• Published 22nd Jan 2024
  • 182 Views, 2 Comments

Warming Troubles - Bravopotato

Ponies from all around get a odd sort of sickness

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Progress Must Be Made

Applejack smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror, the dress Rarity practically stitched on her was green. A gentle green colored the entire thing and it was full bodied, while Rarity usually made two parts. Applejack found that she liked it. It was flowy, with puffed sleeves in her front hooves. And, at her back hooves, was just one puffy skirt. She didn’t mind it, she still had room to move. Plus, they had apple patterns fading from the sleeves to the body of the dress. It was.. She couldn’t help but feel warmth enter her cheeks for reasons other than her flu. Rarity didn’t seem to mind it, giggling. “Well, someone likes their gift!” She exclaimed, much to Applejack’s surprise.

“Wh- Rarity! You said I’d be helpin’! Not addin’ to yer work load!” She complained loudly, slamming her hooves forward, “You better let me help with yer other dresses!”

Rarity huffed and tapped her hoof to Applejack’s nose. “Now now, deary! I can do this just fine! I just wanted to make sure you actually took it! Celestia knows you wouldn’t accept a gift if it wasn’t practically merged with you!” Applejack just huffed and shook her head in disappointment.

“Ugh, you know me too well! This is awful!” She exclaimed, before Rarity hummed. Her dress shifted as she trotted to her window, frowning.

“Oh deary me! We’ve spent much daylight! Would you care to visit tomorrow and we could continue? It’s dangerous at night.” She said calmly, as if trying to soothe Applejack in some way. She couldn’t say she minded the endearing pony and her tone.

“Well, alright. You best get rest now. Can’t work passin’ out.” She said, attempting to swiftly slip away from the dress. Eventually, she fell on her side and, in a mini panic, bucked her hooves at the table she was next. She hissed as her back hooves generated a stinging pain. She huffed and stood, refusing to meet Rarity’s concerned eyes. Rarity ran to her, “Oh Applejack! Are you alright? I’ve never heard you sound like that before! Well, not in a situation like this. Do you need help getting home?” She asked, leaning towards her face to perceive if she should take action. Applejack felt her face heat Moreso.

“Na na, I’m alright. Just uh- g-gettin’ frustrated. Ya know? Uh.. I best be goin’ now, night don’t wait for nopony.” She said casually, forcing herself into a pep-in-step fueled skip over to the door. “You uh- You best feel better soon Rare!” She called out before swiftly leaving, not hearing Rarity’s worried farewell. She shook her head, her hair moving side to side before it calmed and stayed back to her left shoulder. She looked at it, and the hair was all frazzled and fuzzy. Some strands stuck out of her head, freed from her hair tie. She’d have to brush it when she went home.

She sighed, following the path to Sweet Apple Acres. She’d worry about them trees first before anything. They were top priority.. When the family was asleep. She wouldn’t want to worry them.

When she got to the house, Granny Smith was waiting on their rickety rocking chair. She was glaring daggers at the mare, and Applejack couldn’t help but duck her head low to avoid her gaze as she went up the patio stairs. Granny cleared her throat before getting of her favorite chair. “What do you have to say for yourself missy?” She said sternly, her grayed green fur doing nothing to make her less intimidating. Her fiery orange eyes also helped to intimidate Applejack, making her swerve her head to the side looking at the road.

“S-Sorry Granny! I lost track a’ time! You know I wouldn’t get home this late on purpose!” She said pitifully, Granny just sighed and shook her head, her white bun having more stuck out stray hairs than usual. Applejack felt too embarrassed to comment, because she knew she was the cause.

Granny sighed, her wrinkled face sagging more than usual. “You, Missy, can’t go an’ do that, alright? But.. I see you haven’t really been workin’, with that darn dress you got on. I’ll let it slide just this once, but only this once!” She said with a stern glint in her eye. “Now go on! Get! You best be gettin’ sleep to fight that darn flu!” She exclaimed, pushing Applejack towards the now open door. She hadn't even realized it was open. Darn her flu..

She stumbled inside and eventually made her way to her room, flopping onto her bed as waves of heat continued to cascade her entire body. She sat up and curled into her sheets, desperately trying to fall into slumber so as to not worry her family. But none came to her. She was left writhing on her bed as the minutes ticked by. She eventually couldn’t hold her restlessness in anymore, diving out of bed once more to speed to the kitchen, only to be blocked by Big Mac. He was staring her down, though not too sternly. She sighed. “Big Mac-”

He shook his head and motioned for her to go back to her room, keeping a loose frown on his face. Applejack frowned and shook her head, “Jus’ for some cider.” She tried, lowering her head to make her pleas more convincing. Big Mac didn’t budge, staring her down like a herding dog would cattle.

“Nope.” He said calmly, his deep voice filling the unpopulated room. He then stepped closer, “Cmon.” He mumbled, making sure to keep a stern eye on Applejack. She sighed, and shook her head.

“Well, if I can’t go an’ get the cider, can you at least send me some?” She asked, receiving a sigh from her older brother. Big Mac stepped forward and used his right hoove to gently push her back. Applejack got the memo swiftly, “Fine fine! But once I’m in the room, can I get some?” She asked with a pout, grinning as Big Mac held a contemplating face.

Eventually, he spoke, “Yup.” He mumbled, before again ushering Applejack to her room. She victoriously galloped inside, despite the pain in her back hooves and the almost too tight dress that pinched at her front shoulders. She merrily sat on her red apple carpet and looked at the window, admiring the night sky. She hummed… Wait. She was supposed to go out to buck. She frowned, how can she do that without Big Mac catching her…

Soon, the door creaked open as Big Mac had a bottled glass of warm apple cider in his maw. He clopped over to her, settling the drink right in front of her. She smiled at him, and he gave a small smile back before turning around and leaving, closing the door. Applejack sat there for a minute before stitching the cork with her teeth and tearing it off, revealing the sweet smell of the cider. She drooled at it, and clasped her teeth around the rim of the glass before tilting back her head and chugging the large bottle, nearly choking. She didn’t care, it was cool down her throat for a mere second and that alone made her feel better. As well as wanting more. Because as the last drop dripped into her maw, she felt the horrid burning in the same area, but worse. She spat the bottle out and scowled, standing shakily and running to open her window, surely the cool breeze would help?

It didn’t, and she felt worried about that. How could the night, known for its chill, still feel so warm?

Maybe… Maybe she should go outside. Maybe she should buck those trees like her cutiemark tells her to. Maybe it would cool her. Maybe it’d calm her nerves. Maybe…

Applejack shook her head, no need for such.. Odd thoughts to overtake her. But… They were right, and if her cutiemark says she must, well…

She hurled up into the window, squirming a bit before she fell face first into the grass below. She grumbled, but kept her cool as she stood up and trotted to the trees. She had her head held high, proud of her hard work! She’d get these trees bucked in no time!

But, when she reached the trees, she found most of them empty. But… No no! There must be some left! She has to buck, she feels it in her bones, her soul even! She let out a frustrated huff and sped off to the area with the baskets, and got as many as she could get. She then started from the tree most near the entrance of the farm, hoping to work her way to the trees just barely entering the Everfree forest. She wouldn’t fail her family, she couldn’t! She knew, deep down inside, that not doing so would be against the very nature of life! Her cutiemark will lead her the way to her family’s wellbeing, even if she has to get bruises for it.

Author's Note:

Hope yall liked it!! I've been meaning to write more but I've been putting more works on my plate than I can consistently write and I don't want to half ass it, so longer updates may happen!

Comments ( 2 )

Applejack is one word. Please respond to this comment?

Hi! I think I put her name as one word?? Thanks anyways for commenting!

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