• Published 2nd Jan 2024
  • 1,352 Views, 160 Comments

Ponyville Kindergarten - Visharo

Every character you know, every episode you remember, what if none of that happened. What if it all happened in a kindergarten class.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - Boast Around

Twilight Sparkle was trying to do magic. The best she could come up with was sparks, bigger sparks than most fillies, but still sparks. It frustrated her. She sat down and pouted, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She shook her head and wiped away the tears. She will be special! But before she could try again, a colt shouted something, attracting the attention of many of the kindergarteners.

"Whas happening?" Twilight asked, trotting next to her friends.

"I dunno." Said Applejack.

"E'vreypony! Gis it up for the Twixe and Powefool!" Two colts, one skinny and the other fat, were standing on top of tables. Twilight looked around to see if Miss Celestia or Miss Luna were paying attention. They were, but they weren't doing anything.

"Is the Great and Powerful Twixie, not the Twixe and Powefool!" An annooyed...annoyed voice spoke up.

"Oop, sorry. I says actually, the Grates and Powefool Twixie!" The fat one said then giggled.

There was a loud exploshun...explooshin...explotion? Explode...EXPLOSHUN. There was a loud exploshun and smoke.

"Ah can't see!"
"My eyes!"
"Wheres me tombstone!?"

There was a pause in the chaos after that comment.

"Right! No explosives in school, Trixie. How many times do I have to say this? I thought you learn your lesson after you burned down the wooden toaster?" Miss Celestia said, not looking very nice.

"M'sorry Miss..." Trixie was now on the table and she hung her head. She was wearing a very big purple cape and hat, it nearly covered her eyes and she was constantly pushing the hat up. She waited until the white mare went back to where she was sitting. "HA! M'name's the Great and Powerful Twixie, twemble in fear!" She raised a hoof with a grin, then slowly lowered it after looking back at Miss Celestia.

"Why?" Rainbow asked.

"Why?" Trixie repeated, looking confused. "Why what?"

"Why shous I 'twemble in fear'?" Twilight was impressed, Rainbow almost said a good sentence.

"Because...just because!" Trixie stomped her hoof and tried to look mad. "I'm speshul, so yous should twemble!"

"But...I no wanna."

"But...but...but..." Trixie fell back on her butt, her hat falling over her eyes. "I'm speshul..."

"Dawling, is just yous not a very scary pony." Rarity said. Twilight nodded, then stared in surprise. Rarity's face was all red again! The pretty face was wuined! "Twilight?" She quickly scampered to her friend and tried wiping off the red. "Noooooo, staaaaaahp. I need to look pwetty!"

"But I don't like it!" The two fillies ended up pushing each other, it wasn't long before they became tired and fell over.

"Hey, where did flashy pony go?" Pinkie said, sounding sad. Twilight wiggled her stubby legs, trying to look where Trixie was. She wasn't there anymore. "Oh, there she is!" Twilight followed Pinkie's hoof and saw the blue filly trip over her cape and fall to the floor. "...she fell. Thas no good."

Before anypony could stop her, Pinkie scampered over and tried to talk to Trixie. There was a loud bang, smoke, and lots of wailing from the kindergarteners.


"...sorry, miss..."

Pinkie walked back to them after coming out of the smoke.

"Eep!" Fluttershy disappeared. She was so fast, Twilight didn't even see her!

"She's gone!" Cried Pinkie.

"Huh." Applejack said after sitting down.

"She no scary." Rainbow nodded, looking very important.

"My pwettiness..." Rarity said sadly.

"You look more pretty with no red." Twilight said with a smile.

"My pwettiness..." Rarity said sadly. Twilight sighed.

"Hey, where Twixie go?" The skinny colt asked, walking from a pile of pillows. The fat colt followed him. They both looked scared.

"I dunno." Said Applejack.

"Okay, byeee." The two walked away. Twilight and the others watched them walk away.

"Wha should we do now?" Pinkie asked, rolling a small ball between her hooves. It bounced wrong and it rolled away. Pinkie tried to grab it but it got too far. "Nooooooooooooo, mister ball!"

"I'm going to find Trixie." Twilight said and got up. She trotted in the direckshun...directshun...direction...Ooooh. Explotion...wait. She harrumphed. Big words are annoying. She found Trixie crying behind a big stuffed bear. "Whas wrong?"

"I'm not speshul!" Trixie cried harder.

"Nopony said that..." Twilight said awkwardly. She sat down, her legs hurt.

"That...that pegasus...said shooooo..." She said through wails.

"She just said she don't wanna tremble."

"But she shooooould. I'm speshuuuul! M'dad said so!" She stomped a hoof, it wasn't very strong. She was also trying to wipe away the tears with her cape. It wasn't working.

"You're special. You're just not scary." Twilight said with a small smile. It didn't work, it made her cry more.

"Why...yous being so...meaaaan! You says I'm speshul, then you says I'm not speshul!"

Twilight sighed. "Why are you special?" Maybe a different tactics will work.

"Because me family is speshul! They's best magichins! So, I best magichin...but I's not!" She cried more.

Twilight came closer and gave the filly a hug. "Is okay. Everypony is special in their own way."


"Yep." Twilight smiled.

"...sank you." Trixie stopped crying, dried her eyes, smiled and then scampered off. "I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!"

Author's Note:

The bulk of the ideas for this chapter were provided by Sudrian Engineer and Comickook. (thank yooou, also might've deviated somewhat...)

I just realized something that is potentially not great. Fluttershy is shy. As an adult, she is required to interact to function in society and thus somewhat able to overcome her shyness enough to 'function'. As a child, however, that poses an entirely different problem. Children are not required to interact, so it's perfectly normal for shy children to curl into a ball and hide away. That being said, I do have a pretty solid idea for Dragonshy, but for future Fluttershy episodes/chapters...it's gonna be interesting.