• Published 13th Oct 2023
  • 233 Views, 7 Comments

Launching the Last Star - The Real Darkness

With threats identified and time between, Arctus can enjoy life with less violence as he pursues his own goals in tandem. However, Storms often brew quietly before advancing to land.

  • ...

A Second Spat

He chose to rest the day after that, not to return to Ponyville and enjoy celebrations, not to explain where he was or what had happened. He wouldn't even file a report for his task.

Celestia did return to Canterlot along with Luna. The Solar symbol sent for him and a guard even followed him to the throne room while he was still in full equipment. He was left at the throne room doors in thought.

But no matter all the scenarios in his head, he could never imagined the one to come. He opened one of the doors, shutting the stone behemoth behind him. Celestia and Luna stood in the center of the throne room, alone, where he began walking toward them.

"Exile him."

Harsh words.

"Luna, you shou-."

"He is more evil than we ever could be, exile him. He's killed hundreds if not thousands with those eyes," the smaller alicorn pointed a hoof at him and he fully made his way over to the sisters.

"I used to think the idea of evil was only used in story books, as tales we tell children to make them righteous. I know after our battle that it exists. It grips the hearts of creatures and doesn't like to let go," Arctus spoke, "I am not evil, I only do what is necessary and asked of me. These eyes reflect what I have done, not how evil I am."

"Luna, he serves Equestria, faithfully. A lot has happened while you were away and I thought it best to bring him here to greet you at your return."

"Arctus, is it?" Luna addressed him.

"Yes, Luna," he address her informally, "I apologize if I seemed pompous during out short battle, it was-."

"We will have a rematch, don't concern yourself with you ego," the recently returned Princess spoke.

"Sister, I don't recommend that, I've seen-."

"Let him speak for himself, dear sister," she held her hoof up, looking back to the human, "tell us, why do you stay here? What have thou contributed?"

"When Minos decided to raid Equestria, I stood alone against it and defended this whole city. I ruined their growing kingdom of iron. I neutered the dragons and slew dozens of them. I prevented an army of zombie griffons from advancing onto Equestria," Luna's eyes were half-lidded, unimpressed with his feats, "destroyed a rising military force in the Bone Dry desert. Trained two Scouts to also serve Equestria."

"Give us a point of reference," she demanded.

Arctus stepped to their platform and then beyond it, to the balcony in the back of the throne room, "Asarele!" The ice bird cried out and made its way over, landing on the small balcony railing with its giant talons. Celestia and Luna could see the great bird from where they stood.

"This is Asarele, she is tame and my companion. I had slain her mother and took her as an egg."

He held his spear up, "fly!" And his beloved bird hovered, grabbing his spear and lifting him up from the balcony. Just mere moments later he returned with a sleepy eyed, but fully kitted Strong Stitch who held onto his legs as they flew.

"We'll get your weapon made soon, Scout Stitch, but assist me for a moment," he lead her on in to the throne room where she bowed to both Princesses.

"At least she knows how to show respect," Luna chided him and his informalities.

"We Aeternians show respect differently," he spoke, "not to say that you aren't deserving of it."

"Art, you're not making this particularly easy," Celestia sighed.

"Wh-what did you call him? 'Tia, you have a nickname for this thing?" Luna caught her word.


"She does. Celly is not defending herself tonight, I'm defending myself."

Luna's jaw fell open a bit at his words. She wouldn't say it, but his action just earned him some recognition from her despite his use of a different nickname for her sister.

"Scout Strong Stitch passed her exam to be a Scout that was administered by me. This was an exam based on combat prowess. I won't go into details, but she passed roughly a week or two ago, she can travel great distances alone, survive in the wilds, remain undetected, and thwart almost all threats."

"What is this exam exactly?" Arctus smirked at Luna's question. That meant he had her interested and that meant she could be swayed.

"I'm glad you asked, Strong Stitch if you would explain."

"A Scout's exam is undertaken by a trainee. The scout trainee battles a fully titled Scout, the only goal is to cross a line set out by the Scout. Real weapons are used and the possibility of death is present, nopony holds back in the fight. Once the line is crossed, the exam is passed," Strong Stitch was completely awake at this point, explaining away, "the trainee may forfeit at any time during the exam."

"Luna, I was there for Strong Stitch's exam," Celestia spoke up, "she's an earth pony with no magic or wings, but she shattered an axe head, sustained life threatening injuries, and still passed her exam. Scout Stitch, if you would."

The new scout rose to her hind hooves, showing the patch of shaved fur that had started to regrow, sutures still present, she didn't stay up for long.

"I've noticed a rising kingdom, capable of great military power, it's declared a conditional war on Equestria. I am the only reason they have not invaded," Arctus spoke up, "by displaying my power across Equestria and raising two scouts, one of which is still out in the field."

"Art! You can't-."

"Who is this threat?" Luna spoke up.

"Master Scout Hazth leads a nation. Hazth was a legend in my world, Aeternia. I'm the only thing that could meet his power and destroy his forces."

"What makes you so sure of it?"

"I'm sure you've seen my expression in combat?" Luna glanced to the floor and Celestia shifted uneasily, "he was raised and designed for war and battle just like me."

"We see your usefulness and why you should stay in Equestria for now," Luna relented.

"Scout Stitch, do not release this information to anypony," the scout nodded to Celestia, "you are dismissed," she bowed and left the throne room promptly.

One the stone door closed again, Luna spoke up.

"We see the second thing you wanted to talk about."

"Our relationship you mean?" Celestia affirmed.

"Yes, how long have you two been such?"

"That's a hard question to answer, we'd have to fill you in on history," Celestia answered, "but many many moons. I can also get you some restricted books on Aeternia, the culture of Arctus' people and his own world's history."

"That would be helpful," Luna smiled and turned to Arctus with her expression more serious, "consider your presence still under review."

He smirked, "you'll find me worth keeping around. I mentioned in our physical battle that I needed your help."

"To know who you are, correct?" Arctus nodded to the blue alicorn's recollection, "then out with it."

"I need you to help move stars about in the sky and show me the right ones. And when the time comes, to help me launch myself to them."

Luna blinked, "apologies, our hearing must not be as sharp as it was earlier."

"It's part of Aeternian history. I was born from the stars and I want to know why I exist as such and who I am intended to be. It's something I must do."

"Don't try to talk him out of it," Celestia commented, "I've already tried."

Luna stared at him, pondering his request, "now that we are no longer Nightmare Moon, we will consider assisting you. We will have that consideration tomorrow, when we have recovered our magic and you will face us in combat again."

"Luna! Sister! I really don't recommend battling with him any-," Celly repressed her want to shout.

"As you wish, if it will satisfy your own ego to be defeated a third time. Shall we have a traditional duel? Or would you like to return to older days where I can fight you like a Scout truly would against their target?" He tempted her.

"Arctus! Stop encouraging her!" Celestia boomed.

He'd hear this one later.

"We are not one to decline a challenge, we will fight you as you wish, but on territory we know. The old castle will serve as our battlegrounds again," he could almost see a smile on Luna's face.

"Dueling my future sister-in-bond, you may not think it, but we'll be fast friends, Luna. You're more alike to my people than any other pony here."


"I know, Celly, but can you wait to chew me out after?"

Celestia let a small smile come onto her face, "some parts of you never change. Just don't let loose too much on my sister."

"We hope he brings his full strength to bear," Luna argued, "we want to see if his claims earlier can hold candlelight."

Arctus put a fist to his chest, lowering his head to Luna, "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Luna hummed in response while the Master Scout went to the balcony of the throne room, "come Asarele, we'll get some actual rest," the bird trilled as it lifted him away by his spear again.

"You have interesting taste, 'Tia," Luna commented after his departure.

"There's nopony else who treats me quite like he does."

"He truly doesn't care about our titles, only what we've done, hmm?" Luna ruminated.

"That's how his people function, titles are only used as positions and jobs to state someone's daily duties, but not the respect owed to them."

"Then what of his title as Master Scout? Does that not earn him respect?"

Celestia laughed, "it is not the title, but what he had done to earn it."

"We see."

He breathed deep while Asarele flew him to the castle in the Everfree forest, landing with him at the front doors of the castle, "we'll go hunting after this and catch you the rest of your breakfast," he patted the icy being's wing, his skin not damaged at all by the incredibly cold temperatures the bird housed.

"Oh! Arctus!" Savus approached him, "I got filled in on yesterday's activities and even gathered about a couple mages from Canterlot to scry about the castle so we can see this battle ourselves. You took your time getting here."

He peered around, his hand lingering on his companion's feathers, "Twilight and those five are here?" He took note that Savus was in his full battle outfit.

"What do you mean those five? You know me!" Applejack spoke up.

"Thanks for taking care of Savus, AJ," he addressed.

"I'm not your kid, I'm double your age!" Savus noted.

"But I did bring you to Equestria."

"Hold on, darlings, he said 'those five' so clearly he knows us, but we don't know him."

"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mention yet," Twilight spoke up, "Master Arctus, these five are my new friends!"

"Master?!" The five of them shouted.

"I think they think you're some hot shit around here," Savus commented.

Arctus sighed, "a formality. Master Scout Arctus, not that any of you probably hear about me, I'm quite the taboo in Ponyville at least."

"Oooooh! I've heard of him!" Rarity began, "warrior extraordinaire, best of the best, Princess Celestia named him the Protector of Equestria," she started to fawn, "but, girls, keep your hooves off. He'll be in my bed by the day's end."

"Raaaarity, you may want to reevaluate that plan," Twilight sheepishly started, "the, um, Princess named him royal consort."

"I, uh, oh," her cheeks tinted, visibly embarassed, "I must not be getting the best newspaper from Canterlot delivered anymore."

"Waaaait wait wait wait. Hold the hay for a second, you're telling me he's with the Princess, like Celestia, and about to fight Princess Luna who we just rescued?!" Rainbow Dash interrupted.

"Savus, you have those mages scrying in the castle already?"

"I do."

"Where's Celly?"

"Princess Celestia is watching from your cabin in the ground, she said she'd be tempted to interrupt were she closer."

"Something seems bad about this," Pinkie Pie spoke up, "I don't think you make friends by battle, you need to make 'em laugh!"

Arctus took a look over himself and his equipment, making one final check. Fluttershy was about to speak, but all she managed was to hide herself behind Applejack while he took weapon after weapon and tool after tool out to ensure he was at the ready.

"I did bring a lot of sutures and medical equipment in case something ahppens, there's also some nurses and a doctor at the ready here," Savus noted.

"Maybe I'll still bring you into the field with me, I was very spoiled working with you."

"Maybe I will, not every day I get to perform the Star Launch technique," Savus smiled, "don't worry about these mares being in the Everfree. They can hold their own and I'm always around if they can't."

"But please make this quick, that seamstress," he pointed to the purple maned Rarity, "has been flirting with me the entire time until you arrived."

Arctus smiled at the whisper.

"Everypony, you may see some unsightly things today in my spar against Luna."

"You address her so informally, as if you're already part of the royal family," Rarity commented.

The woodsmaster ignored her, "if it becomes too much for you, feel free to look away from any of the scrying spells, you are not obligated to watch, I imagine you were invited to watch."

He looked to Asarele, "please lend them your protection if they need it and stay put, I can handle this battle," it screeched into the air.

"S-such a bond," Fluttershy managed to speak as she trotted closer to it before stopping for the incredible chill in the air.

"She's in there, ready for me, right?"

"Yep!" Twilight pipped.

"We're not gonna say where though," Rainbow smirked, "she told us not to."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

His eyes scanned, the castle was built exceptionally well so it withstood the years with great resistance to the outside weather.

He rubbed the wards on the inside of each boot, drawing his longbow and a single bodkin arrow out as he walked right up the wall with his enchanted footwear.

"Whoa, he can do that?!" Pinkie Pie shouted, "he must have tons and tons of party tricks."

"Shhh, Pinkie! We're supposed to watch 'em, not narrate his whole fight!" Applejack harshly corrected.

"Oh right," and she made a motion to zip her lips while the Master Scout climbed.

"Good luck, Arctus. She's an exceptional warrior and expecting every trick you could try."

He went over the battlements, noticing the white scrying plates already hovering in areas. This was very reminiscent of arenas in Aeternia but with much more advanced magics at play.

He already drew himself low, just in case Luna would attempt to fight him the moment he entered or if she anticipated him climbing high. He slunk about the ramparts, making his way to the same enclosed staircase he once used for an escape so many years prior. And he entered, hearing wind blow through the halls of the castle.

His head swiveled to each corridor, finding all of them empty, but he lingered his eyes for a while longer.

Invisibility, as an alicorn she could be hunting for him as he hunts for her. He felt his spine shiver. This was his element.

His blood pumped hard and he left the bottom of the stairwell, listening sharply and tuning all noise of his almost silent footsteps out along with the wind. He recalled assignments like this where he toyed and teased his enemy to satisfy his bloodlust.

Arctus hope she would be as skilled as she let on, it would make victory that much sweeter. His eyes caught a glint and he stopped moving.

A tripwire. That would impede his progress, just at the corner of this corridor, he gently stepped over it, seeing a crossbow aimed at him and set to be triggered by the wire. Disarming it would make untoward noise, noise that he didn't want to make under any circumstance.

Experienced hunter as he is, he continued. It took him a while, but he had prowled through all the upper floors with no Luna in sight and were she here, she would have pounced on him by now. So then he made his way through lower floors and what used to be bedrooms. The scrying eyes were everywhere in the castle, but Luna was nowhere to be found still.

A thought then occurred to him. She meant to lock him in singular combat with no routes of escape. These traps and movements of ancient items were only a distraction to try and throw him off his search and exhaust his alertness. So he travelled to the first place of importance with ponykind to him.

He slipped past the half broken wood door, marking the broken oak with a gift, that lead to the dungeons, looking at the entry way. He remembered that conversation and short hostage he took on his escape away when he first ended up imprisoned.

Eyes scanned everything before he proceeded past the rotting table and deeper, checking each cell slowly. Still no Luna.

He heard a breath, that wasn't his own and his ears could not locate the sudden noise, but his mind knew the spot in here he didn't check, that he wouldn't expect to find her at.

He whipped around and shot off an arrow on instinct and hearing alone to the whoosh of air that followed. The arrow was deflected away from magic and an axe, one of the most simple deadly weapons swung down at him and he backstepped, hanging his bow away.

Another backstep from the advantaged Luna and a throwing knife lodged into her front while he drew his own spatha,. Arctus was backed into an empty cell of the ancient dungeon, he didn't want to give away any ploys, so he kept his mouth shut.

"For a title of Master Scout, you're awful as remaining undetected and alert. I pounced on you too easily."

He held off his smirk, maintaining his current war visage.

He lifted a surprise he had been working on, an Aeternian item, one he worked on with pleasure during his alone time. A mixture of two plant oils, rice bran and sunflower. A flame produced with his index lit a cloth exterior on the top half of this brown ball he held.

"Do you still wish to fight me? My stealth is unparralled and I let you get the upperhand."

Luna laughed at his words, "please, like a simple explosive will turn us away from defeating you."

She held a second axe in her hoof as it left her back, her horn lit, ready.

The Master Scout zipped close first, dodging a swipe before blocking another from his left side and his right hand slung up quick, bashing her muzzle hard and drawing first blood. He went to throw the clay device at her, but made a false movement. Seeing her shield come up for a short second, he had already extended a leg in and explosive motion and her shield came up again, barely stopping the point of his spatha.

"I admit, your prowess in combat is considerable, perhaps after I beat you," she advanced again, swinging each axe in tune and forcing him to dodge back as he could not block every strike with a single weapon in his hand.

Luna was leading this dance of combat, but Arctus was orchestrating it exactly how he wanted. The oil soaked cloth was beginning to blacken from how long it remained lit, but he knew the wall was there and he had not turned the wards of his boots off yet. He stood up from the stone wall, blocking a hit and running along the ceiling, smashing the clay ball at Luna's head, a shield responded too late and she howled in pain as he rubbed the wards and fell behind her.

His hatchet met his other hand and he swung down, going for a debiliating strike to her haunches, right to a muscle but she whipped about and knocked the smaller axe aside with her own. Oil burned away on her fur, searing and causing her even more pain as she gritted her teeth. Her horn lit and Arctus quickly fled the room, sprinting out before moving into a slower but silent run out of the dungeons.

Arctus leapt up, climbing broken architecture again and stowing his current weapons away to take his bow out again, he aimed at the wood door, seeing the glyph he left behind on the front of it while he pulled back an arrow.

An enraged Luna ran through the door, moving the wood that was still mostly closed, triggering his spell.

A fiery explosion threw her into the wall opposite of the door, splinter and wood dust flying about while his arrow loosed and sank in where he last saw her. Arctus retreated again before he even heard the next grunt of pain.

"Come back and fight us, cur!" Her taunts would never be effective against Arctus.

He slipped through corridors, marking fake fire glyphs as he went before he circled back to where Luna was hit by the arrow, seeing that she had already healed herself again as he stay high above, observing her movements.

It was a shame his tricks did not leave any lasting debilitating effects, but she had learned her magic was useless against him in offensive forms. Luna eventually made it to the series of halls where he had left his glyphs.

"Come out! We refuse to step through these traps."

He settled his spear differently for a quick readying. His bow slipped into his fingers and he pulled five arrows into his hand, preparing one into his bow.

"Zaibas surasti vidinis!" He shouted suddenly, projecting his voice up so it would echo back down into the corridors. Luna could not pinpoint his voice, but his arrows took a yellow tinge and he loosed the first, prepping the second and loosing it next. He repeated this arrow revolver method before he slotted his bow away, the arrows headed toward Luna, but stopped just overhead, crackling.

The moon raised noticed them and prepared a shield.

Arctus gripped his spear with a smirk. He had her all to himself in this struggle. He leapt from the pillar he stood atop in the dusty height of the halls.

One arrow shot down with lightning following it and it immediately overloaded Luna's basic shield, causing her to gasp as he dodged the next by moving just out of the way, following the rhythm, but blocked in and force toward the fiery glyphs. Arctus was almost upon her as the last arrow zapped down and forced her to step directly onto a glyph. The red glow shined brighter and he could see Luna clench her eyes.

His spearhead dug deep into her shoulder, Arctus' face was inches from hers and he smirked almost wildly.

"You are prey in my lair. And I will tear you piece by piece," his blood was rushing, his want for violence and battle were heightening.

Luna's horn lit, but flickered out.

"Oh no, not with my spear bleeding you out. Good luck healing this," he gestured with his eyes to Luna's wound.

Despite his psychological tactic and their gazes merely half a foot away, she showed no fear but a great sense of determination.

"I'm glad," he saw her other hoof begin to move with her axe and he wrenched the spear, causing her to yelp out, "don't stop now. I don't want this to end so early. Show me your boasts earlier have value in their words," he reared his metal covered left hand back and scored a quick punch up her muzzle, blood splaying into the air.

He followed with a downward back fist while he pulled his spear free and ran down the glyph covered corridor. The red symbols faded, showing their falseness.

"Mental warfare will not be effective against us!" Luna boomed as he had already taken off into the depths of the castle to hide again.

But he was right, Luna knew she was caught in a true predator's eye, in its lair, and it wanted to play before it pounced.

A challenge, Arctus wanted a challenge, something to really make him justify using all he knew. Luna better provide it to him after talking so much about he may not even be of use to Equestria.

"Sister, you chose an impressive fighter to be your romantic involvement," Luna mumbled as she went through halls, ignoring the burning pain and bleeding in her shoulder.

Arctus had circled around again, listening to Luna's foot steps as she went through the corridors, hiding in a room near the intersection she passed through. It had been quite a while since Arctus first entered, at least an hour. A prolonged confrontation was mostly used in training environments for Scouts.

She passed the intersectiong of halls, heading closer to the center of the castle, the throne room. The Master Scout slipped from the room silently and crept behind her before lunging with his spear toward one of her rear hooves. Luna heard his lunge and she rushed forward, whipping around to face him a couple feet away.

"You are incredibly quiet and those instincts are too much like that of a thief!" Luna accused as she took a defensive stance. Arctus had not stopped his assault and when he missed he twisted and followed his lunge with and overhead throw of his spear.

Luna clattered it to the floor with a swipe of an axe and advanced on him while he fetched his greatsword, a black tint coming over the blade. Luna swung with one axe and instead of blocking the overhead strike, Arctus matched it perfectly and the force blew Luna clear down the hall with a boom. Pebbles and dust were freed from the walls, even larger rocks crashed to the floor in a show of just what Luna was hit with.

Arctus began speaking before she even landed her hind hooves on the stone wall in the throne room, "pradingti zemaiu lipti," and he quickly vanished, appearing below Luna and striking up, making clear connection on her stomach and blasting her into the sky, far above the castle.

The Master Scout landed on the stone floor of the throne room, looking up with a smirk, "wonder how long before you make it back down."

And she had teleported her fresh wound from the greatsword was repaired and she swung, barely contacting Arctus' face and drawing blood that smeared across the iron head of her weapon. He ducked the next slash and blocked a third, "yes! Show me!"

"Plienas karka savninkas!" His spear flung from down the hall and into his hand, slashing the back of Luna before his fingers wrapped around it.

This didn't stop her assault and she rather ignored the pain and another axe head hit his torso, this one biting deeper than merely grazing. Blood ran onto the stone, his armor abosrbed some of the blow, ensuring it was not life threatening, but he couldn't take all day to play with Luna now. His left hand held his spear and he tangled it under an axe head while he twirled his body around, manipulating Luna's hoof until she let go, He held the greatsword behind his back, blocking a second strike.

His right arm extended and using centrifugal force, he managed a slash again't luna's left hoof. Her horn lit and healed the wound even with her stumbling back from the force.

"Even in direct combat, you fight like you've calculated every moment before a single second has passed."

"Compliments will get you no where," Arctus paused, sheathing his greatsword away while he gripped his spear closer to the lugs of it, "you've dealt me a wound that will make me bleed out, so I can't play anymore."

"You...you weren't even seriously battling us?" Luna commented, her teeth gritting in anger.

"Thank you for the small challenge you've posed, but I have to wrap up. Before I continue," a pink glow overcame his right hand as he held it up in front of him, "do you still wish to continue this duel?"

Celestia's voice came from above, "Luna! Sister!" She hovered over the broken ceiling, "don't continue fighting! You can't win!"

"Despite your doubts in us, 'Tia. I've enjoyed this battle and I will seek it to the end," Luna looked to Arctus, "confront me properly, warborn."

That was a common name of an Aeternian, given to them by other nations.

Arctus felt the bloodlust surge in his veins, "good answer, Licate," his mouth used a term he hadn't said in eons. Licates were Aeternia's strongest opposing nation which was still crumbled. He participated in some of the wars and confrontations against them.

His subconscious was reliving an exact confrontation with their head of nation, they were also founded on warrior principles.


He smiled as he snapped his mind fully back to reality. While it was a warning that he needed a truly bloody or challenging battle, he was getting exactly that.

"Intangible Kamna!"

"Teach my body to become fateless and unbound so that I may deliver the final blow as you did to the sky!"

His hand had already finished tracing the symbol before Luna was upon him. He invoked the one of the Eight most stubborn to favor few. Kamna had always favored him.

Luna's strikes went through his boundless body multiple times before she stopped, staring in disbelief.

"You've...you've made yourself invulnerable," she mumbled and shortly after his spear slung around her hoofves multiple times, blood spilling and tainting the stone floor even more red.

He then made himself unbound once again, moving directly through her and taking a wider swing with his spear that she blocked.

"Good, you still have your teeth."

Her next swing phased through him again. Luna was dialing in to him.

He took another stab and her axe knock it away and buried a second time lightly above the first hit that struck his torso. Arctus backed away as fresh red stained his linens and scale again. His spear was swiftly put away and his hunting knife and hatchet returned instead. He had made no grunt of pain. Luna's next strike went through his immaterial form.

He crashed his small hatchet toward her head, Luna blocked and held it and started her own swing. He blocked with his knife before becoming intagible once more for just a brief second and his hatcher dug into her neck. Her horn lit as soon as his axe left and the wound healed, his knife stabbed deep into her stomach as she fought on her rear hooves. before he zipped through her and attempted a new feat.

He internalized the spell, speaking the word sin his mind before lashing the open air with his axe and a small wind slash zipped to Luna who blocked the hit with the iron heads of her axes, the metal being bitten deep. Arctus was now able to use this spell without words.

Arctus breathed deep, sheathing away his hunting knife and hatchet again. His spear made his way into both his hands and he began to center himself, letting the godhood he used fade.

"I am Master Scout Arctus, Starborn, greatest in Aeternia. I will make you kneel."

He advanced, holding his spear in front of him, while Luna took on a wide stance and hacked with one axe, sending the other in quick. Arctus stopped his advance and latched his spear under the beards of both axes, using a single hand to yank her closer, fingers gripped tightly to his spear. His hand blasted her face again and her horn lit, healing injury and damage.

Another punch before he unleashed his spear and sent a long cut up her front. She backed away, blood splattering again while he marched forward with a cold look in his eyes. He was breathing war. All she was at that moment was just another battle to be won.

He flashed first and his spear whirled at an impossible speed for her to block. He was dialed in and letting loose at the same time. The cut lashed a hoof. The air whistled and sang Arctus' glory as more blood was spilt across the ancient castle.

Two quick cuts and he transitioned into a thrust, piercing Luna's stomach lightly as she backed away and he whipped the spear head up and cut under her jawline, following with a hoirzontal bash of the rounded but of his spear into the side of her head. Her vision blacked for a second.

The woodsmaster saw fear in her eyes at last as his spear close for a finished strike, but he held back, his spear just barely puncturing at her throat to cause blood to bubble up in a single dot while she stood stark still, head lolled to the side.

"You have been defeated. This duel is over, Princess Luna," he kept his spear in place.

Luna smiled before she laughed, "you are useful to Equestria. We appreciate you showing us respect, but if you are to become our brother-in-law, there is no need to use such a formal title. Luna will be adequate."

Arctus removed the spear and helped to stabilize Luna who was still dazed from his incredibly violent bash.

Luna exhaled a held breath, "your weapon is impressive. You are impressive. Without doubt, the strongest creature I've encountered barring the Sower of Chaos himself."

"I'll accept that as a compliment," they made it to the door together, opening it with their in person observer already on the other side.

"It's always an experience to see a Scout fight. When Arctus fights, it's a reminder of how mortal every one of us are. You wield death as if it were gloves made only for your hands," Savus greeted him first.

Arctus sheathed away his spear after wiping remaining blood off. He looked to Luna who stared back at him, "what is-."

The Master Scout put a fist to his chest, looking to the ground. He rcognized Luna as worthy of his respect though combat.

"That's quite a high regard, Princess Luna. He shows respect often enough, but not like this," Savus commented, "don't be surprised if he requests to bring you into the field with him," he chuckled.

"We see," Luna looked to Celestia who stared with worry at her, "sister, we can approve of his current position. We apologize if we wished to deny his presence from our earlier knowledge of him."

Arctus was already taking off equipment one by one, leaving his breeches and chain chauses on. The cuts in his torso were extensive, red had stained his clothing and armor thoroughly. While Luna's wound dripped slowly, his were rushing a lot more freely.

"Celly, could I bother you for-," the sun-marked alicorn lit her horn with a warm smile and the injury on his face faded and sealed, his torso was wiped clean of blood and the wounds stitched together

The present doctor and nurses had moved around Celestia, looking over Luna before the doctor began to issue commands for stitching and treating her wounds.

"Thanks, I know the wounds on Luna from my spear won't be healed via magic, so...apologies Luna."

Luna just smiled at him while she stood as still as she could, "I would have our battle go no other way."

"What a fine stallion. Those muscles. That perfectly lean body. The strong mi-."

Rarity had started complimenting him under her breath until Princess Celestia gave her a knowing and little harsh glare. The dreaming fashionista swallowed hard.

"Where is Asarele?" Arctus looked about.

"Hunting! I assume," Savus answered.

"Asarele!" She did not come at her name.

"Asarele!" Arctus boomed again and the bird cried out, walking out from around the castle after a while, Fluttershy in tow.

"She's got a way with animals, always has," Rainbow Dash spoke up, "those were some seriously cool moves you used, Arctus."

"Careful not to rise his pride too much, he has enough of an issue with that," Celestia commented while she looked at her sister again, "I'm just glad you two are getting along better."

"We understand him."

"I understand her."

"As warriors often find out about each other in combat," Savus sighed, "Plated Shell might get mad at you...ruining his repairs so early."

Arctus sighed, "he gets paid well enough."

"We have a royal smith?"

"Not officially, but Arctus was impressed at his work in creating the greatsword he uses and now its the only smith all the guards will visit," Celestia answered, "he's more influential than he knows. The elite even visit a specific restuarant more just to try and catch a glimpse of him."

"And popular with the powerful," Rarity mentioned off-hoofedly, "is there anything else we should know about him? Can he raise the Sun and Moon?" She laughed at her own poor joke.

"No, but he intends to launch himself as a star into the sky, we will assist," Luna pledged, smiling to him.

Author's Note:

A longer action scene than normal, but this is where it was climaxing to. Arctus' need for a regular challenge had been sated.