• Published 16th Oct 2023
  • 355 Views, 2 Comments

In Victory, We Are the Losers - daOtterGuy

Even when he wins, Rockhoof still loses

  • ...


“Another one is approaching,” Nike remarked. “Maybe this one will put up a better fight than the last dozen or so.”

Rockhoof grunted. He stood up, his bulk causing the ground to tremble, shovel at the ready. His next opponent emerged from the wreckage of the forest that surrounded him, a tangle of broken trees and flattened undergrowth.

They were a unicorn. Stallion, if Rockhoof had to guess. Short, lean and wiry. A cloak covered most of their prominent features, but Rockhoof still caught the glint of steel armour underneath. Their heraldry was of a black sun over a book. Another of one of those knights that regularly showed up.

“Good morrow,” the stranger greeted, waving a hoof. “And to you as well, Nike.” The second greeting had an undertone of disdain.

“You sound like you don’t like me. Have we met?” Nike asked.

“No, but I’m familiar with how you operate.” The stranger stopped just past the edge of clearing where wood gave way to hard-packed dirt. “I have come to do battle with you.”

“... Not many ask before they try to attack,” Rockhoof muttered. He jerked his head up. “Have at’er, then.”

“With pleasure.”

A dark clear aura of magic encompassed his horn, then the stranger launched a burst of black flames at him.

Acting quickly, Rockhoof swatted the flames away with his shovel. They burned away dead foliage in the distance. The stranger appeared before him with a second spell at the ready, faster than what Rockhoof had presumed he was able to move.

Rockhoof slammed the blunt end of the shovel into the side of the stranger’s head. They teleported in a burst of magic before impact, then fired several arcane arrows into Rockhoof’s side. Rockhoof ignored the pain and swept his shovel along the ground, blasting a cloud of dirt toward the stranger.

“Durable. A different tactic, then.”

Rockhoof whipped toward the source of the voice in time for acid to splash his face. It hissed and crackled along his fur, the chemical burning his skin. He bit back the urge to scream and charged forward, quickly eating up the distance between himself and the stranger.

Several volleys of different elements bombarded him. He pushed through the onslaught and swung his shovel, slicing empty air as the stranger teleported onto his back.

“Well, that was quite close. You certainly—”

Rockhoof tensed, biting his lower lip in preparation for the pain. Jagged rocks burst from his back, piercing into the stranger’s body. A trick granted to him after a rather acrobatic duelist from several mornings back. Sure, it tore through his body, but the pain was worth the surprise attack.

A gasp of pain. Flecks of cold liquid dripped onto Rockhoof’s back.

“T-that was unexpected,” the stranger gasped out.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Rockhoof reared up and fell backward onto his back. He frowned at the lack of bone crunching that should have followed that maneuver. He rolled back onto his back, wildly searching for the stranger.

“How utterly embarrassing to act so confident, only to be bested so easily.” Rockhoof turned toward the voice to find the stranger, clutching their side. Presumably from an injury sustained from their earlier tussle. “I admit defeat.”

Another blessing quickly flowed into him. Flesh cracked and reformed, increasing his durability. He barely felt it.

“I’ll have to try again another time, but, if I may be so bold, why are you here?” the stranger asked.

“No one can enter the cave,” Rockhoof answered.

“Why not?”

“Because no one can enter the cave,” Rockhoof repeated.

“Really? Based on the heraldry by the entrance, I had presumed it was because your clan was performing a healing rite inside.”

A sharp intake of breath. “They are—” Fragments of memories filtered into Rockhoof’s mind “—No, my only purpose is to… its to…”

“... Have you checked on them? Even once?” The stranger tilted their head to one side. Rockhoof couldn’t read their expression within the shade of their hood. “How long has it been since they began the rite?”

Rockhoof was silent. He could hear the thumping of his heart in his ears.

“... I’ll take it you don’t know. Well, I’ll leave you to do your duties then. However, I would suggest that you check on them before you can’t.”

The stranger disappeared in a puff of magic.

“Ignore him,” Nike said as she flitted next to his ear. “Why listen— Hey!”

Rockhoof was already trotting toward the cave.

“You’re not even gonna fit!” Nike exclaimed.

He hung his head low, just barely going below the ceiling of the interior. He pushed forward, his back scraping along the rocky walls. He could feel fur and skin tear on the rough surface, but such pain barely bothered him anymore.

Whispers of the past roared in his ear louder than the angry rationality of Nike. They propelled him onward, a growing need to see his clan enveloping him.

All the while, he couldn’t help but feel failure dogging his every step.