• Published 16th May 2024
  • 240 Views, 2 Comments

Apple Reunion - Big Imagination E

Apple Bloom wanted to know what happened to her parents. Then one day she gets that wish.

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The Long Reunion of The Apples

One night at Sweet Apple Acres a young girl named Apple Bloom was in her room feeling a little sad. And the reason why is because she wanted to see her parents again but doesn't know what happened to them when she was born. But she couldn't figure out why for she was only a baby around that time. And she needed to get out for a bit and get some air. But as she walked out of the barn she saw something next to the farm. She stumbles across a fairy Kingdom near Sweet Apple Acres and came close to it.

"What's a fairy kingdom doing here in front of the farm?" Apple Bloom wondered.

She went close to it and saw the castle was red bricked and had flags with some apple logos on it. But then suddenly she gets approached by a fairy guard who asks for her name.

"You! Who are you?" The guard demanded as she placed her hands up.

"I'm Apple Bloom mister. Please don't hurt me." Apple Bloom worried.

The guard then lowered his spear and calmed down. "Sorry. Come with me Apple Bloom. There's something you might want to know."

"Are you sure mister? What could you possibly know?" Apple Bloom asked.

"You'll see. Now are you coming?" The guard asked.

After she says yes she’s taken to the fairy castle and follows the guard. After a few minutes they arrived at the front gate and they went inside. The guard and Apple Bloom kept on walking til they came across her ma and pa (Bright Mac and Pear Butter) who are alive as a fairy king and queen. Apple Bloom was in shock and also in tears seeing her parents were still alive. Then the guard left as Apple Bloom slowly went to them.

"Ma? Pa? Is that you?" Apple Bloom asked tearfully.

"Yes dear. It's us. You long lost parents you thought died." Pear Butter answered.

She cried and hugged them. But after she separated from them their was one question she wanted to know. "But how? How are you and Pa still alive?"

"It's a long story honey. You see after when your mother came down with a deadly cancer I was really upset. Then after I left the hospital I found a rare star jewel that was lying on the ground and thought that tomorrow I would give it to your mother as a good luck charm." Bright Mac started.

"But what your father didn't know is that the star jewel he gave me contained a powerful magic inside which miraculously healed me of my cancer. And the doctor released me when he checked my x-rays. Apparently legend has it that the star jewel has been healing the sickly for over thousands of years." Pear Butter continued.

"Yes. And it was the exact center of a map of documented oddness. Which only seems to effect Canterlot and Sweet Apple Acres. It was all because of the star jewel." Bright Mac said.

"Then when we discovered that the star jewel held the healing power of miracles we decided to use that power to heal anyone in our family." Pear Butter replied.

"Yes. So we decided to heal all those sick, innocent people and restore them back to full health." Bright Mac said and then his smile disappeared. "But when we heard that there were bad people out there and your mom was pregnant with you we needed to do something. So after she had you we needed to get you away from those bad varmints. Because if anyone found out about the star jewel then they would have killed us and took it for themselves. And we couldn't risk that Apple Bloom."

"So we decided to take you back to Sweet Apple Acres and hopefully Granny Smith was able to take care of you, Applejack and Big Mac. But then after we returned you we got stopped by a fairy guard. He asked us if we had the star jewel. We did and we also found out that it was also part of a kingdom. Ultimately he gave us an option. Either we become his new king and queen since the old ones passed away or be thrown in jail forever. Not wanting to die in prison we made the choice of becoming the new king and queen." Pear Butter said.

"But when we did we realized that the star jewel also made us fairies once we had accepted the choice. For you see the kingdom we run and where you're standing is a lost fairy kingdom that has been abandoned for over millions of years after the previous king and queen passed away. After we became the new king and queen we did a little redecorating around here and lived here since." Bright Mac replied.

"We would have brought you here to stay but you we're too young and plus Granny Smith would have been extremely upset. But now that you've grown we want you to stay with us. For we have missed you so." Pear Butter finished.

"Wow. That's quite the explanation. Ma? Pa? I have a confession to make. I have missed you for so long that I wanted to live with you once I had found where you were." Apple Bloom confessed.

"Really? Oh that's wonderful Apple Bloom! But if you really want to stay with us then we need to make you into a fairy princess. And once the transformation is complete there's no turning back from this. So are you sure you want this?" Pear Butter asked.

"Yes ma. I want nothing more than to reunite with the two people I love most of all. So please. I want to stay with you." Apple Bloom answered.

Pear Butter and Bright Mac both nodded in agreement that Apple Bloom wanted to stay and decided to grant her wish. So using their fairy magic they transformed their daughter into a fairy. She gained a light purple dress, had her hair in a buna gold tiara and also gained fairy wings. The transformation was complete as she looks in the mirror and is happy. She then hugs her parents and they decide to give her a tour of Apple Family Kingdom. They first started in the throne room where the king and queen usually would be. Next was the dining room where they have their meals, third was the training room where all the guards go to to master their skills in case of any bad people coming to attack. Forth was the dungeon where they throw any bad guy in if they tried breaking inside. And lastly was the bedrooms where everyone in the castle would rest after a long day.

The tour was over and the sun went down and the moon came out. Then Pear Butter and Bright Mac had one thing to said after they got her used to her bedroom.

"Good night sweetie. I we hope to see you in the morning." Pear Butter said as she closed the door.

Then Apple Bloom looked out the window and smiled at the moon and knowing that Luna was watching and was very happy for her to finally reunite with her parents. Then she slipped into bed and fell asleep happy knowing that the future was gonna be bright and happy.

Author's Note:

Aww. Apple Bloom reunited with her parents. That is such a touching moment.

Comments ( 2 )

But one day she was requested by a fairy guard and she gets her wish.

Don’t you mean visited by a fairy godmother?

Did I ever mention that this dude‘s grammar is fucking awful?

Yeah, even after I told him not to use the word, “we,” in the beginning of his stories because that might be annoying. He didn’t listen and just continued to do it..

Fuck him I’m glad he’s gone now, and I hope he stays gone.

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