• Published 21st Dec 2023
  • 546 Views, 7 Comments

Nightmare Moon visits her In-laws - I Vicious I

Celestia is gone, and now Nightmare Moon is doing her best to act as a benevolent leader in Celestia's place under the ever present support of her husband Big Mac. Tonight is the first time that she has visited his family since her ascension.

  • ...

Yeah, Kinda...

The farmhouse was bathed in the soft glow of lantern light, casting a warm ambiance over the family dinner table. The gentle crackling of the fireplace added a soothing undertone to the atmosphere, and the cozy touch of a handmade quilt draped over the back of the chairs invited a sense of comfort. The scent of Granny Smith's home-cooked apple dishes filled the air; a fragrant mixture of baked apples, cinnamon, and savory spices.

Nightmare Moon entered the room where dinner had already begun to take place, gracefully taking her place at the table beside Big Mac. As she appeared, the Apples' conversations immediately halted, and the diners felt an instinctive need to sit up straight with perfect posture.

The creaking of the wooden floorboards echoed the hesitation in the room as Applejack, Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Apple Bloom exchanged uneasy glances. Nightmare Moon, resplendent in her ethereal mane and celestial armor, sat regally at the table, beside her husband, her presence commanding both awe and apprehension.

Tonight was the first time that Nightmare Moon had gotten together with her husband's family since she had ascended to Nightmare Moon. The cool touch of the polished wooden table under their hooves and the subtle warmth radiating from the hearth created a sensory backdrop to the familial apprehension. The faint clinking of utensils against plates accompanied the strained silence, punctuating the unspoken unease that lingered in the air.

The nervous shuffling of hooves and the occasional clearing of throats punctuated the silence that hung over the room. Apple Bloom, typically the more reserved member of the family, made an attempt to break the ice. "So, Nightmare Moon, how's... uh, eternal night treating you these days?" she inquired, injecting a hint of cautious curiosity into the room.

Nightmare Moon's gaze softened as she spoke, "It has its moments," her voice resonating with a unique blend of authority and an unexpected touch of vulnerability. "The journey of restabilizing the empire and earning ponies' trust to watch over them has demanded significant effort and dedication," she continued, punctuating her words with a composed bite of her meal.

The flavors pirouetted on her tongue, offering a delightful respite from the palpable tension lingering in the room. Nightmare Moon, unaccustomed to such rural Equestrian delights, allowed her deep voice to resonate through the space like distant thunder. "This is exquisite—an impressively prepared meal. I dare say it rivals the fare crafted by the professional chefs at the castle," mused Nightmare Moon excitedly, eliciting a small but gratified smile from Apple Bloom.

"Granny and I teamed up to prepare this delightful feast. I'm hoping that with some dedication and hard work, I might earn my cutie mark in baking," she exclaimed, leaning eagerly over the table towards Nightmare Moon. "If you're interested, I could even give you a behind-the-scenes look in the kitchen later," she added with enthusiasm. Suddenly, her eyes widened before she swiftly sank back into her seat, as if she had just remembered the need to uphold the tension in the room.

"What's the matter, child? You should be proud of honing such a talent. With dedication, perhaps you could become a great chef," she said, her words carrying an enthusiastic smile. Apple Bloom simply nodded, still avoiding eye contact, the weight of the compliment settling on her with a mix of humility and uncertainty.

Granny Smith brought out the apple pie, a heartfelt attempt to uplift the atmosphere at the table. The eternal matriarch beamed with her trademark toothless grin, encouraging Nightmare Moon to indulge in a slice of her renowned apple pie for dessert. The room resonated with the delightful symphony of the pie crust's crunch and the sweet melody of the apple filling, providing a welcome diversion from the lingering discomfort.

Breaking the tension with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Granny Smith quipped, "So, you went and hitched yourself to Cadence, huh?" Her appraising glance at Big Mac added a playful twist to the conversation, injecting a moment of levity into the room.

Big Mac shot Granny a sidelong glance, his expression betraying a mix of bemusement and mild exasperation, while Nightmare Moon regarded her with a hint of perplexity. It occurred to her that Granny Smith might be more eccentric than Big Mac had let on. "No, Mrs. Smith, I'm actually..." began Nightmare Moon, attempting to set the record straight amid the familial banter.

"Eh heh heh," chuckled Granny Smith, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "I'm just messing with you, Nighty. I know who you are. Y'all are so quiet that it felt like a good chance to mess with ya." The others exchanged nervous laughs, glancing at Nightmare Moon, awaiting her reaction with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

Her eyes darted nervously between the family members, uncertain of how to respond. "Oh um, ha ha ha, that was a good one, Mrs. Smith," she managed, forcing a polite laugh. The rest of the table followed suit, the air still tinged with a lingering nervousness. Everypony turned back to Nightmare Moon, a collective uncertainty hanging in the atmosphere, unsure of how to proceed in the wake of Granny Smith's playful teasing.

Nightmare Moon turned her attention to Applejack, who responded with a subtle slump in her chair. "So, I heard that you had a good harvest this season. I'm glad to hear it," she said, attempting to steer the conversation toward a more comfortable and familiar topic.

Applejack nodded in agreement, "Yeah, the magical moonlight sure does wonders for plants. Might break our records next season now that we know how to use it, would have been easier with another worker" she grumbled, a hint of both frustration and disappointment as she glanced over at Big Mac.

Nightmare Moon tilted her head slightly, a gesture of genuine curiosity. "Are you upset with me?" she inquired, her voice carrying a mix of concern and a desire for understanding.

"No," snapped Applejack, her response sharp and to the point. The tension in the air lingered, and a moment of uneasy silence settled over the table.

"Well, it sounds like you're upset," pressed Nightmare Moon, her attempt to address the underlying tension tinged with a gentle insistence. The air became charged with a mix of emotions, as she waited for Applejack's response.

"I'M NOT UPSET!" shouted Applejack, her voice cutting through the awkward silence like a sudden clap of thunder. The outburst hung in the air for a moment, leaving the table in stunned stillness.

Big Mac shifted uncomfortably, his gaze moving between the two mares, uncertain about how to diffuse the situation. Granny Smith leaned forward on the table, adding her perspective. "Nighty is right, you sound upset, Applejack." Applejack turned to glare at Granny. "I think you should talk to her. She's your family, after all," Granny suggested, a well-intentioned piece of advice that seemed to only enrage Applejack further. The Pressure in the room reached a palpable peak, awaiting resolution.

"She ain't ma family. She once tried to start a civil war in Equestria!" Applejack spat out, the words laden with resentment and frustration. The atmosphere became even more charged as the weight of past conflicts hung in the air.

"I said I was sorry!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed, her voice resonating with remorse.

Applejack paused in bewilderment at this response. While Apple Bloom tried to hide her giggling by covering her mouth with her hoof, she couldn't help but wonder, "I...do you really think that saying sorry is enough for all you've done?"

Nightmare Moon slumped back in her chair. "No, I don't," she said quietly, surprising Applejack with her abrupt withdrawal, causing a momentary pause in Applejack's growing boldness. "I didn't seek the position I find myself in now, but I had to assume control for the sake of maintaining the stability of the country."

Applejack began, "You had the option of choosing Cadence..."

Nightmare Moon rose in a fury. "Cadance, is 30 years old with less than a decade of ruling a vassal state with a fraction of Equestria's population. She wasn't prepared!" she exclaimed, causing Applejack to shrink in her seat. "This nation boasts sixty million ponies, and I couldn't bestow such a responsibility on someone who hasn't proven themselves capable." Applejack's advance had been firmly repelled, but she wasn't prepared to retreat just yet.

"There had to be other options, other than letting a would-be dictator rule us for Celestia’s sake." The onlookers faces snapped from Applejack and back to Nightmare Moon. Applejack immediately recognized the impact of her words mentioning her late sister, yet the abrupt shift in her demeanor failed to diminish the sting.

Nightmare released a subtle sigh, as though attempting to lift a weight from her chest. "Equestria faced an assault from a hostile force, and many ponies remain gripped by fear. They sought a symbol of strength just as much as I required the tangible power this form grants to ensure our safety," she uttered stoically, rising from her seat.

Granny stood up as well, her firm voice cutting through the turmoil. "Now, girls, cease your feud. Apologize to each other, and let's sit down together to enjoy the meal, Apple Bloom worked so to help prepare this food for us tonight." Both mares reluctantly took their seats, heads bowed slightly in acknowledgment.

"I'm sorry, Nightmare Moon; I was out of line," Applejack admitted in a soft tone.

"I am as well; my actions were not at all princess-like of me. I shall strive to do better," she said with sincerity.

Granny continued to stand and turned to Big Mac, who had been trying to make himself invisible during all of this. "I know Nightmare Moon is a demi-god and our ruler, but she's still yer wife, and you should stick up for her," she asserted.

Big Mac lowered his head a bit in shame. "Yup."

After their fight, they managed to return to their meals and engage in a somewhat amicable conversation. Granny Smith grinned, pleased to see her family finally getting along.

Not one to shy away from seizing the moment, she bided her time until it seemed like everypony was finally feeling comfortable and having a good time. Seeing her chance, she turned to Big Mac. "So, Mac," he nodded in acknowledgement, "does a big mare like Nighty squish ye' in yer marital bed?" The entire table went wide-eyed, their conversations stopping instantly as they turned to a cackling Granny Smith and then to Nightmare Moon and Big Mac, who were suddenly extremely interested in eating their apple pie and avoiding eye contact.

Comments ( 7 )

That is q good question.
Who is the big spoon?

Nice follow up. Pretty funny.

"resplendent in her ethereal mane and celestial armor, sat regally at the table"

One of the sacrifices of being Nightmare Moon, being forced to always wear the Ornamental Royal Battle Armor, even when visiting her in-laws. That must be pretty uncomfortable, I guess.

"It has its moments,"

This is when it became clear to me that this was going to be quite fun.

"So, you went and hitched yourself to Cadence, huh?"

This line killed me, and I'm surprised it didn't cause Big Mac to choke on his food.

I liked your explanation of

"the magical moonlight sure does wonders for plants."

I like it when fics give Luna enough credit that her idea of 'Eternal Night' did consider this.

"Cadance, is 30 years old with less than a decade of ruling a vassal state with a fraction of Equestria's population."

So, Cadance is okay with his Dark Auntie ruling Equestria.

"This nation boasts sixty million ponies"

Just curious, where did this number come from? This amount would put Equestria above Italy in population.

I can imagine Nightmare Moon and Big Mac back at the castle, really tired.

"Well, that could have gone better."


That's the starting population in Equestria at war

Read the Chapter name ;)


Ah! I'm aware of that part of the fandom, but I don't have much knowledge of it. I don't know where I should start. Any recommendation?

I really like the Celestia/Equestria faction, if you're an aggressive leader you get to become Daybreaker and become full on dictator!

Applejack's hostility and (possibly) naivete toward Nightmare Moon is understandable if somewhat harsh. Still, hopefully, she can understand that the world itself is one in which simple and easy answers don't always exist.

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