouth agape. Oh dragonfire, how stupid could she be?

Oh my

Aww I got to say this is actually pretty sweet and pretty funny so it looks like smolder is feeling a little overwhelmed and even bored in this room just laying down and everything and it's really nice of Rarity giving some possess in the room and also Gallus showing up as well which she was pretty excited to see him both of them just talking with each other and there's something she might slip up and almost crushing on him but it looks like he has some idea to take her out what she really needs it but of course they need to ask nurse red heart to help which she did since she's been working the hospital she knows how to maneuver patients and everything I wonder what they're going to do

Smolder blinked, surprised at the moisture creeping to the brim of her eyelids. He’d read, he’d studied… for her? That was too cool. “Heh,” she forced a shaky snort. “Nerd alert.”

Awww that is so nice of him to do that and not only that he hates studying but he put his needs aside for now that's cool

Ember, sure. Dragon society at large... that's another matter. Between the emphasis their culture places on physical strength and most dragons aside from Spike, Smolder, and Ember being more or less toxic masculinity incarnate, Smolder visiting her homeland would likely get ugly fast.

Of course, Ember does seem like the kind of leader who'd work to improve things there, but that's a slow process in the best of times - you're talking about more or less rewriting a big chunk of dragon culture, so much that it's anyone's guess as to whether that would get results before Equestrian medical science gets better at treating spinal cord injuries.

Unluckily for her, well, Nurse Redheart was there to catch her.

Ohh busted 😰

“Time flies, eh?” Gallus shrugged. “Just a little race. Having some fun.”

you basically just gave yourself up man

Hey, if nothing else Gallus is passing honesty class :ajsmug:

The twisting knot in her gut seemed to loosen up. She glanced back at Redhear as best she could before her neck punched back, but in the brief glance she got, the nurse was looking straight ahead. The dragon smiled, looking down at her lap. "I mean, it was kinda fun." She reached down and let the metal roll along the tips of her claws, letting the nails clink through the spokes for a second. Like a baseball card clothespinned to a bike’s wheel. If she closed her eyes, she could almost imagine herself as careening down Long Hill, head lowered, neck-in-neck with Gallus as they neared their cheering friends. She swallowed hard. Scales, she’d never be able to ride a bike again.


Well I would say it was a pretty interesting one and pretty nice to see these two having fun despite the situation and smolder is getting a hang of the wheelchair while Gallus is having problem but she has like scary thoughts about one of her friends being in a wheelchair or never move again like her I mean I'm glad she's thinking about the others the safety despite she was the one who got hurt it was also nice to see Rainbow Dash visiting as well and of course those two really are comparative with each other so they race in the wheelchair but unfortunately nurse Red Heart caught them and got in trouble but luckily she's not too upset but she did tell them not to do that ever again she nice but very strict I wonder what else could happen

"Your legs," Ember said. She nodded toward Smolder's lower half. She sat on a stone bench underneath the throne of the Dragon Kingdom, a lowly lizard without working legs. Or legs at all. Smolder's eyes widened as she looked down at her lower half. Nothing looked back—just the rocks she sat on. "I see no reason to keep you in this pack."

I'm sure ember will not say something like that to you it's just a fear get into your head now

Smolder closed her eyes, squeezing her claws until blood trickled down her palms. No. this couldn't be real. Ember would never do this to her. She just needed to wake up. She just needed to wake up.

This is actually the time that Princess Luna should come right now this is actually a huge Miss opportunity to include her in the story especially when Smolder is having a nightmare

"Yeah. That. My hoof is kinda tingly and dangly. They want to make sure I don't need sugary. If it doesn't stop tingling..."

Aww I think she means surgery but she's young some of these words were pretty hard to pronounce

Here she was, in a hospital, in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down. And she was smiling. Really and truly smiling.

Awww that is very nice see despite everything you always will find a way to have a positive outcome

"Okay, okay." Silverstream winced. "You stole my... boyfriend which I know you didn't it was just an easy joke and I wanted to make you laugh is all. I'm serious, Smolder, don't be mad at me."

I still ship Gallus and silverstream but that's just me

Boy there was a lot of thing going on and it was pretty sweet and sad at the same time so basically smolder was having a really bad nightmare thinking how would the other dragons would think about her which I don't think ember or garble would never do anything to her like that and apparently it really scared her still and she refused to go back there so the nurse took her to the Greenhouse maybe this will calm her down but later on smolder spotted the kid and it was the same kid they saw the other day and her name is starry she was very interested to smolder and wanted to say hi and everything which that's pretty sweet of the kid and they even talk and it's nice to see smolder softer side then and it looks like silverstream visit as well and I hope to see the others visit as well but it looks like gold cross talked about Starry that she wanted to see smolder so badly and it looks like she got her request but it looks like the kid is in distress and everything apparently there's something wrong with her nerves system that connects it to the leg and she was worried that she will lose her legs and smolder want to reassure her nothing won't go bad or anything but she was still scared about it I mean I don't blame her but smolder gave her more confidence and even comfort for the little one and once again a very sweet moment between them even giving her the stuff animal which that's awesome but after that little conversation she's just thinking about what's going to happen in the future she was very emotional drain I feel bad for her

"Oh, nothing much." He flashed a grin. "Just the usual whoopee cushion on a nurse's chair. Turned out this one was a guy, who knew?" He turned on the sink, ripping off a latex glove and scrubbing at his talons. Smolder noticed a dark red flowing down the sink's stream.

Yep I would imagine he will pull a lot of tricks lol

The nurse walked in, holding a clipboard. "Hmm... strange. I received a message about a critical amputation victim requiring immediate assistance in this room on my pager, but it appears the thing must be acting up," she said, narrowing her eyes at Gallus. If not for the dampness of his entire chest, he'd almost look innocent. Well, if he could wipe the smirk off his face or stop fluttering his wings.

Of course nurse red hearts figured it was Gallus

Redheart groaned and glared. It wasn’t aimed at her, yet Smolder still pulled the sheets up a little closer to her chin. Scales, that mare could be intense. “Just do the right thing, young man.”

There's a lot of things you really don't want to mess with nurse red heart

Professor Fluttershy coming by in the morning the day after her accident to bring her a bag of gems (that she couldn't eat on doctor's orders but, hey, the thought was what counted)? Cool.

I can't help but wonder: If dragons evolved to digest gemstones, might they have some essential nutrients? Could what's going on here be equivalent to, say, forcing a snake to eat a vegan diet?

"Um... spaghetti?"

Spaghetti is also my favorite food ever

Starry shrugged. "I dunno. I just thought you were." And that was that.

Lol such an innocent kid

I will say this is a pretty adorable chapter so it looks like gallus visit smolder again which that's pretty awesome which I hope we get to see the others and of course Gallus still making trouble and told smolder about what's going on at the school but then they decided to visit a friend of smolder and starry was pretty excited to see smolder again and even meeting with Gallus and they basically chatted and everything which is always nice I wonder what else could happen I guess we'll find out next time

New chapter! Yes! :yay: I was admittedly starting to get antsy trying to patiently wait for a new one to come along. :twilightsheepish:

She could bring in some of her other clothes too. Maybe some of her black jackets. Something cool for when Garble finally showed up. If Garble finally showed up.

He'd better finally show up. I know Smolder said word takes awhile to get around in the Dragon Lands, but there's actually a few problems with that for Smolder, because Smolder, whether she's aware of it or not, has connections. Specifically, connections with a Princess of Friendship and now the whole land of Equestria as well as the leader of the Dragon Lands, both of whom would be needing to stay in the loop on Smolder's state of being anyway, accident or not, and both of whom would have means to contact each other and do so quickly with consideration for emergencies (of which this definitely would be). AND, to top it all off, Smolder's also acquainted with another dragon who has a talent for sending messages pretty much anywhere instantly via firebreath, and even if he couldn't, he'd know exactly where to go so to spread the word of Smolder's condition straightaway if need be.

So as I see it, word's already reached the Dragon Lands by now. Dragons such as Garble just haven't responded back yet. (And, to that end, I suspect he's too afraid to at the moment) Whatever his reason though, Garble doesn't really have an excuse at this point.

"They could have candy," Starry added. "You always need candy! There’s no way anyone can be unhappy when they have candy!"

You can if you have a stomachache from eating too much candy. :ajsmug:

Jade chuckled. "Wow. Sore loser, much?"

You have no idea, Jade.

Or maybe you do, because you do seem to be basically Smolder in pony form. :trollestia:

"You're a Wonderbolt!" Starry whispered, looking between Jade and Smolder. " You raced a Wonderbolt, Smolder! That's... That's so cool!"

Actually, that probably doesn't help with Smolder's bruised ego any right now, (:raritywink:) but it does explain a thing or two.

"Hold it!" Smolder crossed her arms. "You just said you were too old for Gallus. So no date. Or... whatever. That's it. Not even considering it."

Don't worry, Smolder, I'm positive Gallus would refuse her anyway (the terms of the bet never said Gallus had to accept, after all :ajsmug:).

Smolder blinked, then blushed. "Oh, come on!" She threw her hands in the air, grumbling as she rolled to the door while Jade chuckled away behind her. “Every damn pony I meet,”

Well, if you two would stop making it so darn obvious... :trixieshiftleft:


The Case of the Missing Garble is something I've had planned since the start. There's a reason he hasn't shown up yet, and we'll get to it soon. Honestly, it's something I've been going back and forth over where to put in the story because it's one of those scenes that popped into my head the moment I started planning this story and hasn't changed, but it's been tricky finding a proper placement in the story. That's one of the reasons this chapter took so long to come out. We're nearing the end of 'Act 1' of the story, and there's still several bases and characters to cover, and I knew I had to have a very strict plan to follow to finish up this Act. Without going into too much on it for spoiler reasons, obviously, there's essentially an entire other 50k words that could be thrown into just Garble's (And a few other dragons') story that has been going on simultaneous to these chapters--and one day we might see it in detail. But, yes, in short, the answers to the Case of the Missing Garble (... and now I'm getting an idea for yet another side story involving Detective Rarity, so I probably should just stop myself there haha) should be coming up very soon in the story.

Or maybe you do, because you do seem to be basically Smolder in pony form

Jade is a fun character to write, and funny enough changed significantly between the original draft of this chapter and the finished product. She was actually much more Rarity-like originally, but it just wasn't clicking, so her character turned into, at least in this chapter, more of a Green Spitfire sort. Like many other character she has depths we haven't seen yet, and her arc, I'm hoping, will be a good one... and also probably one of the most emotional

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