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Chapter 2: Golden Oaks Library (Equestria Side)

To say Twilight Sparkle was glad to be heading back to the Golden Oak's Library to grab Spike so Pinkie Pie could do her party which she was actually looking forward to, was an understatment. She was actually both happy and sad. But she did want to bring something up to her mentor, Princess Celestia.

Right now though, Twilight and her friends were arriving at Golden Oaks Library with the sister rulers when suddenly a great massive surge of green magic happened. "Wh-what was that?!" Twilight exclaimed as she quickly rushed for the door.

That...almost felt like a magical signature that could rival Twilgiht's. But that's impossible. Sunset's aura was red, not green. Princess Celestia thought to herself, rushing after her pupil.

The rest of the ponies soon followed behind, but when they opened the door, there was an obvious sign of a magic spell having been cast, and instead of one male dragon, they instead found a purple unicorn colt. A colt, who looked seriously worn out.

"...Okay quick check...don't think I'm going to be able to use magic for a good several days. Best limit myself to levitation spells until I get my reserves back up." While the ponies knew the colt they were looking at couldn't be Spike, the voice was identical.

"...Okay...did Spike seriously just turn himself into a pony?" Rainbow Dash asked.

That had attracted the colt's attention, who turned towards the ponies. "...Other...ponies? I don't understand..." The colt said.

"...Spike? Is that...you?" Twilight asked.

"How do you know my name? Wait, don't answer that." The colt said. "First, tell me your name."

"It's me. It's Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said.

"This is seriously messed up." Rainbow Dash said.

"...Yeah okay, this is...much more then I expected to happen." The colt said. "So as you know, my name is Spike. And I can already guess the rest of your names. In order from left to right: Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity."

"So, can ya tell us what the heck is going on with ya all of a sudden Spike?" Applejack said. "By the way, while you were listing our names off, Pinkie Pie got between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy."

"Guess somethings don't change, no matter which version of Brimstone I'm in apparently." Spike said.

"Brimstone? This is Ponyville in Equestria." Rainbow Dash said. "Twilight, are we sure this is Spike?"

"I couldn't say for certain. One quick check: Spike, what's my favorite thing to do?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"That's an easy one: Your favorite thing to do is reading! Also, I'm going to guess some events here: When you came here, Pinkie Pie ran off to organize a party, you ate too much at the Apple Family Reunion, Rainbow Dash ran into you messing up your looks, Rarity freaked out at both that and the fact your from the capital city, and last but certainly not least, the last thing I was awake enough to realize before you ran off to stop Nightmare Moon, is that you tucked me into bed because I was sleepy." Spike said. "So, how close did I get?"

"I...I just...whoa..." Twilight said. "That's...basically all correct."

"Okay, so...it is Spike..." Rainbow Dash was a little freaked out now. "Yet, I don't think he's our Spike. I may not be an egghead, but I'm starting to pick things up that this Spike isn't our Spike."

"Yeah, Rainbow Dash nailed it right on the head. I'm actually from an alternate version of your reality." Spike said.

"Wow. So, you were a pony that ended up becoming a chronicler for Twilight Sparkle then?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"That's err...that's exactly correct. How did you know?" Spike asked.

"Just a hunch." Pinkie Pie said.

Celestia came forward. "So, tell me Spike...exactly what kind of alternate reality did you come from?" She asked.

"...Horn...Wings...do you have super strength of some kind?" Spike asked Celestia.

"I do." Celestia answered.

"...I'm fainting now..." Spike said before doing what he just said, and fainting.

"...Was it something I said?" Celestia asked.

A bit later, Spike was now able to tell the ponies exactly what his world was like. Including the fact that in his universe, Equestria was instead called Brimstone.

"...So let me get this straight: In this alternate reality, you were the only pony of our group while we were the dragons?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yep. I have it all chronicled in my two books." Spike said.

"You kept records?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. It's basically my job. That's what I was assigned to do." Spike said.

"...I would like to talk to you a bit in private. Before that, we have a party to attend." Twilight said.

"What kind of party?" Spike asked.

He got his answer, and Princess Celestia made a decree later that day.

Now it was time for Twilight to have her private talk with Pony Spike.

"So, why did you want to talk with me privately?" Spike asked.

"I was just curious...did you have a crush on the other Rarity?" Twilight asked.

"...Wow, I really should've met this other me. Or at least chatted with him before I suddenly decided to use his life aura to switch places with him." Spike said.

"...Going to come back to that. So, how do you feel about the Rarity of this world?" Twilgiht asked.

"Oh for sure she's too old for me. Because dragons live for longer then ponies, it wouldn't have been too much of an issue for me to get with the dragon version of Rarity. Here though, not so much. I did notice a filly who looks kind of like her at the announcement of Luna's return though. Not sure about her so much though. Willing to at least try." Spike said.

"...Yeah I think Rarity said her name was Sweetie Belle and that Sweetie Belle is her younger sister. Come to think of it, you two are about the same age." Twilight said.

"Oh yeah, more of a chance there. And same age too. That's great!" Spike said.

"...Your handling this really well." Twilight noticed.

"Hey, I cast the spell on purpose. I knew it would have me exchange places with an alternate version of myself. And it did. It worked. Granted, things are much different then I was expecting, being in a Pony filled version of my own world rather then a dragon one. But hey, could be worse for me." Spike said.

"...Makes me wonder exactly how my Spike is doing in your world." Twilight said.

Suddenly Spike looked like he was constipated. "...Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh...I honestly didn't even think of that. Whoops." Spike said.