• Published 26th Nov 2023
  • 994 Views, 35 Comments

Opaline Formation - FanOfMostEverything

Opaline believes six impossible origin stories before breakfast. (Misty! Make breakfast!)

  • ...

Caution: Volatile Materials

Sunny Starscout had had to grow accustomed to a lot of new normals over her life. Welcoming Misty to the Brighthouse was one of the more welcome changes, but it still meant some degree of walking on eggshells... and keeping Zipp from trampling them in her demands to know who left them on the floor in the first place. But after a few weeks with the new housemate and Zipp grudgingly accepting that direct interrogation wouldn't always yield immediate results, Sunny judged it an appropriate time to bring up the question that had been burning in the back of her mind.

After dinner, which had provided a convenient excuse to invite Hitch and Sparky over, everypony moved to the main room, ostensibly for movie night. There, Sunny finally broached the subject. “So, Misty. I wanted to talk to you.”

Misty's ears folded back. She pulled away from Sunny as best she could while on the couch and within Izzy's cuddling range. “About?”

“Nothing bad!" After a moment, Sunny added, "Okay, nothing bad about you specifically." Misty only looked more nervous at that. "I'm not helping, am I?"

"I have no idea what you're trying to do," Misty answered, "but no, not really."

Sunny winced and plowed forward. "The point is, my dad was a historian. Or tried to be one, anyway. There’s so much about Old Equestria that ponies have forgotten, that they don’t even care to remember. Dad tried to piece it all together, but there’s so much still missing that old journals couldn’t explain, context for the old relics he found that we still don’t have.”

Hitch nodded from the critter corner, well Sparky and several other creatures were happily clambering over him. “And even though we're getting some context now, plenty of those old relics fell into the bay during the whole ‘Emperor Sprout’ thing.”

Misty tilted her head. “The what?”

“Long story,” said Hitch.

“They did, yes." Sunny took a deep breath. These days, the loss only hurt when she thought about it. Like right now. "And I’m still not sure whether seaponies really exist, so getting them to help would be tricky at best.”

Izzy gasped and bolted up in her seat, sending the inscrutable lump of trash she'd been tinkering with flying. “Sea ponies!?”

Sunny shrugged. “Maybe. That’s an especially patchy part of the record." She turned back to Misty. "But I think you see where I’m going this now.”

That got a hesitant nod. “Opaline?”

“Exactly! She’s been alive since the days of Princess Twilight. Even what you told us at the slumber party was fascinating. Obviously biased, but fascinating." A notebook and pencil floated into Sunny's hooves before she even realized her horn had appeared. "I can’t ask Opaline about Old Equestria directly, but she must have told you so much!”

“Well…" Misty bit her lip. "About that…”

“What’s wrong? Is it Zipp?”

Zipp scowled from her chair. “Hey!”

“You are still pretty intense around Misty,” Pipp noted, not looking up from her phone.

“I talked to her before we started," said Sunny. "She agreed to let you set the pace.”

“It’s not that…" Misty gave Zipp an apologetic glance before shifting to an apologetic smile. (She was getting better about not doing everything apologetically.) "Still, thanks. But when Opaline did talk about the past, she usually talked about her favorite subject.”

“Herself?” said Zipp.


Zipp's gaze turned to her sister. “Reminds me of some other ponies.”

Pipp glanced up, flinching back and scoffing when she met Zipp's eyes. “I resent that remark! I care about my fans most of all.”

“And whether they’re still watching your videos.”

“That still counts as them.”

Sunny shrugged. “Well, even Opaline’s autobiography could tell us a lot we don’t know.”

“Yeah, that's... that’s the other thing." After a deep breath, Misty continued. "What I told you at the slumber party was all of the consistent stuff.”

Zipp rose from her seat, phone out, recording app running, and gaze intent. “Define ‘consistent.’”

Sunny pinned her in place with a glare. “Zipp.”

“If you want to." After a moment of fidgeting silence, Zipp added, "Please want to.”

“Opaline does talk about her past a lot," said Misty, "but it changes. All the time.”

“Elderflower hasn’t been around for nearly as long as she gets confused sometimes," noted Izzy. "Maybe Opaline’s just getting old.”

Sunny shook her head. “Alicorns are supposed to be immortal and ageless.”

“According to legend, anyway,” said Hitch.

Zipp tapped her chin in thought as she sat back down. “There’s probably a lot of magic involved there. And if magic was gone for a long time…”

Sunny blanched. “Oh dear. Well, what has she said about herself? Maybe we can see what other commonalities the different versions share.”

“Well..." Misty trailed off, gaze drifting to the ceiling as she thought. "Okay, so you know about the whole ‘fire alicorn’ thing…”

“What is a fire alicorn, exactly?” a much younger Misty once asked.

“Haven’t I told you?" A look of surprise flickered across Opaline's face before fading into her usual scorn for everything that wasn't her. "Well, that won’t do. If you’re going to be a useful minion, you will need to understand precisely who it is you’re serving. A fire alicorn is just what it sounds like, an alicorn whose greatest—but far from only—gift is pyromancy.” She narrowed her eyes as she registered the filly's blank look. “Fire magic, Misty, do try to keep up.”

“That’s what she said the first time, but then she decided she needed to remind me. And whenever she did…”

“It is not a matter of a fire alicorn, Misty. I am the fire alicorn. Fire isn’t like love or friendship or anything else from the time when they were just hoofing out wings and horns to anypony. Fire is primordial. There are four elements after all.”

— — —

“There are five elements after all.”

— — —

“There are over a hundred elements, and fire impacts all of them one way or another, through heat and oxidation. And in the beginning, when the world was young and magic was new, I carved out my niche and set it ablaze. Then that goody four-shoes Celestia went and copied my work with just enough changes that I couldn’t call her out on it.”

— — —

“Celestia was so proud of her sun, but I improved on it in every way imaginable.”

— — —

“We competed to see who could make the better light. In hindsight, i should have suspected some bias on the part of the judges when they consisted entirely of Celestia’s little sister. I figured she’d vote against her big sister out of spite at the time. If you'd ever met Luna, you'd agree it was a safe bet.”

Opaline looked up to the heavens—or at least the castle's ceiling—and sighed. “I may have hated those two, but I do miss them in a way. The world needs alicorns, Misty. The sun and moon may still be here, but they are lessened without the sisters, reduced in a way I can’t explain and you can’t possibly imagine. The words aren’t there anymore, gone with Celestia and Luna. Were I to go, fire would still burn, but never so brightly and hotly as it does now. This whole world is smaller, duller, diminished compared even to Twilight Sparkle’s time. Everywhere I look, I see lost glory that will never be reclaimed.

She stomped a hoof, features hardened with resolve. “I will not see my dominion reduced further, Misty. I am the last alicorn. I must rule. I can accept nothing less.”

“Wow. That’s…" Sunny took a moment to digest the tale. "It's almost noble.”

“Sure," said Hitch, "when you ignore how she drained the magic out of an innocent infant to make herself more powerful.”

“And how she couldn’t keep her story straight,” added Zipp.

Izzy nodded. "It's like when Elderflower calls me my mom’s name. Or my grandma. Or ‘Starlight Glimmer.’”

Zipp shook her head. “I’ve met Elderflower and Opaline. This sounds more like Nana Neon Glow.”

“What?" Pipp looked back up from her social media feeds. "Nana was a total sweetheart!”

“Oh right, you were three when it happened."

"When what happened?" said Misty.

"When Nana Neon gave the secretary of education a concussion because he was wearing a hat and she thought he was a ‘secret unicorn.’" Zipp furrowed her brow, keeping the feather quotes going. "And ‘banana-shaped.’”

“Oh." Pipp winced. "Yikes. Is that why she went on that extended vacation at the summer villa?”

Zipp nodded. “And how Mom finally took the throne, yeah.”

“This still flies in the face of multiple sources that mention alicorn agelessness, but if they’re just extremely long-lived…" Sunny tapped her pencil against the notepad. "How long has Opaline been alive?

Misty shrugged. “It depends. Some days, Opaline grew up with the sun and the moon. Others…”

“There once was a mare who saw a self-evident truth that nopony else wanted to admit: I was better than everypony else. As were other unicorns, to a lesser extent. I was simply the one with the vision and will to see that truth through to its logical endpoint.”

— — —

“I loved her once. She was my aunt, after all. Perhaps the last pony I ever loved, after I found my parents unworthy of it. But in the end, like everypony else in my life, she was so despicably soft."

— — —

“I was her student, the only one close enough to see the cracks in her mask, the flaws in her little regime. And by the time she realized my true intentions, matters had already been set in motion, so much on so many levels that even she couldn’t stop it all when it came to a head.”

“Honestly, most days it’s hard to get Opaline to stop talking about herself. I think she gets bored saying the same thing to the same pony over and over, but she still loves to talk. She tells some versions more than others, sure, but never quite the same way twice.”

Opaline stomped, snarling at everything and nothing. “Ugh, why is there so much purple in this blasted castle?”

Misty gulped. It was probably a rhetorical question, but that kind of assumption came with its own risks. “Um, well, didn’t you design it?”

An alicorn did not stumble. As such, Opaline must have avoided a trap she'd installed at some point, and that was the explanation Misty would go for if her mistress asked. “Yes. Obviously. It must have been the lighting, now that nopony’s bothering to make the weather correctly." Opaline's look of disdain briefly turned to the skylight before panning to her throne. "For a moment, I could have sworn that was the exact color of Twilight Sparkle’s coat. Made me want to retch.”

“Is there anything I can do?” It was best to get Opaline's mind off of the subject of Twilight Sparkle before something caught on fire. Even without magic, Opaline was terrifyingly good at igniting things.

“That’s very sweet of you to ask, Misty. Futile and naive, but sweet. And no, these memories have plagued since before I defeated Sparkle." The snarl came back, once more directed at existence in general. "Though not before she got in one last bit of spite against the both of us.”

Misty knew a cue when she heard one. “The invisibubble?”

“Precisely," Opaline said with an almost approving nod. "There are few things more effective against an alicorn than her own magic turned against her.”

That was a new one. Despite herself, Misty couldn't help but utter a “Huh?”

Any hint of that approval vanished. “Hmph. And here I thought you were actually paying attention. Why do you think I despise Sparkle with the intensity I do?”

“Because she thwarted—”

“Rhetorical question, Misty." Opaline rolled her eyes. "For evil’s sake, read the room. Twilight Sparkle was weak. Simpering. Always bowing her head to her lessers until they tore apart everything she worked to create, then spat on the pieces. They all got what they deserved, but giving it to them, oh, that was too much for sweet, little Twilight. And when I finally got the chance to do what she couldn't, she hid them from both of us before I could bury her completely, and so she still spites me even while dormant.”

Misty's jaw dropped. “You mean you’re—”

“Once, yes." Opaline walked to the edge of the scrying pool, her glare firmly set on her own reflection. "I tried being the Fire of Friendship given form, but ponies showed me what they really thought of friendship. Now I am simply the fire. And they will all burn in time.”

Silence hung heavy in the air for a few moments. Everypony, even Sparky, turned to Sunny.

She looked around the room. “What?”

Pipp cleared her throat. “Look, I’m not saying I believe that, but—”

Sunny jabbed a hoof up towards the Unity Crystals. “We have a recording of Twilight Sparkle. They look nothing alike!”

“I’ve known you for a long time, Sunny," Hitch said solemnly. "I know what you’re capable of when you think you know better than everypony else.”

“And there’s a bunch of legends of alicorns going crazy and trying to gobble everypony’s backside,” added Izzy.

Sunny rolled her eyes and slammed back into the couch cushions. “Ugh, you’re all being ridiculous.”

“Right?" Zipp smirked. "Even if you did go crazy, we could take you.”

After a few moments of thought, Sunny gave her a wary look. “Thanks? Look, the point is that that one doesn’t make any sense. It’s probably the craziest thing Opaline’s ever said. Right, Misty?”

"I mean..." Misty bobbed her head back and forth. “Honestly? She got a lot more stable once you brought back magic and she had something to focus on. The really crazy stuff came up before you brought the Unity Crystals together. Well, mostly then.”

Izzy grinned. “Ooh, like what?”

“Sometimes, she’s convinced that she isn’t even a pony.”

“I’m sorry, Opaline,” Misty had begun just a few weeks ago.

“Yes," Opaline said astride her throne, examining her hooficure. "Yes, you are.”

“It’s just… Weren’t you going to use the Unity Crystals to get your magic back? Why focus so much on one little dragon?”

“The crystals are potent, certainly, but better defended than I anticipated." Opaline reshod herself and grinned. "But a little dragon skittering about town? A much softer target. And if it knew who it will serve, it would toddle right to our door.”


“Those gems would have been a step in the right direction, but I only focused on them because I thought dragon magic was lost for good. That whelp’s power is precisely what I need to break Twilight Sparkle’s curse." Opaline drew herself up jutted out her chin at a noble and dignified angle. (She thought it was noble and dignified, anyway, and that was what mattered.) "After all, any proper dragon would be proud to serve their Dragonlord in such a way.”


Opaline sighed. “It’s a gender-neutral title, Misty. Try to keep up.”

“But you’re… I didn't..." Misty braced herself and tried one more time. "I mean, you’re incredible but you’re not—”

“Oh yes. There’s a certain irony in the princess cursing the dragon, is there not?" Fire began to play along Opaline's horn. "But even in this soft, scaleless form, she couldn’t extinguish my flame completely. With the hatchling’s fire, I can burn away the spell and regain my proper form." Her lips peeled back in a grin that admittedly would work very well with fangs. "And then, well, then the fun will really begin.”

Opaline watched the crazed unicorn prance away through the communication amulet, cards and balloons scattering in the madmare's wake. "Hearts and Hooves Day. To think, out of all the insipid little pony festivals, that survived unchanged."

Misty, well-acquainted with Izzy's indifference towards almost anything when on a creative rampage, noted all of the ponies who seemed just as disgusted with the increasing number of hearts as Opaline. And those were just the ones she could spot from the secluded alley where she'd been checking in with her mistress. "It doesn't seem like most ponies want to celebrate it."

"Then they're marginally smarter than they look." Opaline sighed. "Oh, if Mother could see this..."

"Your mother?"

"Well, creator. She hated ponies. Hated that she needed them. Hated that they spared her when they could have destroyed her once and for all. All that burning hatred, refined in her own emerald flames until they burned away every impurity. Including and especially her. Chrysalis could not accept change, and in that irony she did not survive it. Only I remained, with no dependency on love and no need for more ponies than those who can serve me directly." Opaline favored Misty with a slim smile. "Those who will, of course, be rewarded for their service."

"Of course," said Misty, who had understood none of that but knew the middle of Maretime Bay wasn't the place for an in-depth discussion of something that Opaline might not even remember by the time she got back.

"But those rewards only come after the service has been fulfilled. Get going!"

“Once I restore my powers…” Opaline grinned up at the ceiling of the throne room, half-lost in her fantasies. "This world, these ponies, it’s so ripe for exploitation.”

Misty looked up from sweeping. “This world?”

“Oh yes. I thought I was trapped here after Twilight Sparkle sealed magic away. Uncharacteristically spiteful of her, really. Yes, she denied me both what I deserved and a way to find it somewhere else, but at such great expense to the ponies she claimed to love and protect." Opaline tittered to herself. "I suppose it just goes to show how much I caught her unawares. Outside context problems, and all.”

“So… there are other worlds?”

Opaline blinked and looked down at Misty, a quizzical look on her muzzle. “Oh, is that what’s confusing you? Yes, you foolish filly, of course there are other worlds. Before Sparkle cast that last spell, Equestria was the hub of a portal network that spanned half the known multiverse." She scoffed. "Well, the multiverse they knew about anyway, which wasn’t saying much even at the height of their power, but it was still respectable as such things go.

“And they were so deliciously naive when it came to immigration. Step out of the mirror, get accustomed to your new hooves, swear you’re here to make new friends, and they’d let just anyone in. Even me.”

Misty shook her head, trying to make the revelation fit what she'd thought she'd known. “But… I thought—”

Opaline clicked her tongue. “You know better than that, Misty. Leave the thinking to me. But I do understand. Why, there are times when I can scarcely remember my homeworld. That’s why I plan on reducing this one to ashes before going back, one last bit of spite in return for Sparkle’s." She paused for a moment and took in Misty's wide-eyed stare. "Oh, but don’t worry! I’ll take you along with me." She patted Misty on the head, or at least a few inches into her mane. "Who knows? Powerless as you are, maybe you’ll stay a unicorn. You’ll make for a delightful conversation piece."

Zipp snorted. "Okay, that one's just nonsense."

“With a dash of superhero movie,” Pipp added.

“I have seen her scrying on the Maretime Bay movie theater sometimes." Misty scowled. "Not that she ever makes ponycorn for it.”

Hitch gasped. “Pirating movies?”

“Without ponycorn!?” cried Izzy.

“She is a monster,” both proclaimed.

“Actually, the existence of other worlds would explain the Sunset Epistles. Dad always dismissed them as generations of folklore misunderstanding some of Twilight Sparkle’s deeds, but…" Sunny trailed off as she took in the skeptical looks of the others. "What?”

Zipp shook her head as she got out of her chair, stretching after whole minutes of inactivity. “At this point, I think it’s safe to say that Opaline is off her rocker. Anything she says has to be taken with a lick of salt.”

Pipp nodded. “As in at least ten pounds of it.” The sisters shared a hoofbump as Zipp's lap around the living room brought her within range.

“Well..." Sunny sighed. "Yeah, the Epistles did always seem apocryphal. And there are so many anachronisms in there that I can only imagine how many times they’ve been rewritten since. Even cell phones!" She slumped in her seat. "Still, I'd hoped that the one primary source we had on the Twilit Era could have given us something.

“Knowing the past is all well and good, but we can’t turn back the clock." Hitch gave a rueful look at his own hoof, which briefly glowed green with magic. "No matter how much we may want to at times.”

Izzy swept up Sunny in a hug before the earth mare had even registered her getting off the couch. “The best we can do is make the future as sparkly as possible!”

“I guess." Sunny returned the hug, but couldn't bring herself to smile. "It’s just frustrating having something I’ve always dreamed of dangled in front of me, only to have get torn away at the last minute.”

Misty nodded. “Yeah. Opaline does that.”

“Did you ever confront her about all these contradictions?” said Zipp.

“Just once, a few days after the slumber party.”

— — —

Opaline scowled down at Misty, spreading her wings and narrowing her eyes. “It’s not my past that should concern you, Misty. It’s my future.”

Misty gulped, taking a few steps back. “Your future?”

“Yes. As the last thing you’ll ever see if you don’t get me that dragonfire!

— — —

The room went silent once more. Sunny chewed her lip for a moment before she broke it. “And you’re sure you still want to spy on her?”

Misty shrugged. “I’m the only one who can. And I do have years of experience when it comes to getting something useful out of her. We may never really know where she came from, but at least we can know what she’s doing."

The mare awoke the way she usually did: confused, frightened, looking for a pony who hadn’t shared her bed for many years now.

Thinking of that mare stirred the memories. Only when she stumbled out from under the covers and to a gem-encrusted, fire-blackened vanity did they come together to how she’d gotten here.

— — —

“Put it down, Starlight.”

“Now hear me out—”

“No. Not this time. Not with the Amulet.”

“I know the Alicorn Amulet is dangerous. I’m not claiming otherwise. But—”

“There is no but. You don’t wear the Amulet. It wears you. The only correct way to use the thing is to pour concrete over it and use that as the cornerstone of a Manehattan skyscraper. Even if the landlord’s a little megalomaniacal, nopony will notice the difference.”

“Hey, Cosmic Spectrum isn’t exactly easy to come by.”

“Starlight. Listen to me. Especially since I’m the one saying it. This is too dangerous. It is a bad idea. We can do literally anything else.”

“Twilight needs a long-term emotional anchor. She may talk a big game about accepting the mortality of her friends and making new ones, but without somepony she can rely on… Look, Celestia isn’t perfect, but she’s a lot more emotionally stable than Twilight. I’m not letting the mare who saved me spend a millennium among mayflies without even the hope of a banished sister to keep her going.”

“That’s very poetic. It’s also a terrible idea.”

“I’ve thought this over for thirty years. Do you have any better plans?”

“Trust the mare who’s exceeded the expectations of literally every creature in the world?”

“I wish I could.”

The impassible circle flaring to life. The ancient tome’s pages flapping in an arcane wind.

“Starlight! Stop!”

“At this point, I couldn’t if I tried.”

“I know you, damn it! You never work on anything this long without an emergency plan! If you love me, you’ll stop this!

The light building to blinding intensity. The tears in both mares’ eyes.

“I do love you, Trixie. That’s why I’m doing it in the first place.”

The building burn as unwanted power crawls across her skin.

“I can’t trust myself with this power. But you’ve dealt with it before. And this way you and Twilight can keep each other humble.”

— — —

And the mare bit back a scream as the gem, long parted from its old frame and fused to her heart, awakened in turn. The flames of fury flowed through her blood, rage’s red spreading across her coat until it went nearly more purple than that of the one who got her into this mess. Even her cutie mark warped until there was nothing of her left.

And rather than blame the one she still loved, she spent her final moments of lucidity for the day telling herself another story of how the great and powerful Opaline Arcana came to be, one where Starlight Glimmer was absolved of everything she never meant to do.

Author's Note:

See here for why Misty wasn't in the castle on Hearts and Hooves Day.

Cosmic Spectrum comes from Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, apparently an essential catalyst in the process of Cadence becoming an alicorn.

I haven't seen all of Chapter 6 yet, but I still like this idea better than anything canon's given us to work with.

Comments ( 35 )

Honestly? This bloody makes more sense than the canon! And manages to make Opaline more interesting than her painfully dull 1-D villainy.

About as probable as anything else that could be thought up. And it looks like Opaline thought up quite a few in the years leading up to this.

Your back and forth dialogue with the characters is always a treat to read. There's usually a few chuckle worthy exchanges in every scene.

But damn, Starlight, way to condemn Trixie to a life of fractured existence. That's pretty messed up, even for you.

Heh, also nice little blink and you miss it clues as to Opaline's true identity. Also a nice theory on how smartphones came into existence in Gen 5.

An intriguing concept! Even if the new show is a letdown it still produces inspiration like this.

Well done. I like that it's equally disturbing if the final sequence is true or just another false memory created by Opaline's madness.

I am fascinated by any effort to give Opaline good character and am moving this onto my short list.

That ending. Damn it GlimGlam.

You mean character period.

Sunny shook her head. “Alicorns are supposed to be immortal and ageless.”

“According to legend, anyway,” said Hitch.

Supposedly, but in reviewing everything, I've actually found that G4 never did actually definitely confirm that. I mean, yes, Celestia and Luna, but it was never clear if they were just the exception to the rule or not (they were unique even for alicorns after all), and further, all we have is proof Celestia and Luna are long-lived...but that's not necessarily proof that they're truly immortal.

“And there’s a bunch of legends of alicorns going crazy and trying to gobble everypony’s backside,” added Izzy.

No, that was just a misunderstanding Luna couldn't ever quite manage to clear up (despite trying). :rainbowlaugh:

"Yeah, the Epistles did always seem apocryphal."

Yeah, EqG always did have this somewhat nebulous feel at times on just how, exactly, they were supposed to fit with G4. Most of the time it was really more just its own thing, and I sometimes think it might have been better off altogether being just that. But I digress.

Anyway...at this point I personally don't really need to have a settled backstory for Opaline. It'd be nice, but not really necessary, because what I was ultimately wanted was more just a clear account on what happened between G4 and G5, and MYM chapter 6 has provided that nicely now (thank you, Spike!). So at this point, really any backstory will work for Opaline, and all of these options could work well enough if one wanted. So I guess pick one, everybody--it'll do as well as just about anything else.

As obviously nonsense as it is, I actually did kinda like the dragon lord one, personally. :rainbowlaugh:

I want a sequel of this where Trixie is set free of Opaline.

Hitch nodded from the critter corner, well Sparky and several other creatures were happily clambering over him. “And even though we're getting some context now, plenty of those old relics fell into the bay during the whole ‘Emperor Sprout’ thing.”

Great... :pinkiecrazy:

She stomped a hoof, features hardened with resolve. “I will not see my dominion reduced further, Misty. I am the last alicorn. I must rule. I can accept nothing less.”

If any of the 5 alicorns before her saw her now, they'd be disappointed. Very disappointed. :ajbemused:

"When Nana Neon gave the secretary of education a concussion because he was wearing a hat and she thought he was a ‘secret unicorn.’" Zipp furrowed her brow, keeping the feather quotes going. "And ‘banana-shaped.’”


“That’s very sweet of you to ask, Misty. Futile and naive, but sweet. And no, these memories have plagued since before I defeated Sparkle." The snarl came back, once more directed at existence in general. "Though not before she got in one last bit of spite against the both of us.”

This is something I really wish happened in MYM as there are huge gaps if history and backlore missing that would've made things better. :fluttershysad:

“Once, yes." Opaline walked to the edge of the scrying pool, her glare firmly set on her own reflection. "I tried being the Fire of Friendship given form, but ponies showed me what they really thought of friendship. Now I am simply the fire. And they will all burn in time.”

Gulp. :twilightoops:

“And there’s a bunch of legends of alicorns going crazy and trying to gobble everypony’s backside,” added Izzy.

Which is just lies and flat out ridiculous. :duck:

“And they were so deliciously naive when it came to immigration. Step out of the mirror, get accustomed to your new hooves, swear you’re here to make new friends, and they’d let just anyone in. Even me.”

Wait, she knew about the portal to the human realm!!! :pinkiegasp:

Opaline clicked her tongue. “You know better than that, Misty. Leave the thinking to me. But I do understand. Why, there are times when I can scarcely remember my homeworld. That’s why I plan on reducing this one to ashes before going back, one last bit of spite in return for Sparkle’s." She paused for a moment and took in Misty's wide-eyed stare. "Oh, but don’t worry! I’ll take you along with me." She patted Misty on the head, or at least a few inches into her mane. "Who knows? Powerless as you are, maybe you’ll stay a unicorn. You’ll make for a delightful conversation piece.

conversation piece."*

Zipp shook her head as she got out of her chair, stretching after whole minutes of inactivity. “At this point, I think it’s safe to say that Opaline is off her rocker. Anything she says has to be taken with a lick of salt.”

Is that another way of saying 'grain of salt'? :applejackconfused:

And rather than blame the one she still loved, she spent her final moments of lucidity for the day telling herself another story of how the great and powerful Opaline Arcana came to be, one where Starlight Glimmer was absolved of everything she never meant to do.

Ngl, I kinda like this. Sure it's not canon or official, it still unique and interesting. :rainbowhuh:

Damn, I sure wasn't expecting to like this story, but I did! And like I said above this is something I wish could've happened in G5. And while I am enjoying it, there are many things I dislike about it currently, which includes chapter 6, which I won't say why if anyone hasn't seen it. Still, while G5 has been having many issues I'm glad stuff like this exist and makes up for what we've gotten for G5. And honestly, I'm a ok with it! :yay:


Considering the unlikeness of Opaline knowing anything about Trixie otherwise?

Chapter 6 doesn't explain much but is does say what a fire Alicorn actually is. I doubt the last part is true given how insane Opaline is I doubt she actually cares about anything that doesn't increase her power.

I love the idea that Opaline is just so old and lonely that she’s just gone completely mad and has not idea what’s going on.
Not so much a fan of it actually being Trixie forced by Starlight but that’s still a funny idea

Well, at least she didn't accuse Twilight of killing Captain Clown.

This is really good and captivating! Had me full of pity because it alludes around dementia, but double pity at the unforeseen ending!

Nice writing, Wordsmith!

I hope you do write a sequel since chapter 6 is done. Opaline subconsciously revealed something important regarding her past life, almost as if she had the same predicament just like old Discord. Enough to get me to root for her for a moment.

Well that was not the ending identity I'd expected.

That is one reason that I tend to dismiss the whole Gen 5 thing, as Opaline's timeline is just to creaky, as if prepared to collapse under its own weight. A major plot hole, if you ask me.
Alicorns truly are not immortal, although the canon does not specifically state either way. This is proven by the fact that both Celestia and Luna both pass away at the end of the Gen 4 series, even if only related offstage. Alicorns may have longer lives, being far more magical in nature, but surely not immortal. That would be an abomination, a parody of sorts against the nature of magic.
As far as Celestia having a life span of over a thousand years, well, I have my theory, and it involves her sister Luna as Night Mare Moon...

But Glim Glam? Sorry, I don't buy into that theory. She was reformed, am I not correct?

I very much enjoy the idea of Opalina Arcana being as dramatic as possible, you basically nailed her to a Tee. I could buy this as a backstory (though personally I wish the show would just expand more on the whole "Hey, did you know there's a land where alicorns live, and Opaline came from there, and she knew Celestia and Luna when they were all foals?" thing. I say "wish", of course, because T H E R O O T S have her now).

Oh, Misty... oh, Opaline... oh, everypony. That was a vivid and colorful tragedy.

I haven't seen all of Chapter 6 yet, but I still like this idea better than anything canon's given us to work with.

While humorous, any of these "stories" would of been better then the non answers the show has given us.

Yes, Starlight was reformed ... from a certain point of view.

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Canon Opaline is a fun villain—certainly in Tell Your Tale—but she has all the depth of a roadside puddle. Fortunately, I specialize in barely characterized characters.

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In her defense, Starlight certainly didn't mean to cause this. Of course, she didn't mean to cause many problems she was still responsible for...

The "banana-shaped" bit was based on my own grandmother. No one had any idea what she meant by that, and we were all at least a little afraid to ask...

Is that another way of saying 'grain of salt'?

As Pipp noted, a salt lick is much more salt than a single grain.


This is proven by the fact that both Celestia and Luna both pass away at the end of the Gen 4 series, even if only related offstage.

Citation needed. Seriously, show me your work on that one.

She was reformed, am I not correct?

Yes, and how many times after her reformation did she cause untold havoc by not thinking something through? (Good intentions optional but frequently present.)

Silly billy, NOBODY every dies in MLP, even Starscout's father is gonna turn out to be alive somehow if the series runs long enough.

Counterpoint: Applejack’s parents

I still don't believe they're really did. After they revealed Starswirl the Bearded was alive, they broke my trust.


Is that another way of saying 'grain of salt'?

As Pipp noted, a salt lick is much more salt than a single grain.

Ah, thx.

I'm a little surprised Opaline never claimed to be cursed by Discord.

So Opaline is Senile?:ajbemused:

O.k. she is Trixie same difference.

Misty shrugged. “It depends. Some days, Opaline grew up with the sun and the moon. Others…”

Sometimes she remembers it one way, sometimes another. If she's going to have a past, she'd prefer it to be multiple choice.

Incredible - you have written the most in-character Starlight Glimmer story I could ever imagine, and the twist makes Opaline's inconsistencies make remarkable sense.

A comedy - a tragedy - a comedy. Great read.

Huh... yeah, I can see it. Both as a good explanation for Opaline's whole deal (not to mention better than anything the show gave us for her, as low a bar as that it) and as exactly the kind of literally-cataclysmic f......-up I'd expect from a certain character.

That said, while in the story, it's clearly just Opaline making up stories, intentionally or otherwise... I would sit down and watch all of G5 tomorrow if this all happened, but it turned out they were all true when she said them and she was basically the pony equivalent of the Time Trapper.


Yeah, okay, even by my standards that's an obscure reference. Long story short: powerful, evil cosmic entity from DC comics who, among many other temporal powers, can rewrite their own history on a whim and give themselves whatever origin suits them at any given moment. I love comics!


Citation needed. Seriously, show me your work on that one.

The only proof I've ever seen of this idea is that Celestia and Luna weren't shown in the future segment of The Last Problem. But so were a few other characters, and nobody was acting like major characters were dead.

Depends on whether you consider Granny Smith to be a major character.

Starlight glimmer is awful, is monstrous. Poor poor Trixie. I hope you write a sequel where she's healed. Starlight is a monster. Good intentions mean Jack shit. You should really add a horror tag

Finally got around to reading this one. I'll admit it took me a reread to fully figure out the ending, as initially i was under the impression the Amulet had physically fused Starlight and Trixie into one being, which might make sense as a way to explain Opaline's exceptional power even compared to Amuletified Trixie.

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