• Published 20th Feb 2024
  • 310 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond's Pokémon Adventure - Brian Sheil

To prove her mother that she is capable of doing right, Diamond Tiara starts a Pokémon journey.

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16. No Time for Games

As the girls make their way through a tunnel that leads to Route 7, they and Eevee are very angry at Team Rocket. They had the nerve to trick a little Cubone to go with them. As they exited the tunnel, they see a city in view.

"That must be Celadon City." Diamond said. "Let's see where Team Rocket is hiding."

"First," Babs interrupted, "Let's heal our Pokémon. Routes 8 and 7 were not easy with all of those trainers around."

"Good idea, Babs. Let's make our plans in the Pokémon Center."

The girls made their way into the Pokémon Center. After their Pokémon were healed. They decided to look around. At one area of the city, they saw a place called Rocket Game Corner. This got their attention.

"This couldn't be more obvious if any of us named it." Silver said.

They went in, and saw a Team Rocket thug standing by a poster of a rocket. He then spotted them. "Hey! You dames don't belong here. Get 'em, Zubat!"

As Zubat came out, Silver made her move. "Come out, Venonat. And, use Confusion!"

Venonat came out, and it's eyes glowed. Suddenly, Zubat started to fly frantically. The thug recalled Zubat, and took off.

"Now, let's see what's so special about this poster." Diamond figured.

Diamond touched the poster. They soon heard something moving. That's when they noticed a door opened.

"Hey! A secret passage." Babs said. "Let's see where it goes."

The girls and Eevee cautiously walk down the stairs. They were confronted by a female Team Rocket thug.

"What are you brats doing here?" The lady growled.

"We're here to rescue a Cubone you crooks stole." Diamond replied.

As the girls readied their Poké Balls, the lady told them something shocking in a quiet tone. "Easy there. I'm really a secret agent. I infiltrated this hideout to expose Team Rocket's dirty work."

"Well," Silver said, "this changes things a little."

"You girls are brave to come down here to rescue a Pokémon. But, you'll need to blend in. I have some outfits for you girls."

A couple of minutes later, all three girls game out wearing black shirts with a red 'R' on them. Black skirts, white boots, and black hats to cover some of their hair.

"I'll bring your regular clothes to the Pokémon Center." The woman said. "Good luck."

As the woman leaves, Silver looks at Eevee. "You look cute in that little hat and shirt."

Eevee was in love with the outfit. Diamond gave the girls a command. "Okay, girls. Let's rescue Cubone."

The girls walk around the basement. Many of the thugs just notice the outfits the girls and Eevee are wearing. Nobody notices anything. But, a thug sees the girls, and shouted at them. "You don't look like regular grunts to me. Six 'em, Raticate!"

As soon as Raticate came out, Diamond makes her move. "Let's go, snowflake!"

Babs and Silver were confused. "Snowflake?"

Out pops what looks like a white Vulpix. The thug laughs. "This little runt can't beat a Weedle. Raticate, Hyper Fang!"

Raticate opens it's mouth. Diamond quickly reacted. "Snowflake, use Ice Beam!"

The white Vulpix fired a ray of super cold power that froze Raticate's mouth. The thug got so nervous, he recalled his Pokémon, and ran off. Silver realized something. "That's an Alolan Vulpix."

"Right." Diamond said. "I met this woman who wanted to trade her Alolan Vulpix if I have a regular one. I caught another Vulpix and made the trade."

"Who did you trade this Vulpix for?"

"Ivysaur. If we meet Jessie and James, I want to keep him safe from their poison Pokémon."

Babs sees something on the ground. "Hey, this looks like the key for this elevator."

"Excellent." Diamond cheered. "Now, we can rescue Cubone."

Using the lift key, the trio of friends and Eevee went down the lift, and reached a lower floor. When they reached the floor, they were soon confronted a familiar trio.

"Hello, ladies." Jessie nastily greeted. "You do look good in those outfits."

"Very funny." Diamond replied. "You're not stopping us from rescuing Cubone."

"Well. Instead of that, prepare for trouble. We hold all the cards."

"And, make it double." James added. "You're going down hard."

JESSIE: We're an evil that's as dark as the galaxy.

JAMES: Sent here to ruin your destiny.

MEOWTH: With Meowth. That's me.

JESSIE: To denounce the evils of truth and love.

JAMES: To extend our reach to the stars above.

JESSIE: Jessie!

JAMES: And James!

MEOWTH: Meowth. Now, that's a name.

JESSIE: Wherever there's peace in the universe,

JAMES: Team Rocket...

MEOWTH: is there,

ALL THREE: to make everything worse!

The girls were not caving in. They were ready for action.

"You're not intimidating us, creeps!" Babs said.

"This will say otherwise." Jessie replied. "Go, Arbok!"

Out pops a large lavender cobra as James makes his choice. "You too, Weezing."

James calls for what looks like two Koffings connected. Diamond studies them with her Pokédex. She starts with the cobra. Arbok, the Cobra Pokémon and the evolved form of Ekans. The patterns on it's stomach can confuse it's opponents before they get wrapped up. Then, the Koffing duo. Weezing, the Poison Gas Pokémon and the evolved form of Koffing. The two bodies can cause plenty of stench.

“Looks like these creeps upped their game.” Diamond figured.

"I can handle this." Babs said. "Go, Charmeleon!"

Silver steps in. "Me too. Go, Rhyhorn!"

Charmeleon and Rhyhorn pop out. Jessie strikes first. "Arbok, Poison Sting!"

Arbok fires it's poison darts at Charmeleon. Babs quickly reacted. "Charmeleon, use Flamethrower!"

Charmeleon breathed fire at Arbok. Seeing this, James strikes hard. "Weezing, Sludge attack now!"

Weezing hopes to hit Charmeleon with a sludge splotch. But, Silver Spoon steps in to protect her friend. "Rhyhorn, Horn Attack!"

With it's horn glowing, Rhyhorn rams into Weezing which knocks down Arbok. The two villains recalled their Pokémon.

"Not bad." Jessie admitted. "For a bunch of twerpettes."

"Now, you'll have to face our boss." Meowth said.

"In the meantime," James added, "Team Rocket is blasting off again!"

The three villains leave the scene. After recalling their Pokémon, the girls entered am office. They were met by a black haired man wearing a red suit. And tied to his desk is the captive Cubone.

"So, you're this group of ladies that Jessie and James told me about." The man said. "I am Giovanni, leader of Team Rocket. I assume that you're here to rescue this little Cubone."

"That's right." Diamond replied. "And, we won't let any fiend like you stop us."

"My associates tell me that you are a grand trainer, Miss Tiara. Let's find out." He then calls for a Pokémon. "Come forth, Persian!"

Out pops a slender cat like creature. Diamond studies this cat with her Pokédex. Persian, the Classy Cat Pokémon and the evolved form of Meowth. Sometimes it's hard to make friends with this Pokémon.

Diamond makes her first choice. "Pidgeotto, I choose you!"

As Pidgeotto comes out, Giovanni makes a quick move. "Persian, use Fury Swipes!"

Persian scratches Pidgeotto fast. Diamond strikes back. "Pidgeotto, blow him back with Gust!"

Pidgeotto stirred up a win to blow back Persian. Diamond quickly made her next move. "Now, Wing Attack!"

With it's wings glowing, Pidgeotto struck hard at Persian. Seeing his Persian defeated, Giovanni had it recalled and prepared another Pokémon. "Flying moves won't affect this one. Go, Rhyhorn!"

Seeing Rhyhorn come out, Diamond quickly recalled Pidgeotto. She then had an idea. "Time to shine, Eevee."

Eevee stepped forward. Giovanni was amused.

"What can that little fellow do?" Giovanni asked sarcastically.

"Eevee is more than you realize." Diamond replied.

"I doubt it. Rhyhorn, Horn Attack!"

Rhyhorn charged with it's horn glowing. Diamond made a move. "Eevee, use Sand Attack."

Eevee sent sand against Rhyhorn. It blinded this beast before Eevee was struck. Soon, Diamond acted quickly. "Okay, Eevee. Use Double Kick!"

The little Pokémon rushed in and kicked Rhyhorn hard, causing it to faint. Shocked, Giovanni recalled Rhyhorn.

"This battle has proven one thing." Giovanni said. "I shall never underestimate any opponent. The Cubone is free to go."

Babs soon removed the collar holding Cubone to Giovanni's desk. As the girls leave the office with Cubone, Giovanni got Diamond Tiara's attention.

"You are a formidable opponent, Miss Tiara." Giovanni admitted. "We shall meet again."

Hearing that, Diamond figured to keep up with her training. Later, the girls changed ino their sleepwear as night came to Celadon City.

"I'm so glad to get out of those Team Rocket clothes." Silver said.

"Me too." Babs added. "I wonder where that Cubone went to."

"Probably heading back to Lavender Town. We should check on him in the morning."

"We have something else to do tomorrow before checking on Cubone." Diamond informed.

The other girls were confused. Diamond gives an explanation. "There's a Pokémon Gym here. And, I would like to go for my fourth badge."

Now the girls will be plenty busy the next day. To cheer for Diamond's Gym battle and making sure Cubone is okay.

End of Chapter 16

Alolan Vulpix

At Oak's Lab



Author's Note:

Next time: Gym Battle number 4 for Diamond Tiara.

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