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Bump in the Night

The last thing Limestone expected when falling asleep at half one in the morning was to wake up in pitch darkness. But that is exactly what happened and it was not because she needed to pee. Teeth was growling at the foot of her bed.

“What is it boy?” she whispered before she just caught sight of a small spark of blue.

“Teeth?” she enquired nervously manoeuvring her legs round to the edge of the bed.

It was only thanks to her sister’s antics back on the farm that Limestone managed to react fast enough to dodge the first bolt of blue magic that headed her way. As the second headed in her direction she somehow managed to roll to one side, only to find herself rolling straight into someone’s legs in the darkness.

“Ah horse apples,” Limestone groaned raising her hands in surrender only for the inevitable not to arrive and the pair of legs to suddenly disappear. “Just what the buck is going on?” she exclaimed.

“Move even an inch and I’ll rip your throat out,” Leanne snarled somewhere of to her left.

“Scoti, you could have informed me one of your housemates is a werewolf. Leanne Moon If I’m not mistaken,” the intruder said calmly from somewhere within the darkness as Limestone slowly picked herself up of the floor.

“How do you know my name?” Leanne snarled back. “Tell me this instant… huh, Scoti, what do you mean it’s okay? He’s your godfather. Well, what the fuck is he doing breaking into our dorm at four in the morning? What do you mean I tried to warn you?”

“I was simply providing you with your first lesson. A reminder Scoti that you were the one that contacted me for my services,” the intruder attempted to interject whilst not seeming at all alarmed with the werewolf pinning him to the ground. “I was merely gaining a better insight into what I would be working…”

“Shut it you,” Leanne snarled but she reluctantly released her pray due to Scoti’s insistence.

“That’s better,” Moody sighed rising to his feet before waving his wand.

The room immediately filled with light as the torches dotted all around it ignited.

“Eugh, it’s too early for this,” Limestone groaned, throwing herself back under her duvet cover. “Scoti, see to it Teeth’s okay and wake me when it’s time for breakfast” she added from underneath the covers.

Despite’s Limestone’s disappearing act, Moody had still managed to catch a good glimpse of her. “My, she is a curious thing. I had heard rumours there was an anthropomorphic pony girl from another dimension studying at Hogwarts this year but won’t deny I was sceptical that they were actually true. As for your hellhound, do not fear, I only struck him with the freezing charm. His innate resistance to magical attacks will ensure he will be fine soon enough,” he explained.

“He had better be as otherwise you will be getting at least one black eye if not two, something that will also be the case if you don’t shut up and let me get back to sleep,” Limestone retorted from underneath her duvet.

“Feisty to. You have chosen some good allies Scoti my dear. Mind filling me in on the rest?”

“We’ve got more company,” Leanne cut in tilting her head to one side and sniffing the air. “Susan, Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout.”

The lump under the duvet cover groaned once more as the door to the first-year girls dormitory started to open.

“Miss Bones if this turns out to be a prank of some kind, you’ll be in serious…” they heard Professor Sprout chastise before she was abruptly cut herself off.

“I believe that’s a steak dinner you owe…” Susan paused and stared long and hard at Alastor Moody. “I thought that scent was faintly familiar but I still can’t quite place where I’ve seen…” she paused once more as her eyes went wide.

“I thought I might encounter you here. You have your mother’s eyes Susan,” Moody said solemnly.

“Why were you at my mother’s funeral?” Susan replied bluntly.

“Classified,” Moody retorted.

“Classified? Classified? What do you mean classified?” Susan snapped angrily. “And why did you just stand off in the distance and then disappear when I saw you? I thought I was imagining things!”

“Again, classified. As in I cannot say,” Moody replied emotionlessly.

“Cannot or will not?” Susan queried.

“A bit of both,” Moody responded looking disinterested.

Susan turned to Scoti. “You were right Scoti, he is a cantankerous old bastard. I think I would rather take my chances with quivering Quirrell.”

Told you so.

“Now, if you do not mind, I’m going to join Limestone in the land of nod,” Susan stated flatly before adding, “The infirmary mattresses are like slabs of stone.”

“Fat chance of that happening with all of you chittering away like birds,” the lump under the duvet commented once more as Susan headed towards her bed.

“Has your aunt ever shown you your mother’s will?” Moody called.

Susan froze in her footsteps. “What are you rambling on about now?” she blurted impatiently, not bothering to turn back and look at Moody as she addressed him. “There was no need for me to. My aunt told me she sorted everything with my mother before she passed away.”

“So, I guess not.” Moody pulled an envelope out of his pocket and passed it to Leanne. “There are many things that I cannot say but that does not mean you cannot read some of them. Well done to you all for a satisfactory first attempt at dealing with an unexpected intruder. Your lessons will only get harder from here. Professor Sprout, shall we have a talk in the common room.”

And with that he hobbled away and past the still stunned and speechless Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout out into the hallway. Susan meanwhile grudgingly came across to take the letter from Leanne’s hand. The envelope had been addressed to Moody and was clearly in her mother’s handwriting. Inside were several pieces of parchment.


Dear Alastor,

I am afraid to say that my health continues to deteriorate and I fear that this Christmas will be my last. I understand why you have never visited these past ten years despite me constantly telling you in my letters that what happened was not your fault but I beg of you now to please look after Susan when I am gone. You are the only one I can trust with her safety and fear what my sister will do to her if she gains custody. I see the way she looks at Susan whenever she visits, as a monster rather than an innocent child with a flare for mischief. She thinks I am too ill to notice but I am not and that is why I send you this copy of my last will and testament, so that no matter what she tries, you can and will still gain custody of Susan when I am gone. Have a Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year Alastor,

Melissa Margaret Bones

Tears started to stream down Susan’s face as she moved on to her mother’s will. Much of it confused her but her eyes widened as she came across a section on the third page.


In terms of my daughter, Susan Melissa Fanny Bones, I appoint her godfather and my long-term friend, Alastor Thomas Moody, as her sole guardian until her eighteenth birthday. In the event he is uncapable of fulfilling this duty, I assign her care to Samuel Henry Moon and his wife, Lyra Jennifer Moon. For Susan’s safety, under no circumstances should her care ever fall under my sister, Amelia Susan Bones.

Susan closed her eyes and took several deep breaths as fur started to cover her arms and legs.

“What, what is it?” Leanne exclaimed before she to caught sight of what Susan was reading. “Holy shit. How was this ever overlooked?”

“I’ll let you have one guess and here’s a hint, it’s the same reason why my mum sent a copy to Moody in the first place,” Susan snarled opening her now blood red eyes. “That fucking bitch. Mark my words she is going to pay for this.”


“Let me get straight to the point. He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named could return at any time or possibly another even greater threat we don’t even know about yet. As such we need to ensure that the mistakes of our past are not repeated and the next generation are prepared for when the inevitable arises,” Moody said bluntly as he rigorously examined and inspected the seat Professor Sprout had offered to him in the Hufflepuff Common Room before sitting on it. “So, I have my two goddaughters, the pony and the other werewolf, who else?”

“Alastor,” Professor Sprout said kindly but with a firm undertone. “They are merely children and need time to learn and grow.”

“We do not have that luxury. It has been nearly ten years. Until I see his corpse, his return is a ticking time bomb and the Ministry are in no shape to handle yet another war. They also have to many employees who were to closely associated with the Dark Lord for my liking. It is like a house of cards. As soon as you take one of the bottom ones away the whole house collapses and that will be exactly what happens with the Ministry. I know it is unfair but it is the responsibility of the few to protect the many and unfortunately many of the few we had last time are now unable to protect us anymore,” Moody argued.

Professor Sprout didn’t have any response to this so just continued to sit and listen as Moody went on.

“Thus, we must prepare a new few for the bleakest outcome and hope it does not come to be rather than just sweep the threat under the rug and believe it will never happen,” Moody finished throwing a signed piece of paper onto the table. “That is why you will let me tutor these six children. I already have permission from Miss Moon’s parents just in case and do not need it for Scoti, Susan and the pony. Therefore, I ask you once more, who are the other two?”

Professor Sprout closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh as she rubbed the bridge of her nose whilst thinking over what Alastor Moody had just said. Although she could not deny that the man seemed extremely paranoid, there was some reasoning and logic behind what he said. Plus, she had no doubt that he would not only be an excellent tutor but also be able to assist in burning of some of that extra energy the Lycans seemed to have.

“Five,” she finally uttered. “You may have all my first-year girls for your experiment and that is it. That is as long as you gain permission from Susan’s aunt and Lavender Brown’s parents.”

“Five? I only saw four beds in there just now?” Moody questioned.

“Long story. All you need to know is that Lavender was originally placed in Gryffindor and has not got on well with Minerva. She is currently in the infirmary recovering.”

“Ah, say no more,” Moody replied. “She’s the final werewolf, isn’t she?”

“Yes, that she is.”

“I shall contact her parents first thing in the morning.”

“And Amelia,” Professor Sprout reminded.

“Amelia Bones has had her fun claiming to be Susan’s rightful guardian. I feel the time has come for me to intervene. A more pressing matter is where will my quarters be? I would be more than happy to bunk in the sett if there is room. I am well aware of the head of house quarters that you have never utilised,” Moody suggested.

“So that is why she was looking so distressed when I came after you. You can have the head of house quarters here if you tell me what was in that envelope Alastor,” Professor Sprout responded craftily.

Alastor smiled. “Her mother’s last will and testament that clearly states that not only am I her rightful legal guardian but that her aunt was never to be entrusted with such a responsibility in any situation.”

Professor Sprout’s eyes widened and she rose to her feet. “Seriously, you are only now coming out with this information!”

“I have my reasons,” Moody replied cryptically.

“I see,” Professor Sprout said less than pleased with Moody’s response but also realising she would be getting nothing more from the extremely tight-lipped man. He had told her what he had wanted to and would reveal nothing more, that she was certain. “Well, I had better go check to see she took the news okay.”

“No need to my dear, they are all sleeping soundly. She’s got a wonder for a best friend who managed to calm her down and then they both went and lay on Susan’s bed. Exhausted as they were from the night’s proceedings, they fell asleep almost immediately. I simply extinguished the torches and let them be,” Madam Pomfrey explained appearing on the scene. “If I am not needed for anything else I shall be going back to bed for a few hours,” she added with a yawn.

“Oh, thank you Poppy,” Professor Sprout said appreciatively. “And no, you’ve already done more than enough. Hope you manage to catch up on some of the sleep you have missed.”

“Me to, see you later Pomona.” And with those final few words the school matron departed as Professor Sprout turned her attention back to Alastor Moody.

“Right then, I guess I had better show you where your new quarters are.”