• Member Since 16th May, 2014
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Remedy, She/Her, writing bad fanfics since 2011 and not stopping anytime soon.


A long time ago in the magical land of Equestria, ponies changed the world. They put their lives on the line to bend the arc of history and mold the present and future of not only their country, but the entire world. They were ambassadors, princesses and princes, warriors and scholars. Everything they did, they did to preserve and propagate their way of life.

None of that matters now, though. Their stories are largely forgotten, their lessons nothing but dust on the winds of history. Their buildings still stand, mostly deserted ruins now. Other than that, their only legacies are the problems they left for the new age to deal with.

Sunny and her friends thought they had a pretty good grasp on those problems, and they were working day in and day out on ways to solve them. Then another one rears its ugly head: an ancient city emerges from the depths of time and unleashes an old horror upon ponykind once again.

Cover art by Snow Quill

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 30 )

This is very good. I'm giving. You six stars for doing a good job. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Hope to see more of your chapter, and remember:

Keep your dreams alive. Understand that achieving anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember, all things are possible for those who believe.

Here's a song that will make you do whatever it takes. Enjoy!


Well, this looks interesting! Looking forward for more!

God bless!
-Davidtin, explorer of cool G5 fanfics

Always a sucker for a reference to Shelley's "Ozymandias," plus you're one of my favorite site horror writers. :raritywink:

It's a BaeroRemedy story.
Of course I'm going to be reading it.

Ok this is interesting story so far and I got my attention so it looks like sunny and the others are traveling throughout the Equestria ever since they found the Dragon Land hopefully they can find something out there but it looks like they got the self into a snowstorm and what makes things worse the storm blew them and about to crash landed luckily Sunny use every amount of her Alicorn Magic to lighten the impact but some of the ponies got injured so hitch and zipp had to check the vehicle but apparently they answered a force field where the Crystal Empire is which the others have no idea where they are so zipp had to check it out which something's wrong about the city I wonder what happened to everybody I guess we'll find out next time

Just what do these downvoters think they will gain?:facehoof:

I feel like the pacing was too quick.

That was Sombra alright, but how is he back and where is Flurry Heart or Cadence?

Nothing they just like to do it just for fun 😑

“”That’s not how this is going to go.” Shining growled out through gritted teeth. That was his mission statement, his solid thesis upon which everything was built at the moment. It wasn’t going to go that way because it couldn’t . It was more than blind faith, it was an unwavering certainty.

Wait a minute Shining Armor is alive how

Whoa ok I did not see this coming so it looks like two Ponies were in a battle with each other inside the castle and it turns out it was shining armor and King Sombra and it looks like they've been added for a long time but to them it's been a few minutes because the way how it looks it looks like both of them were stuck in a Time Loop or something something has to do with the spell keeping King Sombra inside and he was about to redo again but Zipp save them and it looks like the time Loop spell was broken and it looks like nothing is keeping both of them and something tells me Shining Armor is going to have a rude awakening

“Who’s Sombra?” Sunny was the one to ask the question. “...and what do you mean ‘last time’? He’s attacked before?”

I felt like Sunny should know who he has since her father and herself read the old equestrian stories

“I think he was trapped in that-what did he call it, Crystal Empire?-for a very long time.” Zipp sighed and combed over everything Shining Armor had said in her head. “I don’t even think he knew about the crystals or the ponies all splitting up…and he said he knew Twilight Sparkle.”

Well yeah that his sister

Okay wow this is pretty crazy right now so zipp any others are trying to get away from King Sombra as fast as they can and not only that Shining Armor has been asking a lot of question about what was going on and even telling the truth what really happened and it must be tough for him to realize that he's been gone for probably a thousand years but to him and Sombra it felt like they only been gone for only a minute poor guy he's been through a lot so now they had to figure out another plan since King Sombra is returned which does not a good sign for ponies of this generation they need to do something now I guess we'll find out next time

Welp there is one creature who could probably help fill in the gaps, time to call an old friend of there’s

“Well…” Zipp looked around the room then down at her hooves. “..I sorta…am the princess he got.”

Same with her sister pipp

“Queen…?” The word felt nasty in his mouth when referring to a pony. It felt like a dirty word, something his mother would wash his mouth out with soap for even uttering. He let it settle on his tongue for a minute and decided he still hated the way it felt. “Seriously?”

Well to be frank there are other queens out there even during his time like Queen Novo Queen Chrysalis you know just saying

“Fine.” He slumped back onto the bed with a sigh. He wasn’t going to be let out without acquiescing to some of their demands, so he was better off just getting it over with. “A train came into the Crystal Empire covered in black crystals, some of the ponies inside were completely drained. Not just of their magic but…of their life. They were like…husks.” He shivered at the memory. “The survivors said they were attacked by a giant black cloud with glowing eyes that shot crystals at them. I immediately knew it was King Sombra. I don’t know how he returned or how he changed into whatever he is now, but we knew he was on his way.”

Oh dang some of the crystal ponies got killed that really got dark and also very sad

“Opaline is an alicorn…” the words fell from her mouth with a grin. “...she knew Twilight. What if she knew the others too?”

Oh boy. I have a feeling Shining Armor won't like her, especially once he finds out what she did

“There’s no way he’s still there.” Pipp added. “He wasn’t exactly thrilled that we found him last time, why would he stay? He’s probably gone to who knows where.”

Oh yeah the last time we saw him they were just hanging out I guess he wants to explore Equestria on his own and whatever he's looking for hopefully something

“Opaline is an alicorn…” the words fell from her mouth with a grin. “...she knew Twilight. What if she knew the others too?”

Well yes she does she knows Celestia and Luna and I know darn well she probably remembers Twilight a lot

Okay so it looks like Shining Armor begins to wake up and he realized that he's not in Canterlot and zipp and queen Haven explain to him about what is going on and how much things change despite how much he refused but had to take this information whatever he got and he still won't believe that Twilight Cadence and flurry heart are not done but still be out there somewhere the only question is where are they and even if they're alive so sunny and the others tried to figure out what to do to give shining armor some piece and it looks like Misty have a plan to ask Opaline which that is pretty risky to do but hopefully she will give some information without being suspicious with Misty I guess we'll find out next time

I forgot to mention I did like how it's not just only Twilight and her friends or Discord or sunset being the one who's in the future in some of the fanfiction stories but other different characters like Shining Armor that's a pretty change of pace which I like that how will like the side characters will react to the new world

“Opaline is an alicorn…” the words fell from her mouth with a grin. “...she knew Twilight. What if she knew the others too?”

Oh boy yeah I’m think she was the reason sombra was summoned back as a distraction.

And oh boy wait until shining armor finds out discord is still alive and he finds out Opaline is the reason or part of the reason why his sister is gone.

"Round the decay

Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

I was just wondering is this story going to continue on

This story intrigues me a lot. The name caught my attention. From what I've read so far, the name seems damn apt. Ozymandias is a classy reference, but you earned it lol

Your premise is brilliant, IMO, and flows well out of FiM's Crystal Empire lore. The Crystal Empire was sealed away with Sombra for a thousand years and, not long after it finally reappears, it meets the same fate.

Shining Armor's fate has a deep well of emotional potential for you to plumb, and I hope you continue the story if only for that. He saved his loved ones only to immediately lose them all, a noble sacrifice robbed of its purpose in a tragedy worthy of an ancient Greek myth.

I can hardly begin to imagine the devastating emotional impact of learning that everyone and everything you love is gone. As tropes go, it offers a powerful and immediate emotional gravity. The overwhelming despair that overcomes Shining would seem comparable to few others'. That thought reminds me of Oppenheimer seeing the monster he fathered unleashed, complete with a dead voice and a thousand-yard stare liable to haunt viewers for years.

...sorry for the tangent. My point is that your story is good and I like it.

I'd be fascinated to know where you are planning to go with it -- especially the lore of what happened to Equestria to leave it in ruins with no G4 alicorns left. Please feel free to only drop hints if you continue writing, though, since the explanation gains narrative weight the longer it is delayed!

Whatever happened prevented Shining from aging and kept his youth not to mention how long he been trapped there in the Crystal Empire with Sombra must of had some temporal displacement of some kind.

I like where this is going. I want to see more!

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