• Published 2nd Mar 2024
  • 539 Views, 6 Comments

Butterfly Kisses - ThatChangelingGit

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash confess their feelings to one another, we explore their romantic journey, through a myriad of chapters.

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Chapter 1: "You've always been there."

Author's Note:

Hello all! Surprise! This is my first full on Flutterdash fic, set in the same universe of 'Be Mine' my Rarijack fic! This is a sort of prequel to Be Mine, as the events of the first few chapters, of this small fic will be taking place before the events of 'Be Mine'.

Note, I haven't fully edited this yet, but I thought I'd give this to you all before I disappear for my late shifts of work for the next few days!

Enjoy my friends, all feedback is apperciated!


Chapter One: “You’ve always been there.”

Mid-afternoon, the cacophony of conversation rippled out across the Lily Pad Café meadow. The entire park buzzed with warm delightful energy. Summer break was nearing CHS and Crystal Prep, but many still wished to embrace the sun as much as they possibly could. It was a Saturday afternoon, around 1: 30pm.Within the park, friends, lovers, families all gathered, to enjoy a thoroughly warm afternoon.

Gathered in a small circle, sat a large group of friends, all sharing various amounts of food, stories, and idle gossip. Fluttershy sat gently thumbing her way through a book on different woodland critters, wishing to learn more about some of her favourite animals that she aimed to care for one day. She had already tended and cared for many creatures, whether they were domesticated, wild, or exotic. It was her passion, her calling life she felt. Social interaction, however, was not her forte, she did have the inability to grow confidence when chatting with her peers, even her closest friends at times. Though, she never allowed it to get in the way of seeing her friends or loved ones, she was determined enough to let her anxieties beat her.

She rested against a great oak, as her friends conversed in front of her. Sat beside her, was Rainbow Dash, who was in heavy conversations with Lemon Zest, a Crystal Prep student who they had befriended alongside the Crystal Prep students, those who joined them in their ‘Dance Magic’ video, such as Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet. Twilight and Starlight chatted on about various projects they had planned for the summer, whilst Pinkie Pie and Sonata ogled over the packed lunches, they had brought with them. Rarity and Applejack, however, had wondered off their own for a moment, Rarity wished to stretch her legs and Applejack was all too keen to follow. Today was splendid, terrific even. Fluttershy smiled as she gazed up from her book and glanced at the growing friend group she had obtained and felt so luck to be involved with.

Rainbow clocked Fluttershy’s smile and leant over. “Hey, you all good Flutters?” Rainbow asked gently as she nudged her knee. Fluttershy felt a small amount of warmth grow across her face as Rainbow questioned her.

“Mhmm.” Fluttershy responded with her small, but bright smile.

“Good, just checking in on ya, didn’t want to make you feel left out of any chattin’ is all.” Rainbow said with her usual smirk. A smirk that Fluttershy often loved seeing. Her heart felt as if it skipped a beat when a flash of Rainbow’s teeth shone through her smirk ever so slightly. As of recent, and in secrecy, Fluttershy had noticed things about herself, feelings, and emotional attachments, that she had never felt before. Sure, she knew what a crush was, but this was stronger, something far more.

“O-oh no, Dashy, it’s okay, t-thanks for asking, I’m having a w-wonderful time.” Fluttershy replied, her voice as soft as gentle breeze. Rainbow smiled in response and used her hand to gently squeeze Fluttershy’s knee. Fluttershy immediately blushed and attempted to hide or obscure some of her face behind the pages of her wildlife book. Her heart, beat furiously within her chest. What was this? Why all of sudden did she feel nervous around Rainbow? Why did she feel so longingly towards her. She needed to confide in someone. She couldn’t tell Rainbow, what if she’d get mad? What if she’d no longer want to be friends? What if… Her mind raced, questions upon question bombarded her mind. She cursed her anxiety; she cursed the thoughts that swam in her mind, the ones who always seemed to cloud judgement.

She reclined back again but took a deep breath. In for seven seconds, out for eleven. In for seven, out for eleven. She repeated, till the fog of her mind started to lift and the serenity of the scene before her, shone through like a lighthouse. Her smile returned; her heartbeat lessened. Still, there was that pang of butterflies that swam in her chest, every time she heard Rainbows laugh, or voice, or saw her smile. It was beautiful to her, attractive even.

“Hey Fluttershy.” A familiar voice echoed out. Sunset, who had returned to the gathering, and held an ice cream in each hand. She extended one out to Fluttershy, one of her favourites, pistachio. She took it gleefully.

“O-oh thank you so much Sunset, that’s awfully kind of you.” Fluttershy expressed her thanks as she gently placed her page marker in her book and placed it onto the warmed grass.

“Oh, it’s the least I could do, besides, it was my turn to treat everyone so, I thought why not, on a hot day today, we should all get something cooling.” Sunset perched herself next to Fluttershy and rested her back against the tree as well. The two sat in silence, in fact, most of the girls did as they enjoyed their cooled treats. Fluttershy giggled as she watched Rainbow gorge on what seemed to be a double coned ice cream, with a medley of her favourite flavours, choc-chic and good old vanilla. Rainbow caught Fluttershy staring and chuckled with a mouthful.

“What?” Rainbow said with her mouth, slightly full. Her lips curled in a slight smile.

“N-nothing, you’ve just got some chocolate all over you f-face Dashy.” Fluttershy giggled. “Here.” She sat up slightly and reached into her pastel yellow bag, rummaged through for a few seconds, and retrieved a small napkin, extended her hand, and gently brushed and wiped away some of the remnants of ice cream of Rainbow’s face. It was Rainbow’s turn to blush now, as the affectionate and caring touch from Fluttershy sent a shiver down her entire body. She was always so incredibly caring to Rainbow; they had been friends since practically newborns. Her eyes became fixated on the soft gentle smile that Fluttershy held as she hummed whilst wiping the muck off her face. “She’s… really pretty.” Rainbow thought to herself but was soon snapped back into reality as Fluttershy retracted her hand. Oh, how she suddenly longed for more.

“Heh, thanks Flutters, must’ve got carried away, didn’t even notice it was that bad.” Rainbow chuckled as she shared a full smile with Fluttershy.

“No problem Dashy, we all know how excitable you c-can get.” Fluttershy responded as she packed away the used wipes and napkins into the rubbish bag they used. The two shared occasional glances, smiles and the sporadic bouts of eye contact as all enjoyed their frozen treats. Despite everyone being engrossed in a myriad of conversation, there was one, who had noticed something else. Sunset. She had noticed how both Fluttershy and Rainbow were acting slightly coy around one another. Not in a malicious way. But it did make Sunset ponder, she had similar interactions with her crush, Adagio, she wondered if there were kindred feelings betwixt the two. Though it wasn’t her business, she never liked to intrude unless asked. Though, it was hard to not, gossip at times.

Fluttershy gently laid back and watched as both Lemon Zest and Rainbow laughed whilst watching silly little videos on their phones. Her laugh was contagious, most when they heard Rainbow’s laughter, found it hard to stop themselves from joining in. Especially when it was between Rainbow and Applejack. Fluttershy smiled widely as she heard the eruption of her laughter. The sound of it, made her feel warm inside, her stomach tied up in knots of joy, but nothing furthered that joy more until Rainbow scooted back, phone in hand, and leant on the tree, right next to her. She was so intimately close. The two had spent many sleepovers together, the occasional hug or even cuddle, but now, the closeness, the intimacy made Fluttershy’s heart flutter.

“Flutters, you’ve got to see this! Lemon showed me earlier and it’s hi-lari-ous!” Rainbow cackled as she brought up her phone. It was a video from one of her favourite channels, something that she and Lemon Zest had oddly bonded over. FailArmy. Fluttershy wasn’t too fond of it, she never liked seeing anyone get really hurt, but the occasional fall or clumsy mistake was always amusing to her. Rainbow hit play, but as she hit play, a football/soccerball hurled towards the picnic and knocked her phone out of her hand. The ball itself struck right against Rainbow’s hand and even hit Fluttershy’s right knee. The girls all gasped and Fluttershy let out a little shriek.

“Hey! Watch were you’re kicking that thing!” Rainbow stood, and called out to the park, unknowing as to who it was that kicked it. She immediately turned her attention back round to Fluttershy, who was rubbing her now reddened knee. “You, okay?” She asked her, concern slightly filled her voice.

“I-I’m okay Dashy, j-just surprised is all, and a little red.” Fluttershy said softly as she rose to her feet too and stood by Rainbow. She didn’t like to see Rainbow getting all uppity or defensive. That being said, she did somewhat feel so lucky, that she had such a loyal friend, not only to herself, but a friend, who was entirely dedicated to being a somewhat of a protector, for all of their friends. Sunset and Sour Sweet also stood, whilst the others remained sat.

“Well, well, well, isn’t the Fake Crystal Rainbooms, the Not-So-Dazzling, Dazzlings and Rainbow Crash. All bunched together in a sort of playdate, how quaint.” A masculine, rather uppity voice called out from across the park field. A man, slender and tall, dressed in what can only be describe as posh-country club wear, adorned by a cardigan, its arms draped over his shoulders, and tied at the neck. His shorts, a cargo beige, and his T-shirt an iridescent baby blue. Royal Pin, one of Blueblood’s cohort.

“Ugh, who invited him?” Sour Sweet retorted in grotesque upon seeing him.

Ah, Sour-Sweet, was it? I remember when you and your friends had a much better set of grace and decorum, when you stayed true to our way of life at Crystal Prep.” Royal Pin replied, his smug grin grew by the second, as if every single word he spoke, added a curl to it.

Lemon Zest faked gagged at his response, whilst Sugarcoat simply just rolled her eyes and ignored him. Sunset’s eyes darted down to see Rainbow’s hands ball into fists. Rainbow stood right up to him.

“You have no right, to speak about my, no, our, friends that way, who in the fuck do you think you are?” Rainbow spat between gritted teeth, as she edged her way closer to him. She was only a few steps in front of him.

Fluttershy’s heart began to race. She hated confrontation, especially when it came down to her friends being targeted, or the possibility of violence. She stood behind Rainbow, and instinctively took hold of one her arms, in an attempt to calm her. She had always known that she was easily angered by those who would attempt to belittle her friends. Royal Pin, in fact, any of Blueblood’s cohort was enough to anger her.

“D-Dashy…” Fluttershy whispered, in an attempt to grab her attention. “T-There’s no need to y-yell.” Fluttershy meekly spoke, as her heart and hands trembled with worry. Rainbow didn’t hear her.

“You need to apologise to me and my friends, right now!” Rainbow yelled. “No need to be a dick about things, admit you’re sorry, and you might, get your dumb ball back.” Rainbow threatened. Royal Pin began to laugh, heartily, mockingly.

“Uh-oh.” Sunset mumbled. Even she knew, that was the wrong call for Royal Pin to make. The others began to stand up, Twilight shot her gaze over towards Rainbow and the somewhat terrified Fluttershy, who clutched onto Rainbow’s arm, as she still attempted to gain her attention. Twilight, who had been once part of Crystal Prep, the one that many affectionately called ‘Sci-Twi’ perked up the courage and stood beside Rainbow but offered a more democratic approach.

“Royal, be reasonable, just apologise for hitting us with the ball, and we all go our separate ways. There’s no need to stir any drama, that none of us want or need, especially on such a nice day like today.” Twilight suggested as she placed both her hands on her hips, opting for more open body language. Rainbow eyed Twilight, but then soon cottoned onto Fluttershy’s gentle grasp.

Rainbow’s attention drifted towards Fluttershy, who’s eyes were starting to brim with a few fearsome tears. Her heart sank. She didn’t want to make Fluttershy upset, and ruin such a lovely day, that everyone around her had been enjoying, up until now. Tension was brewing, and it was thick. Thick enough to cut, but not cloudy enough to blind Rainbow’s vision. The adrenaline rush subsided. Her mind calmed from the burst of rage and defensive instinct, she unclenched her fists, and stood beside Fluttershy, and still allowed her to hold on.

Royal Pin had noticed Rainbow stand down and rolled his eyes at Twilights suggestion. “Pathetic.” He mumbled as he barged past both Twilight and Rainbow, purposefully shoved Fluttershy out of the way as he retrieved the ball. Sunset decided to stand in his way as he attempted to leave.

“Forgetting something?” She growled.

Royal, being arrogant, rolled his eyes once more. “Oh yes, whatever, I do apologise.” He said nonchalantly, as he strut past Sunset, shoulder-barged Twilight and gave a retorted, and rather disgusted expression towards the ex-Crystal Prep students. “I apologise, that you ladies, have fallen so far from grace, that you’ll never be accepted by myself, or your old… alumni, ever again, you made your choice, now good day.” He said with pouted lips and a raised chin as he sauntered his way away.

“Pfft, asshole, thank god we left when we did, especially with those dickheads ruling Crystal Prep now.” Lemon Zest said with slight annoyance.

“Their entire school will crumble around them. They’ll lose everything because they have nothing in reality. They’re doomed to fail, destined to recede into dust.” Sugarcoat added.

“You know, I don’t think I’ve noticed up until now, you remind me of my sister, Maud!” Pinkie exclaimed to Sugarcoat, who, in return gave a small smile.

“Maud is great, I like her brutal honesty, I’ll take it as a compliment.” Sugarcoat said as she and Pinkie began to revel in their own conversation.

“Rainbow, are you okay?” Twilight asked as she gave her a concerned look.

“Shoulda let me hit that fuck-face, could’ve straightened out his stupid frilly curls and knock that smug smirk right of his face.” Rainbow replied bitterly, her face soured into a sulk.

“Violence isn’t always the answer, and I know at times you can struggle with aggression at times, but you did fantastically well, and calmed right down.” Twilight replied and offered a genuine smile.

“Y-you did great Dashy, I’m very proud.” Fluttershy added, as she gave Rainbow a sweet smile. Upon hearing these words, Rainbow’s mood began to return, her eyes met with Fluttershy’s, and both women gently gazed into one another’s eyes for a moment. Hearing that Fluttershy was proud of her, was a feeling that she couldn’t describe. Especially not with words. It was a great feeling, an emotion that bubbled up into her smile.

“Thanks Shy, and I know Twilight, thanks for having my back, all of you. I just didn’t want to see you guys get picked on, for being who you are, is all.” Rainbow said with a boldness in her chest.

Fluttershy’s hand gently interlocked with Rainbows, it was something that they had always done. It was their shared intimate, sort of love-language. Something that Fluttershy found great comfort in. She gave Rainbow’s hand a squeeze and spoke once more.

“And we all greatly apperciate it Dashy, we truly do.” Her voice picked up slightly, she wanted to be heard, especially by Rainbow.

Rainbow’s smile only increased as she gently moved her hand away from their interlocked grasp and wrapped her hand around Fluttershy’s waist. She immediately blushed, but wasn’t surprised by the action, they had always hugged. But the placement made her heartbeat fasten, but this time in a positive manner.

“Thanks, Flutters, that really means a lot.” Rainbow said as she gently held Fluttershy for a moment or two. In truth, Rainbow did adore soft touches like this, even if she tried to come across as the tough, tomboyish girl of the group. She still loved affection, especially if it was someone she had been thinking about as of recent. Fluttershy melted into the small hug and placed her head onto Rainbow shoulder.

“She’s so gentle with me.” Fluttershy thought as she reluctantly moved away from the small embrace. Without second thought, Fluttershy, did however, grasp onto Rainbow’s hand once again, and there was not a single complaint from Rainbow.

“Least he didn’t ruin anything for us, the ball didn’t land in any of our food, or drink at least, so we can still chill out in the sun.” Sunset spoke as she had a quick glance around at the picnic site the girls had curated. Nothing smashed, nothing broken.

“I’m down let’s chill for a bit! Besides, Applejack and Rarity haven’t come back yet, and I’m still hungry.” Rainbow chuckled.

“Ooh me too!!” Pinkie added. “I’ve still got this box of twinkies to go through, the cupcakes I baked this morning, and all of the amazing, yum-tastic, uber tasty food that Sonata brought!” Pinkie exclaimed as she open up her literal crate of food and began to dish out/plate-up the varying amounts of sweet treats. The girls all giggled as Pinkie hurriedly plated, whilst Sonata took her time, and gently offered food, that she had made personally. Of course, Mexican, but it was her speciality.


“What in tarnation do y’mean he came over here and bein’ all cocky?” Applejack asked in dismay as she heard the retelling of events from everyone at the gathering.

“Well, I never, to think, I once dated his best friend many moons ago. Thank goodness I moved on from that, what monster would I have become?” Rarity gasped at the thought. Applejack, simply eyed Rarity shook her head and lightly chuckled.

“No point dwellin’ on that sugarcube, we just gotta be careful ‘round them fellas I reckon, especially if they are purposefully, bein’ rude to us all, and targetin’ us.” Applejack suggested.

“I agree, but there’s no need to peruse it, if it happens, we can deal with it at the time.” Twilight also suggested.

“If you want any dirt of Royal Pin, or Track Starr for that matter, got to Fleur De Lis, she has all, the juicy details, so does Fancy Pants, I’m sure you know them both, if you dated Blueblood Rarity.” Sour Sweet said as she chimed in. She noticed Rarity’s soured expression, every time it was mentioned that she once dated Blueblood. It was akin to a little inside jab/joke for the girls.

“Oh, I know them both rather well, but what I am concerned with is, that are either of you two okay? Those red marks could turn into rather nasty bruises.” Rarity asked towards Rainbow and Fluttershy, who had remained by one another the entire time.

Rainbow waved Rarity off. “Nah, I’ll be fine, suffered much worse in training with the Wondercolts, or in the numerous dirt bike rally’s I’ve done.” Rainbow said proudly. Her hand was most certainly red and did ache. Though it wasn’t enough, in her mind, to warrant any worry. Fluttershy on the other hand, didn’t say a word.

In her mind, she wanted to act strong, tough, much like Rainbow, but in reality, he knee stung, quite a bit. From the impact and the stinging sensation of a slight rubber burn. She also felt a small trickle of blood run down her scraped knee. Rainbow glanced at Fluttershy, and noticed how she hadn’t replied. She looked down towards her scraped knee and shook her head.

“You sure you’re, okay? That looks like it hurts.” Rainbow asked gently. Fluttershy nodded in response, silently. This made Rainbow roll her eyes and turn her focus to Rarity.

“Yo, Rarity, have you got any of them, what make-up pad thingies?” She asked.

“Oh yes darling, I have quite a few, all different textures, shapes and sizes, thickness and density too.” Rarity said as she rummaged through her bag. Before Rainbow retorted, Applejack whispered into Rarity’s ear.

“I think she might need one for Fluttershy’s knee sugarcube, that’s all.” Applejack said with a chuckle in her throat.

Rarity grew a blush with a smile and simply tossed a very basic packet towards Rainbow, sheepishly. “Use as many as you need darling.” Rarity said softly.

Rainbow nodded and gently helped Fluttershy to a seated position and began to gently sooth the cotton pad onto her blooded knee. Much like she had done to her, albeit it was chocolate that Fluttershy had wiped from Rainbows face, not blood. A favour for a favour. Even though Rainbow, was no where near as delicate as Fluttershy or Rarity was, she attempted her best to soothe and dull the pain of her slight injury. Fluttershy smiled at the touch, even it stung slightly. The simple affection of her simply touching her, was enough to cause goosebumps to grow across her skin. Rainbow most certainly noticed this but decided to keep quiet.

“Th-Thank you Dashy, it feels much better right now.” Fluttershy expressed her thanks, as she smiled at Rainbow, softly, lovingly even. She had noticed herself how affectionately she was gazing at Rainbow.

Rainbow smiled up at her in return and tossed away the bloodied cotton pad into the rubbish bag, and slightly blushed at Fluttershy’s softened gaze. “It’s no sweat Flutters, you know I’d do anything to help.” She said as she sat up, and offered a hand to Fluttershy, to stand with her. Fluttershy eagerly accepted her invitation and stood with her assistance.

“Well, ya’ll, we best get movin’, Rare’s and I have got plans for tomorrow and-.” Applejack started before she was cut off by Rainbow.

“Ooooh~” Rainbow teased as she interrupted Applejack. The Farmgirl simply rolled her eyes and chuckled, whilst Rarity hid her blush.

“Shall we call it a day then?” Sunset asked the group, who all responded in kind. The summery day was turning into a blissful early evening. The sun had started to kiss the horizon, and coated the sky in a luminescent orange, with dusty pink clouds, with streaks of lavender and lilac, highlighting and shading the horizon. Everyone at the gathering packed their things and began to express their goodbyes, with hugs and smiles, a few friendly kisses, that Rarity often gave out. Everyone started to make their leave towards the car park.

Rainbow had offered Fluttershy another lift, and even though, she at times, hated riding on Rainbow’s motorbike, she did see the positive side of being able to clutch onto her. After retrieving their bags, Fluttershy and Rainbow were the last to leave. This, however, gave Fluttershy a stroke of confidence, a burning sensation in her stomach.

“D-Dashy?” She asked. Rainbow turned to face her, one hand clutched onto her rucksack, that draped over one shoulder.

“Yeah Flutters? Is it your knee again? Want me to carry some of your things if it’s too heavy?” Rainbow asked, wanting to help.

“N-No, no, it’s fine, really, I um… I just wanted, to um, ask you… a few things or say a few things. If that’s okay? If not that’s okay too, and we can keep walking, I d-don’t mind.” Fluttershy nervously rambled, her heart was beating faster than a cheater runs. Rainbow smiled and walked back over to Fluttershy, dropped her rucksack, and placed both arms gently onto her petit shoulders.

“You can ask me anything, Fluttershy, you know that. I’m your best friend.” Rainbow said, her smile warmed and approachable. It made Fluttershy feel safe, reassured. Even if, for some strange reason, the word ‘friend’ hurt a little. Not that she didn’t want to be friends with Rainbow, but she was beginning to understand, how she wanted more.

“Thank you Dashy.” Fluttershy started. “I um… y-you are the most amazing friend, I could h-have ever asked for. You are k-kind, gentle and so understanding w-with me. Every step of the way, you’ve been there, when we were little, and you stood up to my bullies. You’ve been there whilst I’ve been unwell and poorly. You’ve given me confidence in myself, that I have never felt before. And today, you defended me, and our friends. You’ve always been there. You… mean so much to me.” Fluttershy’s voice wobbled. Her nerves sent shivers up her spine, and her stomach twisted uncomfortably. She didn’t want to pester Rainbow or annoy her with her ramblings. But she needed to say this, for so long she had always felt this connection to Rainbow, an adoration, love even.

Rainbow’s eyes widened, her mouth, slightly hung open as Fluttershy spoke so softly. All of this was sending waves throughout her body, her stomach filled with butterflies instantly, each time she mentioned how they had been there, together, with each other, made her mind swim with emotions. Emotions so strong, she couldn’t help but move her hands down from Fluttershy’s shoulders, to clutch onto her hands. Her pallid yellow hands were sweaty, due from her nervousness. Rainbow felt incredibly lucky in this moment.

“Fluttershy… I.” Rainbow began, as the shy, gentle woman, she too, secretly adored, gazed up at her. Rainbow even felt a slight tremble in her own voice. “You have no idea what that means coming from you. I’ve been there, because you are awesome, you are fucking fantastic, you are my closest friend, we’ve shared everything together, all the good points and low points. You’ve been there for me, the first time I got rejected by the Wondercolts when I was a young teenager. To the time Tank went into hibernation. You held me, and I’ll never, ever forget the amazing things you’ve done for me. You mean so much, to me too, Flutters.” Rainbow admitted, and slightly sniffed, as tears brewed in her eyes.

“Heh, look at me getting all emotional, and crying, it doesn’t suit me.” Rainbow chuckled. Fluttershy smiled as she too felt the sting of her water ducts brewing a few tears of their own.

“No. It does, you look happy, truly happy and very pretty.” Fluttershy responded and gently closed in and moved her hands away to gently wrap her arms around Rainbow’s waist. Rainbow didn’t reject it, she allowed it, as she moved her arms up around Fluttershy’s neck.

“Pretty, nah, that’s you.” Rainbow grinned as she held onto Fluttershy, who in response, blushed ferociously and giggled ever so slightly. “Though it’s my turn to ask a question. If that’s okay?” Rainbow asked.

“Mhmm.” Fluttershy responded, her soft round light blue eyes not once leaving Rainbow’s magenta eyes sight.

“Would you like to go out on a date?” Rainbow asked, rather promptly, she didn’t want to hesitate, in her mind, the clearer and more precise the question, the easier it was for her to say, she was nervous, incredibly so, the now sudden fear of rejection had slightly settled in. But that was soon blown away as Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she exclaimed:

“YES!!” Fluttershy immediately dropped and laughed sheepishly. She had been waiting to hear this question for how long? Weeks, months, years? “S-sorry, I mean ahem, yes, Dashy, I’d love to go on a date with you. I really would.” Fluttershy replied.

Rainbow laughed, heartily at Fluttershy’s immediate response and pulled her into a tight hug. She even lifted Fluttershy off her feet and held her aloft for a few seconds, as both women giggled, even if tears gently streamed down their faces. It was an emotional moment that had been brewing in both of them, that finally burst into a display of pure affection.

“Ha! It’s a date then, what do you want to do!? We could do anything you like, whatever you fancy, I’m happy to do it. We always go with my plans, so what’s one thing you’d wanna do? We can do it tomorrow!?” Rainbow asked excitedly, her teeth fully on display as she beamed a smile at her.

Fluttershy giggled for a moment and paused to think. “Um… well, in Canterlot, there is the new cat café? Sonata went with Aria last weekend, and all of the kitties look really cute and happy, so… maybe we could go there? That’s if you don’t want to, I’d understand if you didn’t fancy going on a date now, I um…” Fluttershy was cut off by Rainbows finger, being placed on her lips.

“It’s a date.” Rainbow smirked.

“I-it’s a date.” Fluttershy repeated.

“Come on, I’ll take you home and pick you up say, 12ish tomorrow?” Rainbow said as she moved away from their embrace, but still remained held onto her, by clutching onto Fluttershy’s hand.

“Yay, sounds wonderful.” Fluttershy said sweetly, as both women, now beaming with love, headed back, hand in hand, for their journey home.


Comments ( 6 )

This is pretty good (and sweet) so far.

Keep up the good work! :pinkiesmile:

Thank you so much for the feedback! And adding it to your favourites, it really does mean so much!


Glad you like it! Ans thank you for adding it to your favourites!

You know I know it wasn't expected, but I was really hoping for Flutters to cross the gap and ask Dash on a date. Oh well.

Still, a fluffy, enjoyable start.

Absolutely adore this! I'm usually not the biggest fan of FlutterDash, but this is so adorable! I can't wait for the next chapter:heart:

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