• Published 4th May 2024
  • 265 Views, 1 Comments

Right at The End - Noobblue

A pair of time travelers share a moment at The End

  • ...

For those who Gave Us

"Deep breaths..."

"I can do this"


"Whaa-! Hey!"

"It's good to see you too."

"Do you always have to do that? You almost made me lose focus."

"You? Lose focus? Come now, surely even you could stop pretending that I can still surprise you."

"Was it convincing?"

"You felt me coming three year marks away? Didn't you?"

"Did you just use one of my ter-"

"Ubp bup bup."


"We're short on time, as you know. So I figured I'd help you out."


"You can't hold this spell together forever. Oh who am I kidding, yes you could, I meant more in the-"

"Moral sense?"

"Mmmm-yes, yes; something like that."

"Thank you, I know you don't really like getting involved with me anymore."

"Eehh, don't get so touchy feely, I just wanted an excuse to bother you."

"You know you could have bothered me whenever you wanted."

"It got old."

"If that's the case, then what are you doing here?"

"Oh come now, you think I'd miss this chance? One last parting wave to the universe as it goes? One last joke?"

"You came for my spell?"

"Your magic is unrelated, it's more about the eghem-"


"Heh, you know, even after all this time. I don't think you ever really changed, did you?"

"Why would I do that? I'm perfect, I mean, just look at this visage"

"Come on, I'm serious. I haven't seen you in almost three Ages. Where have you been? Why show up now?"




"I don't think I've ever seen you think before you say something."

"Ugh, the nerve!"


"If you must know so dreadfully fast, I'm here to distract you."

"You always do that."

"Yes yes, but now, you're actually looking for it."

"I am?"

"Why else would you be hiding from the end of Everything in a bubble of frozen reality? Though if you're not looking for something to do then well -pfftt- my bad."




"Well what?"

"What have you been up to? I haven't seen you since the Allied Planets drifted too far away to communicate any more."

"Do you really want to know?"


"Really really?"

"Really really."

"Oh... Oh stop looking at me like that, I'll tell you! Just put those eyes away. I've been, well... Uh..."

"Oh I know that look. You've been helping haven't you?"

"Only here and there. Touching up the universe. Filling the void with planets, Anything to break up the monotony."

"You- It was you!"


"We never figured out where all those stars came from, what with the last black holes starting to die out; that was you?"


"Oh... sorry."

"Yes... that was me."

"You reversed so much entropy. You kept us going for nearly a whole age... You don't want to go either do you?"


"Oh is righ-wait what are you... doing."


"Alright alright! Maybe I'm a little less macho than I present, and you're welcome of course."


"You can let me go now."

"Hmmm, no. I think you're staying right here."

"Le-sigh, must you be so mushy?"

"Says the Draconequues who's dragging it out with me."

"I've never believed in consistency."

"What do you think will come next?"



"Oh of course, dinosaurs? They're practically the coolest invention since gravity."

"I don't think I've ever heard you say something nice about gravity before."

"I've come around to it. It really pulled me in over time."

"Pft- I should have known, it's impossible for you to appreciate gravity."

"Well you could at least crack a smile."

"I thought it was very funny. I'm just..."



"Well that... was the point."

"I never knew you were so warm."

"Ah well, alas it's an ailment I wear well. Your little spell contains the only functioning reality for eons, and though existing all in one place is so exquisitely boring; a nice symptom is that am currently anatomically correct."

"Must you continue hugging me like this?"

"Keep complaining and I'll step it up to cuddling."


"Do you think that... That there's some way?"

"Some way to avoid The End?"


"Maybe, but why would you want to?"

"I'm scared."


"I'm so, so scared."

"Too tigh-"

"What if they don't have friendship? What if they don't have magic? What if in the next universe, there isn't even life?"

"Now hold on, every universe has life, you purple worry wort."

"Maybe, but the other things are just as important!"

"Doesn't matter."

"What do you mean?"

"Even if you could dodge the oncoming wave of 'this reality unmaking itself for the next' if you did, you'd be robbing the next world of everything you are. All the experiences, all of the hopes and dreams. All of your friendships and my chaos would just be forgotten if we just up and left."

"Is this... are you, trying to teach me something?"

"Just because it'll be different, won't make it bad."


"I know. I'm really out of my element here."

"No really, wow. Not only did you come here to: cheer me up, distract me, but also teach me a lesson! and you succeeded!"

"Was there ever any doubt?"

"No. No there wasn't."

"So... What now?"

"Dunno. I've never really been one for finality."


"Well we can't just stay here forever."

"Can't we? Can't I just..."

"Well at the very least, I'm not going to let you hug me forever"

"I think... I think..."

"I think I'm good."



"Ready then?"


"Me neither."


"Yeah, laugh it up fuzz ball."

"I think I will. Hah! I want my last corporeal memory of you to be this. Making me laugh. Being your silly self."

"I'm okay with that, actually."



"Yeah... Okay, I'm ready."

"Well then, any parting words?"

"Parting words?"

"Theater! Come on! Aren't you listening? We're standing at literally the last moment of our entire universe, this is the perfect time for a final hopeful parting phrase for everything that Will Become."

"Only if you do one too."

"I will, and I'll even go first."

"Ehem- To Everything, and Everyone that will come after us. Give it a chance, a real, honest chance. Living's a bit more special when you actually put your back into it. Oh, and be kind, always be kind, I didn't like it at first, but really, once you get used to it, it's far easier than anything else. So... Yeah, Live. Be kind."

"That was beautiful."

"If you squeeze me any harder, I'm going to squeak in your face."

"Hehe, noted."

"Your turn, come on now, I'm dying to hear your final speech, your ultimate crescendo!"

"Well go on."

"Thank you. For Everything."

Comments ( 1 )

:flutterrage: DISCORD GET BACK HERE! Anny needs her bottle and cuddles.
:twilightoops: Anny?
:yay: Annarchy Shy of Chaos

:moustache::raritywink: And remind him there's a play date next week for Ruby Dracony

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