• Published 11th May 2024
  • 679 Views, 55 Comments

Across the Shimmerverse - DapperLilArts

Sunset Shimmer, the Princess of Valor, is the happiest Sunset in all of the multiverse; A fact that will be painfully obvious to her, when she's cursed to travel the multiverse meeting other failed versions of herself.

  • ...

Thanks, old man!

Thanks, old man!

Sunset Shimmer let out a bored yawn as she walked through the empty yet lovely halls of Canterlot castle. Another day, another dutiful standing around task.

“Nice of you to join us, sleepyhead. It’s past lunchtime, you know that?” Flash Sentry raised an eyebrow, but maintained a smile, as he waited for her besides the large doors of the throne room.

She rolled her eyes with a smile, joining the group. “Forgive me for not leaping at the chance to stand around with you three knuckleheads– Also, the cafeteria had some friggin delicious apple fritters today. How long has the Princess been in there?”

“Like, an hour.” Indigo Zap stated, suppressing her own yawn. “Another one of Celestia’s inspiring speeches to her or something, blah blah.”

“You are literally being paid to be here– You should show some more patience and enthusiasm!!” Bon Bon poked her, judgmentally.

“I’m being paid to follow orders, there’s nothing in my salary about a customer service smile!” Indigo stated mockingly.

“Heh, I’m with Indigo on this one.” Sunset agreed, taking a seat, leaning against the wall. The four guards sighed, and took their respective positions, waiting for the Princess to exit the throne room.

Fiddling with her armor absentmindedly, Sunset tried distracting herself with idle conversation. “So what is it today, training? Lecture?”

Stretching, Flash suppressed his own yawn, since that seemed to be going around. “Lecture. Likely something regarding the latest bad guy she beat down.”

“Probably just a congratulatory lecture, though. And the old man is in there too.” Bon Bon added.

“And we’ll just escort her somewhere after?” The Unicorn tilted her head.

“Yep. Knowing her, to the library.” Indigo snickered, and Sunset snickered too– The Princess was indeed predictable like that.

Leaning further against the wall, Sunset closed her eyes. “Well, whatever, I'll just rest my eyes, if you three don’t mind. Wake me up when those doors open.”

“Whatevs, bro–” Indigo was responding, but she was interrupted thoroughly, Jumping in surprise, At the sudden flash of light among the four guards.

A flash that birthed the Princess of Valor, who crashed against the floor.

“DARE GIVE UP–– Augh! Fuck! Ugh– Celestia?!” She stated, spreading her wings, and looking around in surprise, an act that the guards certainly flinched from, beholding the strange Alicorn that just literally dropped out of thin air.

The two Sunset’s eyes met, in complete confusion; The Alicorn less so. “So I'm in another universe, huh? Well at least I'm not a prisoner in this one. What are you– a Canterlot guard?”

“What the fuck are you?!” The guard exasperatedly responded in complete utter confusion, regarding the Alicorn version of her from top to bottom in disbelief.

“Oh hey Flash’s here– Um– She’s not still dating you in this universe, right?” Sunset concernedly asked, and the only response the pegasus could give was an exasperated, jaw dropped shake of his head. “Well good, that seems to be a constant. You dumped her, right?”

“N-no!” the other Sunset attempted to deflect.

“Yes.” Flash stated plainly, confused, and the other two guards nodded in agreement.

Not daring to approach, Bon Bon pointed at the Alicorn. “O-okay, this is endlessly strange– She’s your spitting image– Except she’s super tall and buff, wow. A changeling wouldn’t do this…!”

With a flustered grimace, Indigo tilted her head analytically. “Sunset, why didn’t you tell us you had a hot Alicorn twin sister?”

“Because I don’t?!?!?” The utterly flabbergasted guard didn’t have much time to react, as her Alicorn self touched her, and ran through her memories.

I am Sunset Shimmer. I am so glad that I abandoned my studies with Celestia to be just a royal guard– Flash was right. It was too stressful for me– And not just that, I was unfit for it. I was unworthy. I was too weak. This role is more fitting– A mere guard, one of a thousand. Who cares about fulfillment? I am–

Gritting her teeth in disdain, Sunset let go. “--Ugh… Unbelievable. Well, it’s better than being a prisoner, I guess. I remember when Flash offered this to me– I was too stubborn to take it. And I certainly didn’t regret it…”

“WHAT are you talking about, WHAT did you just do to me, and WHO the hell are you?!” The Exasperated guard took a fighting stance, accentuated by her nervousness.

With an uninterested smile, the Alicorn turned around. “I am leaving! I need to go find a Sundial– If this Canterlot castle is like mine, I know where to go. Bye.” And so, she began trotting away.

Indigo, still utterly in disbelief and even flustering a bit, pointed at her. “Um. That’s a security concern. Right? Should we uhh… Do something about this?”

“I’m not picking a fight with an Alicorn.” Flash stated plainly. “Let’s get the Princesses–”

“Princess of Friendship, coming through!” The doors swung open slowly, as one of the guards inside announced her arrival.

Sunset Immediately stopped on her tracks, Ears flicked back, wings fluttering with anticipation, as she involuntarily turned to look at the large doors.

…And then let out a groan of disappointment.

It wasn’t Twilight.

“Greetings, guards! Shall we go to the library?” Princess Moondancer stated, spreading her wings gleefully.

The Princess of Valor took only a handful of seconds to study her. It was certainly Twilight’s old friend Moondancer– Not wearing her glasses, with longer, loose hair, and a pair of wings. She was, however, much smaller than Sunset, and her wife, for that matter.

Blowing raspberries, Sunset rolled her eyes, and started making her way through the hallways of Canterlot castle. Another disappointing universe.

“U-um Princess, uh, we have a, uh, situation?” Flash attempted to state, pointing at the Alicorn, still utterly flabbergasted. Lucky for him, Sunset was pretty hard not to see, and the Princess obviously took notice, her jaw dropped, seeing the oversized Alicorn disappear turning a corner in the hallways before her.

“W-what the heck– Was that an ALICORN?!” She managed to mutter. Her gaze rapidly switched between the guards who agreed, then landed on Sunset, who was currently covering her face with a hoof sheepishly. “You there, guard— Why does she look like you?!?”

“I am not affiliated with her…!” Sunset managed to mutter from under her breath, just audibly enough.

Shaking her head as if to wake herself up, Moondancer yelped. “Guards!! Follow me!! After that Alicorn!!”

They were going to struggle to catch up, though. Sunset was already a fast runner; even more when she knew where she was going. She galloped through the halls of Canterlot castle, sometimes, when taking a sharp turn, literally running on its walls to help with the change of direction. The guards and the workers she passed by were utterly shocked, but she paid them no mind.

And in short order, she made it to a balcony that overlooked the gardens. This was indeed Canterlot, with many similarities, and few notable differences from the one she knew. But luckily, as she overlooked the edge, she spotted exactly what she wanted.

A Sundial.

Narrowing her eyes, she took count. “Okay, okay… It’s 4 something right now– when I was with Twilight it was… around 2 or 3…?” She gazed at it intently, as if counting the seconds, her mind racing. For all she could tell, time flowed the same in between universes, but that was only one reason she was looking analytically at this sundial.

Her ears barely flicked back as she heard the Princess of Friendship beckoning her from inside the halls. “Y-you there! Stop!!”

With a look of minor inconvenience, Sunset turned her head only slightly, only to ensure she wasn’t about to be attacked. Which she wasn’t, for the other Princess’s sake.

“I-I have some questions!! Stop there, Alicorn!” Moondancer clumsily attempted to sound demanding as she stood next to Sunset.

“Hmm.” Barely even turning to her, the Princess of Valor still kept her gaze strictly in the sundial below.

A little intimidated, Moondancer cleared her throat. “Why do you look like this guard!” She said, while levitating the other Sunset closer, pointing at her, and she looked utterly helpless, being flung around by her Princess’s magic, disinterested in being there.

“‘Cause I am her, but from another universe.” It was a plain disinterested statement.

“Wh– Another universe?! Why did you come here?! And why are you so– Aloof?!” Scrunching her muzzle, the Princess couldn’t help but take it personally.

“I didn’t come here on purpose. I’m cursed, and if my hunch is correct, I won't be here for long, so if that’s all, I'm kinda focussed here, so…” Sunset waved her hoof dismissively, her mind clearly elsewhere. If she was only going to be in a universe for a short period of time, there was no need for her to care about anything other than understanding her condition, and finding a way to cure it, and to return home.

However, for the Princess of Friendship, that attitude did not sit right. She placed the guard Sunset on the floor, who promptly skittered back to the entrance of the balcony. With a pout, Moondancer lit her horn, and puffed her chest. “L-listen here, y-you. I’m responsible for the safety of Equestria, and you’re suspicious–”

“You point your horn at a Valkyrie, you best be ready to kill. Sunset Shimmer towered over her, speaking low, almost akin to a growl, with her gaze sharply piercing through the little Princess…

…Who promptly shut up, and took a few hoof steps back for good measure, shivering with intimidation. “U-um, okay, let’s start over…! I’m Princess Moondancer– The Princess of Friendship! And you are…?”

With an exhale, Sunset leaned on the railing. “Sunset Shimmer. Princess of Valor.” Her gaze briefly shifted to the other Sunset, who muttered things exasperatedly to the other guards, and then shifted back to the Princess. “Where is Twilight Sparkle?”

Blinking a couple times, utterly confused, Moondancer stumbled over her words. “M-my old friend T-Twilight? Why do you want to know about her? S-she’s a teacher here in Canterlot– Why do you ask?”

A small smile appeared on Sunset’s lips, as she thought of the idea of her wife as a teacher– Certainly one that amused her, and made sense. She considered, for a moment, using her calling spell, just to see if the teacher would come here, but dropped that idea, needing to focus on the sundial. “She’s… My wife. In my universe. She’s also the Princess of Friendship.” The look she gave Moondancer sent out a pretty clear message.

“O-oh. No wonder you’re acting like… Yeah.” Sheepishly, the Princess fidgeted.

Dismissively and exhaustedly Sunset mumbled, while keeping her gaze in the sundial. “Any chance you know anything about multiversal or interdimensional magic…?”

“Um… No. That stuff has always been utterly theoretical. B-but! I know somepony who might! Follow me!” her demeanor changed to more eager, as her tail flicked about.

“Sorry, but I have to be near this sundial. I’m not moving.” And she did not, staying to sit on that spot, with the same gaze.

“O-okay. I’ll just bring him here!” Princess Moondancer was wise to not press Sunset on the matter, as she teleported out of there.

Watching her go felt strange. Sunset did not know her universe’s Moondancer very well– Twilight had introduced them, in an attempt to reconnect with an old friend, but considering their differences in lives, she figured she wouldn’t see much of her, but she was at least aware her universe’s Moondancer was happy.

She considered, for a moment, how there would likely be more universes where another pony upstaged her wife and became the Princess of friendship instead, an idea she didn’t like.

A mere few seconds of silence passed, before Sunset turned her head and glared at her other self, the guard, who stood nervously near her friends.

With one singular magical motion, the Princess brought her other self closer, forcing her against the railing, staring her down eye to eye.

It was a gaze of distaste. Disappointment. “Look at you. Utterly complacent. Ugh.”

“W-what’s your problem, man?!” The guard squirmed against her magical grasp, to little success.

Sunset spread her wings wide, and tilted her head. “Look at me. Look at what you could be. You have to try…!”

That did not elicit the reaction she hoped, as Sunset simply barked back. “You’re not somepony I could be– you’re somepony I could have been. I know my place, okay? Congratulations on being Celestia’s perfect little pupil, but that ain’t me!!– I’m more than comfortable where I am, okay?!”

Grunting in frustration, Sunset’s patience was running thin– And what's more, she could tell that her other self was lying. This had been a long day, and dealing with herself being so bratty was not being helpful. She released the other Sunset from her magical grasp, and exhaled. “...Whatever. Go live your shitty life, other me. I don’t care if it isn’t as fulfilling as mine.” She lied. She cared.

She cared so much that out of two universes she had seen, she was living poorly.

She cared so much that out of two universes she had seen, she wasn’t with Twilight.

“Whatever!!” The Guard scoffed, adjusting her armor and walking away back to her friends.

“What did she say?” Flash tilted his head analytically, having been unable to make out what they had discussed.

“It… Doesn’t matter.”

Only a brief amount of time passed, before flashes of light bathed the balcony, and two ponies arrived. Sunset’s attention was immediately drawn, and her jaw dropped.

“S-Starswirl the Bearded?! You’re alive in this universe?!” Her shock led to a smile, and a genuine one at that.

“That– That is a loaded question, young lady…!” The old man’s eyes were widened, studying the Alicorn with her gaze. Besides him, Moondancer proudly presented one of her teachers.

“Heeeeere you go! Starswirl, meet Sunset, an Interdimensional traveler!” With a giddy smile, she pointed at the Princess of Valor.

Not missing a second, Sunset’s horn glowed, and from it, she materialized a book– Not just any book, Starswirl’s biography of spells. “Hey, could you sign this? My wife is a huge fan of yours! It would mean the world to her! She uhh– She makes me sleep with it.” She said, containing a chuckle, becoming more eager by the second.

Taking the book with his magic, he riffled through its pages hastingly, analyzing it. “Incredible– It’s indeed spells I've cast and written, but I never wrote this book…! It even has my handwriting, in some of these…! Another strong indicator of the truth behind your origin, young lady…!”

Sunset manifested a quill from inside her horn, and gave him a genuine toothy smile. “Sign it please! –Have it out to Twilight Sparkle.” She could barely contain her excitement.

With a light, hearty chuckle, Starswirled signed the cover, and handed it back to her. “I see, Moondancer’s old friend… Here you go, young lady! I hope she likes it.”

“Thank you!! She will– If she…” Her face sank, and her gaze landed on the sundial again. “If she… Ever gets to see it… Or me, again...” And at that moment, the reality of her situation dawned on her once more.

A moment of silence, before Moondancer stepped out. “Oookay, I, um, am going to check on the guards. Starswirl, try helping her, will you?” She was frankly, quite intimidated by the other Alicorn, and decided her focus was better spent elsewhere.

“Of course, Princess.” The old man nodded, turning his attention to the other Alicorn as his Princess walked away.

“Quite curious…” He continued. “Your enlarged frame implies profound affinity with your Alicorn element– Or destiny, I’d rather say.” His old eyes scanned her thoroughly. “And what’s more, surprisingly larger than Moondancer…”

Sunset let out a tired exhale, reminiscing. “Me and my wife have been training with Celestia and Luna, respectively– In order to inherit the sun and the moon. And we do it quite well.”

“Hmm, I see…! Your support for each other must have quickened, if not improved the process…” He fidgeted with his beard pensively.

Clearing her throat, Sunset tried her best not to be rude. “I, uh, might be on the clock, here…”

“So, explain to me your circumstances—” Before he could even finish asking, the Princess of Valor touched his shoulder, and with it, showed him her most recent memories, catching him up on exactly what her day was like, and what she knew of the recent events.

Suppressing a cough, his eyes widened. “W-woah! Interesting power, you have! Okay then– I see, I see. You are attempting to time how long you will remain in each dimension, are you not?”

She nodded slowly, gazing at the sundial below. “Yes. And if it’s the same time for all of them, I can plan around it– My biggest concern right now is sleep.” Her gaze steeled forward, Narrowing her eyes, she kept her firm focus on time. “If I only spend one hour in each universe, It’ll be hard to actually sleep properly, especially accounting for any… problem the next world might have.”

The old man fidgeted with his beard, studying the Alicorn with his gaze, then turned to look at the other Sunset in the distance, who was now being questioned by the Princess. “Indeed, including your other selves waking you up, merely to ask what is happening. It is indeed a predicament…”

Blowing air from her nostrils, she looked back at him. “And there’s an even bigger problem. How the hell do I go back home? Do you know anything about dimensional travel?”

“I am afraid that all of my studies over that subject were two-way trips, doors to a specific universe, not to any and all, like your current problem. In the end, I realized that my research of alternate universes was pointless, if not just dangerous, and that I should just focus on the issues that plagued my world, and my world alone.” He spoke with wisdom, and concern.

Gritting her teeth, she felt a tinge of disappointment. “Ugh. I sure agree– I wish I had that choice. Now there lies another problem– No one in the multiverse can help me–”

“--If all of the ones that could have studied this magic, gave up like me, or, your other self isn’t near them. And with only one hour…”

“...I couldn’t possibly hope to actually figure a way out of this, even with help. Goddamnit…!” She felt her hopes dwindling, and her frustrations rising, as her breathing got unsteady. She looked at the horizon, to mountains familiar, yet unknown, and past them, to a sun that wasn't hers, and yet, resonated. “This really is a fucking curse. Gotta hand it to that Hermes guy. It’s personally designed to be inescapable; And to wear me out. Ugh, what am I going to do…”

“One must indeed wonder…” Letting out a weary sigh, Starswirled reached in from his cloak, and took out a smoking pipe, lighting it up with one easy, quick motion of his horn, and taking one poof out of it.

This elicited an eyebrow raise from the Valkyrie, and the old man noticed it, as he handed the pipe to her. “Want some?”

With a slight grimace, she tilted her head. “Eh… No, I need to keep a clear head.”

“Suit yourself.” He said with a smile.

“Actually, what the hell. Gimme.” Changing her mind, she realized given the circumstances, smoking whatever that was was the least of her worries. She used her magic to take it, and inhaled.

She suppressed a cough and shook her head in surprise “Wh— What the hell did you even put on this?!”

With a hearty chuckle, the old man took the pipe back. “Oh, some of this, some of that...”

“Dude. I've smoked with actual dragons, and this is… stronger. Yeah, one is enough.” She let out one effective cough and smacked her lips, hoping that this wouldn’t have that negative of an effect in the next hour, in the next universe.

And of course, she considered how funny it was that her wife’s idol was a stoner.

And that she had shared that with him too.

But the amusement faded quickly, as her eyes rested on the sundial once more.

And the old man noticed, as he took another pensive drag of that pipe, then cleared his throat. “I do have an offer– Less of an idea, more of a suggestion of an idea, really. As you showed me your memories and experiences, one thing seemed quite clear: Your wife is exceptionally cunning and intelligent, likely rivaling my apprentice Moondancer, in that, I have no shame in admitting.”

A smile involuntarily appeared in her lips, anytime Twilight was mentioned. “You’re damn right she is. I bet Sparkles could figure out this kind of multiversal magic effortlessly. Ugh, I wish she was here with me…” She looked down, having been separated nearly two hours, and already feeling heartache.

“...But don't you see? She is in your world, aware of where you’ve gone, and how. By my guess, she is looking for ways to get to you!” The old man affirmed, before taking another drag.

She blinked in surprise; Not having thought of that up until now. “...You’re… You're right! It’s only a matter of time before she finds me– I know she will! Until then, I just have to– Survive, really. Easy.” She let out an exhale, with a smile. If there was one thing she could always count on her wife, was to solve a magical problem, and make it look easy, too. The idea that her wife wasn’t looking for her wasn’t even a possibility anymore.

“Indeed! I suppose this is a strategy most left to only hoping, but considering the memories I saw of you, I would be hard pressed to doubt your Twilight Sparkle.”

“Heh… Yeah. She’s unstoppable– The smartest Twilight in the multiverse, no doubt.” She said as much, and she believed it wholeheartedly; Her gaze landing in the sun in the distance, thinking of her love.

With her ears twitching, she looked back behind her, at the other Sunset, and the Princess that questioned her. Just looking at this lesser version of her made her teeth grit. “I guess I’ll just have to… Wait. Ugh. While seeing more failed versions of myself. This is going to suck. Like a personal hell made just for me…”

The old man exchanged looks between the two Sunsets, and then, had an idea. “If you’ll permit me, I might give you another suggestion, disregarding the potential fallout of tinkering with the multiverse.”

Raising an eyebrow, Sunset listened intently at his wisdom. “You felt great disappointment in seeing these two versions of yourself. And yet, here you are, a complete success. Perhaps you could use this chance, to aid the universes you pass by?”

She blinked, considering his words in silence.

“Being in prison certainly was a dire scenario. And considering what little I know of you, I cannot imagine there are many versions of you that are happy and fulfilled out there. But here you are, even now, in a unique position to change that.” He nodded with a smile.

Her gaze landed on her other self once more, and reminisced on her prisoner self she had seen. “You’re right. Wow. I just– I can help myself! Even if just for an hour, I can make a difference, if I can even push other versions of myself to try harder– Maybe this whole mess would be worth it. To know that somewhere, in another world, things improved for me– Maybe this won’t be so bad!” A smile appeared in her face; As she considered that she might be the happiest Sunset Shimmer in the multiverse, and wondered if that was really the case, she realized she wouldn’t mind at all, looking for that answer.

And along the way, maybe help herself.

“Indeed, it is certainly a more enjoyable pastime than just awaiting your wife to rescue you! And quite good usage of all your capabilities, if I may add.”

She couldn’t help but chuckle, seeing exactly what her wife idolized on the old Unicorn. “Damn, you’re just– Heh, Twi wasn’t kidding. You’re pretty damn wise. I’m glad I got to meet you, old man. If every other universe trip ends like this, I wouldn’t mind this mess at all.”

“I’d certainly like to think so, miss Shimmer. Now, if I may, perhaps you would like to start with this one?” He spoke, while pointing at the other Sunset Shimmer.

With an exhale, the Valkyrie walked over to her.

The guard made her way back to her friends, scoffing at what her other self had told her. “What did she say?” Flash tilted his head analytically, wondering just why Sunset had that look in her face.

“It… Doesn’t matter.” She gritted her teeth, breathing uneasily; Suppressing just how much jealous anger she felt at seeing not only a better version of herself, but having that version rub it in.

Bon Bon, Still keeping a worried pair of eyes on the Alicorn, whispered, as if almost being stealthy. “Will she uhh… Will she cause trouble?”

“She’s an asshole.” Sunset spoke through gritted teeth, side eyeing her other self.

Snickering, Indigo poked her mockingly. “Wow, a Sunset Shimmer from another universe, an asshole? What a surpriiiise! I’m shooocked! Utterly–”

She couldn’t finish, as Sunset shoved her against a wall angrily, and she was about to bite back; But Flash quickly split the two apart. “EASY! Easy!! Hey! Same side here! Sheesh!”

Sunset couldn’t speak, she just groaned, scoffed, and suppressed the urge to scream. Everything was going so well, so normal. And just one bad day like this, and it was like she was younger again, being told she wasn’t good enough, and giving up on her dreams because she agreed.

And she never stopped agreeing with it.

She just didn’t say it.

“FUCK you, Indigo!!” She snarled loudly.

“Jeez!! What’s got your tail twisted, man?!” Her not-exactly-friend recoiled, genuinely taken back.

Flash quickly held his old friend, stopping her from going any further. “HEY! Stop it! Apologize, right now, please!”

And Bon Bon stared her down also, frowning. “Yeah! You’re way out of line, Sunset. Apologize.”

With a huge, frustrated exhale, she barely muttered the words. “Urgh. Fine. I’m sorry.”

Indigo blinked a couple times, seeing that rage for what it was now: Impotent. “It’s okay man… I’m sorry for pushing you.”

Sunset didn’t respond, just looked away, with a frown.
Analytically, Flash observed his old friend, then spoke softly. “...Hey. What did she say to you, really?”

“...Not much. She said I’m complacent. She said I could have been her if I had tried harder.”


“She’s right about the first thing.”

“Sunset, c’mon…”

But they all stopped, being drawn to the flashes in the balcony, with the arrival of Moondancer and Starswirl. They watched the events quietly, without commenting on anything, such was the way of Canterlot guards.

Until Moondancer left the conversation, and walked towards the guards.

“You there! Guard!” She pointed at Sunset, almost accusatory, and the Unicorn’s eyes shot in multiple directions, wondering if it was her that was being addressed.

“Yes, you!” She approached her, quite close, and spoke almost at a whisper, as not to be heard by the others in the balcony. “Y-you other guards are dismissed. Everything’s fine. You there. Shimmer, right? You stay.”

The three other guards left reluctantly, and Sunset remained, watching them go quietly.

Moondancer studied the guard with her gaze, trying to understand just what she was. “Alright, Sunset. I’ve got a question for you. How is it another version of you is a Princess? Surely, there is some choice in your life–”

“...I was Princess Celestia’s first pupil.” Sunset admitted, defeated.

That was news to Moondancer, whose eyes widened, and jaw dropped. “W-what?! Celestia has never had a pupil other than me?!”

“That she told you. She has a lot of secrets– And the fact her first attempt at having a successor failed is one of them. I was it.”

“What do you mean?”

Sunset looked away. “I wasn’t good enough, so I quit. Not much else there is to it.”

“Hm. I don’t believe you. This requires further study. You require further study.” Moondancer came even closer, narrowing her eyes.

“P-princess, I promise you, there is nothing special about me.” The guard stated, desperately hoping for a way out of this.

“Nuh-uh. Clearly there is.” She pointed at Alicorn conversing with Starswirl on the balcony. “She’s anything but ordinary; and she’s you.”

“Another me!! Not me!!” But that wasn’t enough to dissuade the Princess, who pouted analytically. “I’m taking you to see Celestia. We’re sorting this out together.”

“Please, anything but her–”

“Hey, other me.” The Valkyrie was suddenly right next to them, startling them both.

No response from the other Sunset; Who just flinched and recoiled slightly; Having to look up to see her other self was intimidating.

With an exhale, the Princess of Valor had a much warmer look to give her other self. “Listen up. I’m sorry I snapped at you– I can’t blame you for giving up, I can't blame you for failing– ‘Cause you’re me. ‘Cause I almost gave up too… But maybe I can help.”

Slowly, she reached out a hoof, and her other self accepted it.

Let me show you an example; Let me show you how others forgave you, let me show you how others accepted you, let me show you how others loved you.

And let this be a sign, a notice, that things can get better, if you pick yourself back up after stumbling, and keep fighting.

Sunset blinked, shaking her head slightly, having just been shown dozens upon dozens of short memories of people she didn’t know loving her, accepting her, being proud of her. “W-woah.”

With a sigh and a smile, the Valkyrie nodded. “Yeah… I know, right?”

Suddenly, a glow started enveloping the Princess of Valor, and she scoffed in annoyance. “Damnit, it’s happening again. Starswirl, tell me the time!”

The old man hastingly looked at the sundial, then back at her. “It’s only been an hour!”

She exhaled, closing her eyes, as she started levitating against her will, and her limbs slowly faded away once more. “Well, shit. I guess that’s all I get, then. Good luck, other me! Keep fighting!” And the guard nodded slightly, still getting her bearings.

Starswirled approached her, with a calm smile. “May luck be on your side, Sunset Shimmer! May you see your love again!”

“Thanks, old man!”

Merely moments after she vanished, Sunset looked at the princess. “Um…Moondancer?”


“I think I'm ready to see Celestia now.”

Author's Note:

When considering what would happen with Sunset in many multiverses, Canterlot guard was one of my first ideas, considering her 'realizing' she's not good enough to be an apprentice of Celestia, and giving up, fading into complacency

Sunset's complacent life as a guard. And her cheerful friend.

I wanted to write a universe with a living Starswirl, and it provided very interesting consideration to puzzle what's really going on with Sunset's curse.

Also I personally never understood the timeline of Starswirls life, but I do think his return to Equestria in the show was kind of underwhelming, lmao-- Like. In the finale the pillars of Equestria lose instantly, kinda pathetically, too.

also I did consider something fun when naming the guards. Bon Bon was part of a secret task force. naturally that would have led her to the possibility of being a guard! And no Lyra sorry 😭

Starswirl! Drawn by my friend Yaspup9000 on tumblr! She kinda drew him with eyeliner lmao

Princess Moondancer, drawn by the same friend!

Either way, now that the concept is fully introduced, I can start going ham with it. Keep up!

This fic, above all, is an exercise in Sunset self-love. Learning to love the worst versions of herself, and helping them.