• Published 14th Apr 2024
  • 162 Views, 3 Comments

Delayed Currents - Luke_Whiterock

It started with Sunset Shimmer, surges in her magic leaving her with headaches and worries, but as it continued, it took each of the girls, forcing them to remove their geodes in desperate need for a break from the constant nag.

  • ...

Broken pottery

Rarity hummed softly, adding the final stitch to her cocktail dress with one hand as she stuck one of the frozen grapes she had just taken out of the freezer into her mouth. It was one of the only snacks she could bring into her room, considering any other snack food would get the fabric dirty, except maybe cucumbers, but she had a rather strong sweet tooth so that was boring.

“Are you almost done?” Fluttershy asked softly from her place on the bed, Opal happily curled up in her lap.

“Almost darling, just have to make this knot here… there!”

She turned around, holding the dress up proudly. The dress was primarily a pale pink, some would argue white, smooth taffeta, though a train was clipped on with a gorgeous ruby, and the colour of that floaty chiffon…it’s red perfectly matched the gem.

“Oh you’ve outdone yourself, that’s beautiful Rarity,” Fluttershy exclaimed, her eyes dashing over it.

“Pht pik puh, it was nothing dear. I’ll always help out a friend.”

Fluttershy just smiled at her, still stroking Opal, who seemed to think this was her new personal massage therapist.

“Besides, I would love to know what she would think,” she laughed softly, shooting Fluttershy a knowing stare.

“I- I don’t know if she’s even coming, I mean, maybe she is but-” just as she was about to finish her line of thought, the door burst open and a rainbow line shot across the room, landing in a pile of scrap fabrics.

Rarity quickly threw the dress on a maniquin and tossed a blanket over it.

“Rainbow Dash, I uh, wasn’t expecting you..?”

“Neither was I,” Rainbow huffed, rubbing her head. “This hasn’t happened since camp, I mean, I wasn’t even trying to run, I was trying to go slow! I had tutoring with Twilight after school and since she took Sunset home sick I was going to head over there, but I have pottery in my bag, and I didn’t want to break it because it’s totally awesome, and-”

“We get it darling, you lost control of your powers again, maybe if you focused more-“

“And broke my pottery!”

Fluttershy blushed aggressively, her eyes round. “I didn’t know you did pottery…”

It was Rainbow Dash’s turn to blush. “Well I mean, not all the time, just sometimes, and it’s only so I can work better with hand coordination for basketball, I’m not artsy or anything…”

“Well I’m sure you can fix it, here, let me see.”

Rainbow’s cheeks turned an even deeper red. “Uh, sure, right, let me just…grab it.”

She shuffled through her bag for a few moments before pulling out something wrapped in newspapers and bubble wrap. “Just unwrap it…”

Fluttershy was quick to pull away the protection, revealing the item inside it. Though the piece had been broken into two, it was clear what it was.

“Oh darling, that’s gorgeous,” Rarity exclaimed, looking at the model of Tank from over Fluttershy’s shoulder, who was holding the two pieces together.

“I agree, there’s nothing to be ashamed about, liking art doesn’t make you less sporty Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy whispered in her usual tone.

“Easy for you to say, you’ve never tried to balance the two, besides, pottery totally doesn’t boost my cool raidar.”

“It does to me,” she mumbled, placing the art aside. “We can do it together sometime, maybe I could show you how to work the glaze better?”

Rainbow Dash just shrugged, standing up and brushing herself off. “Sure, maybe. First I might need to figure out how to avoid shooting myself halfway across the country though.”

Just as Rainbow went to take another step, she found herself speeding along again, only managing to turn around in time to slam back into the wall.

“I’m taking this damn thing off,” she hissed, pulling the geode away from her neck and slipping it into her pocket. “Need to figure that out, I swear.”

“At least you can remove it now,” Fluttershy offered, fiddling with her own nervously. “It doesn’t just have to be near you anymore.”

Rainbow made a grunt, waving her hand dismissively. The sound of tapping disturbed what Fluttershy had been about to say, and with her brow furrowed, she opened up the window and let out a small shrike.

Animals tumbled in, all running around the stunned girl and chittering on and on, mostly about problems fully out of her control.

“Woah woah, slow down guys,” Fluttershy whispered, though no one slowed. “I can’t hear you all at once, can you, ANGEL!”

Rainbow dash laughed as the little rabbit jumped up onto Fluttershy’s shoulder, nipping at her ear.

“How did you get here? I left you at home!”

Angel said something into her ear, and the girls eyes went wide.

“Radar? What do you mean I have a radar? Oh! Can they hear me? Hmmm…oh no! Why would I do that? The wolves?! Oh boy, I need to take this off…” Fluttershy pulled off her necklace as well, seeming disappointed when Angel’s voice turned into a simple chatter again. The animals all seemed to freeze for a moment, then without warning they took off, even Angel waving and bounding after some skunk group.

“Mind to explain all that to those of us who can’t talk to animals?”

“Well, Angel said that I was sending out a radar, he said he could sense me from where he was at home, and that he talked to Jac, he’s the squirrel, and Jac said he could too until he left the city. Is someone overusing their magic again? Last time Dash overused their power we all went crazy, is Pinkie blowing things up again…”

Rainbow Dash shrugged, running her hand through her mullet, a nervous habit. “For what? She’s working today.”

“Applejack?” Rarity offered, pulling out her phone, likely to text the other girl.

“No, she’s also working, and no offense but if she needs her super strength to lift smoothies…”

“Maybe Sunset and Twilight?”

“Didn’t Dash say Sunset went home sick?”

Rarity shrugged. “Please, I’ve hit it down when sick, and I mean if I had levitation, I wouldn’t even need a strap I could just move it on my own and have the rest of my body for other things, and mind reading, I mean-“

“Rarity, as much as I would absolutely love to hear your magical sex fantasies, I doubt that’s what they’re doing…”

Fluttershy just stared at the two, eyes wide. “Uhm…have either of you been overusing, I mean Rarity isn’t flaring up.”

“Oh no Darling, I haven’t used my abilities in just about a week, haven’t needed them for any work.”

“You sure, not making any gemstone dildos for you and Applejack?” Rainbow joked, grinning as Rarity’s face went red and she swatted at her with a pice of fabric.

“No, I can’t say I have been. Maybe you guys are just being irresponsible enough with your abilities that whatever magic force causes this is choosing to finally teach you a lesson.”

Fluttershy finally chimed in again. “Uh- this is friendship magic, I don’t think it would leave someone out…”

“I think it would if somebody chooses to abuse it, like you,” she pointed an accusing finger at the girl who was still positioned in a pile of clothing. As if on cue, a diamond shield shot from her finger, slamming directly into Rainbow’s face with enough force for her to swear out loud.

“At least I’m not giving people nosebleeds, damn,” she rubbed her nose, trying to stop a small drizzle of blood from reaching her clothes.

“Oh- Rainbow, Darling, I didn’t mean to, it just…ugh!”

“Just happened?”

Rarity’s face flushed a deep pink. “Okay, you win this one.”

“We should probably head over to Twilight’s place and ask them how if it’s going similar over there.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

Author's Note:

I’m using she/they/he pronouns for rainbow in this :3

Comments ( 1 )

Update YAY🎉🥰

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