• Published 10th Mar 2024
  • 354 Views, 7 Comments

Equestria's Unexpected Hero - lightningcrash 300

A hero's task done, and gaining an unexpected new family during it, the Gods watching over him decide to reward his efforts, and send him home to them. But that doesn't mean he'll be able to relax just yet.

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Chapter 2: Fighting Nightmares and bringing back the Sun

Heading up, I could swear I was feeling the familiar hum of magic in the air as the sound of a fight could be heard above me. Cresting the top of the stairs, but staying hidden within the doorway's shadow, I pause as I take in what was before me.

Two women were in the room, they appeared to be Human, at least the general shape anyway. But that is where the similarities ended. Yes, they had hands, but judging by the footwear they did not have regular feet, many things screamed that they were not human. Their skin was covered with a coat of fur, their faces equine in appearance though somehow in a way that they were still as expressive as a human ‘flat’ face, and finally was the addition of tails, horns, and a pair of wings on one of the two.

The first woman had lavender purple fur, her hair and tail were a darker purple with a lone pink stripe that parted them down the middle. Attire-wise, she wore what had been a simple, light blue shirt that accentuated her figure coupled with a ruffled dark blue skirt that went just an inch above her knees. Beneath that was a set of white leggings that stopped just before the end of her hooves. It would have been a good, possibly even ‘cute’ look, if not for the damage it had taken. Cuts and scrapes cover the outfit, thankfully just along places that would not be inappropriate, as well as stains of green, light brown, and a bit of red in some places…. When I had entered, she was standing at the far end of the room kneeling on a raised dais, surrounded by a grouping of five stone spheres as she knelt, the horn on her head, and her hands glowing briefly in pink light, with her back towards my hiding space. “Just one spark…Come on…come on!” I could hear her call out in frustration as magic gathered and surrounded the orbs before her.

With a rush of starry blue smoke, and a cry of “NO!!” the second woman rushed the first, forcing her away as she reformed. By this time, I had managed to get deeper into the room, making sure to hide behind a broken pillar, as well as a bit closer to the center of the room. Having blasted the lavender-furred woman back across the room with her burst of magic, the second woman stood tall, much taller than the first woman. The woman standing in front of me was quite an imposing figure, towering at an impressive height of six foot six. She was dressed in a full suit of armor, which covered her entire body from head to toe. The armor was made of heavy-looking materials, with a combination of light blue and silver plates that gleamed in the light. On the breastplate and shoulder guards was a black splotch with a crescent moon. Her fur was a deep, almost black, blue color. Seeming to just..absorb the very light -given off by the moon- that filled the room, leaving all but her face, armor, and mane/tail shrouded in darkness. As I observed her, I couldn't help but notice the color of her eyes. They were a shade of turquoise blue, with no visible whites, which was a bit unusual. Her pupils were thin slits, which gave off a sense of mild fear and anger as she looked down at the glowing stones in front of her. The mare's mane and tail are a breathtaking sight to behold. They have an almost ethereal appearance as if they were crafted from a piece of the night sky specifically for her. They appear to be constantly moving, swaying, and fluttering as though they are caught in a gentle breeze, even though there is no wind in sight. The stars that decorated them twinkle and dance like tiny galaxies, adding to the magical aura that surrounds the mare. While fixing her gaze on the young lady in lavender, she bared her teeth and clenched them tightly, and I couldn't help but notice the sharpness of her fangs as I mentally noted them, getting a sense of familiarity.

While I was busy taking in details of the two women, I guess I had zoned out, as the magic around the orbs had faded, the two’s conversation going one ear and out the other as I watched her smash the orbs with a stomp of her hoof before drawing a blade I was VERY familiar with. The weapon that lay before me was a sight to behold. It was crafted out of a blackened metal material, which gave it an ominous and intimidating aura. The sword was about two and a half feet in length, with a double-edged blade that gleamed in the moonlight, the razor-sharp edge only visible as a dark red outline thanks to the light. The hilt of the blade was circular and ornate, featuring an emblem of a raven with wings spread over a black backdrop. Above the emblem, a moonstone gem was embedded, which had been engraved with a starburst pattern. The pommel of the blade was equally impressive, reminiscent of a trio of black feathers, which added to the overall dark and mysterious appearance of the sword.

Nightingale…?’ As I watched from my hiding spot, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. The woman in armor charged towards the lavender girl, who looked terrified and helpless. I could hear distant voices, but my focus was on the unfolding scene in front of me. Without a second thought, I sprinted towards them, grabbing a piece of the broken door to use as a makeshift shield. It was as if time stood still as I closed in on them, my heart pounding in my chest.

As I got closer, I could see the woman floating above the girl, her wings spread out menacingly. Her sword was raised high above her head, ready to strike down on the helpless girl below her. The dark mare's face bore a manic grin, and her slitted pupils were dilated as she stared down at her victim. The sight was chilling, and I knew I had to act fast to save the lavender girl. ‘I need to stop this…this is going to fucking hurt!

And so... I raised my arm.

(location: Castle of the Two Sisters, Everfree forest-Equestria. Time: 6:00 am. POV: Nightmare Moon/????)

In a moment of sheer triumph, I had emerged victorious in my relentless pursuit. My 'dearest sister', who had always been a source of irritation, had vanished into thin air. The world was now cloaked in eternal darkness, a testament to my unbridled power. After a long and agonizing imprisonment, I was finally free. However, my newfound freedom was now threatened by a small but significant problem. The only means to send me back to my wretched prison was now reduced to nothing but dust and broken shards of stone. As I surveyed the scene of my triumph, I couldn't help but reflect on how it all began. It was all thanks to the foolishness of little Luna, who had unwittingly helped me further my own goals all those years ago. Her act of desperation and naivety had unleashed me upon the world, and now, I was the master of all I surveyed. I knew that I had to deal with this little nuisance before anything else. For even the slightest hint of weakness could mean returning to my prison, and I couldn't let that happen. “Good little magic tricks, Foal. but I’ve had enough games for tonight. But don't worry little one...while you won't get to enjoy my rule, I'll be sure to give your well wishes to your precious princess…” I let out a low, throaty chuckle as I reached for Luna's blade. The weapon was a thing of beauty - sleek and deadly, with a sharpness that promised swift and final justice. I couldn't help but wonder where Luna had acquired such a fine weapon, but the thought was fleeting. In my hands, the blade was a tool, a means to an end, a symbol of the power I wielded. Luna had sworn to use it to protect her beloved ponies, but in my grasp, it would be used for a very different purpose.…and as such… “but not before sending you to the grave!!~” I will use it to end the first threat to MY new rule! Lunging forward, I couldn't help but grin evilly down at the pathetic whelp, her eyes wide with fear, tears stinging them as the sound of more fools, likely the ones she had been traveling with, came up the tower stairs. ‘Good, I always did like the idea of an audience…~

I roared with victory and anguish, holding the blade with two hands as I brought it down…only for it to stop several feet from my intended target with a heavy sound of metal meeting wood, burying itself a few inches in…something, taking most of the damage as it was knocked away with the weight behind my swing, whatever it was, I felt something large and heavy slam into my armored chest, pushing me a few feet back away from the whelp with a grunt. Glaring at the unicorn before me, a low growl escaped my throat as I glanced about the room. “What trickery is this? A last-ditch effort to save yourself?” I asked the mare, only to feel what felt like a fist slam into the back of my knee, bringing me down on one knee from the force. Teeth gritting, blood boiling, I pulled myself up, ears perking up and swiveling about the room I'd slash the blade just in time to catch something.

“AGGHH!!!” cried out a distinctly male voice.

There! A shimmer of the light, and…sparking? Yes, something was sparking briefly before the ‘blur’ of the light seemed to phase back into existence. They were pony-in-shape for what I could tell, but past the general shape, I couldn't tell past that strange armor of his, two of the tubes on his chest being the source of the sparking. And looking him over, I took note of his make-shift shield, a broken piece of an old swinging door which was now nearly cut in half, the Stallion holding onto it by the handle. “Ugh…and here I thought I'd be able to get a few shots in before this happened…” The mystery stallion grumbled to himself as the two of us stared at him with confusion and a bit of surprise, one of his hands hitting a box on his waist that stopped the sparking before grabbing hold of a knife in his hand. “Anyway…let the woman go, and whatever the hell you are, leave her alone…” He stated firmly, voice calm and full of confidence. But the way he spoke…so curious, it was as if he somehow knew of my 'borrowing’ of this body. But surely not, only the little princess knew of us as far as my knowledge went.

Smiling darkly, I let the sword hang low in my grip, by all rights, I was furious that this lowly colt had managed to harm me, even though it was only a few weak blows. 'but…for an individual able to become undetectable to even myself…I'd prefer to have that sort of power by my side..at least I can learn it for myself and THEN deal with him.

With my hand held up, palm facing him in a show of dominance, I scrutinized his curious armor for any potential weaknesses. "I commend your bravery, little colt...but surely you understand the consequences of striking royalty," I remarked, glancing back at the foolish group behind me. The purple unicorn had managed to pull herself up and escape to safety, leaving us alone to face each other. "And not to mention interfering with an execution..." My voice remained low and calm as we circled each other slowly, our eyes locked in a tense stare. He positioned himself with his back towards the small group of six, still clutching onto his tiny dagger. Suddenly, he reached towards his back and tossed a blue and white box bearing a red cross on the front to the group.

"Do you want to die, little one?" I offered, my words laced with deception as I lied through my teeth. "Why not pledge yourself to me, join forces, and help me dispose of these insignificant pawns? In return, I will forgive your crimes." In reality, I was already planning a suitable way to get rid of this insolent brat once he outlived his usefulness.

But instead of falling for my deceitful offer, he stood his ground and tilted his head slightly to the side. He stayed silent for a while before finally speaking up. "You..." he started, causing me to smile in anticipation of welcoming yet another follower into my ranks. But then he cut me off abruptly. "...are NOT my queen. And you certainly do not rule over this land...I can already tell that much." With that statement, he threw his 'shield' aside and clenched his fist, releasing a burst of white fog from it as his strange gauntlet began to lightly frost over. "A true princess or queen is a kind and benevolent ruler," he declared firmly, growling out the last word. "Not a power-hungry, bloodthirsty tyrant...especially not HER." The venom in his voice was palpable. "Whatever you are, whether from Oblivion or the Nine Hells, I will not rest until you are defeated and my friend is freed from your grasp!" And with that, he lunged towards me.

I inwardly sighed at his futile attempt to resist me. "Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to learn his secrets from his cold corpse," I thought to myself as I went to sidestep his blade. But to my surprise, I felt like I was rooted in place. Confusion washed over me as I looked down and saw the slow build-up of ice climbing up my legs. Before I could react, a searing pain shot through my muzzle, and everything went white for a moment. When my vision cleared, I staggered back, the ice finally shattering around me. My hand moved instinctively to my nose and when I pulled it away, I saw Lunas' silvery blood staining MY hand. Enraged, I rose to my feet as the sound of approaching footsteps filled my ears. With a wild swing of my blade, I yelled out, "ENOUGH!!"

Gripping my sword tightly, I channeled all of my energy into it and began to conjure powerful magic through it. The weapon crackled with electricity as I prepared to unleash a devastating attack on this defiant fool before me. With one swift and decisive motion, I unleashed a destructive wave of lightning that crackled and surged through the air with an awe-inspiring force, leaving destruction in its wake. "Block that heathen...~"

Looking on, I couldn't help but grin as he tried to duck under the wave only to mistime his movement and get a chest full of voltage, sending him to the ground in convulsions. “You dare think you can get away with what you've done you pathetic little creature?!” My voice was a low growl as I stepped closer, my gauntleted hand grasping the idiot's leg with force. The hard metal claws dug into his skin, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from him. With a swift motion, I flung him towards one of the remaining pillars, the impact echoing through the room with a sickening crack. My anger boiled over as I launched myself at him, my armored hoof connecting with his chest and slamming him back into the unforgiving stone. He crumpled beneath me like a broken doll, but my rage burned hotter than any star as I looked down at the pitiful excuse of a man before me. “you should have accepted my offer, foal…now…” I pressed down on his chest, earning a sharp exhale of air and a satisfying crack as I drew my blade once more. “Any last words?”

As I approached the stallion, I noticed that he was struggling to breathe. He let out a weak groan and lifted his head, his eyes meeting mine. His helmet was unlike anything I had seen before, it’s visor that was cracked in several places. Some pieces had fallen off, revealing one of his eyes, which was a curious shade of gray-blue. In the dim light, I could see that he was struggling to stay conscious, while a faint glow behind me cast him in my shadow. Despite his obvious pain, he managed to whisper, "Yeah...I do…”

What in the..?!’ I turned around just in time to witness it, my eyes growing wide in fear. ‘The elements…but I-

I was dragged from my thoughts as I felt something grip my leg. Looking down quickly I noticed that the whelp had wrapped his arm around my leg. “...good guidance…whoever the fuck you were…and sorry Lulu.” he growled weakly before slamming a piece of rock into the back of my knee, once again bringing me to my knee as the light of the elements slammed into me. “No! NOOOOOoooo-!!!” I cried out as I could feel my hold on the little princess's body weaken, my vision blurring in rainbow light, and then everything went white…

(pov: Talon)

As I struggled to stay conscious, every fiber of my being consumed by a familiar, searing pain. It felt as though my chest was ablaze, my lungs screaming with every shallow breath. My vision was hazy, flickering in and out of focus, and I could hear voices around me, but they were muffled and unintelligible. The coldness was creeping into my limbs, and I could feel my fingers and toes growing numb. Through the haze, I noticed a change in color- a blurry, indistinct shift from the dull grays and blacks that had dominated my vision. Despite the increasing exhaustion that gripped me, I was grateful for this small sign of life. My eyelids grew heavy, and I knew that I was losing the battle to stay awake.

And then…my world went dark.