• Published 21st Nov 2023
  • 1,694 Views, 190 Comments

He's a Vampire - Gormless Wheaton

'Eternity is wasted on hatred, Mr. Harlow. For try as we might, immortality slips away, and we're left with only our shame.'

  • ...

Broke his Crown

Celestia sat alone in her private study, reading a recently arrived letter with an ever-growing smile to pass the time until Luna returned. Then when the portal opened at the center of the room, she looked up and greeted her sister with a bow of her head.

"The wards and chains about the lower gate remain undisturbed, and the Gorgon reports no movement," Luna declared as she took her seat next to Celestia. "The Beast is still firmly sealed away." Celestia sighed and nodded.

"Very good to hear," she replied and continued to read the letter. "Then it seems our theory that Peter's communion with the monster being pure happenstance remains sound."

"Luckily, I suppose. Though it does leave the question of Briefs' tangled web unanswered," Luna said with a hum and stared at the floor. "The Nosferatu being the true subject of his scheme would put my mind at ease."

"If you're referring to his little comment about Grogar's incarnation, I wouldn't let it worry you," Celestia pulled her sister into a hug. "Just another diversion, that's all. If Grogar had already managed to revive himself, I can't imagine his acolyte would have divulged it so willingly." Luna hummed and nuzzled her.

"Then what was he trying to divert us from?"

"I cannot say, but we can at least rest easy that the Elements are once again on the field," Celestia smiled at her sister and handed her the letter. "And there's even more good news than that." Luna blinked and took the letter, reading it over before raising her eyebrows and smiling.

"Well, that does put my mind at ease," she giggled and looked at Celestia. "And it seems you were correct about the two of them."

"Oh, I was correct about more than their compatibility," Celestia replied with a smirk. "It's been less than twenty-four hours since Peter reunited with her, after all." Luna tilted her head and hummed in curiosity before blanched and rolling her eyes. She then teleported in a small bag of bits and dropped it in front of Celestia.

Normally, I'd explore the castle while my body rested, but today specifically, I had no desire to be anywhere but here. Letting my body rest, I made a deliberate effort to stay close enough to my physical form to feel the warmth of Frill, who was cuddled up to me with my arm coiled around her.

She'd long since adapted to my weird, fucked up nocturnal schedule, so the new sleeping arrangement wasn't anything challenging for her. That meant that for the past few days since we started sharing a bed or coffin, depending on her mood, she'd been waking up right next to me.

I felt my body relax, typically a sign that I was rested enough, so I slipped back in and opened my eyes. I sighed and tightened my grip on Frill, running my fingers through her wool. With my other hand, I magicked the curtains open slightly, letting the pitter-patter of the rain on the window fill the room. While I had to let the magically anchored storm let out some rain now and again, it kept the light outside dim enough not to wake Frill. Instead, she stirred in her sleep and nuzzled closer to me, and I locked my hands together in response.

After a few more minutes, she hummed and stretched her legs with a sigh and then blinked her eyes open.

"Good morning, Peter," she purred.

"Mornin' Frill," I replied, hugging her tight, which she giggled at before groaning.

"Excuse me a moment," she wiggled out of my grip and walked to the bathroom. I folded my legs and knit my hands together, listening to the rain until she returned, hopped onto the bed, and curled up next to me. I rolled over to face her. I ran my fingers through her wool again, scratching her side, and she hummed in appreciation.

"Send for the maid, I'm hungry," she said with a giggle. I nodded and rolled onto my back.

"One sec," I replied and focused on my blood bond.

"Hey, Quilt?"


"'Kay, never mind."

"Yeah, that ain't gonna fly," I reported, earning a bout of laughter from Frill. I hugged her and sat up. "But you just wait right here. I'll fix you something." She hummed and reached for one of her books as I made for the door.

"Don't hurt yourself," she called, to which I scoffed and waved my hand.

"Food for an herbivore, right," I tapped my foot as I studied the pantry. "Easy. Just like Velma the Vegan in college, no problem." I scanned the jars of spices and herbs, bags of produce and flour, and other assorted foodstuffs.

"Little problem," I hadn't actually cooked anything from scratch even when I was dating Velma. I was also rapidly remembering that by and large, the locals lived close to what I'd define as the early-to-mid Victorian period, probably even earlier. I recognized some of the tools in the kitchen, but things like cups for measuring were just unmarked mugs of progressive size.

I clicked my teeth and scanned the kitchen and pantry before discovering another hurdle. The stove was stone and a wood burner. I knew electricity. I didn't even go camping because fuck the great outdoors. Then and now. I'm a vampire, god damn it. I spit upon God's domain. I brought my hand up to my mouth and pondered the situation before me, then noticed I had an audience.

I turned to see Bonnet, a few other maids, and Quilt staring at me in the door. And Stutter. Though with his eyes set that way, he could've been staring at the two opposite walls.

"Do you need help, Prince Peter?" Bonnet asked. I blinked and looked at Quilt, who wore a smirk.

"Maybe, please," I replied, causing Quilt to snort and step away while Bonnet and two other maids entered the kitchen with me.

Frill munched on the pancakes I brought her with a happy hum, relaxing back into my lap to the tune her music box played, something I learned she always did when eating in the morning. While she ate, I finished her left braid and held up a mirror. She appraised herself and nodded.

"Much better than yesterday, thank you."

"Hell yeah," I quietly cheered before starting the the other one. "How's the food?"

"Also good. Bonnet helped you, didn't she?" She looked back at me. I whistled and shrugged.

"Vampires don't use stoves." She raised an eyebrow but returned to her meal just as the box finished its tune, so I reached over to wind it up again.

"Peter, Latch just got back. Graggle and Hasty say they've started collecting votes." My hand fell and clasped the corner of her shelf. I took a shuddering breath and tapped a finger on the surface then felt Frill pull on my shirt.


"It was my idea, so I dunno why it's bugging me so much."

"Ah," we sat quietly together for a moment before I wrapped both my arms around her. She squirmed until she could pull her forelegs out and hook them over my arms. I stared out the window but could feel her looking up at me. She hummed with a strange tone. "Peter?"


"Help me finish my braids, then I think I know something that will take your mind off it," she rubbed my arm and spoke with a titter. My curiosity was piqued.

Frill peeked out from the treasury door, her eyes darting around as she scanned the hall for any sign of him. Slowly, she crept into the hall and carefully snuck along, checking behind and above herself as she went. At the first intersection, she turned right and started increasing her pace.

The halls were quiet in this part of the castle, so only her hoofs clopping against the stones could be heard, and the sound echoed up and down the corridors around her as she hurried along.

"Ms. Frill?" Blueblood asked when she almost bumped into him while looking back, causing her to cry out, and flop over. She rolled over and looked up at him. "What are you doing?"

"Helping Peter relax," she replied, rising to her hooves. Blueblood blinked and looked around.

"I don't see him any-" Suddenly, a rush of moaning wind rolled up the hall, causing both their ears to shoot back. Looking in the direction the gust came from they saw nothing. "Ah, I think I understand."

"Great! Let's run," Frill offered before taking off at a full gallop before he could respond. Just as Blueblood turned and rushed after her, the hallway behind them became filled with fog, which rolled after them.

"Where are we running to?" Blueblood cried as they banked around a corner.

"My room!" Frill panted. "That's the safe zone, and-" She was cut off when the fog overtook them and Peter formed just ahead of her in a pouncing stance. She squeaked in shock as he leaped out and snatched her up, tumbling to land on his back with her on his chest.

"Easy," he cackled as he locked his arms around her. Frill squirmed as he nuzzled the top of her head.

"That's not fair! Blueblood gave my position away!" She cried. Said pony slowly approached from where he had ducked to avoid getting tackled with a huff.

"Apologies, but I wasn't aware what you two were up to," he offered. Frill humphed and tried to wriggle free of Peter's grasp.

"Rematch! With him in the loop this time!" She demanded.

"What's going on?" Quilt asked as she, Cozy, and Sunbeam appeared.

"What're you doing to her?" Sunbeam demanded. Peter and Frill shared a look.

"Some of these comments are a little harsh, don't you think?" Hasty asked Silk with a sad grimace as he read the ballot in his hooves.

"Whatcha mean?" She asked as she slipped another 'YEA' into its box. Hasty raised an eyebrow and read the ballot aloud.

"'Didn't know we were killing my chickens for some freak, Cap said it was for medicine. NAY'," he slipped it into the 'NAY' box. Silk shrugged and slipped another into 'YEA.'

"He told the sheep they could voice their opinions on him, and he wanted honesty between us and the public."

"To whatever end," Graggle sighed as he slipped a ballot into 'NAY.'

"Got him!" Cozy triumphantly cried as she warded the fog with her cutie-fix, forcing the cloud to retreat back down the hall.

"Hurry, Frill!" Sunbeam squealed as she, Quilt, and Frill scrambled away. They came to a halt at another intersection to catch their breath and turned to see Cozy galloping up.

"I lost him!" She said. They all looked at Quilt, who furrowed her brow and shifted her eyes left and right.

"He's that way!" She jabbed a hoof down the path to Frill's room. Sure enough, the vampiric fog suddenly rolled in and came flying towards them. "He cut us off!"

"And that's not all!" They whipped around and saw Blueblood approaching from the opposite path, brandishing his padded training sword. "Running out of options, ladies. Just give up the ewe."

"Scruff!" Quilt hissed, looking between the vampire and his servant. "Cozy! Get her to the finish line!" She whirled around and lunged at Blueblood, only to be bopped on the side of the head and driven to the ground with a squawk, with the prince sliding past her in the same move.

Sunbeam spread her wings and stood between Blueblood and Frill. Cozy jolted with an epiphany and whispered to Frill, before slipping something in the sleeve of her dress.

"C'mon!" Cozy cried as she and Frill raced for the door, the fog looming ahead. Cozy leaped forward and thrust her cutie-fix at the vampire, only to be hoisted in the air by magic and sent tumbling away. Frill came to a sliding halt as Peter reformed right in front of her, leaning in and spreading his arms out, with his hands fixed like claws.

"That's game, baby gi-" Before he could finish, Frill nailed him in the face with the bulb of garlic Cozy gave her. "HAaUGh?" Peter recoiled and hurled himself away as fast as he could fly, clutching his eyes and nose. Once he recovered and shook his head, he saw no trace of Frill. Rushing up to her door, he peered inside to see her sitting on her bed.

"That's game, buddy boy," she leered at him with a smug grin, which he countered with a scowl.

"Poisoning should get you disqualified." She shrugged and rolled onto her back.

"You said we could use your weaknesses." Peter raised an eyebrow and growled.

"True, but still uncouth."

"Did she make it?!" Cozy squealed as she and the others came running up to Peter's side and looking in. "She did!"

"We won!" Sunbeam cheered, clapping her hooves.

"In your face!" Quilt jeered at Blueblood.

"Drats," he huffed and looked up at Peter. "Shall we try again?"

"Excuse me," they all turned to see Bonnet, who shuffled her hooves and bowed her head slightly. "Prince Peter, they've returned."

I stared hard at the ceiling of the throne room from my seat. Everyone was gathered in the room before me, including the leadership of the country, Graggle, and the Mayors.

Among whom I was not counted, as of today. By a three-to-one ratio, the sheep of Woollachia had elected to remove me from the throne. That'd be one thing on its own, but most of the ballots had come with comments. It was pretty obvious they not only wanted me off the throne but actively didn't want me in the country.

More than a few felt I wasn't necessary enough to warrant all the blood they'd been shipping my way, especially now that it was known how much of a scumbag Briefs was.

"Well, that's that," I sighed as Graggle dropped the last ballot. I dragged my hand down my face and leaned forward on my knees. Graggle held his clenched paw to his mouth and stared at the floor. Frill and Quilt stepped to either side of me and shared a look before sitting and looking up at me with sympathy in their eyes.

"Whatcha gonna do now?" Silk asked. I hummed and looked up at her.

"Going to write Celestia," I reached out and pet Frill on the head. She leaned into my hand as I did. "She said I could stay in Canterlot if this happened."

"Well, whatever you do, do it quick!" Ernie demanded with a nod. "Ernie want this castle now that you outta it." Graggle rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Just one of many things we shall discuss," he looked up at me with a sad smile and gave a bow and salute. "Please excuse us, Master." I stood up and waved my hand.

"Nah, excuse me," I picked up Quilt and Frill and walked to the door. "Ain't like this is mine anymore." Blueblood, Cozy, Sumbeam, and Hasty all followed after me, but I stopped and turned back once we reached the threshold.

"I'm keeping the airship though," I declared. Graggle laughed, but Velvet squawked in offense.

"That's a valuable resource to the defense of Woollachia!"

"And it's mine by right of conquest. I'll sell it to you, though!"

"Ernie'll give you three bits for it!" Velvet scowled at Ernie before stamping her hoof at me.

"There's no need to be so petty, Peter!" I shrugged and backed out of the room.

"Ain't petty, just good business. And just another thing for ya'll to discuss!" She uttered an exasperated groan as I vanished through the door. Frill hugged me as best she could despite being carried, and I led our friends to Quilt's room, where I set her and Quilt down on the sofa. Once everyone else was inside, I crossed my arms and paced the floor.

"My condolences, Master," Blueblood said after a moment, taking a seat on the floor.

"Yeah, sorry Peter," Hasty added and hopped into one of the seats at the table.

"At least Canterlot's a nice place to live!" Sunbeam offered as she and Cozy joined Quilt and Frill on the sofa.

"Yeah, and you won't have to worry about the contingency plans I made in case you turned evil!" Cozy added. I blinked and looked down at her.

"What do you mean?" She flinched and shared a look with Sunbeam before they hung their heads.

"Well, I know you're nice and all, but just on the off chance you were playing the really long con, we-" I cut Cozy off with a wave of my hand.

"No, not that. What do you mean I won't have to worry about it?"

"Oh. Well, I mean Canterlot's nice and all, but," she rocked her head back and forth and shrugged. "I dunno if I want to, like, live there, you know? Ramstead's one thing, but it's only a couple of hours away from home. Not a couple of days." She gave me a sad smile, at which I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, fair enough. What about the rest of you?" I looked at everyone else.

"You have to ask?" Blueblood shook his head. I gave an assenting shrug and nod and looked at Hasty and Sunbeam, the former of whom looked down and tapped his chin.

"I'm not sure. Lieutenant Sunbeam and I were assigned to Woollachia," he looked up at me apologetically. "And unless I'm mistaken, that still stands.. without you."

"We'll need to talk to Princess Celestia," Sunbeam snapped her wings. "But yeah, Ramstead is our post for now."

"Yeah, I got you," I nodded and looked up in thought, but then noticed Quilt staring straight ahead with a vacant look. I winced and knelt in front of her. "What's up?" She blinked and then met my eyes as if she didn't notice I was in front of her until just then.

"I-" Her eyes shook and she glanced at Cozy before locking eyes with me again. "I don't- You're both.." I put my hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"We've still got our bond, and I can teleport back if I want to see you or vice versa," I pursed my lips and looked up for a moment. "In secret though, since I don't think the public is too keen on me at the moment." Her eyes watered, but she wiped them with a hoof and looked down.

"And besides," Frill scooted closer and nuzzled her. "I'll be there with him, so, he won't be all alone." Quilt sniffled and looked at her, then between Cozy and me. She took a shallow breath, then leaped forward and wrapped me in a hug.

"You better visit. This is a load of scruffing garbage," she muttered as I returned the embrace.

"Can't be helped," I replied and patted her back, giving Frill an appreciative smile. As we broke off, I stood up. "I should probably go write the princess. I'll be back." I left the room and made my way to the library where my candle still was. Before I got far, I found Stutter in the middle of the hall, staring at me.

"Hey, Stutter," I greeted as I approached.

"Master is leaving?" He asked, causing me to flinch in surprise. I'd never heard him speak before. His voice was like a gravelly, wheezing Peter Lorre impression. His eyes rolled to look dead on at me.

"Yep. By popular demand," I replied. He studied me for a moment, looking me up and down.

"Master is strong. Master should take what Master wants," he said without a change in tone. "Master should stay if Master wants." I raised an eyebrow at his assertion.

"Well, if I subscribed to that notion, guys like you wouldn't be getting paid, now would they?" I smiled and patted him on the shoulder. I walked passed him and towards the library, but I could feel him leering after me as I went.

The moon cast the halls of Canterlot Castle in a silvery light, intermittently broken by stripes of darkness. Within those strips hanging bundles of lavender provided a comforting smell to the corridor.

"Thanks again, Celestia," I sighed as the princess led Frill and me to our room.

"Oh, stop," she smacked me with a wing. "I already told you it's no problem." She turned and winked.

"Though, I'd appreciate it if you try to be up in the morning. I'm sure Captain Calaeno would want to hear your offer personally." I nodded in response, but before I could reply, Frill skipped forward.

"Don't worry, your majesty. I'm quite accustomed to getting him up on time," she explained with a curtsy.


"Well, that's certainly a relief!" Celestia replied with a solemn nod. "And you have my condolences, Ms. Frill. I know how lazy vampires can be."


"Oh, I'm sure you have an idea, but let me tell you!" Frill raised a hoof. "The second he learned how to magic from one place to another, I had to harass him just to get him to actually walk again!"


"Goodness me!"

"Alright, listen-"

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" We all turned to see Lieutenant Coraltail approaching.

"Ah, good evening Lieutenant," Celestia replied with a nod. "And no, Ms. Frill and I were just having a little fun at Peter's expense." He came to a stop next to us and looked between Frill and me.

"I see. And who is this?" He gestured to Frill, who gave a curtsy, but before she could reply I scooped her up.

"This is Frill, Lieutenant," I hugged her close and smiled. "She's my, uh, what's the term?" I looked down at Frill.


"She's my ewe-friend," I declared with a nod. Coraltail looked between us but then nodded as well.

"Ah, I see. I believe the species-neutral term is significant other, yes?" We nodded together and he smiled. "Of course. My congratulations, Prince Peter."

"Just Peter now, actually," I corrected with a wave of my free hand. He tilted his head back and raised an eyebrow but slowly nodded.

"Very well, Peter."

Stutter roamed the halls of Ramstead, making an effort as he often did to avoid small talk with the sheep he passed and the other diamond dogs. Fortunately, it was late at night, so most of the creatures in the castle were asleep. Since the vampire was gone, life was settling back to a diurnal cycle, which suited him just fine as it meant more time to be alone.

He passed into the throne room and scanned for any onlookers. As expected and hoped, there were no signs of anyone. He straightened his eyes crept up to the throne and sat down. Folding his arms he huffed.

"Lousy vampire scampers off before I even have a chance to gauge his emotional weak points," Stutter groused and reclined on the throne. "If nothing else, the Woollachian military operates out of this castle. Diamond Dogs are crude and unspeakably plain, but in such large numbers even they have potential." Green flames rolled up Stutter's body, leaving behind the lounging form of Chrysalis, who tapped her chin with a hoof.

"Still, I'd prefer to have that vampire in my clutches before attacking Equestria," she closed her eyes and rolled her head. "Maybe those other sheep are the key." Her ear twitched, and she leaped to the ceiling. Graggle came plodding in just then and held up a lantern. Using its light he scanned the room and hummed.

"Could've sworn I heard someone," he grumbled and left. Chrysalis waited for a moment before slowly descending to the ground and redonning her disguise.

"You at least should be cake to take control of," she hissed as she skulked out of the room.

Our room was the same one I'd been provided the last time we were here, only now Celestia'd given us a proper bed, alongside a place to set my new coffin. We'd also be moving Frill's things off the ship tomorrow after I talked with Calaeno. At Frill's request, we'd put out the candles and opened the curtains, before settling into bed. Even though I didn't sleep, so I would have been able to magic the curtains shut before dawn, it turned out the room actually faced west, so the rising sun wouldn't be a problem.

As a result, we were able to lay in bed with each other, watching the moon slowly creep into view. As was standard for us by that point, I had my arms locked around her, and she had her head resting on my chest.

"Tell Quilt goodnight, Peter," Frill said.

"Goodnight, Quilt," I mentally called out.

"Goodnight, Peter. Frill, too."

"She says goodnight," I relayed, scratching her side. She hummed in response and closed her eyes. The moonlight slowly crept towards the end of the bed, and I clenched my jaw. Not for the first time since dying, I wished I was able to just sleep. At least then, I wouldn't be left with my thoughts. Then again, I guess I wasn't really. "Hey, Frill?"


"Did I fuck up?" She huddled closer.

"No, Peter."

"Feels like I did."

"I'm sure you do because you're silly like that," she hummed and kissed my cheek before crawling up to hug my neck. "I love you, Peter." I winced and felt a weight in my chest.

"Love you, too," I whispered, clenching my eyes shut and holding her tight.