• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2023
  • offline last seen April 18th



Twilight Sparkle wakes up one day to find her marefriend, Tempest Shadow, has gone out of her way to make sure Twilight has the perfect day. However, Twilight has a nagging feeling there’s a reason for the favors, and she’s determined to figure out what it is.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

Awwww, so cute, excellent story, I love stories like this.

Xalok #2 · Nov 27th, 2023 · · 2 ·

Alright that was nice read.

TrmpestLight will always be one of my most favorite ships. Just adorable as all hell, those two.

I am an unashamed TempestLight stan. Thank you so much; this was beautiful :raritycry:

A cute and pleasant read. Sometimes, a bit of romantic fluff is all you need!

First TempestLight fic I've read. Very nice.

It was the perfect romantic Twilight and Tempest story I’ve ever read :twilightsmile:

“So good to- oh, what am I doing.” The pegasus ducked back into her wagon and emerged from a door in the side. “So, you’re like… basically my idol. You’re a princess, which is awesome, but most importantly, you live in a library! Well, lived. Sorry about that. You have a library in that castle, right? You know, Celestia and Luna can raise the sun and the moon, but you read books, and as I always say, knowledge is power, which means you must be the most powerful princess. Not that you’re not powerful anyways. Did I mention how much I love your mane? It’s bright but also subtle. Such a cool gradient. Did you dye it?” Suddenly Ivory Quill snapped her mouth shut. “Um. Sorry. Sometimes I just start talking and can’t stop. Writing habit, you know? Just get into the groove and- ah! I’m doing it again. Hi. I’m Ivory Quill. You already knew that, though.”

She is like a mix of autumn blaze and pinkie pie

I saw the ending coming, and yet a I still cried when it happened.

So sweet. The slightest bit of unnecessary forced conflict, but it's not something I'd begrudge any author. Beautifully done.

Incredibly cute story :twilightsmile:

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