• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2015


I type stories using my hands


There's something strange and unnatural living in Bon-Bon's house.

Something other than Lyra.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 431 )

I was hoping Anthropology sequel.

Inb4 featured.

Holy buck a new story by JasonTheHuman!

*drops everything, reads immediately*

>JasonTheHuman posts a new story.

>Instant Fave after reading.

A new a JasonTheHuman Lyra fic? I'm in!

EDIT: Well, Bon-Bon fic. But still!

Oh, goody! Just in time for Halloween! Nightmare Night! :pinkiehappy:

I love your description :yay:

Something other than Lyra.


Looks fun so far!

Lyra's reaction... it is the same as mine to this story! And new episodes of Red Dwarf as well? Could this day get any better!?! No, I think not. It has achieved maximum amounts of awesome possible! :pinkiehappy: :rainbowdetermined2: :raritystarry:

Well Jason, Its pretty good, I like how you still kept lyra's personality from anthropology. Since this is a darkish fic I will be paying close attention. Do not let me down.

1387591 no first?


Whats this?! Something new by JasonTheHuman? With Lyra and Bon Bon?


Instant like and fav! :rainbowdetermined2:

Oh Lyra

>Haunted by a ghost.

>Best Nightmare Night ever.


1387676 I disagree. I just got Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade on DVD. I've surpassed your awesome levels by approximately 41.9347 percent.


I have no idea what that is, therefore it doesn't count. My point stands. Good day sir! :trollestia:

1387749 Anime. And I think I still win, because I'm currently listening to The Eagles, and nothing is better than them ever.

Suspenseful. I like it

Halloween enters JasonTheHuman makes horror fic with Lyra and Bon bon
(its because of Halloween right?)


1387682 I'm not that kind of guy.

Looks pretty promising! :twilightsmile:

I favourited this as soon as I saw the description.

1387591 same here but any story with lyra and bon bon is a good story

Faved and liked before i even read it, because i know that dis gon be gud. :pinkiehappy:

I don't really have much to add here... I mostly just feel compelled to do an 'inb4 featured' comment.

I'll have to give the first chapter another look later, when I've got the time to read it... well, properly, I guess. For now I'll just stick with the standard "I like the story, keep doing what you're doing" thing. Oh, and just pretend that I threw in some generic MOAR picture.

Good work, etc... and this reminds me that I still need to drag myself around to reading the second half of Anthropology. :ajbemused:

Anthropology's author puts out a story. Insta-fav without even reading it, like a boss.

Alright! I'm glad to be seeing more of your work Jason, you were inactive for a while and I was getting worried that Anthropology had been your one hit wonder.
So far, this fic is pretty damn good! I like how Bon-Bon is ripped from her comfort zone, and into Lyra's! I've also noticed that you have added a lot more detail in your descriptions of settings and actions than in your previous fics. I hope you can keep this one alive and fed, and a word of advice, don't set chapter dates. Don't rush yourself in getting the chapters out, take your time, and give love to the chapters you do complete.
Try to use some more complex sentence structures, and show us the emotions of the characters when they're talking. I noticed a lit in your
past fics, that a lot of the time, the it would be:

"That would be great!" Lyra said.
Try doing this: "That would be great!" Lyra said, her posture relaxing with relief.

One example from the story is when Lyra says she heard something:
Lyra's ears perked up. "Wait. Did you hear that?" She glanced behind her into Bon-Bon's room.

"Hear what?" Bon-Bon said.


This could be changed by adding details like:
Lyra's ears perked up, and her head cocked slightly. "Wait. Did you hear that?" She glanced behind her into Bon-Bon's room.

"Hear what?" Bon-Bon asked, her annoyance towards her tennant showing.

Lyra put a hoof to her lips. "Listen." She whispered, her head lowering slightly in an effort to hear the unknown sound.

It really fleshes the characters out more, and gives us a clear picture of what the they're doing. I hope this fic turns out as good and as well recieved as Anthropology, I know you got a like and a fave from me!

Oh Lyra... didn't you learn anything from Paranormal Activity?

The one who thinks the haunting is cool and makes light of it *always* gets it in the end. :pinkiesad2:

Great to have you back :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

1387964 Well buck, I guess that means I would die then. I can never keep a straight face in serious situations like this.

There's something strange and unnatural living in Bon-Bon's house.

Something other than Lyra.

For that opening alone you get a favorite and a thumbs up. :) The story being good will just be gravy beyond that. :rainbowkiss:

seems kind of like 'a ghost story,' but from Lyra and Bon-Bon's point of view.

No. No first. "First!" comments are for attention whores.

Anyways, like it so far.

Separate rooms? Disappointing...:applejackunsure:
Otherwise, I'm looking forward to more.

This reminds me of A Ghost Story I once read...

But I can't wait to see what happens! *kicks feet in excitement* Jason, it's good to see ya back.


Should it be ponynormal activity...…:rainbowlaugh:

Oh Lyra you silly filly :facehoof:

I want some more, so I'll Fav and Watch You

Damnit, someone beat me to referencing it.

Mine was going to be "Is it Spooky? o.o"

For some reason I was listening to the dead space theme while reading th:pinkiecrazy:is. Need MOAR.

Nah, it feels more like the old poltergeist movie, because so far nothing overtly aggressive has happened, just mischievous.
For some reason, I get the feeling that's going to change.

Getting a poltergeist feel just like most everyone here. All that's needed now are chairs stacked on the table and it'll be complete. Only THEN would I want to see their house implore on itself! But I'm getting ahead of myself. It's good to have you writing again Jason. Anthropology was and still is one of my favorite fics. Looking forward to what's in store for this one.

i read this purely based on zee description. i cant say im disappointed.

Intriguing! I like this! More...

A perfect ghost story to get into the Halloween spirit! This is great! :pinkiehappy:

Silver out!

I LOVE Jason the Human's work! Anthropology was excellent, so I have high expectations for this one. :pinkiehappy: no pressure, :duck:

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