• Published 18th Dec 2023
  • 2,124 Views, 160 Comments

Born Under Silver Moon Light - David Silver

Luna was ready to cast aside her shame and guilts. It was with the help of so many that she could stand up to it. Why is it still there, now dependent on her? Luna resolves to care for this new foal. She created it. It is her, if one thinks about it.

  • ...

17 - Retail Therapy

As Sunset guided Crescent through the shopping center, the child bouncing at her side, she tried to be patient and just have a good time as she showed the pony-turned-human around, but her mind was buzzing with questions of her own. Alas, in the middle of the mall wasn't the right time to air them with others around that might start wondering what she was talking about. "I can see you're excited."

"There's so much." Crescent couldn't pick any one store to look at with so many options in one place. "Where are we going first?"

"We already had a bit of a detour, so I think we should settle for some shoes and coats, then go home." Sunset paused at a map, scanning the various stores, just to smile as Crescent pressed her hand to the map and grinned like she was some detective solving a mystery of some sort, so very pleased with her investigation into the information there in the mall directory.

Crescent leaned forward and nuzzled the map with a happy coo. "This is fun."

Sunset nudged Crescent's forehead gently to get her attention. "You're a silly little thing." She ruffled the top of Crescent's hair. "Seriously, how old are you?"

Crescent put a hand to her chin thoughtfully. "That depends on how you think about it. A few moons ago I didn't exist, but I started with all of Luna, which makes me over a thousand moons old. It really—"

Sunset gently placed her hand over Crescent's mouth, cutting her off in the most literal way possible with a tense laugh. "Very interesting! But let's not talk about that place here, okay? So, here." She reached out and tapped at a store on the map colored blue. "They have all kinds of shoes and things that go on feet."

Crescent nodded happily as she finished the last of her soft serve ice cream cone, her hands free as she accepted the guidance, not that she had any real reason to fight it as she was willing to let Sunset lead. "Do they need bits? I have some."

"I bet you don't." Sunset kept her light grip on Crescent, navigating the crowds purposefully.

"Hm?" Crescent patted herself down with her free hand. She found her pocket and inside she found some bills and coins, but even the coins weren't bits. "What are these?"

"That is money, local money." Sunset glanced at the stack of bills in Crescent's hand. "Which you should put away. It's considered rude to show off money for no reason."

Crescent shoved the handful back into her pocket, looking at the stores as they went by. "But they're so strange and fancy." She couldn't tear her eyes off the clothing boutiques, the window mannequins on display in some cases, the furniture in others, the tables, chairs, and cabinets, all the accouterments of living, and the clothes were simply part of the set decorations in most cases, displayed as much as anything else. She was completely intrigued by it all. "And colorful. And what are those?" She pointed at a set of hats.

"That's a hat rack," Sunset said helpfully, chuckling a little. "I feel sure you've seen one before."

"Well, yes." Crescent burst into soft giggles. "Everything feels new." Her attention snapped to the store they were going towards, its windows festooned with all manner of sneakers, shoes, sandals, and more. "Ooo." She looked down at her bare feet. It was at that moment that she really could appreciate what she didn't have. "We're going to get me one of those?"

"Yep." Sunset waved at the guy behind the counter before gently urging Crescent deeper into the shop, one hand resting on Crescent's back to guide her to the wall. "Now, what do you like?"

"Things. Ponies. Dreams." She reached up and grabbed some light blue sneakers from the wall with moons on their tops. "And this. You're very nice for helping me. Thank you very much."

"Any time." Sunset picked a pair of dark red shoes that matched her hair off the wall for herself, setting them down on the floor so she could slip off her shoes and try her new ones on. "How are you liking your own pair? Does it feel right?"

Crescent sat on the floor, hugging her new shoes with a wide grin, she wiggled her toes and glanced up at Sunset as she bent in and smooched the top of one shoe, just before putting her feet into them to ensure a proper fit, which is when she realized she wasn't entirely sure how to get them on. It took a little bit of struggling before she got them on properly and with a cloth pop, she hopped up, sneakers attached. "Look!" She spun in a circle to show off her footwear proudly to Sunset.

Sunset shook her head. "You're such a strange little pony, er, person. Come on, I'll help you with the laces before we go." She tied up her own shoes, then helped Crescent with hers. "That'll make sure they're nice and snug and comfortable."

Crescent smiled, stretching her legs to look at her shoes. "I have shoes." She wiggled her foot, which made the shoe bob along. "I like it!" She suddenly pounced at Sunset, hugging her firmly. "Thank you."

Sunset gently pet over the top of Crescent, smoothing her hair. "Glad to help. Now, let's pay for what we picked."

She led Crescent up to the counter and chatted with the guy manning the till there, soon settling their waiting fees. "Thanks." She waved on her way towards the door. "Now, jacket. You don't have one."

"I have magic!" Crescent jumped up, bouncing to the doors to hold them open for Sunset as she darted on through.

Sunset followed the bounding child out, a spring in her step as they went along, headed for a different store, one of those clothing specialty chains that Sunset liked, for reasons that Crescent did not understand, but she trusted that Sunset had good reason for whatever she was doing as she followed the older, taller woman along the hallways of the big building, trailing just behind as they looked at different clothes, with Sunset pulling a jacket or two out and holding it up in front of Crescent.

Crescent grabbed for it, turning to a mirror to consider her new form with the new jacket. "Mmm." But it was too, hm, what was the word? She pointed to one that was a light blue and black.

Sunset laughed at that. "You have a strong theme." She took the jacket down and handed it to Crescent. "Go on, try it."

Crescent did so gladly, slipping into the jacket that matched her personal colors of the night. "Yes!" She turned about in front of a mirror to see herself from other angles. "I love it, and it's warm."

"Exactly the idea." Sunset waved for Crescent to follow her to the cashier. "You shouldn't be out there in just a dress. You'll catch your death of cold." She paid for the coat, then tucked the receipt in her own jacket. "Now, the most important part of any mall visit."

Crescent blinked at that. "I thought you said we were getting shoes and a hat." She doublechecked herself to verify that she did have both of those. "What's left?"

"Food." Sunset took Crescent to the food court, where different delicious smells competed for attention. "Order whatever you'd like." She leaned down to Crescent's level with a smirk, whispering, "Anything, just not all of it, okay? Save some food for other customers."

Crescent's eyes went wide as she approached the nearest stand, peering through the glass that covered the foods as she sniffed deeply, processing the new smells one by one as she studied the choices carefully, memorizing them with ease as she walked along the line of stands, considering the burgers, the pasta, the pizza, and a dozen other options that all made her hungry for different reasons, which left her staring at a single place, not able to make a choice. "Do I need to make a choice?" She looked to Sunset with a frown.

Sunset tapped Crescent gently. "You could get what I'm getting. And I'm feeling like some Chinese today." She went to stand in the proper line.

Put on the spot, Crescent suddenly knew what she wanted. She dashed up to a counter that didn't have any customers that instant. "Excuse me!" She waved at the people working there. "May I have one of those?" She pointed at a sandwich that was in the process of being made, one of the premade ones with the fresh ingredients stuffed in between two pieces of bread that made her mouth water on sight of the tomato and mayo salad. "Please and thank you."

"Sure." The woman grabbed one that had been made moments before and set it near the register. "That'll be 4.11"

Crescent blinked softly before she remembered. She dug into her pockets, found her wad of bills, and slapped them down. "Here."

The lady laughed nervously at the wild overpayment as she picked out just the bills she needed and nudged the rest back to Crescent. "And your change." New coins for Crescent offered. "Enjoy the food."

Mission accomplished, Crescent looked around in the dense collection of humans before she spotted Sunset's bright hair and dashed with the slap of her new sneakers on the tile. "Got it!"

"Perfect!" Sunset clapped as Crescent arrived and they started off through the crowded cafeteria, looking for a place to sit and eat at a table all their own.

The pair found a relatively quiet spot to relax as the scent of the fresh sandwiches wafted up, making Crescent's mouth water as she undid the wrapping eagerly. "And I paid for it myself."

"Very good." Sunset smirked faintly at the mystery child that felt of different ages at different moments. "Let's eat and enjoy." She wielded a fork over her food. "I think we're both ready to fill up. What do you say?"

Crescent gave her own food a quick test nibble, finding it very pleasing, in the same family of tastes as sammiches from home, but different, the flavor combination changing in some ways she hadn't anticipated and would need time to study, before she devoured half her sandwich in a single bite and almost choked on it when she forgot to chew before swallowing.

Sunset firmly patted at Crescent's back until the girl was breathing normally again. "Easy there, it isn't a race, and the food isn't trying to get away." She took a small bite of her own food, slurping up the noodles. "Already pre-hunted, not that ponies eat much that needs hunting in the first place."

"Right!" Crescent smiled as she enjoyed her sandwich slowly, taking her time to savor every bite, or as much time as she could muster while eating, the desire to chow down overwhelming her want to relax and take her time eating properly. Slowing down did have its perks, and she was soon smiling and humming with pleasure at the alien meal and the pleasantly full sensation that was coming over her.

"There you go." Sunset nodded approvingly as they enjoyed their meal together in companionable quiet for a little while.

"Wow." A smaller girl, smaller than Sunset, but larger than Crescent, was looking at them both with wonder. "They weren't kidding!"

"Like, for real," agreed a second one of about the same age.

Sunset huffed gently. "Hello, Diamond, Silver Spoon. What brings you two here?"

Diamond Tiara answered with a gesture, a sweeping motion towards Crescent that she was fairly certain the other girl didn't know how to interpret and had no interest in figuring out as she dove at Crescent, making the little girl squeak in surprise and draw back from her half eaten sandwich in alarm.

Diamond scooped Crescent up. "So, this is the kid that's been going around claiming she's a princess?"

Silver Spoon took a picture with her phone, then sent it to some contacts. "For real. What's your name, pipsqueak?"

"Crescent." The younger child had no qualms about telling her own name to strangers, especially when she had no reason to think that these two girls were a threat to herself or anybody else that she knew or cared about, the exact opposite, really, as she hugged the older girl as best she could while being lifted. "Nice to meet you."

Sunset put an arm between Diamond and Crescent. "Can you ease up a little? Crescent is new in town. She's still getting her feet under her."

Diamond smirked at Sunset. "You are the school's worst kept secret. And you're babysitting her?" She grinned at Crescent. "Which means, you are from that other place, aren't you?"

Author's Note:

Diamond and Silver crash the party, and the story. Silly fillies.

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