• Published 14th Oct 2023
  • 1,169 Views, 60 Comments

The Witch of Everfree - Mudsymate

Rumor has it, a witch has moved into the old cottage at the edge of the Everfree. Applejack and Rarity investigates if it's true.

  • ...

"Pinkie" Pie

Chapter 4: “Pinkie” Pie

A cool spring breeze wafted through the streets of Ponyville. The sun had long since dipped below the horizon but the town was as lively as ever, especially in Ponyville’s most famous speakeasy, The Sol e Mar.

The bar bustled with activity from the locals and those ponies that came for Ponyville’s famous Zap Apple products. To the pastel pink griffon on top of the bar’s stage, it had been a fun night.

"—My siblings have always been odd like that. I love them dearly, truly. Take my older sister, Gaudileena, for example. She’s always been the strong, silent one of the family, a griffon of few words and very unlike our eldest, Grimstone, she’s the strong, LOUD type. You almost can’t believe she holds a bloody desk job!” Light chuckles came from the patrons as Griffimena Giana Pie shifted in her seat, furtively glancing at the clock in the other side of the room, "Imagine this, you go into town hall looking to get some papers clear and at the desk is this huffy griffon with a resting bitch face. Fairly typical so far! You get to her and suddenly – 'Oi! Get to it ya git, I don't have all day!’ Then you look at the clock and it’s only six AM and her shift’s just started.”

Another round of laughs erupted from the patrons. From behind the bar at the far side of the establishment, her fellow griffon, Gabriella, pointed a talon towards the stallion with an instrument case sitting at one of the stools.

“There’s also my brother Gregory, and my itty bitty little sister, Gravel. They’re precious in their own way! But speaking of the time, it’s been an hour since I was supposed to stop!” Sad ‘awws’ and ‘one more hour!’ came from the crowd which earned a laugh from the gleeful griffon.

“I would, mate! But I can see Gabriella behind the counter over there glaring at me for taking up the time table! Besides, I’m here every night seven to nine PM, except for the weekends, so come on by tomorrow for a special feature if you wanna hear the song I sing to my parents– I mean, the song they sang to me! I’ll see you all, I always do! Now we’ve got a very special guest that’s playing for you ponies tonight! There’s jazz the air, so let’s give a big round of applause for the Colt on the Sax, Noooteworthyy!!”

Hooves stomped in the crowd as a blue earth pony stallion stepped on the stage, a saxophone around his neck. As Giana put the microphone back on its stand, the stallion started playing and she exited stage left. She took an empty stool at the bar counter and breathed a sigh of relief as Gabriella slid her a tankard of beer. “Here, on the house, as thank you for covering for Noteworthy.”

Giana gratefully took the tankard with a claw and took a large swig, wiping her beak with her other arm. “Bah! ‘Tis nothing, I could’a gone for another two hours if he still hadn’t shown. I am just buzzin!” Giana raised her tankard, Gabriella poured herself a shot of spirit and toasted her fellow griffon before downing it. Giana shot the other griffon a teasing look.

“What?” Gabriella asked rhetorically, capping the bottle and putting it under the counter, “It’s my stock, I can do whatever I want with this one.” Giana laughed, shaking her head as she took another swig.

The door behind the counter swung open, revealing Applejack. She had an apron alongside her signature hat and trotted behind the counter, much to Gabriella’s relief.

“Sorry Ah’m late,” Applejack greeted, “Applebloom wouldn’t let me go till Ah put her to bed. Ah did get your message though, still need an extra pair a’hooves?”

“It’s a pretty busy night and I’m already stretched thin as is. I called for an extra pair, and an extra pair you’ll be.” Applejack smiled and nodded as she started floating bottles of various spirits down from shelves.

“You look right and proper knackered… You alright?” Giana asked, noticing the weary look on the Kirin’s face.

"Yeah, Ah'm right as rain," Applejack smiled, "Just had a bit of an… Eventful day. Got into a standoff at Fluttershy's this afternoon."

"You and Flutters? Now what in Luna's mane could have possibly caused a standoff between the two of you?" Giana raised a brow. The two had been good friends ever since the Oneiroi moved in a few years ago, so it was odd to hear the two quarreling.

"Well not me specifically… Fluttershy and Twilight had some disagreement 'cause Fluttershy apparently don't really like witches like her. It worked itself out in the end but Fluttershy still don't like her much." Applejack shrugged.

"Wait, who's Twilight?" Giana asked in shock. She knew everypony (and griffon) that lived in Ponyville, even the ones that only came to town every now and then, but she'd never heard of this Twilight before.

"Oh… You don't know?" Applejack asked, tilting her head in confusion, "Ah would’a thought you'd met her by now. She's been in'n'out of town for a while."

"What do you mean she's in-and-out for a while!? How come I haven't seen heads o’ tails of her yet?" Giana could not believe that she of all griffons missed out on meeting the friend of a friend! Especially since she was usually the one introducing her friends to her other friends.

"What's all this ruckus about?" A voice from behind Giana spoke. Turning her head she saw Rarity trotting up the bar.

"Oh we was just talkin' about how Gigi here didn't know about Twilight… Somehow," Applejack answered with a shrug.

"It's been over two weeks since she's come into town, even my usual gossip circles have been talking about her! How could you have possibly missed her?" Rarity asked the griffon, Giana only replied with wild, confused gestures.

"I knew I was missing something!" Giana exclaimed as she smacked her palm with a fist, "I've had this nagging feeling in the back of my head that I should have been doing something for somepony!"

"Well she lives just outside town, but you can catch her at the farm, she likes to come to visit for chats," Applejack smiled as she watched Giana nod.

From the door behind the counter, Gabriella came out pushing a small cart with bags of ice that she dropped into a small freezer under the counter.

"What're you doing here?" Gabriella asked Rarity. The latter looked confused, but smiled and took a seat next to Giana.

"I came for a drink, of course. I always do at this hour, don't I?" Rarity asked only to be met with a disappointed tut from the owner.

"Ohhh no, not this time, Rarity. After that stunt you pulled with my vodka, I'm cutting you off for the next month!"

"Wha- but-" Rarity sighed, shoulders slumping in defeat, "Ok that's fair…"

As the conversation died down and Giana was deep in planning mode about how she was going to meet Twilight, a large group entered the bar, a good ten to fifteen ponies.

Gabriella looked over to Applejack, who lifted glasses, tankards, and drink mixers. The Kirin looked back with a smile and nodded as the group trotted up to the bar.

"Alright then…" Gabriella half whispered loud enough for her fellow tender to hear, "Time to mix drinks and change lives."

It was well past midnight. The bar had closed up and most ponies had gone to bed. Yet in the loft of Sugarcube Corner, Giana laid in bed wide awake.

"It has to be at least 4 layers… blueberry?” Giana mused. “I could also go with purple yam… Cauldron shape…? Nah, it would need to be hollow… Hat shape? Ooh yes I like that, and it sounds delicious!"

On the other side of the room, Gummy sat in his terrarium, eyes blankly staring at his owner as she got out of bed and started pacing.

"I could fill the inside with cream… Or do I just let the frosting do the work? Oh I gotta have lotsa frosting! What do you think, Gummy?" She propped her arms on the dresser where the terrarium sat. Inside, the toothless alligator sat quietly and blinked slowly. Giana gasped.

"Chocolate Ganache with Blueberries! Gummy you're bloody brilliant!" She whispered as she tenderly lifted the alligator out of his terrarium and gave his head a light, affectionate peck before she put him back.

Giana flew out of her room, downstairs, and into the kitchen. She turned on the lights and grabbed the ingredients and utensils. Her touch light as a feather and not a sound to be heard as she worked.

"Let's get to it!"

“Sorry Gigi, she ain't visited yet.” Applejack looked at Giana with a worried expression, “Did… Did you sleep at all?”

“Nope! I’m running on excitement and the leftover chocolate I used to make this cake!” Giana pointed to the box on her back with a thumb. It was only an hour since the sun rose and despite Applejack’s late shift that night, she at least had gotten some shut-eye before Luna lifted the sun again.

“Ah don't think that's healthy…”

“That's not the point, Applejack! The point is to get this cake to Twilight by twilight! Preferably earlier… and preferably by me!” Giana said animatedly. Applejack sighed and scratched her head with a hoof.

“Well she lives east o’ town, in a cottage by a stream. Y’won't miss it if you fly. You can probably find her there, if nothin’ else.”

“Oh! Thank you~!” Giana took off, leaving Applejack coughing from the kicked up dust.

“You're welcome! … Ah guess?” Applejack yelled out before she turned around and headed off to work.

As she flew back towards town she caught sight of another flying figure just ahead of her.

“Fluttershy!” She called out as the Oneiroi turned to look, smiling as she saw Giana gliding to catch up.

“Oh, hi Giana. What brings you out to Sweet Apple Acres so early?”

“Oh y’know just looking for somepony… What about you? Where are you off too?” Giana asked as she flew together with Fluttershy.

“Ah, I’m just… Going to get my clock fixed.” Fluttershy motioned to the saddlebag at her side, “Who’re you looking for?”

“Twilight Sparkle, the witch that's recently moved in. You know her right?” Giana said, which made Fluttershy's expression fall.

“Yeah, I know her… Somewhat.” Fluttershy said indifferently as she kept a passive expression on her face.

“Fantastic! Do you have any idea where she might be? I mean, how would you hide such a prominent looking pony? Must be completely invisible!”

Fluttershy sighed and thought about it, putting a hoof to her chin before she shook her head and shrugged, “No, I have idea where she is. Sorry Giana.”

“Ahh that’s fine! I’ll have to look harder then!”

“Can't you just lure her in with a party like always?” Fluttershy asked, eyes forward and avoiding Giana’s.

“I would! Buuut the Cakes still won't let me have another one after that week-long party fiasco we had a month ago…” Giana sighed, frowning as she crossed her claws. As quick as it appeared, her expression was replaced by one of her smiles again, “But anyway, I should go and keep looking for her now. See you Fluttershy!”

“Mm… you do that. I’ll see you later Giana.” Fluttershy nodded as she flew down, landing just in front of Doctor Time Turner’s home.

“I see… That's how it is then…” Giana took note of Fluttershy's reactions for later and flew off eastwards.

Giana landed just outside of a cozy-looking cottage in the woods, her eyes darted about for signs of the pony she was after. There was no name or marker anywhere that indicated it was Twilight’s home but by the equipment she saw through the window of the cottage, and the fact there was no other home anywhere else unless it were super duper tiny, she was spot on where she needed to be. Yet the cottage lay empty.

‘Strange…” Giana thought, “I thought it would have been more spooky,’

“Uhh… You from Ponyville?” A voice called out from the second floor of the cottage. Looking up, Giana found a baby dragon peeking at her from the second-story window.

“Oh! Good day, mate! Aren’t you adorable! Is this Twilight Sparkle’s residence?” She flew up to him with a wide smile, holding a claw out in greeting, “Name's Griffimena by the way, but you can call me Giana!”

“Oh, I'm Spike! Nice to meet you Giana! And yeah this is her place, are you looking for her?” Spike took Giana’s claw in his own and shook it.

“I am, actually! Where is she now?” Giana asked, adjusting the box on her back.

“You just missed her! She went into town to buy some flowers, something about needing it for her latest potion.”

Giana groaned. “Oh, that’s a bloody shame! I was really looking forward to meeting her… Though I’ve never seen you before either! Are you her pet?”

“Pet!? I’m her number one assistant! Owlowiscious over there’s her pet though.” Spike pointed to the owl perched on a branch growing out of the cottage.

“Oh hello! Aren’t you a distinguished looking fellow! I love the plumage!” Giana cooed, which the owl answered with a few hoots.

“Oh stop it,” She giggled, “Such a flatterer you are. I ought to make you both some cake too once I give this to Twilight.”

“What is that anyway?” Spike asked, looking at the box balancing on Giana’s back.

“Why it’s only the Quadruple Decker Witch Welcome Supreme made by yours truly!” She replied with flourish, grabbing the box and showing them the cake inside, “Four layers of Chocolate Ganache with blueberry baked to tip-top witch hat perfection… I made it a few hours earlier this morning!”

“That looks amazing… Are you sure that’s food and not just an actual hat?”

“Pretty sure!” Giana giggled, “Anyway I should go back to looking for the mare of the hour. I’ll come back later and bake you a welcome cake too! Toodles!” she said as she closed the box and flew off, barely leaving enough time for Spike to call out a goodbye of his own.

Midday was nearing as Giana scanned the marketplace for any signs of Twilight, but to no avail.

The griffon landed in front of a flower shop. Giana knocked on the door and a cream mare with a red mane peeked out, “Oh, Giana!” Roseluck greeted, peeking from the door. “What a surprise. Do you need flowers or something?”

“Nah, just here to ask a question. Y’ever hear, maybe seen, a mare named Twilight Sparkle lately?”

“I have actually! She was just here an hour ago to pick up a bouquet of Primrose. Charming mare that Twilight is… She has such a way with words, if I didn't know any better I’d say she was casting a spell on me.” Roseluck giggled as she adjusted a pot of plants in the front of her shop.

“What makes you say she's not?” Giana asked curious, eager to know the mare’s opinion. Roseluck didn't so much as hesitate before she answered with a smile.

“If Applejack can vouch for her then she’s a good pony. That mare’s too stubborn to be ever put under a spell,” Roseluck chuckled at her own joke before she coughed into a hoof, “No idea where Twilight went sadly, but I think she said something about food. Speaking of, it's about near noon now, I should go get my lunch. Good luck on trying to find her though, if I see her I'll send her your way.”

“You have my thanks Rosey! Have a good lunch!” Giana took off as she waved the florist goodbye, taking note of the time of day, and headed downtown back to Sugarcube Corner.

She had no luck finding Twilight on the way. Giana sighed as she glanced behind her at the box to make sure the cake was still fine. The caffeine from all the chocolate earlier was starting to wear off and Giana could feel her lack of sleep slowly catching up.

When she got to Sugarcube Corner, Applejack sat at one of the tables inside and pored over one of the pastry magazines Giana kept in the bakery’s lobby. She raised her head at the sound of Giana coming in and smiled at the griffon, “Still no luck finding her?”

“Nope! She's one slippery mare, I'll give her that. She always seems to be just a step ahead of me!” Giana inside the kitchen and put the box of cake inside the fridge, Applejack following after her.

“You'll find her soon enough. You always do,” Applejack said encouragingly, “Oh and before I forget, Mrs. Cake picked up a package for you.”

“Oh? Where is it?” Giana asked and Applejack gestured to the counter behind her. Giana looked back and found a regular looking box next to the blender.

Going closer, Giana smelled something inside and as she looked closer she saw it was enchanted. “A preserving parcel? Blimey, that smells delicious!”

Applejack trotted up next to Giana as the latter took the letter on top of the box, giving it a quick read, “Gaud… Came back from Griffonstone… Mom cooked… Little sister…” Before she put it down and opened the box, an excited trill came from her as she looked at what was inside.

“AJ look! Gaud and Gravel sent me some Griffonstone Sausages!” Giana exclaimed excitedly as she showed Applejack the cooked meats inside, still smoking from the effect of the box's enchantment, “Ugh, I’ve missed these! These are so good – Mm! Exactly like how Mum cooks them!” She grabbed one of the sausages and took a bite.

“Really?” The kirin asked, taking one for herself and biting off a piece, “Sweet mother of apples in caramel, that is good!”

“Right!? Oh! We haven't had lunch together in a while, wanna eat these with me?” Giana offered Applejack another one of the sausages, which the latter took in her magic gratefully.

“Why not,” Applejack replied with a shrug, “Haven't had anythin’ to stamp down that urge.”

“You really should eat more meat, y'know? Not having a proper diet for your flavor of pony makes you moody, and you know what happens when you're moody! You combust like a bloody matchstick!” Giana took some plates and stacked sausages high for the two of them, though she finished her plate way faster than Applejack.

“Ah know that but Ah don't like the fact the farm’d be havin’ to spend extra on food that only Ah can eat! Ah already feel real bad having to eat just one of the chickens every month...” Applejack sighed as she ate, chewing slowly as she propped her foreleg on the counter and her head on a hoof.

“It's not like your farm would be losing much on profits… Tell you what, drop by the Sol e Mar once a week, Me and Gab usually have a few steaks stocked–” Giana paused mid sentence when she heard Mrs. Cake’s voice from the other room as well as a voice she didn't recognize.

“Thank you so much, Mrs. Cake, These pastries will be lovely I'm sure.”

“Oh you don't need to thank me, besides, Gigi makes all those ones in the themed menu. You have a good day now Twilight.”

Giana sprung into action, grabbing the cake from the fridge and bolting it for the other room. She slid to turn the corner to the front entrance of the bakery, where she saw Twilight just outside getting on a broom.

Her tail twitched.

Giana felt a sudden mass of fatigue blur her vision, a combination of a lack of sleep and a full stomach suddenly had the last thirty hours of no shut-eye come rushing to her head full force.

‘Adrenaline, why have you failed me-’ Giana thought before she promptly passed out on the floor from exhaustion.

“Chocolate Ganache with Blueberries!” Giana yelled out as she woke up, breathing heavily. “Wha- What? How did I get to my room?”

Giana looked around and remembered she passed out in the lobby, meaning that somepony must have dragged her here.

“The cake!” Giana sprang out of bed, gliding through the familiar halls of Sugarcube Corner’s upstairs before she steered herself down to the lobby. Mr. Cake was there organizing the few pastries left over from the day’s sales.

“Hello there, Gigi! You sure were out for a long time. You didn't sleep again, did you?” Mr. Cake said as he trotted over and placed a hoof on Giana’s forehead. “And it doesn't look like you're sick either, that's a relief. But you really gotta stop your all-nighters, even Cup Cake's worried about you.”

“Pssh! I'm fine, Mr. Cake,” Giana gently pushed Mr. Cake’s hoof off her head, “Besides, I don't do all nighters all the time! Just when something important happens like a new pony in town! Or when my sisters come to visit!”

“I know, but still watch for your health, we wouldn't want you getting sick now.”

“Of course! Being sick means I can't work, and if I can’t work then I can't bring smiles to everypony, and if I can’t bring smiles to everypony then I'm not Griffimena Giana Pie!” She gave an exaggerated flourish.

The door to the bakery opened and in came Gabriella.

“Ah bloody Tart’rus! Am I late for my routine!?” Giana asked the other griffon, confusing her.

“Uhh… No? There's still time before your show, I just swung by to grab a snack.” Gabriella shrugged before turning to the display case and choosing the last cinnamon roll on display.

“Oh that's a relief, I was worried for a moment!” Giana jumped over the case, took the cinnamon roll, and bagged it for Gabriella, “One Cinariffic Cinnaswirl Delight for the boss!”

“Thanks, Gigi. By the way, Applejack’s covering for me right now and that Twilight mare’s at the bar with her. She's waiting for you.”

“She is?” Giana asked, raising a brow before rolling her eyes, “Pssh! Giana, you daft ninny, of course she is! Logic, silly bird!”

“Since when did logic ever apply to you?” Gabriella asked rhetorically as Mr. Cake came from the kitchen with Giana’s cake box on his back, the pink griffon thanking him as she checked the cake to make sure it was still ok.

“Oh that's good… the frosting is still intact… the decor could use a bit of adjustment but- bahh! I'll fix it on arrival! Nothing else odd by the look of things!” Giana hummed happily as she closed the box again.

“You can thank Applejack for that,” Mr. Cake said, “She managed to catch it as you passed out.”

“Ah the joys of telekinesis! It's like thumbs except with longer reach! I like my thumbs!”

“Gigi…” Gabriella muttered as she walked out the door, catching Giana's attention.

“Oh yes, the bar!” Giana exclaimed, flapping her wings and flying out of Sugarcube corner and banking left.

“You're going the wrong way!” Gabriella called out.

“No I'm not!”

Gabriella stepped outside and stretched her wings, using the bag of the cinnamon bun to hold the pastry to eat on the flight back.

Giana flew over her, headed the opposite way, “We're going the wrong way!”

The two griffons landed in the back of the bar not long after. Giana had a large smile on her face, a contrast to Gabriella’s aloof expression.

“So!” Giana called with a clap of her claws, as Gabriella put hers on the knob of the door, “First impressions? You met her before me– a weird thing to say that one– what's she like?”

“Insecure.” Gabriella said as she opened the door leading to the kitchen, “I've seen that kind of front before on a lot of customers – too confident to ever be real. Though in her defense, she's nice, I’ll give her that. Probably the politest Canterlotter I met, though that's also probably a front.”

“You're very skeptical, y’know that?” Giana smiled, rolling her eyes playfully as she put down the cake box on the kitchen counter and took the cake out.

“Wouldn't have gotten far in this business without it.” Gabriella smiled, “Now I’ll give you girls a bottle of apple schnapps but it'll come from your paycheck.”

She gave Giana a wink before she took her apron off a hook and disappeared through the door that led to the rest of the bar. Peeping through the small window used to serve food through, Giana scanned the bar in search of the witch, finding her at the stool directly in front of the door Gabriella just came out of.

“Brilliant!” Giana mumbled to herself before she ducked and reached inside a cabinet, pulling out her party cannon as well as a few balloons, “Well I’m sure the Cakes wouldn't mind a mini-not-really-entirely-a-party type of celebration.”

After quickly blowing up three balloons in the vague palette of her target and loading the cannon with similar balloons and confetti, she lined the barrel up to the door and readied herself.

“Alright Gigi… Onwards and Upwards!” She yelled, kicking the door open and quickly ducking.


“Onwards and Upwards!” was all Twilight heard before the door in front of her was kicked open, a flash of pink disappearing downwards as a the barrel of a cannon stared her down before-

Click, BOOM!

Confetti and balloons blasted Twilight in the face which blew off her hat and messed up her mane in the process.

“Surprise! Hi, I'm Griffimena Pie and I made this cake just for you!” A pink, very excited, griffon said as she placed a very well-made cake in front of Twilight, who was still recovering from the shock she had just experienced.

“I- Whu- Huh?” Twilight stumbled on her words as she looked at the giggling griffon, confused even more as a bottle of apple schnapps was placed in front of her.

“Twilight, This here's Giana, the one I was talkin’ ‘bout earlier,” Applejack quipped in, levitating Twilight's hat off the floor and back on her head, which also snapped Twilight out of her stupor.

“Ohh! I like the hat! Hat's good– I should get a hat. Hat’s are cool!” Giana said excitedly as she jumped over the counter, landing on the stool next to Twilight. “So! You're Twilight Sparkle, eh? Well look at you! You're even more fancy looking this up close… Smells fancy too, my goodness is that mint and primrose?”

“Try not to suffocate the poor mare Gigi,” Applejack said with a smile as she grabbed the bottle of schnapps with her magic and poured Twilight and Giana a shot of the drink.

“I- no! No, everything's fine. I was a bit surprised is all! I'm Twilight Sparkle, it's a pleasure to meet you…” Twilight turnedback to Applejack, “When you told me about Giana I certainly didn't expect somepo- er… somegriffon like her.”

“I get that lot! Pink is a very jarring color for a griffon. But I’ve also been looking for you all day! What do you think!?” Giana gestured to the cake in the shape of a witch's hat, which flattered Twilight greatly.

“It's very lovely! You definitely didn't have to though…” Twilight murmured embarrassedly.

“I’d sooner give up my wings before I stop making cakes for ponies.” Giana’s face hardened with seriousness, making Twilight lean back from the sudden change in attitude before a pair of ice tongs whacked Giana upside the head.

“Ah said no scarin’ the poor mare!” Applejack chastised. Giana just laughed, apologizing quickly before taking her shot of the schnapps and raising it up in a toast.

“To the new arrival in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle, we welcome you to the town!” Giana yelled out, an uproar followed by applause from the few patrons already at the bar joined her.

Twilight smiled and took her own glass, raising it and toasting Giana. The purple mare downed her glass in one swig, which garnered another round of applause from the crowd.

“Now sadly, I wasn't able to throw you a party– that would have made things much simpler– buuut… The Cake’s didn't forbid me from holding teeeny weensy little celebrations that are totally-not-parties so…” Giana reached under her stool and pulled out an electric guitar, strumming a few chords after. Twilight’s eyes widened, amazed by the sudden appearance of the instrument.

“‘Course, you must be questioning, where did I get the guitar?” She strummed a riff and stood up on her stool, “Answer: I'm Griffimena Giana Pie, just accept it!”

Giana gave Twilight a wink as she flew off her stool, onto the stage to plug her guitar, and started playing, singing a song and riling up the patrons into an excited frenzy as Twilight took a sip from her glass.

“Is she always like that?” Twilight asked, turning to Gabriella and Applejack as they both watched Giana’s impromptu musical number.

“Yeah… That's Giana for sure.” Gabriella muttered, breaking her gaze away from Giana and looking down at her work, “You'll find she throws a party very frequently here, so get used to being invited. Of course you're not obligated to attend, and she won't hold it against you… But, I encourage you to attend at least one of them. You'll come out a changed mare.” Gabriella smiled, a nod from Applejack backing her up her claim.

“One time, when she first moved in, she held a birthday party for my puppy, Winona. Ah thought to m’self, that must’ve been the best darn tootin’ party Ah’ve attended… Then my own birthday came along and blew that last party out the window like it was an apple in applebuckin’ season!” Applejack laughed, pouring Twilight another shot.

Giana finished her song not long after and despite the crowd’s plea for an encore, she had to deny, at least until her actual show a couple hours later.

Over the course of the evening, Twilight had tasted the best cake she’d ever had, found out more about the ponies (and two griffons) of Ponyville that she could ever have gathered on her own and almost hurt herself laughing during Giana’s routine. It was an hour past midnight, and the bar was nearly empty; all that remained were the two barkeeps, Twilight, Giana, and Rarity- who had joined them some time before Giana’s routine started.

Twilight’s face was red from the schnapps, though she was only slightly tipsy and Rarity chimed in the conversations every now and then, either trying to charm Twilight or catch up on gossip with Gabriella.

“You can find Rainbow Dash easily, it's very hard to miss her!” Giana babbled while she thought of other ponies to discuss. “But I think she said something about chasing a rogue storm, so she's not here right now… Oh I'm sure you'll meet each other soon.”

“What about… Fluttershy? What do you know about her?” Twilight asked, piquing even Rarity and Gabriella’s interests.

“Ooh Flutters! She's a joy, that one! Very nice once you get to know her, though a bit of a recluse.”

“Reclusive…” Twilight laughed nervously, “Tell me about it…”

Giana sighed, though her smile didn’t waver, “I heard from Applejack here that you had some trouble with our dear ol’ batty friend! Well lucky for you, Twilight, I happen to know her very well– I mean I know everypony in Ponyville very well but that's besides the point– The point is, I happen to be your best bet on befriending her! So what do you say to me helping you?”

“Gigi has a point,” Applejack chimed in, “She does have a track record of bringin’ ponies together. Hay, she’s the reason I even know anypony ‘sides Rarity.”

Twilight didn't really need to think about it. If her brother was anything to go by, the Knights were tough nuts to crack and having help would certainly smooth things out. She put on her best smile. “How could I refuse! What do you have in mind?”

“Oh I've got plenty!” Giana pulled out a notebook as well as a pencil and started writing, “I’ve memorized the likes and dislikes of everypony in Ponyville– a teensy weensy side-hobby I picked up– and Fluttershy is actually really easy to please! Here's a list, I know you like them!” Giana tore the page out of her notebook and slid it over to Twilight.

“How exactly would you remember all of this? Let alone everypony else’s?” Twilight asked, taking the paper with her magic and inspecting it.

“Near perfect photographic memory!” Giana said smugly, twirling the pencil between her claws, “You’d be surprised how much I know.”

“That makes sense… Yeah… Yeah, I can do these!” Twilight said happily.

“And we’ll be with you every step of the way Sugarcube!” Applejack chimed in. “Whatever you need help with.”

“Alright!” Giana exclaimed, hopping on her stool and raising a fist up in excitement, “Mission: Fluttershy Friendship Flip is a go! Are you excited? Cause I'm really excited!”

“You won't be if this plan fails,” Rarity joked as she joined in and she finished her cucumber juice.

“Don't kill the vibe, Rarity!” Giana scolded, earning a laugh from everyone present.

Author's Note:

Griffimena Giana Pie was born to a family of griffon rock farmers from Griffonstone, who immigrated to Equestria before she was born. The second youngest to 5 siblings, she was born with a strange genetic quirk that caused her feathers to be colored pink. After a significant emotional event left her wanting to do something with her life, Griffimena left the farm doing odd jobs till she found herself in Ponyville. A baker for Sugarcube Corner at day and a stand-up comedian at the Sol e Mar by night, Griffimena is a common and welcome sight in town, bringing smiles wherever she pops out of.

feel free to ask me why she's british.

A taciturn but highly empathetic Griffon, Gabriella Garras is the owner of the Sol e Mar. The bar became popular not only as a place for down on their luck single mares, but also because of Gabriella's penchant for listening to the troubles of Ponyville residents and being a source of advice. Gabriella keeps her lips tight about her past but, most locals know at least she came to Equestria through Baltimare (When asked about the scythe and rifle hanging in the bar she laughs off the question and says she was a farmer before moving to Equestria). She occasionally mentions visiting her marefriend who still lives in the Charm Port, a mare named Seacoast Way.

Comments ( 13 )

So.... why did you decide to make Giana British?

Damn, being British is my least favorite disease, hope Giana gets better soon </3

ok it's kinda funny lol
So me and my friend were looking at MLP place names for a Hamilton x MLP thing (different story; not related) and we happened upon a place called the Griffish Isles and that spawned an in joke between me them about Bri'ish Gilda which rapidly expanded into what if the Griffons are just British thus when making Pinkie into a Griffon we had the hilarious conclusion that we should make her british too! And that's how that turned out.
P.S. No Gabriella is not actually British (she's more hispanic/potuguese inspired) nor is every griffon that appears or will appear in the future with the Exception of the Pie Family... Maybe

Absolutely loved the work going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Griffimena/Griffon Pinkie's accounts of her family before she arrived in Ponyville was absolutely great - including Gabriella's crowd asking her to continue. And, yeah, the reaction to Giana finding out about Twilight was also really good stuff, including asking Gabriella about Twilight when she found out she actually met Twilight BEFORE she did. Absolutely adored Griffimena and Twilight's first meeting as well, including Twilight asking for help in getting to know Fluttershy. The additional character information on both Griffimena and Gabriella in the author's notes were very good too.

Now, just Rainbow is left to introduce - and I'm really looking forward to that.

Definitely looking forward to more of this. And I hope you and your family and friends had a really good Thanksgiving and I also wish you Happy Holidays in general.

“You're going the wrong way!” Gabriella called out.

“No, I'm not!”

Gabriella stepped outside and stretched her wings, using the bag of the cinnamon bun to hold the pastry to eat on the flight back.

Giana flew over her, headed the opposite way, “We're going the wrong way!”

... I hate you so much right now. Even more so because this was definitely on purpose too, since Pinkie is British for some reason. And there goes the usual of Rainbow being the griffon of the group when people do this with the Mane 6.

Much better this way though.

I see you found one of them! only 5 left!

I liked applejack and rarity. It’s going to be interesting to explore applejack’s past and how earth pony magic worked on gems.

However, I hated fluttershy. The high fantasy world somehow morphed into Equestria at War momentarily in her arc. She’s pretty much irredeemable as the element of kindness. Being xenophobic against witches and do nothing to rectified this problem(research about twilight’s brother or her relationship with the princess)

Pinkie Pie is okay but her nickname is like chalk on blackboard for me. Gigi is the sound that similar to what fodders in kamen rider always made.

First off I'd like to thank you for reading through everything so far and thank you for liking AJ and Rarity's chapter!
Also, very sorry, but I honestly have no idea what you mean by the Kamen rider thing, it just doesn't sound like that at all to me.

Now to address the Fluttershy stuff (Spoilered just for those that don't wanna see me ranting):
I don't wanna sound rude here but the whole feeling of "Equestria at War" is... Kinda the point! This world is NOT the same peaceful Equestria as it is in Canon! We have the same high fantasy elements like magic and mosters but also yes guns exist, war happens/has happened and political turmoil for the nation of ponies is going on! Fair warning, while it's taken a mostly background seat here, it is a worldbuilding point that will loom over every installment of this AU current and in the future, so if that turns you off I completely understand and won't hold it against you if you decide to drop this.

Now I wouldn't say she's irredeemable as the element of Kindness and here's my reason. These characters are a certain way because I firmly believe and must stress that, they are the bearers of the elements of harmony. Not its embodiment or paragons of what they represent. The bearers are a good example of the elements, but clearly not perfect (even shown in canon if Discord can find flaws to exploit). And I want to write them as flawed individuals who learn and improve throughout this journey, and with Fluttershy she isn't fully done with her arc by no means, and she definitely will be learning more to be better much like everyone else in her group (Because they may not show it as much as her but they are all equally flawed)! And I know her extremism, a product of her being in the Royal Guard is a very big jump from say Rarity's ignorance fueled phobia, but she is meant to improve upon it. Kindness doesn't necessarily mean a pacifist nor someone who will not engage in a fight, kindness means being selfless, caring, and compassionate, something Fluttershy can and will do.

Now I'd like to reiterate something I said in a previous comment,

The medium of which I use to show this world as well as the lens in which the readers view it through is very small in comparison to my visions and ambitions for this world

There are many things I would have loved to say but quite frankly I'm horrible at explaining things so I hope my blabbering came across well enough for you to see my point of view on why I did it Fluttershy the way she is here

Anyways thank you for the comment! Cheers!

1. 'GI' or 'GEEE!' are what fodders from kamen rider always screaming. Many comedy animes also make comedic reference to this.
2.Equestrian at Wars didn't meshed too well with pure high fantasy Equestria. Modern warfare required industrialization. Realistically nothing is isolated. There's not any indication of pony using mass-produced equipments or ponyville export huge amout of food and manpowers to industrial zones.
3.I think even rarity or derpy is a better element of kindness in this case. And derpy seem a little bit more level-headed and hey. She is a grown mare with a kid who's also a vertaran. That's pretty unique.

This chapter is good but why not just stick with the Nickname of Pinkie instead of going with Giana? Not that I mind it but it doesn't feel that much of Pie on it...

That's mostly because of consistency. Pinkie is from her name Pinkamena and while yes, Pinkie could be used to refer to Giana in this case I wanted something a bit more organic which took into account the character's name.
For obvious reasons I'm not able to shorten Griffimena in the way Pinkie is for Pinkamena, and using Griffimena alone is a bit of a mouthful, I settled for using her second name, Giana! A nice two syllable name that's easy to remember and shorten further into the endearing nickname of Gigi!

Edit: despite that do feel free to still refer to her as Pinkie as (for now) there's only one of her. :raritywink:

I don't know why I'm hearing Aussie Bogan out of her rather than Cockney.

Well, that's probably your imagination. Nothing wrong with that. Everybody's imagination works differently, even only slightly. And to be fair, the British DID used to use Australia as a prison colony.

Yeah. That DOES all make A LOT of sense. Though now I am stuck wondering about a "different species" version of Cheese Sandwich (i.e. wondering if he would be another Griffon, a Hippogriff, a Yak, a Dragon or what have you). Thanks for putting THAT image in my head.

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