• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 603 Views, 15 Comments

What Does The Future Hold For Us? - AndyHunter

Andy Hunter and his closest friend, James Carter, found themselves on a fateful outing with their friends when an unexpected encounter with a mysterious black hole altered the course of their reality.

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Season 1-Prologue: The Renovated Twilight

Andy Hunter & James Carter in the girly world theme

Andy Hunter, James Carter, and their school friends, Sebastian Walker, Evelyn Miller, and Adam Cooper, organized a gathering at the park. It offered a stunning vista of the harbor, which starkly contrasted with the surrounding city filled with shanties and nearly dilapidated houses.

Their distaste for residing in the country, a diminutive American nation, had always been evident.

On that rainy day, Andy Hunter found himself without an umbrella as he waited in line to board the bus. In this country, the buses were essentially repurposed school buses imported from the United States and modified. The aging models received insufficient maintenance, making the sweltering heat inside them unbearable, especially on rainy days.

Having lived in this place his whole life, enduring the suffocating heat had become a habit for Andy. As he boarded the bus, he silently hoped for available seats, as the buses were invariably crowded with passengers on weekends, and he despised having to stand during the journey.

Fortunately, Andy had secured a seat and settled in. As he observed his fellow passengers, he couldn't help but notice a few individuals who he found rather bothersome. Among them were those who typically played TikTok videos or Instagram stories at maximum volume, making their content audible throughout the bus, much to his discomfort.

Another group of passengers that didn't sit well with him were mothers with more than three children who struggled to maintain their children's decorum and keep them from disturbing the peaceful atmosphere.

Andy reached into the pocket of his leather jacket, a playful nod to his Claude Speed cosplay, and retrieved his phone. With it, he sent a message to his best friend, James Carter, informing him that he was in route and that they should rendezvous at a gas station situated close to James' residence.

This routine was well-established: Andy resided the farthest from the park, and the plan was for him to meet James near the gas station so that James could conveniently pick him up in his 2008 Nissan Almera.

Anticipating that James might not respond right away, Andy decided to occupy his time by playing Dead Space: Mobile. This allowed him to divert his attention from the rowdy kids on the bus, who were playing and causing disturbances with their incessant and irritating noises.

What frustrated Andy even more was the seemingly unnecessary traffic in his neighborhood. He often mused that it appeared as though many people had acquired their driver's licenses from a cereal box, considering the chaotic state of the roads.

Amid the cacophony of honking horns and a chorus of insults from various irate drivers, it became evident that many struggled with basic driving skills, even though they were quick to blame others. The situation bore a striking resemblance to the loading screen of Grand Theft Auto IV, with the bus inching along at an excruciatingly slow pace.

However, there was a glimmer of hope as the bus eventually reached a road where traffic flowed more smoothly.

James sent Andy a message to let him know he was ready and waiting at the gas station. Andy, from the notification bar, decided to respond with one of the many bizarre and absurd stickers he had saved as favorites on WhatsApp. The sticker featured the Hulk with a text that humorously read, "Okay daddy UwU."

Their interactions were indeed a quirky pair. In response to Andy's sticker, James shared one featuring Bugs Bunny dressed in a sharp suit and holding an M16. The text humorously read, "Do you want me to buy you a skirt?" Andy couldn't help but burst into laughter when he saw James' sticker, quickly covering his mouth to stifle his amusement.

Andy continued playing Dead Space on his phone, occasionally getting startled by the game's eerie moments. However, as he gazed out the window, he noticed that he was approaching his destination. Hastily, he reached for his money and rose from his seat, signaling the driver to stop at his chosen location. The bus came to a halt at a dilapidated bus stop that lacked a roof, much like many others in the country, and was surrounded by a significant amount of litter.

As Andy disembarked from the bus, he couldn't help but notice James' remarkable Nissan Almera. The car had been customized with new rims and a spoiler, setting it apart from all the other Nissan Almeras in the country.

Undeterred by the heavy rain, Andy walked confidently toward James' car, creating a dramatic entrance. Meanwhile, James, unaware of Andy's arrival, started the car and drove closer to him to spare him from getting further soaked.

James pulled up to Andy and opened the car door, allowing him to enter immediately. As Andy settled into the car and closed the door, they greeted each other by exchanging fist bumps. With that, they set off on their journey toward the park.

"Hey, Andy, mi hermano! How's it going?" James greeted Andy warmly, genuinely delighted to see his old friend. They hadn't had the opportunity to catch up frequently since their high school days, as each of their friends had embarked on different life paths, and they now lived quite far apart from each other.

"Everything is fine. Although I would love to have a car like yours and never have to take a fuckin' bus in my life, any public transportation in general. And what can you tell me about yourself?"

"Things are good, Andy. Although I share your sentiments about having a car like this and never dealing with crappy public transportation again," James chuckled. "As for me, I've been keeping busy with college and indulging in some serious anime-watching, especially One Piece. You won't believe it, but I've already breezed through over 900 episodes of that epic saga," he added with a grin.

"Are you kidding me? You talk shit about me for tackling endurance events in Gran Turismo 5 like the 24 Hours of Le Mans, and you're watching an anime that only starts to get good after 800 episodes, wasting over 40 hours of your life?" Andy retorted with a teasing tone, poking fun at James.

James fired back, teasing Andy in return, "Well, the difference is I take breaks, unlike you. I'm sure in those races, you're at it all day without even a coffee break. You're a crazy motherfucker, my friend."

"Hey, just embrace it, I'm the top g in that game, and my patience to race 200 laps on a lengthy circuit like Circuit de la Sarthe is unmatched. Only professionals like me can pull off such a feat," Andy boasted with a grin, continuing their playful banter.

"I'm sorry, but I don't feel like admitting that you're better than me at video games. Hold my phone and tell Evelyn that we're on our way to pick her up." said James while Andy takes his phone, because he's driving, and Andy sends a message to Evelyn to get ready because they are on their way to pick her up.

"I already sent it to her, I hope she's not asleep or that when we get there she's barely putting on clothes, because we left her behind and she's going to have to walk" Andy said in a sarcastic tone and pretending that he was really serious.

James let out a loud laugh "Come on, don't be like that with Evelyn, I'm sure she'll be ready when we get there."

Andy laughed along with James "I doubt that" while Andy began to move the air conditioning of the car so that they were aimed at him, and that all the cold was in him.

"Andy, are you seri-AHHHHHHH"

But their laughter was suddenly cut short when they encountered an unexpected and surreal event. A massive black hole materialized right in front of them, causing panic among the people nearby. Chaos ensued as everyone attempted to escape the gravitational pull of the anomaly.

Both Andy and James were forcefully ejected from the car through the front window. While James lamented the fate of his beloved vehicle, Andy couldn't believe James' priorities, exclaiming, "THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT NOW?"

"ANDY, WATCH OUT!" James urgently shouted as he spotted a looming threat.

Andy swiftly shifted his focus to see an approaching bus, incredibly devoid of passengers. With agility and a split-second decision, Andy executed a front flip, landing safely on the ground just in time to let the bus pass harmlessly over him. The bus continued its trajectory and eventually collided with a nearby basketball court, causing it to overturn.

Andy, still in disbelief and trying to make light of the situation, exclaimed, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! Is the Marvel studio here to make a new movie?!"

James clung desperately to a light pole, resolutely avoiding the relentless pull of the black hole, and replied, "I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA!"

Meanwhile, Andy lay prone on the road, watching in disbelief as numerous cars soared above him, caught in the gravitational grasp of the anomaly. In the distance, the blaring sirens of approaching ambulances and police cars punctuated the chaos, unaware of the impending disaster. Furthermore, a colossal truck could be seen in the distance, wreaking havoc as it plowed through other vehicles in its path.

"James, I think our only option is to let that hole pull us in. The truck is coming at full speed, and if we stay here, it'll crush us!" Andy voiced, recognizing the dire circumstances and their limited choices.

James grappled with a whirlwind of emotions, unsure how to respond to Andy's suggestion. "Are you fucking serious? That hole might disintegrate us or reduce us to dust!" he exclaimed, still clinging firmly to the lamppost.

"Would you prefer getting your ass crushed by that truck?! I'm going for it," Andy replied, resigning himself to the irresistible pull of the black hole.

James found himself stunned by Andy's abrupt decision to surrender to the black hole's force. As the truck drew closer, he weighed the gravity of the two possible fates before him. Getting crushed was certainly the less appealing option, and perhaps being absorbed into the black hole wouldn't be as dreadful as it seemed.

"Here's hoping I don't end up as stardust," James muttered to himself, relinquishing his grip on the lamppost and allowing the black hole to draw him in.

"What the fuck happened to my body? This is getting weirder and weirder, I don't even know how to react" Andy found himself in a state of shock and confusion as he awoke, discovering that his body had undergone a complete transformation. His form was now a radiant composition of glittering stars, imbuing him with a celestial aura. He was at a loss for words, his voice rendered mute in this unfamiliar, otherworldly realm.

His gaze shifted to James, who still lay unconscious beside him. To Andy's amazement, his friend had also undergone the same ethereal transformation, their bodies composed of the same celestial light. The silence that enveloped them added to the eerie sensation of their situation.

"Jesus christ, James!" With James cradled in Andy starry arms, Andy gazed around at the surreal sight of distant planets like Saturn, Venus, and Neptune suspended in the cosmic expanse. They were surrounded by the vastness of space, and a subtle, inexorable force seemed to draw them towards a boundary that appeared to extend beyond the universe itself. The uncharted journey into the cosmic unknown had only just begun.

As Andy watched, a strange and disconcerting phenomenon unfolded before him. The force pulling them in opposite directions began to accelerate, causing James to drift away from Andy's protective grasp, moving closer to a brilliant white portal. Meanwhile, Andy continued on his path, being carried along at an ever-increasing velocity. The sudden separation and the mysterious portal marked a new chapter in their enigmatic journey through the cosmos.

"WHAT THE FUCK? JAMEEEES!!" Andy was caught in a whirlwind of emotions, torn between the shock of his friend's sudden departure and the overwhelming transition to this dark, surreal environment. In front of him, a perplexing image emerged - a Twilight Sparkle made of glass with her eyes closed, encircled by likenesses of the other Mane 6 members. The eerie similarity to the "Dive to the Heart" setting sent shivers down Andy's spine, and he couldn't help but wonder about the significance of this new and enigmatic dimension.

"Is that... Twilight? What does she and the rest of the Mane 6 have to do with all this?" Andy's voice fell into an eerie silence within this mysterious realm as he drew nearer to the glass representation of Twilight Sparkle. The radiant gleam of her cutie mark intensified, casting an ethereal glow. The significance of the Mane 6's presence in this peculiar place remained a perplexing puzzle, leaving Andy with countless questions and a mounting sense of intrigue.

"This means..." Andy when he had approached Twilight Sparkle's, he extended his hand touching the glass, his hand had entered into what seemed to be some kind of portal.

When Andy jumped he began to fall from the sky quickly, like a meteorite, he was falling at high speed towards Canterlot where Twilight Sparkle was reading a book about the history of the elements of harmony.

Andy's consciousness merged with Twilight Sparkle's as he became part of her. He could feel her thoughts, her emotions, and even her surroundings. It was a surreal experience as he found himself inside Twilight's mind, observing her reading the book.
Intrigued by this unexpected connection, he wondered how he could influence the world of Equestria through Twilight Sparkle's perspective.

After Andy had his head against the book because he was unconscious, he slowly raised his head.

"What the-" Andy had covered his mouth with his hooves, as he had heard that his voice was no longer the same, Andy had Twilight Sparkle's voice.

Andy, now inhabiting Twilight Sparkle's body, was baffled by the sound of his voice, which was undoubtedly Twilight's. This abrupt change left him in a state of mild shock. He blinked several times, trying to comprehend what had just occurred.

After a moment, he tentatively said, "This is... unbelievable. I'm Twilight Sparkle? How is this possible?" His words sounded strange and unfamiliar in Twilight's voice, and it was clear that he would need to adapt to this extraordinary situation.

Andy struggled to his hooves, feeling unsteady and somewhat clumsy on four legs. Balancing as a pony was a challenging adjustment, but he was determined to make the most of this unusual situation. With each step, he grew more accustomed to the new form he found himself in and began to explore Twilight Sparkle's surroundings.

"And this book? It must be the book that Twilight read in the first episode, about the story of Nightmare Moon and the elements of harmony... I already know that story by heart, so I'll give it a very special use." Andy said, with his hooves he lifted the book and threw it into the air, and while the book was falling he made a jump and with one of his rear hooves kicked the book, falling into the lake that was nearby.

"I still have my Taekwondo skills; that's cool... Now that I remember, since I'm in the first episode of the show, I should go to Moondancer's party. Since I'm Twilight Sparkle now, I can change destiny. The Summer Sun Celebration will have to wait." Said the new Twilight Sparkle, heading towards her house in Canterlot where she would meet Spike. Twilight walked clumsily but did her best to dissimulate so that the other ponies wouldn't look at her strangely.

Twilight did her best not to fall and trip, walking on four hooves felt like walking on a bar of soap. "It's very difficult to walk this way, but I'm sure it won't take me long to get used to it."

"I wonder where James is... If I'm Twilight now, he should be another character, although I have no idea who he could be, it would be easy to identify him since he'll surely be freaking out." Twilight said to herself, wondering what character her best friend had become.

Twilight looked up and found her three childhood friends. Since she had knowledge of the show, she could easily recognize them. They were Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine and Minuette, each of them with a gift on their backs.
They were on their way to Moondancer's party.

"There you are Twilight... Wait don't you have a book with you like always? That's definitely something out of the ordinary" Twinkleshine said jokingly while Minuette and Lemon Hearts laughed.

"LMAO. I kicked the book I had into the lake, that's why I don't have it with me" Twilight said, laughing along with her friends.

Twinkleshine, Minuette, and Lemon Hearts reacted with a degree of shock and a bit of disbelief upon hearing what Twilight said. None of them, would be expected that Twilight would kick a book, one of her most precious belongings.

"Did I listen well? You said you kicked your book into the lake?" Lemon Hearts asked, she couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Yes, I did kick it, you can look for it at the bottom of the lake if you want LOL!" Twilight said while laughing. "The thing is that I already know that book by heart, I didn't really need it"

"I can't believe it! Twilight, were you mad or something? Is there a specific reason why you kicked a book that you love so much? I mean, we've been friends since we were fillies. You and Moondancer liked to read in the entire class, even in the break time." Minuette said even though she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I wasn't mad Minuette, I was just...huh, exercising my hooves, hoof stretching to be specific. Seriously, I didn't need the book, I have all the information here" Twilight put one of her hooves on her head.

"Moondancer has to know about this, Twilight kicking a book? I'd like to see her reaction" Twinkleshine said finding the situation very amuzing.

"But for next time Twilight, make sure you keep it in your library or sell it if you don't need it anymore, fish don't eat paper" Lemon Hearts said laughing.

Twilight's three friends, including the same but renewed Twilight, began to laugh at Lemon Hearts' joke. It was a playful moment between four friends who had known each other since childhood, it seemed like they liked the new Twilight.

"Speaking of Moondancer, are you going to her get-together, Twilight? It's in the west castle courtyard, not far from here," Minuette asked Twilight.

"Of course I'll go, why not have a good time with the bros?" Twilight said, but she had noticed someone was missing. "Now that I think about it, where is Lyra? I thought she would be with all of you."

"I haven't seen her but she probably arrived first at the party, she comes from Ponyville so she probably went directly to the meeting without having to visit each of us" Lemon Hearts explained.

"It's a relief, you know, girls? I thought Twilight would refuse to go to the party because of her studies or something. Are you feeling okay, Twilight? Don't you want me to bring you a coffee and a book, maybe that way your fever will go away?" Minuette said. teasing Twilight for its addition to the books.

"Very funny Minuette, but this time I'm going, I'm sure Moondancer would be excited to see me, all of us together again"

"I hope you go this time Twilight, you should already know how important it is to Moondacer that you are present" Twinkleshine said in a more serious tone.

"Don't worry, I'll be there, I'll just go home and tell Spike, he must be waiting for me."

"It's okay Twilight, I'm glad you're coming, we'll be waiting for you" said Twinkleshine who was heading to the party along with Lemon Hearts and Minuette.

Twilight continued her journey home, her new hooves feeling awkward and uncoordinated with each step. She struggled to find her balance, occasionally stumbling or tripping on uneven cobblestones. Her gait was uneven, making her appear a bit clumsy, and her hooves tapped against the cobblestones with an unfamiliar rhythm.

"Goddamnit, on TV it looked easy walking on four hooves." Said Twilight talking to herself.
Passersby couldn't help but notice her slightly unsteady walk, but Twilight remained determined. She occasionally overcorrected, swaying from side to side as she attempted to maintain her balance. Her tail flicked nervously, and her ears twitched in response to the sounds of the bustling city around her.

"But now that I have Twilight's voice I can say atrocities and nonsense hahaha! For example, butterlot, butt combined with Canterlot, LMAO." The childish side of Andy or Twilight in this case, since Andy had Twilight's voice, he had the ability to say any nonsense he could think of.

Despite the challenges of her newfound pony body, Twilight was resolute in her decision to attend Moondancer's party and reunite with her friends from childhood. She pressed on, slowly but surely, determined to reach her home and inform Spike about the upcoming gathering.

"Now I have to climb these fucking stairs, do they have to be that long?"
Upon reaching her home in Canterlot, Twilight faced a new set of challenges as she attempted to climb the stairs leading to her front door. Her four-legged body felt cumbersome, and the stairs seemed much steeper than they ever had before.

Twilight took each step with utmost care, placing one hoof in front of the other, ensuring that she didn't lose her footing. Her legs wobbled, and her attempts to maintain her balance looked a bit comical, as she had to adjust to this unfamiliar way of ascending the stairs.

Her tail swished nervously as she reached for the next step, and her ears perked up at every creak and rustling sound in the quiet neighborhood. Twilight had to pause occasionally, collecting herself before proceeding further.

It was a challenging ascent for the new Twilight Sparkle, who was not yet accustomed to her pony body, but she persevered, determined to reach her front door and inform Spike of her plans for the evening.

Twilight finally reached the door of her house and opened it with great care. Unlike the original Twilight, who would sometimes fling the door open with great force, once even accidentally hitting Spike in the process. However, this time, things would be different.

"Spike! I'm here!" Twilight announced her arrival, calling out for her faithful dragon friend.

"Here I am, Twilight!" Spike said with a smile, holding Moondancer's gift in his claws.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, glad that the gift hadn't met the same fate as in the original episode.

"Spike, my man, it's great to see you," Twilight said, excited to be reunited with her faithful dragon friend.

"Good to see you too, Twilight! We're going to Moondancer's party, right? Can't we save the investigations for later?" Spike suggested, appearing eager for a break from reading books about prophecies and predictions.

"Right now, research is the least of my interests. In fact, we're going to Moondancer's party. But now that I think about it, I'm the only one who doesn't have a gift to give her. I need to find a suitable present," Twilight said, determined to search the entire house for the perfect gift for Moondancer.

"Wow, Twilight, I never thought I'd hear you say something like that. I was expecting more of a 'No, Spike, the books are more important, and we have a lot of work to do!'" Spike replied, imitating Twilight's voice and mimicking her mannerisms.

"That's literally cap. I'm going to find a gift, and then we'll head to the party right away," Twilight said as she continued her search through the house, hoping to discover a unique and remarkable gift for Moondancer.

Spike was taken aback. "Twilight, that's unexpected. Are you sure you don't want me to help you find a gift?"

Twilight paused, considering her options. "Actually, Spike, I have a better idea. Give me your gift, and I'll pass it off as mine," she said teasingly.

"Are you serious right now? That's unfair, and you know it," Spike said, a little annoyed.

Twilight laughed, "LOL. I was joking, Spike. Of course, I'll give her my own gift. But when I look around, all I see are books... and giving a book is the least original thing I could do."

Spike understood, "Well, you're surrounded by books and all things study-related. What else could you possibly have in your house?"

"True," Twilight admitted. "And buying something might take too long. I've got an idea! I'll make an outstanding drawing of the two of us; I'm sure she'll like it."

Spike watched as Twilight struggled with her magic and said, "Are you sure you don't want help, Twilight? I can bring you a piece of paper and a pencil; it's not a big deal."

"Nah, Spike, I'm fine. Just stay there and wait for me to finish the drawing. I don't think it will take me more than half an hour," Twilight said as she gathered a piece of paper and a pencil using her magic. She occasionally dropped them on the floor, which surprised Spike.

Seeing Twilight focused on her drawing, Spike decided to remain silent and not risk distracting her again. He headed to his bed to relax and take advantage of this rare moment of rest.

Twilight began to draw with great care, using the most basic spell of all, levitation. This led to some moments of frustration when she dropped the pencil from time to time since she was not yet accustomed to using her magic effectively. It was, after all, her first day in this new form.

Twilight adopted a drawing style similar to KMFDM's cover arts. Her drawing featured Moondancer and herself looking forward with serious expressions, both dressed in black suits and dark sunglasses. At the top of the page, she added the text 'Bros forever.'

"Ha! I'm cooking, just a few more details on the glasses and the outfits we're wearing," Twilight said as she put the finishing touches on her drawing. She felt a sense of pride in her artwork. No one at the party would expect Twilight to create such a badass drawing for one of her best friends.

After several minutes, she only needed to sign the drawing. Twilight thought for several minutes until she came up with the idea of ​​putting her name along with a small drawing of Yoshi making the symbol of peace and love.

Twilight's artwork was finished, she just needed a gift wrap, she looked all over the house but there were only books, every corner she went to, every room she entered there were only books "Are you fucking serious Twilight? The only thing here is books, books fucking books, goddamnit" Twilight said, blaming herself.

"When I move to Ponyville, find James and defeat Nightmare Moon, the first thing I'm going to do is decorate the Golden Oak Library in my own way, in such a badass way that it won't even look like a library anymore" Twilight said with frustration as she couldn't find a gift wrapper at home, so she decided to keep it by rolling up the paper and keeping it in her mane.

"Let's go, sleepyhead. I've finished the gift for Moondancer," Twilight said to Spike, who was about to fall asleep.

Spike got up from his bed and took his gift. "It's about time, Twilight. You were taking a long time; you must have put a lot of effort into that drawing."

"Of course, Moondancer is like a sister to me, so she deserves the best," Twilight replied proudly as she headed towards the door.

Spike walked over to Twilight and climbed onto her back. "Since you put it that way, I'd like to know what you drew. I'm very curious."

"You'll see when Moondancer opens it," Twilight said as she and Spike headed out of the house, heading to Moondancer's party.

But there was a problem. Twilight would have to go down that long staircase again, not being fully accustomed to her pony body yet.

"Jesus Christ Canterlot builders..." Twilight said, sighing in frustration, complaining about whoever came up with the idea of ​​creating these long stairs without railings instead of a comfortable elevator.