• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 21 minutes ago


Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...


It is said that every dog has its day, that every wrong will be eventually righted, and that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For Prince Blueblood, these were simply words that applied to other ponies; he had no problem stomping over, mowing down, destroying, or flattening any pony who stood in his way.

Until today.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 72 )

Yeah, I'm right with the guards who laid back down, hell hath no fury like a small purple unicorn.

BenRG #2 · Oct 1st, 2012 · · ·

Oh man! He damaged a library book! He's lucky she didn't go Rapidash on him!

Just consider this, dear Bronies and Pegasisters. That was Twilight's reaction to the defacing of a book. Just try to think of how she'd react if he did something stupid in an attempt to get back at Rarity?

"Cousin" makes me wonder. I suspect that Twilight Sparkle might be from an old family too; maybe descended from Clover the Clever. However, after a few dozen generations, there is a lot of intertwined branches of family trees so, yes, it's quite possible that Twilight is a relative of Blueblood's to a certain remove. Heck, she might even be more noble and pure-blooded than he is! It isn't just anyone who gets as far as the entrance exam of the School for Gifted Unicorns, no matter how strong their raw power levels!

CELESTIA: Actually, nephew, the proper form of address for my student isn't "You there", it is "Vicountess Sparkle, heir of the Rainbow of Light" or "My Lady Magic".

BLUEBLOOD: Say what?

I giggled pretty hard over the ending of this. It needs a little formatting work but it's well written and very funny.


I'm.... Not entirely sure what just happened. But hey, good to see Twilight's got her priorities in line! Now then, time for something completely different.

... That is all.

I'm pretty sure he said cousin because Shining Armor is married to Pricess Cadance, thus making them related.

If you're interested in that idea, a very good story that develops the upper and noble classes of Canterlot and Blueblood's/Twilight's place in it quite seriously is "This Platinum Crown," a sequel to "The Best Night Ever." Both are very good

Wait, how was he canceled? Did Twilight suddenly succeed above his position of royalty?

In any event, good story, I could totally see Twilight doing this, either because she's actually nuts, or because she just wanted to mess with Blueblood.

I would Imagine Cousin involves her brother's marriage.
Course I could be wrong...

She is definately just damn nuts, but that's what makes her so adorable.:twilightsmile:

Good story. I really enjoy one shots like this. I really have on complaints.

:rainbowderp:What just happened?:rainbowhuh:

Awesome! :rainbowkiss:

Funny from beginning to end:rainbowlaugh:.

heh, Twilight just cancelled Blueblood's library card. he can't borrow books anymore...dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Twilight_Sparkle_lolface.png

Son. I am disappoint. I was expecting some horrible stuff to happen to Blueblood. Won't mark it down. This doesn't deserve a thumbs down. But I am not thumbing a Blueblood story up, unless it either 1)redeems Blueblood (and trust me, you'd have to work pretty damn hard to do that in my eyes) or 2) Blueblood dies.:ajbemused:


So what does that mean for all the TwiLestia fics?

That was the best. :rainbowlaugh:

I knew books were serious business for Twilight, but damn girl! Remind me not to piss her off.

I thought it to be bout Rarity.
Still made me lol
LOL DURP:derpytongue2:


1376734 It makes them even better!

If I was one of Blueblood's guards I wouldn't of told Twilight where Blueblood was...I'd of personally hoof-delivered him to her.

Well that explains how Shining Armer became a captain in his (est.) early to mid 20s.:twilightsmile:
Congratulations Shining, You have just comitted incest.:pinkiegasp:


She is the sister-in-law of Princess Cadance, so if not by blood, Twilight is of the Royal Family by marriage!

Or. or. or. Twilight may actually be related by blood to Blueblood.

Ah yes the greatest truth: Never mess with a librarian, they know things, terrible terrible things.

*Facepalms and laughs* Oh jeez. Other than the title making no sense and the Prench thing *dunno why but it irks me :facehoof:* Good stuff.

Hell hath no fury...:twilightangry2: :rainbowlaugh: good story.

I think I know what Twilight meant by cousin. When Shining Armor married Cadence, The Sparkle Family became part of the Royal Family cadence was part of (Twilight being Cadence's sister-in-law and all that), and since Cadence and BlueBlood are both niece/nephew to Princess Celestia, that makes them cousins to each other, and that now makes Twilight Prince BlueBlood's cousin...:twilightoops:...that poor mare.

Oww! Too funny! :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, that was good, I love you man. :heart:

Thank you so much for sharing. :scootangel:

I think the whole "cousin" thing is the only reason she let him live...

Why is everyone mentioning the marriage? She said her Dad was on it. Not Cadence.

Hrrrm. Twilight's Big Three of Heinous Crimes are Book Damagery, Arson and Murder (in that order. Is it just me, or is she biase towards the inanimate? Methinks we're Lucky that Pinkie Pie is the Element of Laughter, Not Madame le Fleur) Imagine What her Reaction'd be if You Killed Someone By Trapping them in a Library and Burning it down around them. She'd Probably Become a Supernova.
2315823 Well, Blueblood is an Exessive Family Tree traciker. Presumably, As Soon as their Families were Linked, He'd Start on Adding Every Last New Family Member He'd Gained. Though I do Support the Theory that They're Actually Related Genetically, rather than Via Marriage

Headcanon confirmed. Thanks!

This was well worth five minutes.

2621788 That's very close to what Blueblood's last marefriend said...

2622163 Well, now I'm scared.

Good job :moustache: Simple and funny, just the way I like it.

I suppose we should add stupid to the list.

That line == best line.
As a deeply cynical and sarcastic assh...person, I love it when authors include a similarly cynical narrator in their stories. You can feel it dripping out of those words. Thank you very much.:twilightsmile:

I agree with Twilight! It's worse than murder! Ripping a page out of a book! How dare you?! Wait, now that I think about, Twilight's just overreacting.

Cousin. Oh lordy, that's brilliant.

The Prince was many things: Vain, stubborn, opinionated, spoiled, rich, foolish, cowardly, vain, and repetitive.
This line made me laugh quite a bit. :rainbowlaugh:

1375728 that is one long ass story.

3312512 No, it's one long ass story that isn't done yet... (Yes I have This Platinum Crown on Favorites. Yes I'm working my way thru it.)
3119560 Overreacting! How dare you! Turn in your Equestrian Library Association card right now, or we'll send a squadron of pegasi to bomb your house with Educational Bookmarks.
3279748 It may be too brilliant. The comic infers that Night Light is one of the 'royals' of some sort, which means they may actually be related in canon. Ouch.
1369819 Just want you to know this comment was responsible for "Traveling Tutor" having this paragraph in it:
“No problem. Can I use Twilight’s title?” The little dragon bowed to the unicorn. “Announcing Lady Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic!”

“Actually that would be Freifrau Twilight Sparkle von Twinkle, Bearer of the Element of Magic, Mistress of the Silver Diadem and Defender of the Realm,” said Green Grass absently as he read through his letter. “Titles go in descending order of importance. I looked her up in Twerp’s Peerage.”

3312593, Hey I'm working on THIS multi story beast. 800,000+ words and 630+ Chapters! :rainbowdetermined2: I'm on chapter 140 something of the first book. Pretty freaking amazing. SS&Explosions is a crazy good writer.

3312593 I love reading more than pretty much anything and I agree with Twilight that taking out a page of a book is worthy of severe punishment, but we can all agree that saying it's worse than murder is taking it a bit too far. Sincerely, the most avid reader in the world.

This is Awesome! :rainbowlaugh: Excellently written, perfect pacing and great ideas!

Is it wrong that I wanted to see Blueblood savaged a bit????? I would have loved to see Twilight pretend she was going to rip a bit of him off to see how he likes it.

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