• Published 8th May 2024
  • 113 Views, 13 Comments

The Young Warrior: A Stroke Of Luck - Melody Song

The new Hive has been prospering, well and truly, for a while now. But sometimes all it takes is one wrong step to disrupt the peace, and that comes with the arrival of familiar enemies. To get out of this, they'll need a little pinch of luck.

  • ...

Missing You

Author's Note:

So... it's been a while. Sorry. I kinda switched to a series of different fandoms and I'm still mostly gearing towards other fandoms at the moment. But I always felt guilty about wrapping up the fifth one and then leaving before I could show you the rest of the Young Warrior Verse. I have it completed, actually, have had for a while now. And I felt it was time I put them out here. I might disappear again afterwards, maybe I won't, I'm not sure. But I hope you enjoy this story, and the one after it.

~Melody Song

Apex and Zenith were chasing each other around in the fields outside the Hive. Pharynx sighed as he watched the nymphs, laying down in the grass.

“Nice weather, isn’t it?” Thorax asked his brother as he laid beside him.

“If you say so.”

“Clear skies for miles.”


“I bet if we flew high enough we could see all the way to the Crystal Empire.”

“Sure we could.”

“Okay, what is up with you?” Thorax asked, poking his brother in the side. “Usually when I say something like that you do some kind of quip.”

Pharynx sighed and sat up. “I’m sorry. I’m just not thinking right today.”

“Or maybe you’re thinking too much.” Ocellus suggested as she trotted over. Pharynx stared at her blankly.

“Where did you come from?”

“I mean,” Ocellus continued without answering, “Today is, you know, the anniversary of the Canterlot Invasion and– ow!”

Zenith had dashed over and jabbed her in the side, making a shushing motion. Ocellus looked at him in confusion.


Pharynx grunted and stood up, trotting off. Zenith gave Ocellus a glare.

“Come on Ocellus, even I know that the Canterlot Invasion was when Fortuna died!” Zenith hissed.

“Oh, um, oops.” Ocellus chuckled nervously. “Sorry.”

“Papa Thorax, how come Uncle Pharynx always gets upse’ about For’una?” Apex asked. Thorax picked him up, sighing sadly.

“Fortuna was very close with both of us, she raised us as though we were her own children, and we looked up to her. She was our mom.”

“I didn’t know Pharynx was so close with her.” Ocellus said softly.

Thorax chuckled softly. “They were inseparable. When she died, she even left him her name.”

“Huh?” Apex asked, blinking in confusion.

“Leaving someone your name is a right reserved for only the highest ranking changelings, Pexy.” Zenith responded. “Hunty told me about it. If Fortuna left Pharynx her name, then it means he can do whatever he wants with it.”

“Most ‘lings change their own name or give the name to their kids.” Ocellus added.

“More than that, warriors usually give their names to others in their family.” Thorax emphasized, nuzzling Apex. “Fortuna left Pharynx her name because she loved him like her own son.”

“Wha’ ‘bout you Papa Thorax?” Apex asked

“Well, when she died I was still an outcast, remember? I’m sure she intended some things to be given to me, but because I was rankless I never got them. Other than that, most of her old things that didn’t go to Pharynx were left as memorials in the Veterans Hall. But that’s where they belong.” Thorax kissed Apex on the forehead.

“I guess that’s why Pharynx visits the Veteran’s Hall for so long,” Ocellus hummed, trailing off in thought.

“Maybe we should do something to cheer him up.” Zenith suggested

“A par’y for Uncle Pharynx!” Apex cheered.

“I don’t think he’d like a party, but maybe a gift.” Thorax said slowly, hesitant to agree to something he figured Pharynx might not be comfortable with.

“Can it be a joke gift?” Ocellus asked.



“Come on, let’s go inside.” Thorax sighed in exasperation, and the four headed back into the Hive. Thorax, Apex, and Ocellus went in search of Pharynx, while Zenith went off to find Hunter.

Unbeknownst to his family, Pharynx was currently sitting in the memorial room of the Veteran’s Hall. He sat before a grave marker that consisted of a simple stone slab, with the image of a golden necklace engraved on it.

“Hey mom.” Pharynx whispered, touching the memorial. “I know it’s today, I hope you know too.”

Pharynx ducked his head, scuffing his hoof on the ground silently. He finally sighed and smiled sadly at the stone marking where her grave would have been, had her body been found.

“I miss you mom.” Pharynx laid down on his stomach, pressing his muzzle against the memorial. “I wish I could see you again.”

“Uncle Pharynx?” Apex trotted over, and he raised his head, letting the nymph curl up in his hooves. “Papa Thorax said you we’e sad.”

“Well, he’s an idiot.” Pharynx replied.

“Then how come you’e crying?” Apex asked.

“I-I am not!” Pharynx stammered, as Thorax came up behind him, chuckling. Ocellus was close by, though she stayed further back out of respect.

“Sure you aren’t.” Thorax laid down beside his brother, reaching to press his head against the memorial. “Hey mom. I don’t think we’ve introduced you to Apex yet, officially.”

Apex stopped and stared at the memorial, touching it with his tiny nose. “Tha’s me! ‘M Apex and I’m a wa’ior like you!”

Thorax chuckled and kissed Apex on the forehead. “He’s my baby boy. And Pharynx’s deputy.”

Apex nodded proudly. “And I got a boyf’iend!”

Thorax laughed softly and hugged him. Pharynx chuckled dryly, staring at the memorial.

“Uncle Pharynx?” Apex asked, and he glanced over. “D-Do you wish she was he’e?”

“Of course I do. Every day.” Pharynx responded, eyes watering. “Sometimes I think about what I’d do if she was still here.”

“She’d like you, Apex.” Thorax said, nuzzling the nymph.

“I wish I could mee’ her.” Apex said, squirming in his father’s hold.

“Me too grub.” Pharynx sighed, standing up and trotting away.


“She’s not coming back though, like you said Thorax. She never will.” Pharynx said dully, walking away.

“When did you say that?” Ocellus asked Thorax, who sighed.

“Back when it first happened, Pharynx was… I’d never seen him like that before. He was frantic, rushing around and screaming for Fortuna, almost begging her to come back. I was trying to calm him down, but I made it worse. He searched through the forest for hours before he passed out from exhaustion.”

“Then wha’ happened?” Apex asked, and Thorax looked away.

“I didn’t have enough strength to carry him back to the Hive by myself, so I curled up beside him and went to sleep. He seemed back to normal the next day, so we went back to the Hive. I didn’t realize until we got back that he hadn’t actually gone back to normal. He’d just accepted she had really died and was grieving.” Thorax sniffled quietly, and the two nymphs hugged him.

“It’s okay Papa Thorax, it’s no’ your fault.” Apex said.

“It’s Chrysalis’ fault.” Ocellus murmured, and Apex shuddered. Thorax nodded with a small sigh, putting his hooves around them both.

“Come on, you two, let’s go find Pharynx.”

“Can we s’ill cheer him up?” Apex asked

“Of course we can, my little warrior.” Thorax said, booping his son on the nose. Apex giggled and smiled.

“Le’s go fin’ him!”

Thorax smiled, placing Apex on his back and leading Ocellus out, feeling much happier now. They would find Pharynx, and cheer him up again.