• Published 5th Jan 2024
  • 551 Views, 236 Comments

Legends Never Die: Friendship is Magic - bookhorse125

Darkness is brewing, and the fate of Equestria hangs in the balance. Reunite with friends, new and old, in this epic final installment in the Legends Never Die saga.

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A Final Wish

Misty firmly believed that the worst moment of her life would always be when she had accidentally betrayed her friends to Opaline. She hadn’t meant to, but it had happened all the same. And the looks on their faces, as they realized that she was a traitor… the way they had all turned their backs on her, had decided that it was best if they left her alone in that horrible place… Every time she thought about it, her heart still seized up, and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. Because she thought that she was about to lose the only thing that really mattered to her in the whole world.

But a close second would be watching Sunny break into pieces back in the airstation, the shattered window in jagged shards scattered all around her as she sobbed and her heart broke.

Misty sighed and pushed open the door to the Crystal Brighthouse. She was back in Maretime Bay, leaving behind the chaos that was Zephyr Heights. She would have helped there if she could… except that she had no idea how to help. Misty wasn’t good with large crowds of ponies, even when they weren't panicking. So she had decided to honor Sunny’s final instructions by going to search for the lost Elements of Harmony.

Except she had no idea how to do that. But she had an idea of who might.

“Come on,” Misty muttered to herself as she wandered through the dark halls (she was too focused on her quest to remember to turn on the lights). “Magic door, where are you?”

A while back, a magical book had led Misty through a crazy chase through the Crystal Brighthouse, through a magical door into a mystical hall filled with all kinds of magic. The book was an ancient spellbook, and the magic chamber had spoken to Misty, telling her that this was a place where she could learn magic, and that she could always return.

Well, she needed to find it now.

“Hellooo?” Misty poked her head into the bedroom and swung her head from one side to the other. “Magic door? I really, really need your help…”

She gasped; the elevator in the center of the room was moving, coming down, and there was a pony on it. Misty hurriedly ducked out of the room, but not before she caught a glimpse of a pale pink pony with a curly purple and pink mane streaked with bright blue.

And, unless she was seeing things, this pony had wings and a horn.

Something flashed through her memory; a pony standing over her, wings spread, horn alight, pure evil in her eyes, as Misty cowered away in terror.

Misty’s heart began to beat faster. Her breath came in short gasps and pants, and she shut her eyes, shaking her head to try and get rid of the memories, stumbling backwards as she muttered, “No, no, no…”

She took another step back, and suddenly she was falling.

Misty’s eyes snapped open just before she hit the ground, rolling head over hooves until she came to a complete stop.


She stood up, shaking her head and looking around. She was standing in a short corridor with stained glass windows hanging on the walls on both sides. The corridor ended in a circular room with all kinds of designs carved into the floor and two shelves pushed against the wall, with a tapestry in the center of them. Glowing magical shapes fluttered above her head, vaguely resembling the butterfly that was Misty’s cutie mark.

She glanced behind her; there was the door, golden and glowing, with the rainbow portal filling the arch. It promptly slammed shut and vanished from sight.

Misty took a deep breath and let it out.

“It’s okay, Misty. Opaline’s not here. You’re safe.”

She looked up with a determined look in her eyes and walked toward the circular room, her eyes sweeping over the shelves of books and assorted jars with strange things inside. In the center of the room was a pedestal, above which floated a leatherbound book, glowing with a pulsing light that brightened as Misty approached. Behind the book was a tapestry hanging on the wall, which depicted two ponies with wings and horns encircling six multi-colored gemstones.

“Um… hello,” Misty said softly, coming to a halt. “Um… I was just wondering if… uh… what are the Elements of Harmony?” she stuttered out. She was still new to this whole magic thing.

One of the books on the shelf began glowing and floated over to Misty, opening up and flipping through the pages until it stopped on one. Misty leaned over to have a look.

“‘The Elements of Harmony’,” she read aloud. “‘Long thought to be ancient myths, the Elements of Harmony are a group of powerful magic that embodies itself in six aspects of six special ponies in each generation. They were originally tied to the Pillars of Old Equestria, but when the Pillars planted the Tree of Harmony and trapped themselves in limbo, the Elements of Harmony were transferred to the Tree of Harmony. They stayed there for over a thousand years in the form of six gemstones. The Elements of Harmony were used to freeze Discord in stone and to banish Nightmare Moon. However, they lay dormant for a thousand years until they were found by a pony named Twilight Sparkle, who realized that the five known elements could be found in each of her newfound friends. She and her friends used the six elements to defeat Nightmare Moon, who had returned. Twilight and her friends then went on many adventures together, using the Elements of Harmony to defeat many foes. Finally, King Sombra destroyed the Tree of Harmony, and the Elements with it. But Twilight Sparkle and her friends realized that the power of the Elements lived inside of them, and they continued to possess their power. After the Fall of Equestria, the Elements of Harmony have lain dormant and have not been seen since. The last known Elements of Harmony were Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, and Magic.’” Misty’s eyes suddenly widened with realization. “Wait…”

She ran out into the hallway, where several stained glass windows were standing. One of them showcased six ponies, each with a necklace with a different colored jewel in each one, except for the last pony, who had a crown with a magenta star. That star looked very familiar…

“These must be the Elements of Harmony,” Misty whispered, reaching up and placing a hoof on the image of the star. “Sunny said that she and Zipp and Pipp and Izzy and Hitch had awakened the Elements again when they brought back magic the second time. But they were stolen, and they haven’t seen them since. So where are they now?”

The spellbook started glowing again, and Misty stepped back from the window and walked over to it. The book flipped open and started turning rapidly through its pages, so fast that Misty could barely see anything other than a multicolored blur, until it stopped on an instructional page for how to do a spell - a finding-things spell. Misty’s eyes lit up with the realization.

“Of course! I’ll just cast this spell, and then it’ll take me to wherever the Elements of Harmony are! Huh, this might not be so hard after all. And then I can use this spell to find Sunny and my friends!”

Misty’s horn lit up, and she studied the page, frowning with concentration. She then shut her eyes and thought of the six jewels that she had seen on the stained glass window, each a different color and shape. She muttered the magic words to herself until she felt a kind of tugging sensation, an almost buzzing sound in her head, and she knew that the spell had worked.

Misty’s eyes snapped open, and she spun around in a circle, trying to see what was different. When she faced a certain direction, the buzzing sound in her head and the tugging feeling on her horn grew stronger, and she knew that she just had to follow the feeling until it led her to the Elements of Harmony.

Her heart hammering with excitement, Misty stepped on the correct carvings on the floor and opened the door back to the Crystal Brighthouse. She ran down the ramp and out the door, where she nearly plowed into somepony.

“Ack!” Misty backpedaled ferociously to avoid a collision, and the other pony skidded to a halt, nearly pitching forward on his hooves. It was a young stallion, who couldn’t have been much older than a teenager, with a teal coat that seemed to glimmer and shine in the sunlight, a long purple mane, and a pair of glasses perched on his muzzle. The pony had a horn, but it looked more like a crystal than a traditional unicorn horn. There was something about his whole self that seemed magical and mysterious, even if he was a bit clumsy. But that was because he wasn’t even a real unicorn at all, but part of a mysterious race of ponies called Auroracorns who lived in Starlight Ridge, an alternate dimension filled with snow, stars, and fun, until an evil snow leopard tried to conquer it. Misty had helped Sunny save Starlight Ridge, but Comet had wanted to return to Equestria with them. But Misty thought he was in Zephyr Heights for the festival…

“Misty!” Comet’s eyes lit up. “Oh, thank hoofness! I’ve been looking for you ponies everywhere! It’s mayhem up there!” He jerked his head in the direction of the mountain upon which perched the city of Zephyr Heights. “The queen’s gone, nopony’s sure what’s happening, and I hadn’t seen any of you ponies for days! I thought you must have come back here, so I came to come find you! But it’s all okay! Where’s everypony else?”

“I… um… I…” Misty stammered. She could barely think around the persistent humming sound in her head, and this was the last conversation she wanted to have with anypony, anyway. “Comet, I’ll explain it all on the way, but first, do you think you can fly the Marestream?”

“Of course I can,” he said, a slightly wounded expression on his face. “I flew it here from Zephyr Heights.” He gestured to the massive vehicle parked on the landing pad outside the Brighthouse. “I hope you ponies don’t mind, but I needed to get out of there fast…”

“Nope, that’s perfect,” Misty assured him, grabbing his arm and dragging him over to the Marestream. “Get this thing in the air and take us…” She frowned, turning her head from side to side for a moment. “That way!” She pointed towards Bridlewood. “Just keep going until I tell you to stop, and I’ll tell you everything I know, I promise.”

Comet nodded and stepped up to the wheel, adjusting Sunny’s lantern that sat on the dashboard, which was essentially the power source of the whole vehicle. He turned the Marestream on and pulled back on the wheel, turning them around so that they zoomed off in the direction that Misty had pointed them.

“So… what’s going on?”

Misty took a deep breath and let it out. “Strange wolves made of shadows are kidnapping ponies and they took all of my friends except Sunny and the queen and Phyllis and Alphabittle and then Sunny went after them on her own but she told me to go find some old friends of hers and to give them these objects called the Elements of Harmony to protect Equestria, and I was just never very good with crowds so I left Zephyr Heights and found a magic spell that will lead me to their location so that I can find them.”

The Auroracorn’s mouth dropped open. “The Elements of Harmony?” he whispered. “Surely you don’t mean the same ones from ancient legend?”

“Um… I’m going to assume so,” Misty muttered. The buzzing noise in her head was getting nearly unbearable. She was barely able to register what Comet was saying.

Comet gasped. “No. Way! Sunny and her friends actually found the Elements of Harmony?”

“Well, they did get stolen pretty soon after that-”

“Still! Do you have any idea what this could mean?”

Misty looked at him with a heavy expression, as if she didn’t really know, but she had an idea, and that idea was enough.

Comet was still low-key freaking out. “I mean, it was cool enough when they saved Starlight Ridge - but your friends are connected to the Elements of Harmony. They’re the heroes of the whole world! That’s incredible!”

That’s right, Misty thought miserably. And they did it all without me.

Author's Note:

So, my spring break starts tomorrow, and I would like to actually be able to appreciate the novelty of having a break, so I'm posting chapters today instead of waiting another two weeks. You're welcome!

And because I also won't be able to get on the site NEXT Friday, I'm posting FOUR chapters today... also you're welcome. I also consider that to fully atone for missing last week's chapters. And to celebrate FINALLY getting the cover image to upload, and I think it looks awesome. So there you go. Four chapters today, and you'd better be prepared for a wild ride, because it is going to be CRAZY.

Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thank you for reading!