• Member Since 25th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 25th


Trixie and Twilight are best ponies! (Diamond Tiara is best filly :D )


Whilst Magic Duel ended better than I thought it would (thank Celestia Trixie was not turned into a full-time villain), I felt that the ending was lacking two things:

1) Twilight knew that Trixie was having rough times, but did not offer a friendly hoof towards Trixie. Isn't Twilight supposed to be learning the wonderous magic of friendship?

2) No Pinkie party for Trixie? Yes, Pinkie seemed a little more aggressive towards Trixie than she usually is, but she offered Gilda a party, so why not Trixie?

Granted the ep only had 22 minutes to fill, but still... So, yeah, this is sort of an extended ending dealy for Magic Duel. I may also make some new Trixie stories using this a base, after some of my current stories are done.

A/N: Not sure what to tag this, so I'm tagging Slice of Life for now. What do you all think?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 48 )

That was fast.

God damn dat sexy description.

Nice. I was kind of disappointed when the episode just cut off, I was expecting Trixie's apology/redemption to go on a little longer... thought the faceplant kind of made up for the abrupt ending. :rainbowlaugh:

EDIT: Now that I've actually read the story (Yes, I am one of those people who leave comments before actually reading stories) I can say that the actual episode could have REALLY benefited from a scene like this. The ending we have right now is good, or at least better than Boast Busters' whole "lol goodbye hope you enjoy homelessness" ending, but a short scene like this one between Twilight and Trixie would have totally made it.


The faceplant was unexpected, the Great and humble Trixie does not approve :trixieshiftright::trixieshiftleft:

Aw, come on. The faceplant was the most adorable thing ever. :rainbowkiss:


Well yeah, I accept that it was fun and good, but Trixie might not like it ;)

SPOILERS!11!!1 :raritycry: LALALALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAAAR YOUUU!!!!!! :fluttershbad:

This is very nice i mean i actually think this could be a contining series of fanfics for you like you know another twixie story for you
what do you think

She can just say she did it on purpose and it was part of her new comedy act (which I would totally watch) :ajsmug:

This was most welcome! :twilightsmile: As I too felt there were some plot holes in the episode, even if it was a good one, I suppose. And had hoped Trixie would stick around instead of running off again, if things ended well, even if her career was ruined as was made canon by this latest episode. Will have to try and remember to check back for possible series you said, extending past this one-shot, if don't watch you (though haven't read any of your other stories at this time, I believe). Anyway, nicely done! :heart:

Huh, not bad! Pic made me D'aww, by the by.

Nice, sane and fluffy... it does good for my heart.:trixieshiftright::twilightsmile:

A note, though.

“This ‘Pinkie’ is the one who mouth I ‘deleted’, right?”


Trixie needs to be prosecuted for slavery, kidnapping, abuse of minors, causing harm, intent to cause harm and a whole other myriad of crimes.

...Might want to watch the episode again, there.

It was all the amulet, not her.


Oh you're right. It'd be like prosecuting people under the influence of drugs or alcohol for the crimes they commit. Good thing they can use the fact that they weren't thinking straight and were under the influence of these things as a get-out-clause.


Of course :) Though the Twixie story won't take S3 into consideration (mostly because it takes place throughout S2, but also because I already had most of it planned out before S3 started to air).

It may be a while before I make Trixie stories with S3 canon (besides this one, of course), 'cause I want to finish my current ones first.

On a personal note, I'm hoping Trixie will be a regular face around Ponyville in the show from now on :)

There's something of a difference between drugs-addled people running around attacking people and a cursed amulet that exerts mind control over it's user. Mainly that if you take hard drugs you're accepting the risks, while putting on a creepy ominous looking amulet thingy doesn't have any clearly disastrous potential consequences. Besides, at the ending nobody seemed REPENTANTLY PSYCHOLOGICALLY SCARRED from Trixie's actions while she was corrupted by the amulet.

If you're gonna go off at Trixie for this, you might as well also say that Luna, after the events of The Mare In The Moon, should have been immediately detained and taken to jail for trying to kill everyone in Equestria.


I like the s3 trixie just like you said.

Her past is still unknown, which is great for us writers to indulge in. Though she's not the greatest unicorn nor is she any type of 'true' evil.(nor is Gilda:ajbemused:). but she's not a great magic user but loves it. So it shows ever unicorn have their limitations which we were never shown before(not counting the fillies). :D A character that wants to be big... even when their typical or below that.


I agree with everything except the thing with Nightmare moon and kill everyone, she only wanted enternal night, not so nice but hey, they would live

Exacly what i needed, while i have not been a fan of trixie, i still wanted this exact thing to happen after the episode ended! thank you for giving this a happy ending!

Very nice story. I was always the follower of a ‘nice and redeemed Trixie’ approach, and while the episode lived up to my expectations, it still felt a little bit rushed. This scene would fit well! :raritywink:

Nice to see another person who noticed that Trixie didn't really use illeisms in the new episode (except for the last part). Also something like this fic should of been in there. The ending was really abrupt.

That was a real touching ending.:twilightsmile:

so are you going to make into a contining story


Right now, I'm focusing on my current projects, which are non-Season 3 canon (since most of them were planned out before S3 came out).

After I'm done with some of them, I may make some S3 canon Trixie stories, and may use this story as a base. I already have a story idea in mind, but I really wanna finish my current ones before starting anything new >_<;;

1720973 okay then than how many chapters are left in your current twixie story and when can we expect the next update

Life for how long?

The question for luna is hom much she and nightmare were the same, how much different, and how much that corruption was her fault. If it was some ouside curse or demonic possesion or something, shes not that responsible. If it was just her, or she willingly exposed herself to dark magic/whatever she is to some degree to blame, exact detail to be determined.
Its interesting to note that lunas first reaction upon waking up is total fear of celestia, i guess she was at least aware what she had done, and expected some consequences, instead of an instant pardon. Legally, as an close to absolute monarch, i guess celestia has the power to pardon who she wants, but that may be called nepotism (Though celestias and lunas massive power and possible influence on the world as a whole make the whole thing another layer of critical and complicated)

Trixie. Is not necessarily to blame for most of the actions directly, that was the amulet, not her. Someone whos under the mindcontrol of another force is certainly not to be punished... if it wasnt their fault. However, trixie willingly exposed herself to something she was warned was dangerous, but it might depend on the details of how much she knew. If she only thought the amulet endangerd her own health or something... if she knew it would drive her to evil, shes probably to blame for a lot.

And anothe thing... that shopkeeper... should it really be legal to trade things like that?

This would have made a great addenum to the ending of the episode. If Trixie does return, I actually want this scene to be worked into her episode.

1720589 Well I think it depends. I think they could make Trixie into something of a rival for Twilight so Twilight actually has someone to keep in her shape. And there's always the "Trixie becomes the 7th element" option. :trixieshiftleft:

But I thought the original ending was good enough, it's what called book ends people. :twistnerd:

I'm looking forward to a continuation of this story

This was adorable. Great job!

This was such an amazing episode, but I do wish it could have been longer so they could fit more.... maybe if it was the opener? At least the bad guy (girl) would have been pretty epic, then they could have gone so much farther into everything, especially the ending.

Two small errors I caught:
"something I fell I really..." You mean "feel".
"“The blame rests on me...
Other than that, it was great! Got some good feels in there.

When she that it was Twilight, she calmed down a bit, and tried to hide her tears by turning her face away.

You're missing a word here, logically I assume it would be something along the lines of 'saw' or 'noticed'.

“Every week, I have to write the Princess a letter

Technically she doesn't need to. After the incident in Lesson Zero, Celestia told her to write them when she learned something as opposed to weekly.

Right in the Trixie feels plus one thumb!

And THIS is how the episode should've ended. I get that there were time issues and the main story had to come first, but while the ending was somewhat satisfying for me I wanted more. I wanted Twilight to do EXACTLY what she did here and Trixie react the SAME way, because that would've turned an already enjoyable episode into a great one!!


I don't think Uncle Curio gives a fuck. :applejackunsure:

And this, my friends, is how "Magic Duel" should have ended! Amazing work, good sir! :moustache:

As others have said, this is how the episode should've ended. Bravo for giving an otherwise-awesome episode the ending it needed. :moustache:

so since your twixie story is finished,are you going to do anything more with this fanfic

Sappy, but nice and sweet. I like.

Although canonically, I think it made sense for her to leave like she did, and not just because she may have worried the rest of town were less forgiving than Twilight. She needs some time alone to reflect on how things turned out, how she feels now that her long-running plan to show up Twilight went awry, and having a better insight in how Twilight sees things. Trixie makes a good foil for Twilight, and I can see her still regarding Twilight as her rival, but less "I'll destroy her for humiliating me" and more "I'll show the world that I can be as great as her, or more". Whether or not she'd keep at it when she hears about Twilight reaching godtier is unknown.

But yes, a story about them making up and having a happy resolution is also satisfying. Moving together, falling in love and having dozens of magical lesbian spawn is optional.

Sweet :twilightsmile:

I like the episode's ending as it is - I got the feeling that Trixie was perfectly capable of taking care of herself from then on. That said, I would've liked this story as an ending too... though obviously much more because it would mean that Trixie would potentially end up in Ponyville for future episodes. :yay:

I also like the moral of this fic much better than that of the episode itself. Nice story!

Uh... it was going alright... I know that Twilight would blame herself, but the way she did it... the F thing just killed it for me. Yes, she'd feel guilty for seeing Trixie set into the path of revenge, but what was she supposed to do? Bring her in to a town that was getting ready to mob her? Convincing the townsfolk to let her go was pretty much the best she could have done! In fact, in other fics, getting the people to let the Ursa incident go is one of the major plot points! And unlike MD, there is no mind-bending artifact to take the fall - she'd have to convince them that the fault lies on Snips and Snails for being unable to tell apart reality from a story (and getting stupid ideas out of off-hand comments), but that just takes us back to Trixie's boast, and certain pig-headed ponies with a bruised ego might be hard to get to come around.

And hunting down Trixie is not very practical in any case - she could, after all, be anywhere... I think that illusionists and people that rely on sleight-of-hand are the sort of tricky people that can get away from others.

Ah, how I love it when the community achieves what the series fails to do. I like it!:yay:

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