• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 796 Views, 52 Comments

A blaze rekindled - RedBlack

An alicorn, one whose life had been nothing but war and despair finally finds peace when a purple alicorn, one he had known to be dead appears for a short while, giving him much needed hope.

  • ...

A Change Of Plans

*Calming Blaze POV*

"Much troubles you have found for your mind, so it is me that you have come to find"

"Yes, I was hoping you knew how to deal with comas caused by changelings"

I was currently inside the Everfree, talking to Zecora the zebra

"Let us move somewhere more homely, to discuss this over some tea"


With that, we went towards her home.

It's been barely a day after the last incident.

Since Celestia and Lu were back, I decided to pay the zebra a visit.

Though, I didn't find much luck.

"With this tea to create pleasantry, please tell me what your issue may be"

"My mother, she was drained of her emotions by changelings and has fallen into a coma, she hasn't woken up after a hundred days and the doc said he can't do anything, so I came to ask if you can help"

She nodded with a sagely look as she sipped her tea.

"Changelings are quite notorious, for their magic is quite insidious. It is a difficult task you have brought, for everything I do will be for naught" she said in an apologetic tone.

"It's fine, thanks for hearing me out at least" I say with a sigh as I turn to leave after finishing my tea.

Well, I lost nothing but a bit more hope.

After the meeting with Zecora, I decided to finally have a meeting with the alicorns about the other world.

I've held it for enough time yeah?

"So, what is this meeting about Blaze?" Twilight asked as I came into Celestia's room.

I gave her a blank look as I stared at her.

How the fuck did I miss this.

"Was I sleeping during this?" I ask all three of them with slight shock.

Twilight, was a fucking alicorn now.

Wings and all.

"Yes, you were in deep slumber whilst she was ascending" Celestia said with a slightly amused tone.

"Can we hurry this up? I've just finished my shift, so I would like to get some rest" Lu stated while drinking a pot of coffee.

"Right, uh, where's Cadence?" I ask.

"She couldn't make it all the way from the Crystal Empire" Celestia explained.

"Alright, doesn't matter, you can tell her later, for now, I need you three to listen carefully alright?"

"Is this related to why you're always injured somehow?" Twilight asked.

"No, well, yes, but that's beside the point"

"Whatever do you mean? This is a matter of the highest importance" Lu interrupted.

"Look, girls, can you stop interrupting me?" I ask with an annoyed face.

Getting the affirmative nods, I finally got to tell them about the other world.

"So, there's another world, and their me is some sort of tyrannical conqueror that's trying to engage our world in war"

The three stare at me for quite a while.

First, Lu just nods with a calm expression whilst drinking her coffee, pretty sure she didn't even bother to understand since she's too tired.

Second, Celestia finally got a thoughtful look on her face as she fully processed the information.

Third, Twilight fully processed the information, then she started murmuring, then started pacing and the finally, started hyperventilating.

Well, good thing they don't think I've gone mad.

"Then, we must start preparations as soon as possible" Celestia said seriously while trying to calm down Twilight.

"First, I'll need you three to meet another pony, try not to freak out" I say as I teleport to a guest room.

"Didn't you learn any manners?" Chrysalis asked as she was laying on the bed.

"No time, I need you to meet and explain a few things with Celestia, Luna and Twilight"

"Who's Twilight?"

"A new alicorn, now come on" I say as I float her to me and teleport back, but outside the door this time.

The guards were shocked to say the least, but let me in nonetheless.

Opening the door slightly, I clear my throat to get their attention.

Their ears perk up as they turn to look at me.

"Alright you three, I'm going to need you to fully prepare yourselves first, I don't want you attacking an ally because of a misunderstanding" I calmly explain.

"Understandable" Celestia said.

Twilight also eased down whilst Lu just fell asleep.

Celestia gave me a nod, telling me to act.

I nod back and fully push the door open, revealing Chrysalis, much to their surprise.

"Good afternoon" Chrysalis greeted calmly.

Twilight stared in complete shock as Celestia had a full scowl on her face.

Then, with a look of enlightenment, Celestia carefully opened her mouth.

"You're from the other world, aren't you?" she asked.

Twilight just stared as she contemplated something.

"Yes" she answered with a dry voice.

"Then, are you a traitor?"

"Nopony, and I do mean, nopony, from that side could be called a traitor, that psychopath is a tyrant who's controlling every being"

"I see"

"Wait" Twilight interjected, "You said that the other Blaze is controlling everypo-uh, every being, do you know how?"

"He's using Nightmare Moon" she dropped that fact.

We all grimaced at the thought.

"Are you sure he's not under her influence?" I ask.

"Positive, Nightmare Moon's consciousness is trapped inside Tartarus, I don't know how, but he stripped her of her powers and is now using it for himself"

Damn it.

I had hoped, that I could just free him.

Nothing's ever that easy huh?

"Any other information we could use?" Twilight asked with hope.

She thought for a few seconds.

"He corrupted some gems of extreme power and uses it as a power source, he'll also have changelings in his army, both from my hive, and from your Chrysalis"


"Alright ponies, an interdimensional war is upon us, I hope you can see the severity of the situation" I announce as stand up.

"What's our first course of action?" Celestia asked.

"We'll need to gather troops and prepare them for combat. We'll send troops to cities like Manehattan and Los Pegasus to recruit. Twilight, I'll need you and the elements to be ready at all times, so head to Ponyville and hold fort" she leaves with a nod and a flash of light. "Chrysalis, can you beat your double?" She nods with a furious expression. "Good, head to the Badlands and take over, we'll need all the power we can get. Celestia, you'll head to the Dragon Lands to negotiate with King Torch for an allegiance, he'll bend if you tell him the full truth, send a message to The Crystal Empire before you go"

"Yes" she says as she pulls out a scroll and feather.

"Lu, I'll need you to head to Griffonstone for a call to arms" she nods after downing her coffee.

"And what will you be doing?" Celestia asked as her letter turned to smoke and went away.

"I'll take care of training the troops and protecting the Capital" I say as I turn to them all.

"Stay safe, we don't know what may happen"

With that, they all go their own ways as I walk out the door.

Whipping ponies to shape is pretty easy.

As long as you have experience that is.

Author's Note:

I just made this chapter while in class.

Although short, I hope you guys like the fast uploads.:heart: