• Published 13th Dec 2023
  • 1,545 Views, 51 Comments

Like Mother Like Daughter - I Vicious I

After Sunset is left with no family to take her in, Celestia decides to take in the young and extremely gifted mare as an adopted daughter

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Celestia strolled through the grand halls of her castle, the soft echoes of her hoofsteps resonated against the polished stone floors. Candles bathed every surface in a warm, glowing light, and illuminated the vast space, casting a gentle radiance on the tapestries and intricate carvings that adorned the walls.

Other than her hoofsteps, the only sounds that broke the stillness were the distant hoots of an owl outside and the muffled rustle of Celestia's ethereal mane wafting through the air. The temperature within the castle was cool and the stone walls held the residual chill of the night. A gentle breeze slipped through the slightly ajar windows, bringing with it the scent of dew-laden gardens and the distant fragrance of blooming night flowers.

The flavor of solitude lingered in the air, subtle and bittersweet. With each measured lap around the castle, the pervasive quiet enveloped her, granting ample space for contemplation. Memories of her earlier conversation with Sunset danced through her mind like a disjointed melody, each word resonated in the stillness. As her hoofsteps echoed in rhythmic harmony with her racing thoughts, Celestia found solace in the tactile reassurance of the cold stone beneath her hooves. The hushed corridors of the castle, draped in an almost velvety silence, became a canvas for her introspection. The soft cadence of her steps became a steady heartbeat, a comforting pulse that reverberated through the tranquil surroundings, gradually easing the tension that gripped her nerves.

"Perhaps Sunset was correct in her assessment", she thought to herself. "I allowed my fear of getting hurt to hinder any pursuit of a relationship with a stallion, and I refrained from forming friendships altogether, even with my own daughter. Perhaps my daughter had inadvertently picked up my own negative habits."

Celestia halted her stroll around the castle, coming to a stop in front of Sunset's door. She recognized the need to mend things, and her thoughts reflected on Sunset's tumultuous past—having endured unique challenges from a young age, Sunset was orphaned twice and then raised under the rule of a benevolent dictator, which had, in certain aspects, cast her as an outsider. With a sigh, Celestia acknowledged the necessity of cultivating more empathy in her interactions moving forward. Despite the late hour, Celestia believed expressing her thoughts could bring solace to Sunset, and with a subtle hum of magic, she opened the door.

Celestia gently pushed the door open with her hoof. "Sunset, I apologize for my recent behavior. I came to talk..." Her words trailed off, and dissipated in the empty room. Sunset wasn't here, and It wasn't just Sunset's absence; the walls were stripped of posters, the dresser stood bare, with faint outlines of dust marked the spots where objects once resided. The candles that once adorned the walls were gone, The oak trunk at the foot of her bed lay open and empty, and the mattress lacked any trace of bedding. The sole remnant in the room was a single torn page from Sunset's notebook sitting on her now empty bed—a depiction of the silver mirror.

Celestia gasped. She was filled with an overwhelming sense of urgency; her horn began to glow brightly, preparing for teleportation into the underground lab. With a hum, followed by an audible 'poof' of magic, Celestia disappeared. She felt her body being singed as she struggled through the ether, her magic battled against the numerous protective spells that sought to block anypony from teleporting directly into the secret passageways. Through sheer force of will, she pressed on, enduring the intense pain inflicted by a plethora of magical protections assaulting her body as she forced her body through the void.

Finally, with an audible 'poof,' Celestia materialized in the corridor outside the lab. She heard nothing as an intense ringing in her ears overwhelmed her senses, and caused her to lose her sense balance which forced her to stumble forward. Shaking her head in a deliberate attempt to regain her equilibrium. her eyes were ablaze with pain making her struggle to keep them open, her insides felt a deep stabbing pain, and her coat was scorched in several places causing a throbbing pain. Determined to catch Sunset, she forced herself to get off the ground and stand on her hooves, the overwhelming physical pain was a distant second to the thought of losing her daughter. She fought against her own body as she stumbled down the corridor towards the laboratory door.

With a resounding crash, Celestia propelled her body against the partially open steel door, willing to endure another jolt of pain. Despite the challenge, she successfully forced her way into the room. Once inside, her eyes immediately darted to the mirror which stood unscathed, seemingly unperturbed by her entrance.

In that moment, Celestia's attention was drawn to Sunset's notebook, carelessly thrown to the floor right in front of the mirror. The shredded edges of paper at the notebook's fringe perfectly aligned with the torn page depicting the mirror, making it unmistakable and that the page found on Sunset's bed had belonged at the top of the stack. Proceeding with careful steps, Celestia leaned over the notebook. The top page was blank, It disclosed no written words, no explanations, no farewell note – only tangible proof that Sunset had passed through the mirror, and left no trace behind.

Celestia crumpled to the ground, overwhelmed by uncontrollable sobs. She buried her face in her hooves, seated before the mirror, and fervently prayed for Sunset's return. Her cries echoed loudly down the stone hallway.