• Published 28th Feb 2024
  • 851 Views, 13 Comments

Adventures of Zebra Anon - ImNew2023

What if Anon the human became a Zebra?

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Summer Days

It was a hot summer day in Equestria. Temperatures were at a year long high and the population of Ponyville were eager to stave off the heat.

Although one of their residents was more active in his attempts than others.

“Anon get out of that hole” Twilight ordered, using that sentence for the first time in a non-sexual manner.

Out back of the library, Anon had dug a ten foot deep, thirty foot wide by thirty foot long hole.

Already several ponies had tripped and fell into it, being unwittingly drafted into Anon’s workforce.

“Almost done, just need to put something down to stop this thing getting muddy and boom! We’ve got a pool” Anon stated, standing at the bottom of the hole covered in dirt.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight used telekinesis to lift the zebra out the hole herself, planting him down next to her.

“Hey you wouldn’t happen to know a concrete making spell would you?” Anon asked.

“Anon you can’t just put a pool wherever you want. There are zoning laws” she warned him.

“I got permission from Mayor Mare, she said, and I quote, “you can build a pool if you let me use it” Anon explained “besides, it’ll help everyone cool off, add value to the house and deal with the fact my balls are hanging so low my knees knock them when I walk”

Thinking over the first two arguments and ignoring the third, Twilight did see the benefits of having a pool.

“Alright I don’t know any “concrete spells” but a petrification spell should do the trick” Twilight said.

Using her magic Twilight turned the dirt walls and floor of the pool to stone.

“Great, now all we need is some water. Spike! Stop spanking it to Rarity and get the hose!” Anon said, calling up to Spike’s room, making sure anyone who passed could hear him.

Opening the window with a red line across his face, Spike looked down at the two equines he lived with.

“I can’t, the heat’s caused a water shortage and all nonessential water usage is banned” he explained.

“Nonessential!? Has Princess Celestia not seen how low my balls are? If it gets one degree hotter I’ll be leaving a small trench wherever I walk” Anon ranted in frustration with anti-drought measures.

“Anon were in public, stop talking about your… reproductive organs” Twilight scolded, her face going red as she brought up Anon’s low hanging mangos.

“Well when they stop being the worst of all of my problems then I’ll stop” Anon replied.

After rolling her eyes, Twilight’s horn lit up. From the tip a steady stream of water began to pour. Hitting the bottom of the pool the water splashed creating a small puddle.

“I keep forgetting your a super-wizard” Anon stated.

Gaining a smug smile at the title she had been given, Twilight simply nodded in response.

“So how long until it’s full?” He asked.

“A few days” Twilight stated.

“A few days!?” Anon gasped in shock.

“What? I’m one mare and I can’t do this for more than an hour straight. Magic is exhausting” Twilight explained.

The thought of having to wait days for the pool to be filled deeply enraged Anon. Who punished the farming population severely.

“Fuck it I’m getting the hose” Anon snapped before storming back into the library.

“Anon no it’s against the law!” Twilight called out trying to stop him.

“Tell Celestia she can go fuck herself with the rubber replica of my dong I gave her” Anon called out from inside the house.

Returning with a hose Anon filled the pool in a matter of hours much to the protest of Twilight.

But he just continued on about how the heat was affecting his ballsack. Pointing out if he closed his hind legs, his leathery sack would stick to his thighs allowing him to signal Batman.

The statment went over Twilight’s head because as someone who’d never been to Earth she had no idea who or what a “Batman” was.

The pool was filled. As such both Anon and Twlight were able to enjoy it for a full three minutes before the rest of town caught on that there was a pool.

Sweaty ponies in their masses huddled around the watering hole, several fights breaking out as they tried to get a spot in the cool liquid.

Now Anon SHOULD have just dug a new pool. The last one was surprisingly easy once Big Mac fell into his first one and started helping.

But instead, he set up a line and ticket booth. Ten bits for thirty minutes in the pool. Drinks were provided for an additional ten bits per drink.

“This has got to be the best idea I have ever had” Anon chuckled as he counted the hoard of gold coins he was assembling.

“This is going to end badly for you” Twilight stated, looking disapprovingly over Anon’s ill gotten gains.

“Pff, all I know is I’m rich and my sack is cool under the shade of my coin purse. Hell if this weather keeps up I’ll be able to afford a yacht, a yacht with bitches” Anon waved off Twilight’s concerns.

With his confidence matched only by his greed, Anon didn’t notice the weather teams moving large clouds over Ponyville.

Ass soon as it came the heatwave was gone. Now came heavy rain, soaking the bone dry town with cool moister.

The only thing that was drying up was Anon’s buisness. As ponies started to shiver with the sudden plummet in temperature they fled back to their homes for blankets and hot coco.

Glorious hot coco.

I like hot coco!

Pinkie this isn’t your chapter go home!


Say in the rain, his bags of bits becoming soaked. Anon looked to his left. Stood under a magical force field, Twilight was looking awfully smug about the situation.

“Jokes on you Twilight. I’m still rich and my balls are cool as a cucumber” Anon stated, still confident as he was when he had a thriving pool empire.

“Mr Anonymous?” A new voice asked.

Turning his head to the right Anon saw a sharply dressed unicorn stallion in black glasses. Like Twilight he was stood under a magic barrier keeping him dry.

“Yes?” Anon asked.

“I’m agent 999 of the IRS, due to your irresponsible use of water during a drought we will be seizing your assets to pay for agricultural worker’s loss in productivity. Also a new coffee machine at HQ” he stared before telekinetically yanking away all of Anon’s bits.

“But I’m an IRS agent to! I’ve shed blood in the name of the national budget! None of it was mine but it was shed!” Anon protested.

“So you’ll be able to use the coffee machine once it’s installed. Good day” Agent 999 said before leaving the zebra to soak in the rain.

Stood in silence for a few moments, Twilight broke it “well I hope you’ve learnt a valuable lesson Anon” she stated.

“Yeah, next time there’s a heatwave, me and my low hanging fruit are going to Yakyakistan” Anon stated.

And things returned to normal in Ponyville. The pool was eventually shut down as maintenance costs and health/safety inspections forced Anon to turn it into a rum distillery before it blew up due to an unstable batch.

He later acquired a bathtub he now keeps in his room for these situations.

Comments ( 5 )

Well that went south real fast.

“Tell Celestia she can go fuck herself with he rubber replica of my dong I gave her” Anon called out from inside the house.

She kept it?


Ruling over a nation that you coddled to the point they can’t deal with a wet paper bag without you or your student is stressful

Fun story so far, looking forward to seeing more of this.

Surprised you did not make this a ‘M’ rated fic considering past themes and how it would give you more leg room if you wanted to do things that ‘T’ would not allow.

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